On February 06 2013 11:01 Spermwahale wrote: Kinda give props to NK to stand up to usa.. Do you see any weak country do that? It's pretty amazing. It's also funny how china can make 1000x nukes and usa won't say a thing but weak country like nk makes 1 nuke usa goes crazy
"standing up" to what exactly? It's all just craziness. The US has been one of the most active countries in the world to actually try and bring peaceful compromise to NK, as seen by the fact that it constantly throws food at them for free, sends diplomats, urges for talks, etc. Yet they are their "arch enemy"? Who ISNT an enemy to them by their terms, besides China which is unpleasantly just stuck with them? Do they think every other country on Earth would be quite content with them having nuclear weapons? NK is insane and lashing out at anything that thinks will get them attention or more food (from their arch enemy).
I think immortal technique gives a really good explanation on what he meant by standing up
On February 06 2013 11:01 Spermwahale wrote: Kinda give props to NK to stand up to usa.. Do you see any weak country do that? It's pretty amazing. It's also funny how china can make 1000x nukes and usa won't say a thing but weak country like nk makes 1 nuke usa goes crazy
It's only because their right next to SK. They could get a missile to hit Seoul before we could do anything about it. Sk is a US ally, and very populated. We can't do anything until they invent a laser that can shoot a nuke before it hits something (Star Wars-esque). They're terrorists basically holding SK hostage. Don't give them props...
? They already do that there are planes and platforms that use high powered lasers to shoot down missiles, also less fancy missile to missile interception and just plain shoot at them. Nukes don't trigger if struck at least a well made nuke only would go off when intended, else that's just a whole nother mess. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_YAL-1 Just not cost effective a missile isn't unstoppable many missiles is a problem although one questions NK ability to mass produce large yield nukes with reliable missiles.
Anyways problems with NK comes from reneging on treaties dealing with you sign this we help you build power plants using nuke poer, you promise not to make nukes as weapons. Same deal with iran, the US is the last enforcer in the UN used to be USSR and US were used as the stick to force smaller counties to comply and not cause problems. Anyways NK and the US relations stems from and the korean war the US being the enforcer there, NK has done pretty shitty things besides this like in the 80's and 90's printing fake USD dollars to try to ruin the US markets. China's relation to NK has always been of they just prefer things to stay the same have a buffer country between them and South korea outside of that they've only used NK for leverage in the past and NK has never really liked china just off how the korean war ended.
On February 06 2013 11:01 Spermwahale wrote: Kinda give props to NK to stand up to usa.. Do you see any weak country do that? It's pretty amazing. It's also funny how china can make 1000x nukes and usa won't say a thing but weak country like nk makes 1 nuke usa goes crazy
"standing up" to what exactly? It's all just craziness. The US has been one of the most active countries in the world to actually try and bring peaceful compromise to NK, as seen by the fact that it constantly throws food at them for free, sends diplomats, urges for talks, etc. Yet they are their "arch enemy"? Who ISNT an enemy to them by their terms, besides China which is unpleasantly just stuck with them? Do they think every other country on Earth would be quite content with them having nuclear weapons? NK is insane and lashing out at anything that thinks will get them attention or more food (from their arch enemy).
While it has been fairly blatant extortion on the part of the DPRK to get aid from the United States by demanding aid for not building weapons, it was the U.S. who decided to play the game of "Fuck you, what you gonna fuckin' do?" by withholding aid that they had previously promised, and the "what you gonna fuckin' do" has fairly predictably been "build nukes and missiles". It's pretty clear at this point between the DPRK and Iran that "Fuck you, USA is #1" is a higher foreign policy objective than nuclear non-proliferation for the United States at this point.
On January 24 2013 14:53 acker wrote: North Korea is the retarded chihuahua China insists on bringing to all its parties.
Seriously, please train your pet, it's going to do something stupid someday.
China doesn't like the regime in North Korea either. The only reason they've supported it, is because when(not if) North Korea implodes there will be a mass immigration of millions of starvation ridden people into China, who to be quite frank doesn't want to deal with that.
The real reason is that China doesn't want a strong US ally like South Korean on their doorstep. North Korea is a convenient buffer.
