On June 18 2014 22:00 SmoKim wrote: All 4 seasons are awesome, but Season 1 is easily my favorite season for one simple reason: Try watching it after you have seen up until this point (or read the books) then go back and watch the first episode. Watching all the Stark children together, knowing that they will never meet again, while the Stark theme (easily the best theme in the show) plays, it breaks one's heart.
Hard not to shed a tear listening (and watching) the beginning of the fall for The Starks Q_Q waaaaaaah
I know what you mean. And every time there's foreshadowing, I'm like OMG I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!
On June 18 2014 22:00 SmoKim wrote: All 4 seasons are awesome, but Season 1 is easily my favorite season for one simple reason: Try watching it after you have seen up until this point (or read the books) then go back and watch the first episode. Watching all the Stark children together, knowing that they will never meet again, while the Stark theme (easily the best theme in the show) plays, it breaks one's heart.
Yeah, the poll is lacking in people we might actually want to see again. Who cares about Ser Dontos? Give us Khal Drogo. Who wants Jojen back? Give us Edddard Stark.
I was expecting for more of a fight from the hound. Kinda' underwhelming, for me at least. Also, I was expecting a more interesting finale. Not saying it was bad, but all the other episodes ended on such huge cliffhangers, I thought the finale would blow me away. The only think that really shocked me was Tyrion's disgust for his father. I mean, I figured that he hates him but not THAT much. I always believed that Tywin would NOT let him die. I thought he'd save him one way or the other. Sure, he tried to hook Jamie by saving Tyrion at the trial, yes, but I thought he would do it even if Jamie said no. And even if not, at least he TRIED to get a deal.
Meh. Anyway, I saw Shae going down when he spotted her in the bed. No way that would turn out well.
On June 18 2014 22:00 SmoKim wrote: All 4 seasons are awesome, but Season 1 is easily my favorite season for one simple reason: Try watching it after you have seen up until this point (or read the books) then go back and watch the first episode. Watching all the Stark children together, knowing that they will never meet again, while the Stark theme (easily the best theme in the show) plays, it breaks one's heart.
Hard not to shed a tear listening (and watching) the beginning of the fall for The Starks Q_Q waaaaaaah
I know what you mean. And every time there's foreshadowing, I'm like OMG I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!
Haha yeah, that's one of the big reason why you can easily re-watch and re(read) the series, there are always suttle hints and details that all the sudden are alot more foreboding that the first time where you didn't even notice or think about it
On June 18 2014 05:07 Godwrath wrote: Tywin hands down as the most unexpected death. I didn't see that one coming for sure.
Got myself spoiled on that one like 4 weeks ago. I was so sad and also furious. Didn't know how he'd die but knowing is half the fun
Was it from a Charles Dance interview? That's how I knew Tywin would be killed at some point ... ;-)
yeah I saw that interview during like season 2, and I was like WTF DUDE you spoiled your own character's death. I thought it would be further down the line though. No place is safe man, not even the fking interviews, like does he not have common sense. All I can say is thank you mods for doing a pretty good job here
Wait he said in an interview he dies? Wow lol that's kind of funny.
I didn't see it coming though either, I knew about the tywin/tyrion stand off in episode 10 from an interview, but I forgot about it when it showed up and did not expect tyrion to kill him.
I do feel the finale was a bit rushed and I felt bad for the hound .
losing to brienne is no shame, and that duel was fantastic to say the least, best fight in the show so far. The way he got shafted by arya was really sad tho. I mean after losing your bro, mom, and dad you are allowed to be cold but still
I feel like they are trying to make Brienne the best fighter in the show by far. She's beaten Loras Tyrell, Jaime (albeit a weakened Jaime), and the Hound in duels. Kinda sucks though because I thought the Hound was better than her, and I wanted to see him get a shot at his older brother. Oh well.
Yeah, it's really quite clear. But for some reason or another, people are always making excuses for why she isn't actually the best out there.
Sure, Jaime hadn't been eating a lot lately. But he was also wearing clothes to her full armor, with her full armor not actually coming into play and his lack not either. Never mind that she couldn't do kill strokes because she had to disarm him safely to "win."
As for the Hound, yes, he had an infection, but in all the adrenaline the pain would have hardly mattered. Also note that she beats him twice: once fair and square, then he plays dirty and gets the jump on her, and she drops him anyway. Oberyn might be better, but hardly anybody else in Westeros has a claim, especially given that the three people so often idolized she trounced.
