[Manga] One Piece - Page 801
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This is a thread that is dedicated to discussing One Piece. Do not read this thread if you are not currently caught up as there are spoilers in here. If an episode or a chapter has already been officially released, then it is not necessary to post using spoilers. If you have knowledge on a chapter that has not been officially released yet, do NOT post it in this thread. Ignoring this public note will result in a mod action. | ||
Austria24417 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
On May 24 2014 05:33 Mataza wrote: She stood up after Cavendish/Hakuba beat everyone else. That's not the same as beating everyone. Oda had to introduce a character that falls asleep involuntarily after a fight so Rebecca could advance from her block. And yet Oda made Sabo make a comment directly implying that she does indeed have some skill. Oda wouldn't do that for no reason. She def isn't typical fodder. | ||
Austria18311 Posts
On May 24 2014 05:36 Zealously wrote: I'm not caught up yet so I won't read too much into this thread, but I wanted to say that One Piece is pretty fucking awesome. I'm really impressed both by some of the story arcs and the world building as a whole. The One Piece world feels really cohesive in a way unlike most other worlds in the genre, and that's a huge plus. you will get impressed even more as the story goes on Oda's world is more cohesive than most fiction writers period. | ||
Germany5364 Posts
On May 24 2014 04:49 Chro wrote: Luffy cried during a battle and passed out, according to the trolls that is mataza and fork, he won't make it in the new world. In all honesty can we ban those guys already? They simply talk shit the entire time. Apparently getting smacktalked by someone and your brother getting killed in front of you are equally bad. I get annoyed by people going #REBECCAFORSTRAWHATZ2014 #Hashtags! in this thread. We had a character in a very, very similar situation before. Princess Vivi from Alabasta. Vivi even journeyed to several islands with the strawhats. She stayed behind in her kingdom. Rebecca's chances are slim. It's not impossible, but it's getting annoying. | ||
France10239 Posts
On May 24 2014 06:01 Mataza wrote: Apparently getting smacktalked by someone and your brother getting killed in front of you are equally bad. I get annoyed by people going #REBECCAFORSTRAWHATZ2014 #Hashtags! in this thread. We had a character in a very, very similar situation before. Princess Vivi from Alabasta. Vivi even journeyed to several islands with the strawhats. She stayed behind in her kingdom. Rebecca's chances are slim. It's not impossible, but it's getting annoying. Smack talk by the person who... inadvertently ... killed your mother and is a part of a pirate group which ruined your country, made you forget your father, forced you into being a gladiator, etc.. Vivi nearly became a nakama, she didn't because she had responsibilities. Rebecca's mother faked her own death to not have anything to do with the kingdom anymore. You ask me, Rebecca has every chance of becoming next straw hat. I don't see what's wrong with the REBECCA 2014 joke though, it's just a joke. <3 | ||
United States12398 Posts
Rebecca has just as much chance of joining the Strawhats as any random person on Dress Rosa. After all, Robin Robin Franky Franky Brook Robin we don't actually need any reason to think anyone could or might want to join the crew until they actually do because Robin Franky. I'm being fairly facetious here, but hopefully my point is still getting across regardless. | ||
Australia8606 Posts
actually offers nothing new to the crew other than the fact that she has a pair of boobs brook is arguably the least important sh character atm but if rebecca joins shes going to take that away from him as well. literally had no purpose as a sh member. brook at least sings and has a cool df | ||
Germany5364 Posts
Also just my opinion, in the situation right now Rebecca is very far from becoming a straw hat. She has no reason to go out to sea, she has shown no good chemistry with any straw hat member and she doesn't add something new to the crew nor does she add much in terms of fighting power. Her good traits start with a chainmail bikini that shows sideboob and underboob, pink hair and the downfall of Dressrosa is shown through her tragic backstory. If somehow Dressrosa gets completely destroyed and all people flee the island or something, then she would have a reason to join the SH crew. | ||
United States12398 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
Bottom line for me is that she has potential and I would like to see it. Oda can do all sorts of writing magic that will turn all those objections into "Oda the God yet again". Yes the fact that she is a girl is a huge factor but it has nothing to do with her skimpy outfit (which she wouldn't be wearing anymore anyway). In fact the best part of her character design lies above the shoulders imo, the rest is just the standard Oda female feature exaggerations. I want to see stronger female fighters because frankly the OP world is severely lacking in that department. She also seems interesting from what I have seen of her and her back story as gradually revealed was nice and makes you sympathize. It also helps that the glimpses of her fighting style as a speed based fighter seem intriguing (best part is that Oda hasn't shown much so there is plenty of room for him writing in more neat stuff). | ||
United States980 Posts
On May 24 2014 03:55 AsnSensation wrote: Sanji fought pearl before joining Luffy. (and Gin of course) Dont forget he fought full body (err... I mean slaughtered) On May 24 2014 05:36 Zealously wrote: I'm not caught up yet so I won't read too much into this thread, but I wanted to say that One Piece is pretty fucking awesome. I'm really impressed both by some of the story arcs and the world building as a whole. The One Piece world feels really cohesive in a way unlike most other worlds in the genre, and that's a huge plus. We will look forward to seeing you when you get caught up. _________________________ I like the idea of rebecca joining. I don't think it will happen but if it does thats fine. I'm still hoping for Jimbei. Here's a thought though just to throw another random possibility out there. Hak is jimbei's friend one of the complaints I've heard about Jimbei joining is he is too strong. BUt what about hac I mean we don't have as much background on him. I think its unlikely but I would still be ok with it if it happened. http://www.mangapanda.com/one-piece/707/10 | ||
