Anyone knows under what law Riot / Garena claims that there was a violation?
so i want to buy new jungler and cant decide between hecarim or zed and tbh im more inclined towards zed(because he can also be played top/mid), i know people here love hec but i just dont understand if hes so great why nobody plays him in tournaments, on top of that everywhere i go(lolwiki/forums etc) i see people complaining hes UP and lacks dmg
United States15536 Posts
On January 10 2013 00:48 kongoline wrote: so i want to buy new jungler and cant decide between hecarim or zed and tbh im more inclined towards zed(because he can also be played top/mid), i know people here love hec but i just dont understand if hes so great why nobody plays him in tournaments, on top of that everywhere i go(lolwiki/forums etc) i see people complaining hes UP and lacks dmg
We're on the forefront of LoL trends here at TL. Everyone learns from us, pros included.
Seriously though, Hecarim is a very good jungler. I can't speak personally to how he compares to Zed, but I'd imagine that Hecarim is better overall. It's probably a matter of preference in jungler style: if you want a bursty, assassin jungler, Zed's the one. If you wanna be an uber-tank with good damage and the ability to live forever, Hecarim. I also THINK that Hec does better with less farm, but I can't back that up - just vamping off the nature of the assassin-y jungle to the tanky one.
Edit: And wasn't there at least one pro (from an Asian team, I think?) that said Hec was secret OP and planned to ride him (pun intended) to victory in S3?
I'm a little late to the discussion but RE: Defensive items/lifesteal on the ADC.
Towards the end of S2 there was a holy trinity of carries: Graves, Corki, or Ez. Basically everyone thought this was because they have the 3 best re-positioning skills in carries, but I looking at it now, maybe it's because they built "tankier" than the other ADs.
Almost every other AD wanted to get IE first. These 3 (usually) turned their first BF sword into BT. BT could be seen as activated health regen. You activate it by attacking things. Corki and Ez (who maintained dominance longer) also (usually) built Trinity Force. While mostly offensive, Phage's health, and snare procs provided more defensive options. Grave's didn't built TF, but his passive provided him free defensive stats.
So saying ADC is best played pure glass cannon and simply relying on positioning is pretty much false, even back in season 2. Otherwise Trist and Vayne would have been queens of the meta. In season 3 we're seeing more assassins and dive champions, and less tanky high armor champions, (which is what LW IE PD destroyed so well.) so it makes sense that ADC should need to reevaluate their builds.
I'm wondering with assassins becoming more popular mid, we might see teams run their assassin mid, and have AP/Support with double hard CC again, and maybe actually have teams without an ADC. Then maybe we'll actually see really diverse teams instead of ADC/Support and 3 guys that decide your teams flavor. (Poke/AoE/Double AP/etc.)
On January 10 2013 00:53 AsmodeusXI wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2013 00:48 kongoline wrote: so i want to buy new jungler and cant decide between hecarim or zed and tbh im more inclined towards zed(because he can also be played top/mid), i know people here love hec but i just dont understand if hes so great why nobody plays him in tournaments, on top of that everywhere i go(lolwiki/forums etc) i see people complaining hes UP and lacks dmg We're on the forefront of LoL trends here at TL. Everyone learns from us, pros included. Seriously though, Hecarim is a very good jungler. I can't speak personally to how he compares to Zed, but I'd imagine that Hecarim is better overall. It's probably a matter of preference in jungler style: if you want a bursty, assassin jungler, Zed's the one. If you wanna be an uber-tank with good damage and the ability to live forever, Hecarim. I also THINK that Hec does better with less farm, but I can't back that up - just vamping off the nature of the assassin-y jungle to the tanky one. Edit: And wasn't there at least one pro (from an Asian team, I think?) that said Hec was secret OP and planned to ride him (pun intended) to victory in S3?
I believe it was CloudTemplar. Could be wrong, though.
On January 10 2013 00:56 Lounge wrote: I'm a little late to the discussion but RE: Defensive items/lifesteal on the ADC.
Towards the end of S2 there was a holy trinity of carries: Graves, Corki, or Ez. Basically everyone thought this was because they have the 3 best re-positioning skills in carries, but I looking at it now, maybe it's because they built "tankier" than the other ADs.
Almost every other AD wanted to get IE first. These 3 (usually) turned their first BF sword into BT. BT could be seen as activated health regen. You activate it by attacking things. Corki and Ez (who maintained dominance longer) also (usually) built Trinity Force. While mostly offensive, Phage's health, and snare procs provided more defensive options. Grave's didn't built TF, but his passive provided him free defensive stats.
