On February 06 2013 05:09 Salazarz wrote: Thing about Korean reunification isn't even (or at least, isn't "just") about whether NK, or China or whatever would "allow" it - it has just as much to do with the fact that it'd be a step backwards for SK. Of course most people in South Korea would say united Korea is something they dream to see one day etc, but the fact is it would impose a tremendous burden on a country that still remembers food and water shortages, is struggling to establish an efficient social security system and so on. Realistically, South Koreans do not want a united Korea; after all, they'd be the ones paying all the bills.
Quite ironic from someone living in Germany, isn't it?
One could also see it as an opportunity. There's loads of investment opportunities to be had, including, but not limited to, tourist trips.
On February 06 2013 05:09 Salazarz wrote: Thing about Korean reunification isn't even (or at least, isn't "just") about whether NK, or China or whatever would "allow" it - it has just as much to do with the fact that it'd be a step backwards for SK. Of course most people in South Korea would say united Korea is something they dream to see one day etc, but the fact is it would impose a tremendous burden on a country that still remembers food and water shortages, is struggling to establish an efficient social security system and so on. Realistically, South Koreans do not want a united Korea; after all, they'd be the ones paying all the bills.
Quite ironic from someone living in Germany, isn't it?
One could also see it as an opportunity. There's loads of investment opportunities to be had, including, but not limited to, tourist trips.
hell i'd throw money into NK if it was reunited under SK govt...the people may not like it but investors will and eventually people will
On January 24 2013 14:53 acker wrote: North Korea is the retarded chihuahua China insists on bringing to all its parties.
Seriously, please train your pet, it's going to do something stupid someday.
China doesn't like the regime in North Korea either. The only reason they've supported it, is because when(not if) North Korea implodes there will be a mass immigration of millions of starvation ridden people into China, who to be quite frank doesn't want to deal with that.
The real reason is that China doesn't want a strong US ally like South Korean on their doorstep. North Korea is a convenient buffer.
Possible if China ever had any intention of vying with the U.S. which they don't. China will never go against the U.S. if it can be avoided. People that think China is this big creeping terror on our doorstep are dreadfully mistaken. The more debt that China buys is good for us. When you owe the bank $50,000 the bank for all intents and purposes owns you. When you owe the bank $5,000,000,000,000 or whatever the obscene number it is, you own the bank. If China ever decided to pursue an aggressive avenue we would default on our loans and they would be severely(putting it lightly) crippled. It's the same thing with Greece and the EU, if Greece defaults on the loans given to it by the IMF the EU will suffer. So for the sake of everyone they need Greece to do well. Just the same as China needs us to do well. Which comes back to why China could care less if a U.S. ally is next to it or not. Even if South Korea wasn't there the U.S. is right now the only country capable of putting military units into action anywhere on the globe with logistics and support. China is landlocked in the west with the Himalayas and their navy is to be honest non existent. Wal-Mart currently employs more people than are enlisted in the Chinese army. Since the cold war we've been living in a unipolar world with uncontested U.S. hegemony. Yes the next twenty to fifty years will see a surge within China as they make their way up to a super power. This will ideally tilt the balance of power away from a unipolar world back to a bipolar world like we saw in the Cold War. However if you've followed anything I've said, having China take the place of the Soviet Union is a favorable outcome for us because their success, growth, and development is intertwined with our ability to pay them what is owed.
I don't believe that China is actually buying more US government debt. As far as I know, Japan is now the #1 holder of US debt with China as #2. You are correct that China wants the United States to do well, but the United States would be hurt more than China if they openly defaulted on their debt. Default is inevitable, of course. Either the Federal Reserve will keep buying US Treasuries and destroy the dollar or the government will just have to tell creditors that they can't pay. China has problems of its own but it just seems like the United States has even bigger problems.
We could reform our spending policies and maintain payment of the interest. That's crazy talk, though. This country will end up doing something destructive (most likely to SK before us given that our missile defense systems are rapidly progressing) and it will spell their own termination. Those poor bastards don't all deserve that.
China should be intelligent and get N. Korea from herp derping around. After all, US + China are like, MADE FOR EACH OTHER.
Also, if they ever do have the intentions on using nuclear shit, it'd turn out like those really bad SC2 matches where two terrans have no SCVs and no CC's, only damage units, but all of the buildings are lifted off in corners where no one can hit them.