Possible if China ever had any intention of vying with the U.S. which they don't. China will never go against the U.S. if it can be avoided. People that think China is this big creeping terror on our doorstep are dreadfully mistaken. The more debt that China buys is good for us. When you owe the bank $50,000 the bank for all intents and purposes owns you. When you owe the bank $5,000,000,000,000 or whatever the obscene number it is, you own the bank. If China ever decided to pursue an aggressive avenue we would default on our loans and they would be severely(putting it lightly) crippled. It's the same thing with Greece and the EU, if Greece defaults on the loans given to it by the IMF the EU will suffer. So for the sake of everyone they need Greece to do well. Just the same as China needs us to do well. Which comes back to why China could care less if a U.S. ally is next to it or not. Even if South Korea wasn't there the U.S. is right now the only country capable of putting military units into action anywhere on the globe with logistics and support. China is landlocked in the west with the Himalayas and their navy is to be honest non existent. Wal-Mart currently employs more people than are enlisted in the Chinese army. Since the cold war we've been living in a unipolar world with uncontested U.S. hegemony. Yes the next twenty to fifty years will see a surge within China as they make their way up to a super power. This will ideally tilt the balance of power away from a unipolar world back to a bipolar world like we saw in the Cold War. However if you've followed anything I've said, having China take the place of the Soviet Union is a favorable outcome for us because their success, growth, and development is intertwined with our ability to pay them what is owed.
.... it would hurt the U.S. exponentially more than China if default were to happen ....
can anyone elaborate on why it would hurt the US more?
On January 24 2013 14:53 acker wrote: North Korea is the retarded chihuahua China insists on bringing to all its parties.
Seriously, please train your pet, it's going to do something stupid someday.
China doesn't like the regime in North Korea either. The only reason they've supported it, is because when(not if) North Korea implodes there will be a mass immigration of millions of starvation ridden people into China, who to be quite frank doesn't want to deal with that.
The real reason is that China doesn't want a strong US ally like South Korean on their doorstep. North Korea is a convenient buffer.
Possible if China ever had any intention of vying with the U.S. which they don't. China will never go against the U.S. if it can be avoided. People that think China is this big creeping terror on our doorstep are dreadfully mistaken. The more debt that China buys is good for us. When you owe the bank $50,000 the bank for all intents and purposes owns you. When you owe the bank $5,000,000,000,000 or whatever the obscene number it is, you own the bank. If China ever decided to pursue an aggressive avenue we would default on our loans and they would be severely(putting it lightly) crippled. It's the same thing with Greece and the EU, if Greece defaults on the loans given to it by the IMF the EU will suffer. So for the sake of everyone they need Greece to do well. Just the same as China needs us to do well. Which comes back to why China could care less if a U.S. ally is next to it or not. Even if South Korea wasn't there the U.S. is right now the only country capable of putting military units into action anywhere on the globe with logistics and support. China is landlocked in the west with the Himalayas and their navy is to be honest non existent. Wal-Mart currently employs more people than are enlisted in the Chinese army. Since the cold war we've been living in a unipolar world with uncontested U.S. hegemony. Yes the next twenty to fifty years will see a surge within China as they make their way up to a super power. This will ideally tilt the balance of power away from a unipolar world back to a bipolar world like we saw in the Cold War. However if you've followed anything I've said, having China take the place of the Soviet Union is a favorable outcome for us because their success, growth, and development is intertwined with our ability to pay them what is owed.
.... it would hurt the U.S. exponentially more than China if default were to happen ....
can anyone elaborate on why it would hurt the US more?
Our money is SOLELY worth what the faith is in our government. If we default on trillions of dollars the faith in the US government would go down. Our dollar would be worthless. That being said we wouldn't necessarily need it to be worth much if we did default because our major liability in the Chinese loans is no longer there.
On January 24 2013 14:53 acker wrote: North Korea is the retarded chihuahua China insists on bringing to all its parties.
Seriously, please train your pet, it's going to do something stupid someday.
China doesn't like the regime in North Korea either. The only reason they've supported it, is because when(not if) North Korea implodes there will be a mass immigration of millions of starvation ridden people into China, who to be quite frank doesn't want to deal with that.
The real reason is that China doesn't want a strong US ally like South Korean on their doorstep. North Korea is a convenient buffer.
