[TV] HBO Game of Thrones - Page 1500
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United States7542 Posts
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United States60190 Posts
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42381 Posts
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Norway1235 Posts
This was a good episode. But a sad one. I like that they confirmed the theory of the children of the forrest being the ones creating the white walkers as a way to "counter" the humans. Also the confirmation of the "hold the door" theory was great. But I think the main theory here was that Hodor was told to hold a different door protecting Lyanna (at some point in time) failing to do so and getting his wits beaten out of him to the extent where all he could remember was "Hold the door!"->"Hodor". I really like Hodor, the friendly witless giant helping out the handicapped kid with amazing abilities. It was a heroic way to go, but a very sad one. Betrayed and manipulated by the one he sacrificed so much for. To be honest I am suspecting that the show (and maybe the books) will end up with the Starks being portrayed as the bad guys. Or perhaps they in the end will turn out to be rather insignificant, and that the entire Stark perspective from season 1 was just a shaggydog story (the killing of Shaggydog, and the post someone made about Rickon and Shaggydog being a shaggydog made me think about this).With the Starks just being insignificant pieces in the grand story, where we the watchers and readers were fooled into following and cheering for the Starks, but end up being told a story through their eyes where they aren't really that important. It all depends on how they resolve it though, if J=R+L and Bran don't play a major part in the endgame here I will call the Starkstory a shaggydog story. If the Starks are the bad guys though this will be a more bitter pill to swallow for me. People who like twists and shocks and such will be very pleased by this though, and will probably applaud GRRM for an amazing story. While those who likes stories where they can empathize with someone will probably feel betrayed. I know there probably won't be a silver lining for the Starks, but at least I was hoping they would go out as the good guys. Why the Starks may end up as the bad guys in the end (again depending on how they wrap it up): - Was the rebellion justified? Or was it just Robert being a jealous dick (Lyanna not being kidnapped, but running away with Rhaegar)? In case did Ned know, and still proceeded supporting the rebellion? The way we were presented with this story from the start is through the eyes of Ned and Robert, who both claims Lyanna was kidnapped and raped. But we don't know if this is the correct version. - They painted Ned as a liar in The Tower of Joy fight. Did he lie about defeating The sword of the Morning to boost himself, or is the lie a necessety regarding Lyanna? Does him lying here means that he isn't as honorable as we were led to believe. - Robb didn't support Stannis as the king and claimed to be the king of the north. The way we have been presented the story we cheer for him when he does it. He is avenging his father and is rebelling against the Lannisters. Stannis is a piece of shit who murdered his brother with bloodmagic and doesn't deserve the support of Robb. But viewed from a different perspective Robb is just usurping the title as king of the north because of how weak the kings with true claims to thrones are. - Catelyn. (Reason not in the series, so I'll leave it out, except LS). - Arya is murdering people all over the place. The way the story is presented to us most of the killings are justified. But again it is all about perspective. If the story was written from one of her victims perspective we might have considered her the bad "guy" (girl). - Sansa is vain, superficial, powerhungry and selfish. She payed the price for it for 4 seasons. But now she is vindictive and is somewhat manipulating her "brother". Again how the story have been told we have felt her pain in captivity and are by default cheering for her. - Bran may be the reason behind all of the shit that have gone down in Westeros. He drove Hodor/Willis mad for a lifetime, just to save himself from the white walkers. White walkers he summoned himself by being impatient. He is now the three eyed raven (???), the leader of the children of the forrest. What will he do with this, will he stop the white walkers or will he lead them, become one of them? He drove Hodor mad, did he drive anyone else mad? - Rickon is probably just a shaggydog. So does this means the Stark are bad guys. Not necesserly, it all depends on how the storylines are resolved. But my point is that if GRRM have planned for us to sympathize with the Starks, and then at a later stage reveal that Starks are actually not that good at all there is nothing inconsistent in doing it. It might be a great lesson in not trusting a story who comes from a certain persective. But for me that would sort of ruin the story, I need someone to cheer for and I lose interest when I no longer have anyone to sympathize with. Well this became a long rambling post, so: TL;DR: Hold the door! Good episode. But sad. Are the Stark storyline just a shaggydog story? Or perhaps they plan to reveal the Starks as bad guys in the end? Edit: Also, NOO they killed Summer. These direwolfs means nothing in the show it seems like. | ||
