On February 07 2013 04:36 ticklishmusic wrote:Show nested quote +On February 07 2013 04:33 AsmodeusXI wrote:On February 07 2013 04:08 NeoIllusions wrote:On February 07 2013 04:07 xes wrote:On February 07 2013 03:50 WhiteDog wrote: Those fucking "promotion series" are really stressful. Just won a bo3, first game easy, but second was a complete fuck with a 0/7 ez dying bot 4 time in a row in a duel against corki, and people getting in fisticuff here and there on the map for no reasons.
I couldn't refrain my inner lamer from bad mouthing ez, and he even stole my penta at the end. I'm not sure this system was the best way to make people learn how to be chill about the game.
It has nothing to do with the format, since before people were stressed about every game for +/- elo and also at the XX00 borders. What really helped me was to change my attitude from "fuck these guys are feeding and making the game too hard" to " hm I wonder if I can carry my 2/11 bot lane" so that when I do win those games I feel that I really accomplished a lot in the game and definitely have the skill to improve and if I lose then its just that I may be better but not good enough to win that particular one. Always carry in solo q, never not carry. But I main support!! how carry? wut do? + Show Spoiler +No, I'm not actually starting this discussion again. I'm just bad lol. Support carrying hard as shit. + Show Spoiler +Unless you play secret AD Thresh huehuehue Play Sona steal all the kills Or support j4, always Demacia never care
As a main jungle/support I've come to dislike sona except against kogmaw/nunu or vayne/nunu. She's just a big minion now. Everytime I play against sona I win lane hard. Just initiate on her an she's dead in 3 autos from your adc. Only reason to pick her is if your teamcomp really needs her.
I find that Lulu has more killsteal potential than Sona even. Maybe that's just me.
United States37500 Posts
WOW, someone reeeally loves Nasus over there.
The Nasus love. It's too much!
Wit's buff was sorely needed. Most bruisers just buying SV because it's all out a better item. Only guys like Irelia or Cho really want Wit's atm.
That appears to be a VoD. From looking through it I think he's just learning the game atm. Looked like he was playing 1-3v5 bots.
WTF Nasus buffs. They really need to let it sink it right now.
On February 07 2013 06:44 JALbert wrote: WTF Nasus buffs. They really need to let it sink it right now. Aside from the jungle thing this patch, it's all on the PBE. It all might not go through, even none of it could go through. They're probably fiddling with things to see what power levels need to be adjusted.
To be honest Nasus mana changes were SORELY needed and was his biggest problem in laning phase. Most people can spam their spells at least afew times and Nasus uses his QWER and q's a few creeps and he's totally oom. Nasus with 500 bonus mana was playing like an average champion without any bonus mana.]
Loci said it like a year ago, nasus mana costs are too high and it makes him less versatile than he is by skill set alone.
its not really a nasus buff considering they have been nerfing iceborn gauntlet which is core on him. seems more of "compensation" to me
On February 07 2013 06:53 VayneAuthority wrote: its not really a nasus buff considering they have been nerfing iceborn gauntlet which is core on him. seems more of "compensation" to me Nasus doesnt have a core. He is one of those champs that literally anything you build on him can be amazing if the game so dictates.
Just try LB Ap Nasus some time.
On February 07 2013 06:53 VayneAuthority wrote: its not really a nasus buff considering they have been nerfing iceborn gauntlet which is core on him. seems more of "compensation" to me
Why is Iceborn 'core' on nasus. i havnt felt the need for more slows with Wither tbh. Rather get a Triforce
I wouldn't say IBG was core. However it was really important to get some form of mana item on him because over the course of leveling up, coupled with CDR, the cost of Q goes up almost 4x(6.66x currently), and his ult&E were prohibitively expensive to use in lane if you weren't going to get anything with it. Even at level 18, just using ult, E and wither once would consume almost half your base mana instantly.
On February 07 2013 07:01 Amui wrote: I wouldn't say IBG was core. However it was really important to get some form of mana item on him because over the course of leveling up, coupled with CDR, the cost of Q goes up almost 4x, and his ult&E were prohibitively expensive to use in lane if you weren't going to get anything with it. Even at level 18, just using ult, E and wither once would consume almost half your base mana instantly. Manamune?
IBG gives lots of ap which is basically useless as well I don't think its that good on him really
If you guys weren't building IBG on Nasus wtf were you doing
AoE slow proc that's guaranteed after wither? [edit] I was wrong about this part, still though... [/edit] That should sound pretty appealing to you...
Obviously Riot has a Nasus skin in the works.
On February 07 2013 07:13 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: If you guys weren't building IBG on Nasus wtf were you doing
AoE slow proc that's guaranteed after wither? Cleave on bonus Q damage? That should sound pretty appealing to you...
IBG's cleave damage only works off base AD.
But I mean the point is you're gonna be in the middle of their team and if your thought process on IBG vs Triforce is "I'd rather have more single target damage" then I think you're playing Nasus wrong.