North Korea spends more time embarrassing itself than it does anything else combined.
On January 24 2013 14:53 acker wrote: North Korea is the retarded chihuahua China insists on bringing to all its parties.
Seriously, please train your pet, it's going to do something stupid someday.
China doesn't like the regime in North Korea either. The only reason they've supported it, is because when(not if) North Korea implodes there will be a mass immigration of millions of starvation ridden people into China, who to be quite frank doesn't want to deal with that.
The real reason is that China doesn't want a strong US ally like South Korean on their doorstep. North Korea is a convenient buffer.
Possible if China ever had any intention of vying with the U.S. which they don't. China will never go against the U.S. if it can be avoided. People that think China is this big creeping terror on our doorstep are dreadfully mistaken. The more debt that China buys is good for us. When you owe the bank $50,000 the bank for all intents and purposes owns you. When you owe the bank $5,000,000,000,000 or whatever the obscene number it is, you own the bank. If China ever decided to pursue an aggressive avenue we would default on our loans and they would be severely(putting it lightly) crippled. It's the same thing with Greece and the EU, if Greece defaults on the loans given to it by the IMF the EU will suffer. So for the sake of everyone they need Greece to do well. Just the same as China needs us to do well. Which comes back to why China could care less if a U.S. ally is next to it or not. Even if South Korea wasn't there the U.S. is right now the only country capable of putting military units into action anywhere on the globe with logistics and support. China is landlocked in the west with the Himalayas and their navy is to be honest non existent. Wal-Mart currently employs more people than are enlisted in the Chinese army. Since the cold war we've been living in a unipolar world with uncontested U.S. hegemony. Yes the next twenty to fifty years will see a surge within China as they make their way up to a super power. This will ideally tilt the balance of power away from a unipolar world back to a bipolar world like we saw in the Cold War. However if you've followed anything I've said, having China take the place of the Soviet Union is a favorable outcome for us because their success, growth, and development is intertwined with our ability to pay them what is owed.
I don't believe that China is actually buying more US government debt. As far as I know, Japan is now the #1 holder of US debt with China as #2. You are correct that China wants the United States to do well, but the United States would be hurt more than China if they openly defaulted on their debt. Default is inevitable, of course. Either the Federal Reserve will keep buying US Treasuries and destroy the dollar or the government will just have to tell creditors that they can't pay. China has problems of its own but it just seems like the United States has even bigger problems.
We could reform our spending policies and maintain payment of the interest. That's crazy talk, though. This country will end up doing something destructive (most likely to SK before us given that our missile defense systems are rapidly progressing) and it will spell their own termination. Those poor bastards don't all deserve that.
I think they'll just posture forever until the regime falls or until the rest of the world decides to barge in... Even China and Russia don't like nukes being detonated so close to home, especially not when it's by a country known for screwing up those operations pretty regularly.
from what i understand, unification has been talked about, studied. they estimate north korea has at least 7 trillion dollars in natural resources. they estimate it'll take 75 years to normalize unified korea and would cost close to 7 trillion dollars.
i read this somewhere long ago, i'm sure google can find them. "cost of unified korea" or something
i think china would be biggest problem in unification...i dont trust them :X i think china would try to 1) delay progress to weaken western influence 2) "help" to strengthen their influence
On January 24 2013 14:42 thehepp wrote: why would the world want to do something? most of the world hates the US
User was warned for this post
Why warn him? He has a good point :/
You need to get outside more and not rely on the TL forums for developing such opinions. On a different note, good ol' ARGUS will be keeping a close eye on this country for months to come. This video is incredible interesting btw (although slightly off discussion):
On January 24 2013 23:18 iTzSnypah wrote: Do it NK DO IT! US already got lazers to blast dat bomb out of the sky.
On the Plus side the world would be rid of NK!
Since this would be a massive war, the US economy would boom! Conquest YEAH!
LOL it's funny how most of what you said is actually kinda true...
But I'm pretty sure the "world" would not allow one country to "get rid" of another just like that. First, there are people in NK. So destroying NK would mean killing those people, which would be a crime against humanity since those people are innocent (and dare I say, oblivious).
