Lalalaland34484 Posts
On August 19 2014 23:39 bo1b wrote: Ehh, having played since vanilla, wrath was hands down the best expansion for me. Had the best intro vid, the best pvp (rip s6, s7, s8 before haste became stupid) the best two raids by far, the best lore and was just the most fun once all the shit was ironed out. Being on the receiving end of TSG and Beastcleave was pretty hilarious.
On August 19 2014 23:39 bo1b wrote: Ehh, having played since vanilla, wrath was hands down the best expansion for me. Had the best intro vid, the best pvp (rip s6, s7, s8 before haste became stupid) the best two raids by far, the best lore and was just the most fun once all the shit was ironed out. Ulduar and these drakes where you had these really interesting and diverse hard modes were really fun in wotlk. This crusader arena and icc sucked which made me quit the game at that point.
On August 19 2014 23:23 Serejai wrote: It was pretty much the same for PvP, too. I wasn't really in a guild during vanilla or the beginning of TBC; I pretty much PvPed all the time, so I had every other decent PvPer on the server on my friends list, plus most of the ones from the other faction on an alt account. We all used to sit in Teamspeak and give each other advice on where groups of players were to gank and whatnot.
I could go farming elementals in Nagrand and some cocky guys from a no-name Alliance guild would show up four or five strong and try to gank me. Literally within three minutes I could have half a dozen Rank 11+ PvPers there with me, plus some from the Alliance side that would just sit there and watch their faction mates get destroyed. We had a mutual respect not to attack them if they were just watching, of course, and that's because you knew the names.
It wasn't at all uncommon for me to start laying into someone before I even looked at the name, then I realize "oh hey, it's so and so!" and immediately just stop DPSing. They would see it was me and not retaliate. We'd both tab out for a moment, hop on a Teamspeak server, and start chatting. That kinda stuff just doesn't happen these days since 90% of the people you encounter out in the world aren't even from your server and you have no real way of knowing anything about them.
I remember there was this spriest named Depthcore on my server, both of us started in the same guild and he wanted to do the HWL grind, so I'd log on for like 4-5 hours a day, PvP with him the whole time. Just had a 24 hour group running with rotating members while multiple people played his account. We even made friends with some of the Alliance folks on the server through alts and the forums. It was just excellent because there were a couple groups of us that were very good at WSG and we all got to know each other, at least by reputation.
Not to mention the epic-length AVs, I really miss when it was literally impossible to ride past everything and solo cap stuff.
That said, there's a ton I don't miss about Vanilla/TBC/Wrath/Cata, and I'm really grateful for all the accessibility improvements and some of the cool stuff they added, I just kinda wish they'd just consolidate onto ~20 huge servers, offer free transfers for a month, then disable xrealm.
On August 19 2014 23:48 Firebolt145 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 19 2014 23:39 bo1b wrote: Ehh, having played since vanilla, wrath was hands down the best expansion for me. Had the best intro vid, the best pvp (rip s6, s7, s8 before haste became stupid) the best two raids by far, the best lore and was just the most fun once all the shit was ironed out. Being on the receiving end of TSG and Beastcleave was pretty hilarious. Well yeh, but can you honestly say that the endless spell cleaves we have now are any better? I honestly think this season of arena is worse then s5, it certainly has all the retarded damage and even more stupid cc's in it.
That said queing into 70 resilience prot warrior atc's was pretty filthy
On August 19 2014 23:48 Firebolt145 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 19 2014 23:39 bo1b wrote: Ehh, having played since vanilla, wrath was hands down the best expansion for me. Had the best intro vid, the best pvp (rip s6, s7, s8 before haste became stupid) the best two raids by far, the best lore and was just the most fun once all the shit was ironed out. Being on the receiving end of TSG and Beastcleave was pretty hilarious.
Wotlk Beastcleave still makes me laugh when I see someone mention it, it was such a hilarious comp!
I really have a hard time grasping why people praise Ulduar so much. For it was part very good, part totally fucking retarded damn you Blizz. Part 1 (annoying vehicle combat vs mass of dwarves, retarded Flame Leviathan, super-mega-beyond-imagination retarded child robot that cries) was a really bad experience, other parts (especially Vezrudan and Yogg'Saron) was fun and interesting (except Mimiron). I guess I really dislike it if they go overboard with robots in a fantasy game.
