On April 28 2011 12:10 Midas_ wrote: Have you guys seen Khal Drogo's teeth? Apparently Dothraki know about the importance of dental care. =D
widely spread dental problems are something of the modern age. Most teeth illnesses would not start if you would eat like the guys in the middle ages did.
Good example for that are all the skulls they find which have perfectly fine teeth
The theeth would/are healthy.. But theire not straight... (?)
Exactly. Most problems with the health of he teeth today come from the exorbitant consumption of sugar. So the health of teeth in the middle ages and before was relatively good. Once there were problems however the only solution was to rip them out. Of course the teeth can still grow wild because of the lack of Dental braces and stuff. That we made enormous progress in dental care is a little bit overshadowed by the consumption of sugar that is now basically everywhere (Ketchup, Chocolate, Coke etc.).
I just watched the first two episodes, and I like it enough that I wiki'ed and found out more about the books. I thought I was gonna have to go and buy them, but it turns out we had em on the shelf at home. My wife's brother read the first couple but didn't really like them (because of the incest/rape most likely, he's super religious) and gave them to her, but she hasn't read them yet.
Bad teeth and purple eyes are both things that sound good on paper but just don't work on TV.
If you have ever met someone with really bad teeth then you know that there is nothing more disruptive in this world then bad teeth. When someone talks you can't for the life of you avoid seeing their teeth and if they are really ugly and miss-shapen then you just stop listening.
Purpe eyes are the same. In the books the Targaryens have purple or lila eyes. In a book it adds a certain dash of flavour because it's unique but your imagination isn't constantly focussed on eye colour. In a TV series such an outlandish eye colour would be massive disruptive and close-ups would be a pain to film without being dominated by the presence of odd-coloured eyes.
On April 28 2011 17:46 judytuna wrote: Why did they make the Drogo-Dany wedding night scene _less_ consensual in the show? The people I watched the 2nd episode with were like "why WOULD she want to please him?" and unwilling to accept that their characters were "growing to respect and love each other" haha. All I can say is that there's too much to get into too few hours of screen time, as someone above me said too...
In the books, what happened in the 2nd episode at the beginning, happened in chapter 23, where Drogo is taking her painfully against her will to the point she is considering suicide before she has her Dragon dream, which they substituted with her focusing on the dragon eggs in the show. So I think the whole no, no, no, yes... scene from the books would not be convincing without a LOT more screen time they didn't have, and that would then be contrasted by Drogo going backwards and taking her against her will later, so with time limits why bother? It's just that many readers either missed or glossed over the paragraph in chapter 23 where she is getting taken against her will and Dany is considering suicide. Dropping the yes part makes sense in that context. I don't think Dany is trying to please Drogo for Drogo's sake or because she suddenly loves or cares for him. She is trying to please him to give herself some power and control over her situation, as she obviously can't any other way.
On April 28 2011 21:19 zalz wrote: Bad teeth and purple eyes are both things that sound good on paper but just don't work on TV.
If you have ever met someone with really bad teeth then you know that there is nothing more disruptive in this world then bad teeth. When someone talks you can't for the life of you avoid seeing their teeth and if they are really ugly and miss-shapen then you just stop listening.
Purpe eyes are the same. In the books the Targaryens have purple or lila eyes. In a book it adds a certain dash of flavour because it's unique but your imagination isn't constantly focussed on eye colour. In a TV series such an outlandish eye colour would be massive disruptive and close-ups would be a pain to film without being dominated by the presence of odd-coloured eyes.
You know what else also captures too much attention?
Super-fake blond hair with brownish eyebrows
Damn, I like Emilia Clarke and I like Daenerys' character but the look just doesn't fit IMO. I always pictured Dany to be small and slim, powerless and yet magically and spiritually brilliant when she came into her maturity.
Emilia Clarke is pretty small and slim I dont really see what you want to do here. Of course they cant use a 13 yo to play Daenerys so I dont really know what your problem is.
For those who thought the assassin scene held too little tension, well that was not it's sole purpose. For one thing, it prompts Catelyn to suspect the Lannisters and travel to Kings Landing. (tiny spoiler: + Show Spoiler +
This will have many important consequences further down.
) Some of the scenes may seem shallow now just because you don't know their full importance yet.
About the Daenerys wedding scene: From when they are alone, it follows the books almost exactly up to the point where he pushes her down, and then the scene ends in the tv version. Him being gentle to her happens after that in the book, but is just not shown in the tv version. The only indication we may have that it is different from the book is the fact that he pushes her down, but we aren't shown what happens after. It is too little to conclude that his treatment of her is very different from that in the book.
On April 29 2011 00:33 MasterOfChaos wrote: Can somebody explain the sigils in the intro? Most of the actors have the sigil of the house their character is associated with.
But there are some exceptions: Dany = Lion Ser Jorah Mormont = Lion Sansa = Dragon
Shouldn't Dany and Mormont have a dragon and Sansa a wolf?
I can' t recall the intro from memory but you are correct that Dany/Viserys should be the three headed dragon and Sansa's should be the direwolf. Also Mormont is bear i'm quite certain.
Lannister = Lion Stark = Direwolf Baratheon = Stag Arryn = Eagle Tully = Fish Tyrell = Flower Martell = Spear through a Sun Targaryen = Three Headed Dragon Greyjoy = Squid/Kraken thing
What I was talking about is that for a few characters the sigil shown wasn't what one would expect. Dany is no Lannister and Sansa no Targaryian.
If it just were joffrey Lannister vs Baratheon or Catelyn Tully vs Stark I'd understand. And Mormont could have a bear(his old house) or a dragon(as supporter of Dany/Targaryian) but certainly no Lannister lion.
Mormont has neither a bear nor a dragon but a lion:
On April 29 2011 00:54 MasterOfChaos wrote: What I was talking about is that for a few characters the sigil shown wasn't what one would expect. Dany is no Lannister and Sansa no Targaryian.
If it just were joffrey Lannister vs Baratheon or Catelyn Tully vs Stark I'd understand. And Mormont could have a bear(his old house) or a dragon(as supporter of Dany/Targaryian) but certainly no Lannister lion.
Yep that sounds weird. Maybe it's just an oversight on HBO's part. That would be sad but it's a really minor detail so it's not world ending. I'll pay close attention to the intro next time.
They mixed up the sigils, but didn't catch it in time, so they're not corrected before the 6th episode or something like that. They will probably be corrected for the dvd release and potential reruns.
On April 29 2011 00:54 MasterOfChaos wrote: What I was talking about is that for a few characters the sigil shown wasn't what one would expect. Dany is no Lannister and Sansa no Targaryian.
If it just were joffrey Lannister vs Baratheon or Catelyn Tully vs Stark I'd understand. And Mormont could have a bear(his old house) or a dragon(as supporter of Dany/Targaryian) but certainly no Lannister lion.
Mormont has neither a bear nor a dragon but a lion:
never heard of the book and avoided the thread before watching eps1 and 2. really like it but always reserve judgement before ep5-8 (eg the event, that horrendeous new zombie series).
didnt have a problem with anything except the brown eyebrows , but i justified that by saying they must have magical hair. problem solved
On April 29 2011 00:33 MasterOfChaos wrote: Can somebody explain the sigils in the intro? Most of the actors have the sigil of the house their character is associated with.
But there are some exceptions: Dany = Lion Ser Jorah Mormont = Lion Sansa = Dragon
Shouldn't Dany and Mormont have a dragon and Sansa a wolf?
The producers made an error with the intro, it will be fixed around episode 5 as far as I know. (Read this on Westeros.org)