Simple Questions and Answers - Page 127
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Italy0 Posts
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Finland268 Posts
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Denmark994 Posts
Unfortuantely I do not have antonidas or dr. boom. What are some good replacements? I am using troggzor atm but also have kel'thuzad and the beast. Are there better free cards to put in the deck? Maybe the Mech tank? | ||
Norway7953 Posts
On December 24 2014 20:58 rudimentalfeelthelov wrote: Is it worth opening naxx wings now that GvG cards are out? Which naxx cards are still gonna be a must have for a deck? Is it just me or is the last naxx wing utterly useless? We have no idea. We haven't even gotten close to any optimal GvG decks yet. Sludge Belcher, Nerubian Egg, Undertaker, Haunted Creeper, Mad Scientist, Zombie Chow, Loatheb, Dark Cultist, Webspinner, Death's Bite, Voidcaller and Duplicate are probably going to keep being useful for a long time. Last wing is probably the least useful, I agree. But you might see some decks revole around Echoing Ooze at some point. The shade has proven itself really good in arena, but hasn't seen much use in constructed yet. | ||
Spain0 Posts
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United States3483 Posts
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United States1864 Posts
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Norway7953 Posts
On December 27 2014 09:29 dabom88 wrote: Why was the Hearthstone section of Team Liquid separated into its own site? Sure, there's a lot of Hearthstone articles to write, but after becoming lurking and posting here for the last few days, there seem to be a lot fewer active members on these boards. Maybe the articles sections can be its own site, but the smaller number of people that come on these forums seem to indicate that these forums might be better off as a part of Team Liquid's forums again. I fail to see how that would benefit the HS forum. The people who visit this forum for HS content would do so whether its here or on TL, and any non HS related threads are already merged with the main TL site. Its seperated mainly to keep one site from being spammed down with articles and info from several different games. If you seperate just the articles but not the forum, no one would read them. | ||
Doc Daneeka
United States577 Posts
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Syria7637 Posts
On December 27 2014 14:43 Doc Daneeka wrote: How good should you be to post a thread about a deck you made? Like not just to ask for advice but because you think it might actually be pretty good and you want to brainstorm with players who are better than yourself? The highest rank I've achieved is 5, currently at 7 this season, and I've been climbing this time with a deck I feel is pretty original, or at least I haven't seen it anywhere else, and it might be legitimately good? It feels cool as hell to play anyway. I just don't want to clutter the forum and pretend to be giving out a hotshot deck tech when I haven't reached legend yet and am probably one of the least experienced CCG players on this site. You should know how to drag a card out of your hand onto the board. That's really all there is to it. The more the merrier. Nobody, not you, not me, not anyone on the forum, is going to get better at the game by not talking about it. Even if it turns out your deck is trash or that everyone and their kid sister is playing it, the forum will still be a much better place thanks to your posting the deck. Only thing that could be wrong is if it turns out there's a thread for it already, but given how conscientious you seem to be, I don't think that's a real risk. I'll be sure to drop by and take a look once you've posted it. Feel free to PM me once the thread's up if you like. | ||
United States3483 Posts
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Finland2818 Posts
For example, Hunter has 3 cards left and its my turn and I play Juggernaut and Hunter draws card (mine still in the deck) leaving 2 cards. Uses tracking, what happens? | ||
Finland132 Posts
On December 28 2014 06:03 Too_MuchZerg wrote: Never happened to me so far, so here is the question. Does Iron Juggernauts mine skip hunters Tracking or is it must pick from Hunters side? For example, Hunter has 3 cards left and its my turn and I play Juggernaut and Hunter draws card (mine still in the deck) leaving 2 cards. Uses tracking, what happens? I'm pretty sure that you can discard the mine because if you have 10 cards in hand and draw a card, you will discard the mine and not take 10 damage. | ||
Canada3238 Posts
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Canada2478 Posts
On December 28 2014 07:09 Orcasgt24 wrote: Does Hobgoblins effect trigger off spells that summon a 1 attack minion (Muster for Battle being the main reason I ask)? Nope! It specifically says when you play a minion. The effect that you're thinking of is whenever you summon a minion, such as in Sword of Justice. | ||
Sweden2 Posts
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Norway7953 Posts
On December 31 2014 03:21 Flameseeker wrote: Can you get "expert" cards in the gvg packs? Uhm..question doesn't make sense. All cards that can't be obtained by leveling are considered expert cards. If you're asking whether you can get vanilla cards from GvG packs, the answer is no. | ||
France10239 Posts why didn't my lil' exorcist get +2/+2 ? is it a bug or am i missing something? | ||
United States10 Posts
On January 02 2015 04:48 Incognoto wrote: Not sure where else to post this: why didn't my lil' exorcist get +2/+2 ? is it a bug or am i missing something? Lil' Exorcist is specifically for enemy minions, and neither of your opponent's minions have deathrattles. | ||
France10239 Posts
On January 02 2015 04:59 raNazUra wrote: Lil' Exorcist is specifically for enemy minions, and neither of your opponent's minions have deathrattles. yep, just saw this, sorry i forgot how to read | ||
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