On August 02 2011 22:18 JustPassingBy wrote: If she cannot afford a college and is not good enough for a scholarship, then she can always chose not to go onto a college.
Again 'unable to afford college' is a bit of a mislabel. 'Unable to immediately afford college' is at the same time more accurate and less disheartening.
On August 02 2011 21:25 Klaus1986 wrote: Prostitution should be 100% legal. Two consenting adults should be able to do whatever the hell they want.
If by consenting you mean forced to do it by need, then no... Have you read the article ? About that girl feeling dirty after doing that shit ? You have some weird definition of consentment my friend...
That's one instance, have you seen Las Vegas call girls? Trust me, they don't need to be out there doing what they do.
The problem is that the girls don't want to be prostitutes, they just want to get their degree and pay their bills. They do it out of necessity in some form or another.
Lol. we have free will, anyone knows that. You can steal from that shop, or you can walk away. You can work for a few years to save up before going to college, or you can somehow ... SOMEHOW accumulate a lot of debt, and end of prostituting yourself???????
A lot of decision-making gone wrong. Speaks for how the wrong economics of the American society (job scarcity, expensive college, lack of government support etc) is. For the kids going to college on their own money, abandoned by their parents - then something's gone wrong with the parents as well.
Anyhow, you have a choice and the choice to prostitute one self is a choice. Don't say it's dirty and all that afterwards. No one forced you
We have free will sure, but the reason why most people resort to crime or prostitution is because the alternative seems that much harder. This border is not unique to every person, so somebody might be more willing to be a prostitute than somebody else. I think it is an issue in this particular case because the girls described in the article is displayed as otherwise normal college youths prostituting themselves to pay off debts. Maybe the educational system is making it too hard for poor people to get an education in the first place?
I bet the same people that have moral objections about this have no problems watching porn. And porn is much more problematic imo because it is bascially prostitution that is being filmed and then distributed for everyone to see.
I see nor read any reason why we should feel "sorry" for this so called ladies. This is their choice and there really is no difference between this and prostitution, student loans you say ?? Yeah that's why the last girl was wearing a $300 dress and the "rest" of the fee went to her loan. Why not save everything ? Because she knows she can get more money with her next client or her next visit. People do things that are "inmoral" from a societies point of view and they try to justify it by any means to be able to look in the mirror, like the guy that said "I like college girls cause I feel like a college debt is a good debt, I fell I'm helping" hahaha please how do you know the "lady" is using your money for that ? This is no different than an escort service or going to the bunny ranch in Vegas, prostitution is prostitution, it is the act of paying a fee in money in exchange for sex. Don't get me wrong I think if 2 adults consent in having sex and paying afterwards it's all good as long as there's no force (rape) or kids (illegal prostitution) involved you should be able to do with your money what you want but let's call things by their real name and stop trying to justify it.
On August 02 2011 21:25 Klaus1986 wrote: Prostitution should be 100% legal. Two consenting adults should be able to do whatever the hell they want.
If by consenting you mean forced to do it by need, then no... Have you read the article ? About that girl feeling dirty after doing that shit ? You have some weird definition of consentment my friend...
I feel dirty after lying to a friend, we should illegalize lying! The girl knew what she was doing, nobody forced her to do what she did. If she cannot afford a college and is not good enough for a scholarship, then she can always chose not to go onto a college. (I'm not defending that ridiculous system, btw. Just saying that it was her active choice.)
Kinda weird how poor people tend to "chose" to become prostitute and wealthier women don't... Oh yeah they might have chosen to be poor, right... ? I'm kinda being an ass here, but know that I understand your point, I have huge respect for all the girls that went in the same situations as those girls but have chosen to avoid prostitution. But if some girl preferes having sex with some old guys than facing her debt. Debt is the problem, the more poor people there's gonna be, the most mind fucked decisions we'll see from them. Just my 2 cents. When listening to you guys, having 20k in debt when you're at college is either perfectly normal or could have been avoided. Myabe it's more complex than that...
""It's a very expensive job," says Jack, a 70-year-old sugar daddy, who describes himself as a "humanitarian" interested in helping young women in financial need. Jack isn't the name that appears on his American Express black card, but an identity he uses when shopping online for companionship and sex."