So saying ADC is best played pure glass cannon and simply relying on positioning is pretty much false, even back in season 2. Otherwise Trist and Vayne would have been queens of the meta. In season 3 we're seeing more assassins and dive champions, and less tanky high armor champions, (which is what LW IE PD destroyed so well.) so it makes sense that ADC should need to reevaluate their builds.
I'm wondering with assassins becoming more popular mid, we might see teams run their assassin mid, and have AP/Support with double hard CC again, and maybe actually have teams without an ADC. Then maybe we'll actually see really diverse teams instead of ADC/Support and 3 guys that decide your teams flavor. (Poke/AoE/Double AP/etc.) Well with that in mind, Urgot may see a resurgence since he gets to play the ADC/Bruiser combo pack. Maybe other ADs can adopt this style? Graves, with his up-close and dirty kit always felt like he might try a bruiser style, or we'll see the old Vayne tanky AS style again.
Probably not, but would be pretty interesting at least.
Now I really want to try Bruiser Graves top. Pity no one would ever let me though.
khazix - top talon - mid zed - jungle panth/j4 bot gogoogogogogo
United States15536 Posts
On January 10 2013 01:14 samthesaluki wrote: khazix - top talon - mid zed - jungle panth/j4 bot gogoogogogogo
Welcome to Dunk City.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Tank Ezreal es best Ezreal.
Actually happened to try it last night before all this was mentioned in GD. Pretty much just sat there, was able to just tank a couple Kat ults and whatever stray damage might have come my way. Had no lifesteal, but I had around 2800 health and the regen was good enough for me to keep fighting. I think the regen is definitely overrated, but having that extra 1000 health gives you a good buffer to still keep fighting instead of having to run away at 300-400 health. Essentially what it boiled down to in the end was the fact that I looked at my stats and I looked at all the ridiculously dumb items that everyone else was building.
In the end when you take into account scenarios in which people are stacking penetration, with stuff like Cleaver + LW, Sorcs + Guise + Abyssal/Void. This seems to happen like every single fucking game now, and when you account for the fact that on the first couple of hits for a bruiser, BC applies like 12.5% armor reduction, factor in their % penetration of somewhere around 40%, then their flat penetration bonuses from runes/masteries/cleaver and your 100 armor suddenly looks like it's 30-40 after you get hit a couple times by BC. Factor in the aspect of even less MR itemization and then you're suddenly just looking at your pitiful 30 MR + runes and whatever auras and QSS you may get and essentially you're being still being dealt true damage.
So why not get a QSS so you can actually get into fights? Being at 20% health at the beginning of fights basically takes you out and you have to find creeps to lifesteal off, whereas having that extra 1000 health can perhaps help you actually fight more often than running. Doesn't require you to have godlike mechanics and I can definitely see it feasible. The way I see it, if you get instagibbed or are forced out of the fight, you do 0 damage. Less damage > 0 damage. With the amount of real dumb champs like Khazix and shit that just jumps on you and kills you from 100 to 0, sometimes you need to just improvise and build some dumb shit just to survive.
Plus, I like building Warmogs because it's funny item and people rage at you when you do it on anything besides bruisers and tanks. Miss the good ol' Atmogs days where everyone could build Warmogs + Atmas and win the game. Tank Sivir es numero uno hue hue.
Agreed. Also, With the S3 changes to GA (Shitty resists, res with % health instead of flat 750 - the res amount is a nerf for AD carries but a buff to tanky types), I've been favoring warmogs as the "i just need more meat on my bones" AD carry item now.
Yes, max health isn't completely synergistic with lifesteal, but max health IS usually the best way to go when you just need to not be instantly bursted down, and the amount of armor pen/reduction flying around now means that an AD carry with a GA is probably eating near-true damage anyway. Also, the good regen on warmogs makes up for its relatively poor synergy with lifesteal.
On January 10 2013 00:48 kongoline wrote: so i want to buy new jungler and cant decide between hecarim or zed and tbh im more inclined towards zed(because he can also be played top/mid), i know people here love hec but i just dont understand if hes so great why nobody plays him in tournaments, on top of that everywhere i go(lolwiki/forums etc) i see people complaining hes UP and lacks dmg
Hecarim actually has been played in tournaments with some success. I wouldn't, however, buy him without playing him first. As you've noted people seem to either love him or hate him, and you're better off figuring out which category you fit into before spending your IP/RP.
On January 10 2013 01:05 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2013 00:56 Lounge wrote: I'm a little late to the discussion but RE: Defensive items/lifesteal on the ADC.
Towards the end of S2 there was a holy trinity of carries: Graves, Corki, or Ez. Basically everyone thought this was because they have the 3 best re-positioning skills in carries, but I looking at it now, maybe it's because they built "tankier" than the other ADs.
