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On May 24 2014 13:11 Slaughter wrote: And Nami wanted to be in that situation? Thats a silly comparison considering she was actively trying to kill DF by herself???? Do you forget how she wanted the devil fruit so she could kill him? She wasn't some panzy, it takes a lot of fortitude to endure what she did.
How is everybody not considering the fact that she is still raised and was fighting her entire inside a arena full of brutes.
Well the reason why i wanted her to be part of the crew is not because of "bewbs" but rather she is a person of determination that is similar to zoro well not exactly similar. She was raised in a place full of brutes and people who are geared to fight and hungry for revenge. Sure she hasn't shown any comedic value that all SH crew has shown but that can change later since all of her scene's has pretty serious.
Whhhhatttt? Okay, look, I don't agree with the people who call Rebecca a coward and a weakling, but now you are comparing her disposition to fucking Zoro? Has Zoro EVER been confronted with an emotional issue with breaking down and crying? Or lacked the resolve to actually attack his opponents in a fight (seeing as Rebecca just dodged and tried to make people fall out of the ring, rather than actually fight)? Now, I'll cut Rebeca some slack here, since shes a girl, is being confronted by her mother's murderer, who was just laughing at her. I don't blame her at all for breaking down into tears like she did. However, that also completely disqualifies her for being compared to Zoro, who would never react that way, not even as a kid.
after looking at that king burst scene i think i know why so many people shat themselves when someone has kings haki. I think Kings haki make your other hakis go beyond their capacity depending on your WILL
Seems like it. Isn't that also what happened when Luffy was having his final fight with Ceaser? He just started Conq Haki blasting him at the end.
I didn't like what they did with the Caesar fight in the anime. They made it seem like Luffy actually struggled when in the manga he effortlessly beat the shit out of him (imo which is what it should have been, another showcase of luffy's wtfpowerup).
They did that with Zoro and Hody's fight as well, so it's not a new thing. Guess they just care less about the anime now that so many people follow it.
Well there's struggling and struggling.
Zoro vs Hordy and Luffy vs Caesar may have seemed like "tough" fights but we're far from actual tough fights like Luffy vs Enel, Zoro vs Daz Bones, every single CP9 fight, etc.
In the anime I never got the impression that either Zoro or Luffy particularly struggled in their fights, they just had to work around the bullshit which was thrown at them.
The anime is as entertaining as ever to me. 646 was a great episode, really felt the tension of Block C.
after looking at that king burst scene i think i know why so many people shat themselves when someone has kings haki. I think Kings haki make your other hakis go beyond their capacity depending on your WILL
Seems like it. Isn't that also what happened when Luffy was having his final fight with Ceaser? He just started Conq Haki blasting him at the end.
I didn't like what they did with the Caesar fight in the anime. They made it seem like Luffy actually struggled when in the manga he effortlessly beat the shit out of him (imo which is what it should have been, another showcase of luffy's wtfpowerup).
They did that with Zoro and Hody's fight as well, so it's not a new thing. Guess they just care less about the anime now that so many people follow it.
Well there's struggling and struggling.
Zoro vs Hordy and Luffy vs Caesar may have seemed like "tough" fights but we're far from actual tough fights like Luffy vs Enel, Zoro vs Daz Bones, every single CP9 fight, etc.
In the anime I never got the impression that either Zoro or Luffy particularly struggled in their fights, they just had to work around the bullshit which was thrown at them.
The anime is as entertaining as ever to me. 646 was a great episode, really felt the tension of Block C.
I agree with this, I never felt that either of them struggled in those fights like they used to struggle in fights. But I also agree they handled that Ceasar fight so wrong, it was just stupid making it look like a DBZ energy beam struggle attack when it should have just hit Ceasar and sent him fucking flying.
Either way still enjoying the Anime and the most recent episode was pretty fucking epic. Also speaking of the anime, how long do you guys think till Sabo shows up in it? I don't mean until his face is shown(Gonna be agggeeesss for that) But just showing up in the Colosseum?
I'm half considering to stop reading manga altogether, unsubscribe from this thread and watching only the anime from now on. I get the feeling that epic shit would be way more epic if you don't see it coming.
On May 25 2014 22:52 Incognoto wrote: 10 episodes?
I'm half considering to stop reading manga altogether, unsubscribe from this thread and watching only the anime from now on. I get the feeling that epic shit would be way more epic if you don't see it coming.
I've been rewatching One Piece anime, and recently just finished Punk Hazard. I didn't mind any of the Fishman Island changes that much, but the final clash between Luffy and Cesaer just didn't sit well with me. Its like the anime staff completely forgot how Luffy's moves even work, when they made that DBZ power struggle at the end. Luffy attacks by stretching and flinging different parts of his rubber body at high speeds with a lot of momentum.
On May 25 2014 22:52 Incognoto wrote: 10 episodes?
I'm half considering to stop reading manga altogether, unsubscribe from this thread and watching only the anime from now on. I get the feeling that epic shit would be way more epic if you don't see it coming.
On May 25 2014 22:52 Incognoto wrote: 10 episodes?
I'm half considering to stop reading manga altogether, unsubscribe from this thread and watching only the anime from now on. I get the feeling that epic shit would be way more epic if you don't see it coming.
That's fucking crazy. The manga is way more epic and well-executed than the anime. The manga contains Oda's genius. The anime tries to emulate it. The choice should be clear.
Worst of all, if you are up to date with the manga, you would need to wait something like 6 months before the anime catches up to where the manga is right now.