I started raiding in TBC, and back on my old rp server raiding and pvp communities were awesome, if you were looking for people to do stuff all you had to do is look at their guild name and you knew they were quality people. I changed servers in wotlk, and remember pugs weren't half bad. Sure you could be unlucky and wipe on 1st trash pack, but ToC and ICC pugs were good enough. That was the last time I did pug anything. In Cata and Mop I only raided with my guild so can't really comment, but somehow I'm not surprised majority of people suck. I'd say LFR is directly responsible for decreasing pug competence, since people mostly approach pug for normal mode they same way they do LFR - carry mode where you don't need to pay attention to anything.
On August 19 2014 23:48 Firebolt145 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 19 2014 23:39 bo1b wrote: Ehh, having played since vanilla, wrath was hands down the best expansion for me. Had the best intro vid, the best pvp (rip s6, s7, s8 before haste became stupid) the best two raids by far, the best lore and was just the most fun once all the shit was ironed out. Being on the receiving end of TSG and Beastcleave was pretty hilarious.
African Turtle Cleave is best Cleave. I like the PVP for Wrath the Most, but I still think I enjoyed BC raids more. Nothing comes close in my mind to a first kill than Archmonde or Kael.
Netherlands45349 Posts
Gates open
its ENH wShaman Hunter Hpala
what just happened.
Also African Turtle cleave was dumb as fuck.(I like all these names btw)
Edit: sniped by African turtle cleave
Honestly, Shadowplay was the most fun I have ever had.
Well that and Frost DK/Tree Druid due to the fact that I had Ulduar Relic and it was hilarious.
I played the RMP comp to like 1800 or so one season. It was like being the control deck in Magic, except I just had to not die.
I'm having a lot of fun leveling my druid as Resto in dungeons right now. Healing is super easy and fun, will probably get more difficult once the dungeons stop being faceroll though.
Anyone that didn't play rld or rls in season 8 missed out imo.
Lalalaland34484 Posts
Lalalaland34484 Posts
And no I was RMP through WotLK. Didn't do any serious arena outside of that.
So much skill in such a short amount of time.
Every once in a while I watch snutz 2 and reckful 1 then jerk off to nostalgia
Even ucks video was cool despite being a showcase of how stupid destro was
On August 20 2014 01:19 Requizen wrote: I'm having a lot of fun leveling my druid as Resto in dungeons right now. Healing is super easy and fun, will probably get more difficult once the dungeons stop being faceroll though.
Lucky for you dungeons never get less faceroll. If anything they get more faceroll when your tank can start pulling half the instance at a time and your DPS just spam aoe.
On August 20 2014 01:40 Serejai wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2014 01:19 Requizen wrote: I'm having a lot of fun leveling my druid as Resto in dungeons right now. Healing is super easy and fun, will probably get more difficult once the dungeons stop being faceroll though. Lucky for you dungeons never get less faceroll. If anything they get more faceroll when your tank can start pulling half the instance at a time and your DPS just spam aoe. The heroics at the start of cata were pretty difficult as far as dungeons go for new characters though, maybe wod ones will be too.
Lalalaland34484 Posts
On August 20 2014 01:38 bo1b wrote: Every once in a while I watch snutz 2 and reckful 1 then jerk off to nostalgia
Even ucks video was cool despite being a showcase of how stupid destro was Uck's vid made me swap to Destro Warlock as my main for a while. Absolutely loved the 'long match inc, nvm' clip.
On August 20 2014 01:42 bo1b wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2014 01:40 Serejai wrote:On August 20 2014 01:19 Requizen wrote: I'm having a lot of fun leveling my druid as Resto in dungeons right now. Healing is super easy and fun, will probably get more difficult once the dungeons stop being faceroll though. Lucky for you dungeons never get less faceroll. If anything they get more faceroll when your tank can start pulling half the instance at a time and your DPS just spam aoe. The heroics at the start of cata were pretty difficult as far as dungeons go for new characters though, maybe wod ones will be too.
Doubtful. They nerfed those hard like a month after release cause players didn't know what CC was and had trouble clearing the dungeons.
Man I was pissed about that. I feel like so many classes have CC nowadays anyway or at least can talent into some that it wouldn't be so hard to make it mandatory anymore.
I will say that I used to be nervous about PvP, but since playing Starcraft that is completely gone. I just attack every red name now... it's fun.