Possible if China ever had any intention of vying with the U.S. which they don't. China will never go against the U.S. if it can be avoided. People that think China is this big creeping terror on our doorstep are dreadfully mistaken. The more debt that China buys is good for us. When you owe the bank $50,000 the bank for all intents and purposes owns you. When you owe the bank $5,000,000,000,000 or whatever the obscene number it is, you own the bank. If China ever decided to pursue an aggressive avenue we would default on our loans and they would be severely(putting it lightly) crippled. It's the same thing with Greece and the EU, if Greece defaults on the loans given to it by the IMF the EU will suffer. So for the sake of everyone they need Greece to do well. Just the same as China needs us to do well. Which comes back to why China could care less if a U.S. ally is next to it or not. Even if South Korea wasn't there the U.S. is right now the only country capable of putting military units into action anywhere on the globe with logistics and support. China is landlocked in the west with the Himalayas and their navy is to be honest non existent. Wal-Mart currently employs more people than are enlisted in the Chinese army. Since the cold war we've been living in a unipolar world with uncontested U.S. hegemony. Yes the next twenty to fifty years will see a surge within China as they make their way up to a super power. This will ideally tilt the balance of power away from a unipolar world back to a bipolar world like we saw in the Cold War. However if you've followed anything I've said, having China take the place of the Soviet Union is a favorable outcome for us because their success, growth, and development is intertwined with our ability to pay them what is owed.
.... it would hurt the U.S. exponentially more than China if default were to happen ....
can anyone elaborate on why it would hurt the US more?
Our money is SOLELY worth what the faith is in our government. If we default on trillions of dollars the faith in the US government would go down. Our dollar would be worthless. That being said we wouldn't necessarily need it to be worth much if we did default because our major liability in the Chinese loans is no longer there.
People always talk about China owning our debt, but they own less than 10% of it.
On February 06 2013 16:01 xM(Z wrote: this can be easily used to strip americans of even more personal rights.
I keep seeing these idiotic comments in this thread, just... No. There are only a few world events where this sort of tinfoil hattery is even applicable, NK threatening the US with nukes is not one of them.
On January 24 2013 14:53 acker wrote: North Korea is the retarded chihuahua China insists on bringing to all its parties.
Seriously, please train your pet, it's going to do something stupid someday.
China doesn't like the regime in North Korea either. The only reason they've supported it, is because when(not if) North Korea implodes there will be a mass immigration of millions of starvation ridden people into China, who to be quite frank doesn't want to deal with that.
The real reason is that China doesn't want a strong US ally like South Korean on their doorstep. North Korea is a convenient buffer.
Possible if China ever had any intention of vying with the U.S. which they don't. China will never go against the U.S. if it can be avoided. People that think China is this big creeping terror on our doorstep are dreadfully mistaken. The more debt that China buys is good for us. When you owe the bank $50,000 the bank for all intents and purposes owns you. When you owe the bank $5,000,000,000,000 or whatever the obscene number it is, you own the bank. If China ever decided to pursue an aggressive avenue we would default on our loans and they would be severely(putting it lightly) crippled. It's the same thing with Greece and the EU, if Greece defaults on the loans given to it by the IMF the EU will suffer. So for the sake of everyone they need Greece to do well. Just the same as China needs us to do well. Which comes back to why China could care less if a U.S. ally is next to it or not. Even if South Korea wasn't there the U.S. is right now the only country capable of putting military units into action anywhere on the globe with logistics and support. China is landlocked in the west with the Himalayas and their navy is to be honest non existent. Wal-Mart currently employs more people than are enlisted in the Chinese army. Since the cold war we've been living in a unipolar world with uncontested U.S. hegemony. Yes the next twenty to fifty years will see a surge within China as they make their way up to a super power. This will ideally tilt the balance of power away from a unipolar world back to a bipolar world like we saw in the Cold War. However if you've followed anything I've said, having China take the place of the Soviet Union is a favorable outcome for us because their success, growth, and development is intertwined with our ability to pay them what is owed.
.... it would hurt the U.S. exponentially more than China if default were to happen ....
can anyone elaborate on why it would hurt the US more?
Our money is SOLELY worth what the faith is in our government. If we default on trillions of dollars the faith in the US government would go down. Our dollar would be worthless. That being said we wouldn't necessarily need it to be worth much if we did default because our major liability in the Chinese loans is no longer there.