Almost every other AD wanted to get IE first. These 3 (usually) turned their first BF sword into BT. BT could be seen as activated health regen. You activate it by attacking things. Corki and Ez (who maintained dominance longer) also (usually) built Trinity Force. While mostly offensive, Phage's health, and snare procs provided more defensive options. Grave's didn't built TF, but his passive provided him free defensive stats.
So saying ADC is best played pure glass cannon and simply relying on positioning is pretty much false, even back in season 2. Otherwise Trist and Vayne would have been queens of the meta. In season 3 we're seeing more assassins and dive champions, and less tanky high armor champions, (which is what LW IE PD destroyed so well.) so it makes sense that ADC should need to reevaluate their builds.
I'm wondering with assassins becoming more popular mid, we might see teams run their assassin mid, and have AP/Support with double hard CC again, and maybe actually have teams without an ADC. Then maybe we'll actually see really diverse teams instead of ADC/Support and 3 guys that decide your teams flavor. (Poke/AoE/Double AP/etc.) Well with that in mind, Urgot may see a resurgence since he gets to play the ADC/Bruiser combo pack. Maybe other ADs can adopt this style? Graves, with his up-close and dirty kit always felt like he might try a bruiser style, or we'll see the old Vayne tanky AS style again. Probably not, but would be pretty interesting at least. Now I really want to try Bruiser Graves top. Pity no one would ever let me though.
I've played Bruiser Graves in a few ARAMs. It's actually surprisingly effective. The cooldown reduction on items like BC and Locket is enough to let you chain cast his E. Of the champions who could pull off TheYango's "Bruiser AD", he's definitely one of the ones that first springs to mind.
Am I still the only one that feels Hec is kinda ehh? I mean, I love this champ, but after I ult in a fight, I feel I do nothing and they all just run past me. His peel feels weak and its tough to go after high priority targets.
iunno. I don't claim to say I know everything about him, but that is just my impression whenever I play him.
Since we're on TL and all, I feel like I'm obligated to bring up that hecarim is just a worse version of skarner.
I don't like Hecarim in season 3- I used to crush with him in season 2. Removing Force of Nature really hurts your ability to sit around and pick your fights. Also phage costing more doesn't really help. I've seen people do well with him, but I never really understand why it works.
On January 10 2013 01:32 Eiii wrote: Since we're on TL and all, I feel like I'm obligated to bring up that hecarim is just a worse version of skarner. Not with IBG he's not. Now both have permaslow, and it's mostly comparing their ults. Inc discussion about IBG vs TF on Hec sure, but cost efficiency aside, IBG gives him the sticking power that's not on RNG like Phage, and gives him the resists + CDR he desires.
Then again I think I've only played him twice since S3, so don't take me too seriously.
I have one question!
Ziggs or Orianna?
I tried to jungle some hecarim in normal games with my friends, in which i usually rampage pretty hard. Not with the pony. I feel his ganking is subpar before 6, as he may run in very fast, he still has to connect to actually cc and he can't back it off with insane damage liky udyr. He definitely is no farming jungler and whie his teamfighting is quite nice, i would rather pick a mao or even a sejuani for that task. But i am bad anyway, so...
^ Viktor
On January 10 2013 01:42 Mensol wrote: I have one question!
Ziggs or Orianna? try both out and see what you like better idk,they are pretty different in what they do~
SWL, NLB and G-League at the same time tomorrow, damn.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On January 10 2013 01:40 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2013 01:32 Eiii wrote: Since we're on TL and all, I feel like I'm obligated to bring up that hecarim is just a worse version of skarner. Not with IBG he's not. Now both have permaslow, and it's mostly comparing their ults. Inc discussion about IBG vs TF on Hec sure, but cost efficiency aside, IBG gives him the sticking power that's not on RNG like Phage, and gives him the resists + CDR he desires. Then again I think I've only played him twice since S3, so don't take me too seriously. Yeah, you just need to get a 3400 gold item and then Hecarim is roughly equivalent to Skarner ! :3 In the meantime, Skarner can get Locket to shield his shield to own faces while he owns faces and Shurelyas so he can be fast while he is fast. VROOM.
Yeah, whenever I tried to Hecarim, I ran into that problem where you ult in and then go "well, wtf do I do now" because everyone is far away from you just awkwardly press W and Q without having anyone to focus.
But yeah, generally I have very large issue with any jungler who doesn't get aura items very quickly OR is not a very powerful assasin. With how strong Bulwark, Shurelyas, Sightstone and Locket are and because support can't get all them things, I think junglers really ought to get some.