Edit: This thread won't last very long it seems.
i think more than anything it would just scare the living shit out of all the surrounding countries if US sent soldiers to wipe shit clean over there. it's like if china decided to come wipe puerto rico off the map. the US would totally be all "wtf fuck off" and have none of it.
North Korea dreaming of the destruction of the USA while "We are the world" is playing. I'm a North Korea expert, been to the country once for a month, and will try to go again in August. NK will do nuclear talk, but at the country itself, things are pretty calm. North Korea just behaves completely differently when they're not sending these types of messages. It's really strange. If you guys have any questions regarding NK about how life is over there, feel free to ask. ^^
North Korea dreaming of the destruction of the USA while "We are the world" is playing. I'm a North Korea expert, been to the country once for a month, and will try to go again in August. NK will do nuclear talk, but at the country itself, things are pretty calm. North Korea just behaves completely differently when they're not sending these types of messages. It's really strange. If you guys have any questions regarding NK about how life is over there, feel free to ask. ^^
On February 06 2013 05:09 Salazarz wrote: Thing about Korean reunification isn't even (or at least, isn't "just") about whether NK, or China or whatever would "allow" it - it has just as much to do with the fact that it'd be a step backwards for SK. Of course most people in South Korea would say united Korea is something they dream to see one day etc, but the fact is it would impose a tremendous burden on a country that still remembers food and water shortages, is struggling to establish an efficient social security system and so on. Realistically, South Koreans do not want a united Korea; after all, they'd be the ones paying all the bills.
Not really on topic. Also those bombs saved more lives then they took. When the japanese surrendered, they thought we had many more of the atomic bombs, when in reality we used up the two we had. This meant we did not have to invade the japanese manland which by all accounts would have been bloody.
The best argument i've ever heard for justification for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Was some advisor asking the president "What are you going to say at your impeachment in 1946. When the american people learned you have a bomb that could of saved half a million US lives"
Not really on topic. Also those bombs saved more lives then they took. When the japanese surrendered, they thought we had many more of the atomic bombs, when in reality we used up the two we had. This meant we did not have to invade the japanese manland which by all accounts would have been bloody.
Also remember we did not start that war, we ended it. The problem with North Korea would be if they initiated a war with nuclear weaponry
Actually, the Japanese surrendered because the Russians entered the war, the same day Nagasaki was nuked. With the way we were brutally bombing the hell out of Japanese cities with conventional weapons, Nagasaki was just another destroyed city. Japan was mainly concerned about the Russians. We didn't need to use those bombs.
The war was over, the Japanese were simply holding off surrendering to broker a better deal to keep the emperor in power. No mainland invasion of Japan was needed. Saying two nuclear bombs saved lives is a fallacy taught in our education system. It is also one of the most ignorant statements about history ever.
On January 24 2013 18:59 Bill Murray wrote: Freedom of Speech? This is a privately run forum. This isn't Facebook. Before you edited your post, the FIRST post of the THREAD, with a guy with SIXTY some total posts, was contrasted with a fitting, funny analogy by a guy with TWO THOUSAND POSTS.
look at yourself... you edit your post... then doublepost.... doubleSTANDARD?
on topic, I am actually decently nervous about this. The last thing the earth, ozone, leukemia/cancer cases need is another h or a bomb being dropped
at least, if they really fire it at japan, most of them have lived full lives (Y)
America is a privately run country! Also having 2,000 posts (while the ten commandments disagree) doesn't mean your a genius or are somehow better than somebody new to the site.
And on topic, I don't find the threat particularly serious. As many others have said, NK has done this a lot and they know that the US and other countries would try to stop or retaliate if they do launch any bombs. I can't believe a lot of US citizens want to invade North Korea because of it... this attitude is the main reason that many countries dislike us.
North Korea dreaming of the destruction of the USA while "We are the world" is playing. I'm a North Korea expert, been to the country once for a month, and will try to go again in August. NK will do nuclear talk, but at the country itself, things are pretty calm. North Korea just behaves completely differently when they're not sending these types of messages. It's really strange. If you guys have any questions regarding NK about how life is over there, feel free to ask. ^^
what are you planning to do there?
Just visit the capital, see the monuments, learn the culture etc etc. I have an obsession over the country, but not in a bad way. I think it's just really fascinating to learn about. The hermit kingdom, isolated from everything. It's really fascinating. ^^