On May 25 2014 22:52 Incognoto wrote: 10 episodes?
I'm half considering to stop reading manga altogether, unsubscribe from this thread and watching only the anime from now on. I get the feeling that epic shit would be way more epic if you don't see it coming.
That's fucking crazy. The manga is way more epic and well-executed than the anime. The manga contains Oda's genius. The anime tries to emulate it. The choice should be clear.
I thought Oda consults with the anime creators? Like I seem to remember thinking that the little extra bits that are very slightly different from manga--> anime are because Oda uses it ask a medium to adjust the details to his liking? Don't remember why I think that though.
On May 25 2014 22:52 Incognoto wrote: 10 episodes?
I'm half considering to stop reading manga altogether, unsubscribe from this thread and watching only the anime from now on. I get the feeling that epic shit would be way more epic if you don't see it coming.
That's fucking crazy. The manga is way more epic and well-executed than the anime. The manga contains Oda's genius. The anime tries to emulate it. The choice should be clear.
Music and voice actors are what make the anime for me. The animation itself is nothing great and I like Oda's illustrations better than Toei's animations. I might prefer the manga if I weren't reading scans and had the actual book though, along with excellent translations. In the end, the anime with good subtitles and the intonation feels more alive than having to zoom in on pages to understand what's going on.
Yeah and either way, I'm pretty sure that the anime dudes are working hard to represent Oda's work the best they can. They've been successful in the past at capturing epic moments and I see no reason for that to change. The thing is that epic moments are even better when you don't see 'em coming. I'm talking Luffy punching the CD, Luffy beating Rob and Crocodile, Ace's death, etc.
I was pumped as fuck when I Chinjao and Luffy just shoved aside Boo and that other guy to start fighting in the manga. Now I see it happen in the manga, it's epic, but it's not the same epic as it is the first time you see it happening. Stuff has a special flavor when you aren't sure what's going on. For the record, boo and other guy getting shoved aside was way more epic in the manga because it got a nice panel for that moment.
Reading both the manga and watching the anime is the best way to go. I generally prefer anime over manga, in general, not talking about one piece, just because animation, voice acting, music etc is just stuff that can't be conveyed with still pictures in a manga. Also, I prefer colour and manga is black and white.
Sure the anime isn't as good as the manga as far as pacing is concerned now, but I can forgive them for that because one piece just chose a different way to do filler in order to not catch up to the manga. Unlike naruto who will do 6 months of filler eps, one piece does filler a bit like dbz where things sort of drag on. Prime example was how long it took luffy to reach ace and cross that bridge. Took forever in the anime when ace wasn't that far away. Despite this I still enjoy the anime a lot. In a perfect world, there would be a one piece kai from the prison arc where they can cut out all the superfluous stuff and fix the pacing.
I love manga too, but I just don't generally start reading one without having watched the anime first. If I loved an anime, then I start reading the manga because I'm too impatient to wait for new eps, if any new eps will be made at all. The last two manga I started were noragami and kuroko no basket because I loved the anime and needed to find out what happens next. I still watch the anime eps when they do come out though. I also generally prefer if an anime is a carbon copy of the manga as much as possible and sticks to the same story and stuff.
On May 25 2014 22:52 Incognoto wrote: 10 episodes?
I'm half considering to stop reading manga altogether, unsubscribe from this thread and watching only the anime from now on. I get the feeling that epic shit would be way more epic if you don't see it coming.
That's fucking crazy. The manga is way more epic and well-executed than the anime. The manga contains Oda's genius. The anime tries to emulate it. The choice should be clear.
For the record, boo and other guy getting shoved aside was way more epic in the manga because it got a nice panel for that moment.
And that's just one of many moments that the anime doesn't do justice.
But you do get that I was refering to the "stop reading the manga and only watch the anime from now on" part, right? That would be fucking crazy. Also dumb as shit. But hey, your loss.
I might watch the anime again if a certain type of arc comes out. What I'm talking about are the kind of arcs like Nami's island and Water 7. Moments like the march to Arlong Park or the standoff on Enie's Lobby get really much better with the anime's music.
Maybe I'm just a caveman deep inside and like "protect da gurl" stories, but I feel that chaotic arcs with the crew running all over the place don't benefit much from the good music and the suspense they tend to build in the anime. They could run yakety sax/benny hill theme for arcs like thriller bark and I would think it's an improvement.
Fun fact: After Enie's lobby the anime slows to a crawl, if you just consider chapter of the manga covered per episode. Up to that point it was something like 1.5-2 chapters per episode and after Enie's lobby it's roughly 1 chapter = 1 episode. I knew it wasn't my imagination. it did become slower paced.
On May 26 2014 07:55 Sentenal wrote: Why isn't Kinemon getting a choice? That said, no one is. Slim chance on everyone based on known facts.
i think hed be a perfect addition, his personality matchs in with them perfectly and his fighting style fits cause then theyd have a one sword, two sword three sword user and Brook uses cold in his sword while Kinemon uses fire
On May 26 2014 08:03 Mataza wrote: Fun fact: After Enie's lobby the anime slows to a crawl, if you just consider chapter of the manga covered per episode. Up to that point it was something like 1.5-2 chapters per episode and after Enie's lobby it's roughly 1 chapter = 1 episode. I knew it wasn't my imagination. it did become slower paced.
While most know that the pace long ago was slowed to 1:1, most aren't sure when exactly it began.