United States10110 Posts
On May 23 2016 21:13 Sent. wrote: Sansa is only likeable when she's a victim. Give her some freedom and she'll fuck things up like she did in S1. Yea, I have no idea why she didn't trust Jon this episode about LF. | ||
United States7542 Posts
Was the rebellion justified? Or was it just Robert being a jealous dick (Lyanna not being kidnapped, but running away with Rhaegar)? In case did Ned know, and still proceeded supporting the rebellion? The way we were presented with this story from the start is through the eyes of Ned and Robert, who both claims Lyanna was kidnapped and raped. But we don't know if this is the correct version. Even if the rebellion isn't justified for that reason the Mad King did kill Ned's father and brother in a quite dramatic and horrible way. There's room for moral ambiguity, especially on Robert's part, but it's pretty clear that at some point Ned was justified in standing up to the Mad King. | ||
Austria3371 Posts
On May 24 2016 00:51 freelander wrote: who would win. Zombie Clegane or Zombie Hodor Zombie Mountain obviously. He's just as strong as Hodor, but he's also a trained and experienced fighter with full plate mail and a greatsword. | ||
United States2126 Posts
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Colombia730 Posts
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Netherlands30548 Posts
On May 24 2016 02:00 giftdgecko wrote: Anyone else believe that Little finger was actually saddened by Sansa calling him out? I'm not sure why but I can't help feeling like he didn't really know how bad Ramsay was. Or if he did, being confronted by it with Sansa may have actually got through to him. Maybe (probably) I'm just fooled by the watery eyes and the lack of that stupid smirk he usually has. Yeah, his plans don't work out for the first time in a while. It's also Catelyn ('s daughter) rejecting him all over again | ||
Ireland1076 Posts
On May 24 2016 02:00 giftdgecko wrote: Anyone else believe that Little finger was actually saddened by Sansa calling him out? I'm not sure why but I can't help feeling like he didn't really know how bad Ramsay was. Or if he did, being confronted by it with Sansa may have actually got through to him. Maybe (probably) I'm just fooled by the watery eyes and the lack of that stupid smirk he usually has. You could really see the relief when he realised he wasn't going to be cut in half by Brienne. I don't think there was any sadness, just knowledge of him being VERY mortal in that situation. | ||
Colombia730 Posts
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France1503 Posts
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Germany2099 Posts
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United Kingdom9345 Posts
Absolutely ridiculous. Good episode though. | ||
United Kingdom1280 Posts
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Ireland1076 Posts
On May 24 2016 02:52 Naphal wrote: GGRM should write another GoT with the unaltered Hodor being the hero this world deserves! There is a classic hero story in the ASoIaF universe, it's called The Tales of Dunk and Egg. Dunk is a slightly less tall, slightly more intelligent Hodor. They're fun little adventures, with all the world-building and most of the history of the Seven Kingdoms cut out. | ||
Germany5966 Posts
Now that Bran and Meera are on the run, I also realized that I was expecting Bran to get taught much more about mindcontrol. "But you will fly" was what now-was-von-Sydow told Bran initially; I thought that meant they would work towards the goal of mindcontrolling one of Dany's dragons. But instead it was more like a history course? | ||
United States41987 Posts
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Germany1197 Posts
So if you have to become me is LITERAL and you have to get stuck in the past if you stay too long it could be that the three eyed raven actually experienced it (getting stuck) and lived there to g uide the young bran - ? ? Am I getting all mixed out? Loops, time paradoc, infinite loops closed loops... help me :_( | ||
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