On May 17 2013 17:42 EthanML wrote: Good album but some of these pretentious wannabe music critic speeches make me embarrassed to be alive.
I get the feeling that if Justin Bieber put out the exact same song with a robot voice, all those same people would be calling it the worst crap they have ever heard...meh, what can you do
Listening to the album right now, its great, don't know if its a 'classic' but I guess time will tell. So refreshing to hear electronic music that doesn't have 'dropping the bass' in it
Tell me again which song on the album Justin Bieber is capable of singing? A vocoder makes you sound robotic, but it's not autotune. I guess he could be in one of the choruses.
Checking Wikipedia, there were apparently 25 (!!!) producers on that kid's last album, including e.g. electronic music producers Diplo and Zedd. For a pop star that big you tend to have high powered producers ensuring that the image & voice of the star are backed up by catchy/trendy music for maximum revenue.
Other than the vocals, the music has long ceased to be about the kid's 'songwriting skills' I would suspect...
Not sure whether the quoted person was suggesting the tracks could have been written by his pop army, though.
Haha yeah I don't know what he was trying to say. If Justin Bieber had released this album I would have been like - soooo... when did you break into Daft Punk headquarters?
On May 17 2013 17:42 EthanML wrote: Good album but some of these pretentious wannabe music critic speeches make me embarrassed to be alive.
I get the feeling that if Justin Bieber put out the exact same song with a robot voice, all those same people would be calling it the worst crap they have ever heard...meh, what can you do
Listening to the album right now, its great, don't know if its a 'classic' but I guess time will tell. So refreshing to hear electronic music that doesn't have 'dropping the bass' in it
Tell me again which song on the album Justin Bieber is capable of singing? A vocoder makes you sound robotic, but it's not autotune. I guess he could be in one of the choruses.
Checking Wikipedia, there were apparently 25 (!!!) producers on that kid's last album, including e.g. electronic music producers Diplo and Zedd. For a pop star that big you tend to have high powered producers ensuring that the image & voice of the star are backed up by catchy/trendy music for maximum revenue.
Other than the vocals, the music has long ceased to be about the kid's 'songwriting skills' I would suspect...
Not sure whether the quoted person was suggesting the tracks could have been written by his pop army, though.
Haha yeah I don't know what he was trying to say. If Justin Bieber had released this album I would have been like - soooo... when did you break into Daft Punk headquarters?
Nah man, I didn't say Bieber could write a song from this album. There is just too much hype around them (Daft Punk) that people just assume that the songs are good, it doesn't have to be Beiber, and it doesn't have to be the whole album. One song. Gotye for example:
A great song and all he does is talk into the mic. I seriously hope you guys don't read this wrong but anyone can talk into a mic and have 26 producers come up with a 80's electro-pop background, but would they get the immediate critical acclaim Daft got? (and 32 pages about how good it is on TL?)
Well, I understood that post to point to how expectations influence how we appreciate something.
This is especially true for songs that require several listens to appreciate. If you're already a fan, you'll be quicker to give it another chance / forgive 'puzzling' or 'weak' elements. If it's a track by someone that's cool to hate, you'll be more willing to 'ragequit' on the song halfway through, remember only the weak elements, and pat yourself on the back for having 'higher taste'.
Very few people are that knowledgeable about music to be good/not that biased critics, not to mention art criticism is all sorts of subjective anyway.
The impact of an album years down the road has a lot to say about how good it was, so it's a bit early to tell...
Edit: With my comments on Bieber I was making a different point: he's the image/vocalist for a big pop machine & his influence on the writing/production of his albums is probably miniscule at this point.
Giorgio by Moroder is really, really good. I've never listened much to Daft Punk before Random Access Memories, but I've really enjoyed what I've heard so far.
On May 18 2013 05:40 Zealously wrote: Giorgio by Moroder is really, really good. I've never listened much to Daft Punk before Random Access Memories, but I've really enjoyed what I've heard so far.