On August 02 2011 22:28 harhar! wrote: college should be free anyways, the american system is even shittier then the german one.
I'm no expert in international economics, but as far as I understand it, in the USA it's more of a "we gonna take (relatively) a small amount of taxs, but then you'r on your own buddy" system then the European system in which it's "we gonna take (relatively) a lot of taxs, but your health care and/or education is on us".
The women involved know what they're doing and getting into. The men involved know what they're doing and paying for. Everyone involved are consenting adults to my knowledge.
Oldest profession in the book... Some things will never change...
To be honest, I see bursaries and other incentives go to waste all the time because no one knows how to find them mostly...
I know for a fact that that last few bursaries I applied for.. only like 4 or 5 ppl actually applied for them... 1-5 chance to get 2500 dollars ain't bad. Other bursaries are well known and have thousands of ppl competing for them...
Kinda weird how poor people tend to "chose" to become prostitute and wealthier women don't... Oh yeah they might have chosen to be poor, right... ?
As stated before, what about men in those situations? They don't have this option. If anything, if you're in a terrible financial spot, being a prostitute is a luxury woman have as an extra choice over crime/working ridiculous hours. Especially this kind of prostitution. These women are paid anywhere in the area of 500$-1000$ a day for being with a single partner, yes, the partner isn't anywhere near what you want in a sexual partner, but would you rather do an older woman a couple dozen times to get out of college debt or work 60 hours a week for years? The only difference is you don't have the choice.
I have huge respect for all the girls that went in the same situations as those girls but have chosen to avoid prostitution.
By that logic you should have huge respects for any guy that works his way through his college debt.
Yes, being poor in the US is terrible and forces you to do shitty stuff, but that's more of an issue with the American economic system than directly with prostitution.
On August 02 2011 21:25 Klaus1986 wrote: Prostitution should be 100% legal. Two consenting adults should be able to do whatever the hell they want.
If by consenting you mean forced to do it by need, then no... Have you read the article ? About that girl feeling dirty after doing that shit ? You have some weird definition of consentment my friend...
That's one instance, have you seen Las Vegas call girls? Trust me, they don't need to be out there doing what they do.
The problem is that the girls don't want to be prostitutes, they just want to get their degree and pay their bills. They do it out of necessity in some form or another.
Complete bullshit. How do other people pay for their bills? These wanna be whores are just idiots, who take the easy way out. How did women pay for their schooling before this all started? The good old fashioned way, they worked through school and took out loans which they paid off later. Just like everyone else.
For the kids going to college on their own money, abandoned by their parents - then something's gone wrong with the parents as well.
This is a pretty ignorant statement by itself. Families below middle class just struggle to even buy enough food/pay off their bills while working 50-60 hours a week, they simply cannot afford college for their children. Not everyone is born into a middle class family.
You don't really have to study in university, you know? If you don't have money for that, just go get a job after finishing high school if you're so poor.
On August 02 2011 21:42 Evilmystic wrote: And the statement about sex is pretty questionable, it may be important for you but it's not for a lot of people and there is no objective reason for it to be important, only personal beliefs and religious/ethical views.
same problem, but I'd say this takes it even farther - there is definitely an objective reason for sex to be important. It's the one thing every human being has evolved to do on the planet. The entire biological reason for having a relationship in the first place is to have sex and babies. How can you even think about saying there's no reason for sex to be important besides 'personal beliefs'?
Usually when we have sex we don't do it to make babies, but only because it's a hell of a pleasurable activity. Sex is important for having a good relationship and if you don't have sex for a long time your mental state may be pretty messed up, that's right. But I find it ridiculous how sex is deemed some sort of holy cow in conservative society, it's social importance is highly exaggerated. If I have a sexual encounter with some girl I've only dated a few weeks or have casual sex after party, I don't care about it at all later. It doesn't bring any sort of changes into my life if I don't get STD (luckily avoided it so far), that's why I say it's not important.
You don't really have to study in university, you know? If you don't have money for that, just go get a job after finishing high school if you're so poor.
I'm not talking about myself, I'm not anywhere in the neighborhood of poor (and I also don't live in the US)
If you get a job straight out of high school, you won't get anywhere near a good job and you'll end up just as poor as your parents, and your kids will end up just as poor, it's a vicious chain you can't get out of unless you take a risk and go to college. They have to do it if they don't want to end up piss poor.