People always talk about China owning our debt, but they own less than 10% of it.
The number is more like ~20%, but doesn't make my post less factual either way. Defaulting on that debt would cause our dollar to be worth less.
Whoa, I just watched Akira yesterday then I read this? Someone should tell them that they should not use that power in the way that they are and that it will end up controlling them.
On January 24 2013 14:53 acker wrote: North Korea is the retarded chihuahua China insists on bringing to all its parties.
Seriously, please train your pet, it's going to do something stupid someday.
China doesn't like the regime in North Korea either. The only reason they've supported it, is because when(not if) North Korea implodes there will be a mass immigration of millions of starvation ridden people into China, who to be quite frank doesn't want to deal with that.
The real reason is that China doesn't want a strong US ally like South Korean on their doorstep. North Korea is a convenient buffer.
Possible if China ever had any intention of vying with the U.S. which they don't. China will never go against the U.S. if it can be avoided. People that think China is this big creeping terror on our doorstep are dreadfully mistaken. The more debt that China buys is good for us. When you owe the bank $50,000 the bank for all intents and purposes owns you. When you owe the bank $5,000,000,000,000 or whatever the obscene number it is, you own the bank. If China ever decided to pursue an aggressive avenue we would default on our loans and they would be severely(putting it lightly) crippled. It's the same thing with Greece and the EU, if Greece defaults on the loans given to it by the IMF the EU will suffer. So for the sake of everyone they need Greece to do well. Just the same as China needs us to do well. Which comes back to why China could care less if a U.S. ally is next to it or not. Even if South Korea wasn't there the U.S. is right now the only country capable of putting military units into action anywhere on the globe with logistics and support. China is landlocked in the west with the Himalayas and their navy is to be honest non existent. Wal-Mart currently employs more people than are enlisted in the Chinese army. Since the cold war we've been living in a unipolar world with uncontested U.S. hegemony. Yes the next twenty to fifty years will see a surge within China as they make their way up to a super power. This will ideally tilt the balance of power away from a unipolar world back to a bipolar world like we saw in the Cold War. However if you've followed anything I've said, having China take the place of the Soviet Union is a favorable outcome for us because their success, growth, and development is intertwined with our ability to pay them what is owed.
.... it would hurt the U.S. exponentially more than China if default were to happen ....
can anyone elaborate on why it would hurt the US more?
Our money is SOLELY worth what the faith is in our government. If we default on trillions of dollars the faith in the US government would go down. Our dollar would be worthless. That being said we wouldn't necessarily need it to be worth much if we did default because our major liability in the Chinese loans is no longer there.
People always talk about China owning our debt, but they own less than 10% of it.
The number is more like ~20%, but doesn't make my post less factual either way. Defaulting on that debt would cause our dollar to be worth less.
"artificial" earthquake with magnitude of 5.1 detected in north korea 11:57KST. suspected of nuke test. blue house will confirm later today. reports say nuke test a high possibility.
The area around the reported epicenter of the magnitude 4.9 disturbance has little or no history of earthquakes or natural seismic hazards, according to U.S. Geological Survey maps.
"It's a nuclear test," said Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. "That magnitude and that location -- it's awfully unlikely it's anything else."
The U.S. says they are working to confirm whether or not it was a nuclear test that caused the seismic activity.
Such a joke. This really needs to stop. I can't see this going on to much longer, they will just have to keep pushing until it will get South Korea and America even angrier. I just fear for all the lives in South Korea which could be killed in this war, it will be a very big one that is for sure.
On February 06 2013 16:01 xM(Z wrote: this can be easily used to strip americans of even more personal rights.
I keep seeing these idiotic comments in this thread, just... No. There are only a few world events where this sort of tinfoil hattery is even applicable, NK threatening the US with nukes is not one of them.
On February 12 2013 17:36 Pandemona wrote: Such a joke. This really needs to stop. I can't see this going on to much longer, they will just have to keep pushing until it will get South Korea and America even angrier. I just fear for all the lives in South Korea which could be killed in this war, it will be a very big one that is for sure.
What needs to stop? North Korea wanting aid so they threaten nuke tests until we send them lobster and alcohol?