Discovery is one of the greatest albums of all time
didnt like any song except the single. but to be fair I only liked their stuff until the tron stuff. it kinda lost its happy catchyness for me. But opinions differ I guess
Dont see how someone can like Discover or Human After All and then not like RAM, it's sort of a mix of the two, with the same emotional vibe as Discovery.
I've listened to the album at least 4 times in the past 2 days, needless to say I love it. Touch is a bit too long for me but everything else is great. Give Life Back to Music, Giorgio, and Contact are the gems for me.
I'm not sure if I like it more than Discovery but it's close.
I honestly had to listen about 3-4x to those Songs in order to decide whether I like it or not. And damn, I really love it now. Giorgio is insane, after 5mins it gets so intense, awesomesauce, Contact is one of the best end-of-album tracks I heard in the last years and Doin' it right is my fell-good track of the summer.
I love this album. Everything sounds perfectly refined. What's special to me is the robotic voices that are JUST in between human/robot. Would have loved a version of Giorgio without him talking though.
Yeah, sometimes some of the erm... less musical sounds are a bit disruptive to the experience, e.g. water in Motherboard, the fuzz at the end of Contact (though cool, not exactly chill listening).
Nah man, I didn't say Bieber could write a song from this album. There is just too much hype around them (Daft Punk) that people just assume that the songs are good, it doesn't have to be Beiber, and it doesn't have to be the whole album.
I think it works both ways... Considering how popular and liked Daft Punk was, I think there was a lot of people expecting the album to be bad, or even getting disappointed because of their high expectation. (and i'm not even mentioning the hipster effect!)
I think it's kinda rare (especially on the internet) that the overall reaction to a new popular album/movie/game is "good".
On May 18 2013 08:05 Xiron wrote: I love this album. Everything sounds perfectly refined. What's special to me is the robotic voices that are JUST in between human/robot. Would have loved a version of Giorgio without him talking though.
I don't know if you noticed that "his talking", they made it sing. They synched the speech to the music and also I think the intonation is related to the melody playing in the background, I have no idea how the achieved that effect
On May 18 2013 02:21 VasHeR wrote: Wow, I used to listen to Daft Punk all the time, I loved their older stuff. I just listened to "Get Lucky" from OP and holy crap it sounds terrible =(
Edit: F**k I'm so pissed now. I came across this thread and was "HOLY S**T YES!!! Buying this ASAP!!!" Then I listened to that garbage song and discovered that one of my favorite bands is getting a little loopy in their later years...
One song representative of the whole album? You must be REALLY upset then
Really dude? How many songs of the album, in your opinion, must I listen to before it's fair for me to make some guesses about the rest of it? Half? Well then!... Guess I better just BUY it even though the ONE SONG of it THEY CHOSE TO RELEASE EARLY AS A PREVIEW SUCKS BALLS. Thanks for helping me see things more clearly so that I can waste $25 on crap.
Oh wait, that's right!... Before "Graduation" was released, they put out the song "Barry Bonds" for everybody to listen to, and we all loved it and knew that the whole album would be great based on that! See where I'm goin' here?
On May 18 2013 02:21 VasHeR wrote: Wow, I used to listen to Daft Punk all the time, I loved their older stuff. I just listened to "Get Lucky" from OP and holy crap it sounds terrible =(
Edit: F**k I'm so pissed now. I came across this thread and was "HOLY S**T YES!!! Buying this ASAP!!!" Then I listened to that garbage song and discovered that one of my favorite bands is getting a little loopy in their later years...
One song representative of the whole album? You must be REALLY upset then
Really dude? How many songs of the album, in your opinion, must I listen to before it's fair for me to make some guesses about the rest of it? Half? Well then!... Guess I better just BUY it even though the ONE SONG of it THEY CHOSE TO RELEASE EARLY AS A PREVIEW SUCKS BALLS. Thanks for helping me see things more clearly so that I can waste $25 on crap.
There is a free stream on itunes they are on spotify and pretty sure you can find them on grooveshark/youtube too