It's actually one of the things that baffle me about the US, everyone there is so worked up about "no matter how people are born (black/white/asian/etc and female/male) they should all have the same opportunities." The problem is that they ignore the one thing you're born with that has a much, much bigger factor than your race/sex in how well you do and in which opportunities you have: how much money your parents have.
On August 02 2011 22:28 harhar! wrote: college should be free anyways, the american system is even shittier then the german one.
Free for who? Someone pays. If the government pays that just means less money that can be spent on other social programs. I see no reason to cut benefits on the poor to subsidize the future upper class of America. Student loans exist for a reason. You can take your income which is already going to be twice that of someone without college and give 20% to student loans and still come out way ahead.
The entire biological reason for having a relationship in the first place is to have sex and babies. How can you even think about saying there's no reason for sex to be important besides 'personal beliefs'?
Usually when we have sex we don't do it to make babies, but only because it's a hell of a pleasurable activity. Sex is important for having a good relationship and if you don't have sex for a long time your mental state may be pretty messed up, that's right. But I find it ridiculous how sex is deemed some sort of holy cow in conservative society, it's social importance is highly exaggerated. If I have a sexual encounter with some girl I've only dated a few weeks or have casual sex after party, I don't care about it at all later. It doesn't bring any sort of changes into my life if I don't get STD (luckily avoided it so far), that's why I say it's not important.
I'm not saying that sex is always a big deal. But in a relationship it's one of if not THE most important thing to the health of that relationship. It's not about its social importance, but the post I was originally responding to was saying that sex is only as important in a relationship as you make it, and I don't think that's valid at all. What I'm saying is not that sex on its own is important, but rather that it's the most important part of any relationship, not something that you can assign an importance to based on how you feel.
This is definitely just prostitution... Even the girl in the article is showing signs off her goals changing already. She's doing this to pay off Student Loans but she's still buying $300 dollar dresses and lying to herself that it's only for debt repayment. In 5 years when she's paid off her Loans, she'll be walking down the street, wishing she could buy those cute shoes... and boom, she's fucking an old guy again. This should be illegal, I don't understand how it's getting passed prostitution laws.
On August 02 2011 22:28 harhar! wrote: college should be free anyways, the american system is even shittier then the german one.
this. (real) Education is a human right. And it's a human right for everyone, no matter if you're poor, rich, have a high or low iq.
And society can only improve by education.
„Die Schule ist das mächtigste Mittel der Befreiung, und die Schule ist das mächtigste Mittel der Knechtung — je nach der Natur und dem Zweck des Staats. Im freien Staat ein Mittel der Befreiung, ist die Schule im unfreien Staat ein Mittel der Knechtung. ‚Bildung macht frei‘ — von dem unfreien Staat verlangen, daß er das Volk bilde, heißt ihm einen Selbstmord zumuthen. Der moderne Klassenstaat bedingt aber seinem Wesen nach die Unfreiheit. (...). Er kann freie Männer nicht brauchen, nur gehorsame Unterthanen; nicht Charaktere, nur Bedienten- und Sklavenseelen. Da ein ‚intelligenter‘ Bedienter und Sklave brauchbarer ist als ein unintelligenter — schon die Römer legten auf Sklaven, die etwas gelernt hatten, einen besonderen Werth und zahlten entsprechende Preise für sie —, sorgt der moderne Staat für eine gewisse Intelligenz, nämlich für Bedienten-Intelligenz, die das menschliche Werkzeug verfeinert und vervollkommnet, so daß sich besser mit ihm ‚arbeiten‘ läßt. So wird die Schule zur Dressuranstalt statt zur Bildungsanstalt. Statt Menschen zu erziehen, erzieht sie Rekruten, die auf's Kommando in die Kaserne, diese Menschen-Maschinenfabrik, eilen; Steuerzahler, die sich nicht mucksen, wird ihnen das Fell über die Ohren gezogen; Lohnsklaven des Kapitals, die es in der Ordnung finden, daß ihnen das Mark aus den Knochen gesogen wird.“ -Wilhelm Liebknecht