Singapore3438 Posts
Rebeca impressed me the least in this act tbh. Kyros joining the crew would be a better stretch than her actually joining. | ||
Canada8840 Posts
On May 24 2014 08:04 Incognoto wrote: Smack talk by the person who... inadvertently ... killed your mother and is a part of a pirate group which ruined your country, made you forget your father, forced you into being a gladiator, etc.. Vivi nearly became a nakama, she didn't because she had responsibilities. Rebecca's mother faked her own death to not have anything to do with the kingdom anymore. You ask me, Rebecca has every chance of becoming next straw hat. I don't see what's wrong with the REBECCA 2014 joke though, it's just a joke. <3 kinda reminds me of when Arlong shot Namis mother right in front of her, what did Robin do? fall down and cry? no, she joined the crew in order to save her town Rebecca was forced to become strong by her father, she was forced to be a gladiator by Doflamingo, if it was up to her shed be somewhere safe | ||
United States20254 Posts
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44020 Posts
On May 24 2014 13:11 Slaughter wrote: And Nami wanted to be in that situation? Thats a silly comparison considering she was actively trying to kill DF by herself???? Do you forget how she wanted the devil fruit so she could kill him? She wasn't some panzy, it takes a lot of fortitude to endure what she did. How is everybody not considering the fact that she is still raised and was fighting her entire inside a arena full of brutes. Well the reason why i wanted her to be part of the crew is not because of "bewbs" but rather she is a person of determination that is similar to zoro well not exactly similar. She was raised in a place full of brutes and people who are geared to fight and hungry for revenge. Sure she hasn't shown any comedic value that all SH crew has shown but that can change later since all of her scene's has pretty serious. | ||
Canada8840 Posts
On May 24 2014 13:11 Slaughter wrote: And Nami wanted to be in that situation? Thats a silly comparison considering she was actively trying to kill DF by herself???? Do you forget how she wanted the devil fruit so she could kill him? She wasn't some panzy, it takes a lot of fortitude to endure what she did. she was still put in every situation by force, she didnt want to be strong and actively struggled against learning to fight, she didnt want to be a gladiator and id be willing to bet has tried to escape Rebecca runs away or breaks down shes not a fighter, she can talk a big game but she aint got the backbone to back it up sure its nice to say she wanted to kill DF, sure its nice to say she wanted the DF but she didnt even come almost close to inflicting a single wound on Diamante and needed to be protected by Bart 90% of the time, she can talk a big game when it comes right down to it shes not a fighter im sure shell make a terrific politician or something but she just doesnt have what it takes to be a fighter | ||
United States20254 Posts
Basically you are saying she is weak and that makes her a coward, they are two very different things. | ||
Canada8840 Posts
On May 24 2014 13:45 Slaughter wrote: You can't be serious, as Goody just pointed out yet again she has been fighting for years. She has more combat experience then most people and the will do go out there and face something she doesn't want to do (fight). She has a backbone, maybe she isn't S teir like the monster trio but she isn't fodder and she has been doing this for years. YEARS. To say she is a terrible fighter who has no backbone is highly disingenuous to her character. Apparently you can't have an emotional breakdown? All these things have been coming to a head and it finally all hit her at once. All her years of suffering that was the point of that scene. im not saying shes a bad fighter, thats obviously not true shes a very skilled fighter but her soul is not a fighter and thats the point, Robin saw her mother killed in front of her eyes and didnt give up, Robin saw her whole island BURNED TO THE GROUND and didnt give up both of them fought on alone with no support but Rebecca needed support, she needed the tought love from her dad in order to become strong, strong enough to survive the colloseum, and from what weve seen shes also received support from the other imprisoned gladiators in order to survive she herself, under her own initiative has never created an opportunity she just went along with the flow and not often willingly | ||
44020 Posts
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580 Posts
The way I see it, he could want to join the crew to help them rid the world of the evils that haunt WG and the Shibukai they create. And maybe he would be a convenient temp before Jimbei actually joins. I wouldn't say he is equal in terms of fighting ability but he is a good fighter nonetheless. He has fighting ability, he doesn't currently have a DF which he could gain later on if you want to look at it like the numbers theory for members of the SH crew and he technically has motivation and can fight (unlike Rebecca who cowers in the corner eventhough she has the training). King Riku is still alive to replace DD if he is overthrown, and Rebecca serves as the heir apparent so it would be unwise to put her in harms way just for the sake of adding a member. Kyros on the other hand is a battle hardened fighter who has no place in the castle/politics. That's for me. Unless Jimbei shows up before they leave the island, I am expecting Kyros to want to join SH crew to help in their travels, as long as Luffy accepts him, which I think he could do. | ||
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