On June 16 2014 21:07 shin_toss wrote: Just finished watching. One if not the best episode since season 1. When Stannis cavalry came in holyshit. Bran storyline kinda cool too and very mysterious. Love the Brienne vs Hound ..lol Brienne of fucking Tarth owned him tho I don't think he's dead. Tyrion scene was the most shocking for me. I totally did not expect that. ( I think people who said Varys and Jamie will help Tyrion are bookreaders -_- ) .
Also can we assume Tywin isn't dead? because he only shot him one in stomach and one in shoulder, His face was not shown that he was dead contrary to standard GoT style. Kinda sad if he is dead tho.
i was caught off guard by varys helping, but jaime is literally the only person in kings landing who would be willing to so i expected that.
other stuff: does melisandre know anything about jon snow's mom? she kinda looked at him funny. Dany's arc is getting really boring and thank god jojen is dead.
I thought she looked at Jon like that cuz he has kings blood...
It's a wild guess, but I would think she might know something about Jon's mother. I don't think Jon is just anyone's son. Always believed it had to be an important missing element of the plot.
Well, Eddard told Robert once Jon's mom was some common girl? Granted he could be lying but how many times has Eddard lied to Robert?
Someone above said that Jon could be Eddard's sister's son. All I remember about her is that Robert loved her (and not Cercei, which made their marriage miserable for both), that she was abducted? I don't get why Mellisandre would be interested in Jon; even if she somehow knows everyone's lineage, the Starks aren't royalty, unless Robert knocked her up?
That's been my girlfriend's theory for a while: Robert knocked up Jon Snow's mom, Lianna(sp?), Ned Stark swore to her to protect the baby, keep it as his own, and lie to everyone (including Robert). It makes sense of Ned's bizarre lapse of honor in having a bastard. It accounts for Jon's black hair (seed is strong and all) and it means that he has as good a claim to the kingship as any of the bastards, or maybe moreso if Robert and Lianna were secretly married.
On June 17 2014 07:42 sc4k wrote:was Shae acting on Tywin's orders for the entirety of him knowing her? Tywin set up his son with a surefire weakness that he would always have control of. She fell in 'love' with him very quickly. She was always so sure she wanted to stay in KL even though it was extremely dangerous. She was extremely vindictive at the trial, beyond what one would imagine a 'scorned' lover to be.
I assume this is the case. They practically told us in the first meeting with her, where Tyrion is going on about the previous experience.
On June 18 2014 05:07 Godwrath wrote: Tywin hands down as the most unexpected death. I didn't see that one coming for sure.
Got myself spoiled on that one like 4 weeks ago. I was so sad and also furious. Didn't know how he'd die but knowing is half the fun
Was it from a Charles Dance interview? That's how I knew Tywin would be killed at some point ... ;-)
yeah I saw that interview during like season 2, and I was like WTF DUDE you spoiled your own character's death. I thought it would be further down the line though. No place is safe man, not even the fking interviews, like does he not have common sense. All I can say is thank you mods for doing a pretty good job here
Wait he said in an interview he dies? Wow lol that's kind of funny.
I didn't see it coming though either, I knew about the tywin/tyrion stand off in episode 10 from an interview, but I forgot about it when it showed up and did not expect tyrion to kill him.
I do feel the finale was a bit rushed and I felt bad for the hound .
losing to brienne is no shame, and that duel was fantastic to say the least, best fight in the show so far. The way he got shafted by arya was really sad tho. I mean after losing your bro, mom, and dad you are allowed to be cold but still
I feel like they are trying to make Brienne the best fighter in the show by far. She's beaten Loras Tyrell, Jaime (albeit a weakened Jaime), and the Hound in duels. Kinda sucks though because I thought the Hound was better than her, and I wanted to see him get a shot at his older brother. Oh well.
Yeah, it's really quite clear. But for some reason or another, people are always making excuses for why she isn't actually the best out there.
Sure, Jaime hadn't been eating a lot lately. But he was also wearing clothes to her full armor, with her full armor not actually coming into play and his lack not either. Never mind that she couldn't do kill strokes because she had to disarm him safely to "win."
As for the Hound, yes, he had an infection, but in all the adrenaline the pain would have hardly mattered. Also note that she beats him twice: once fair and square, then he plays dirty and gets the jump on her, and she drops him anyway. Oberyn might be better, but hardly anybody else in Westeros has a claim, especially given that the three people so often idolized she trounced.
On June 16 2014 21:07 shin_toss wrote: Just finished watching. One if not the best episode since season 1. When Stannis cavalry came in holyshit. Bran storyline kinda cool too and very mysterious. Love the Brienne vs Hound ..lol Brienne of fucking Tarth owned him tho I don't think he's dead. Tyrion scene was the most shocking for me. I totally did not expect that. ( I think people who said Varys and Jamie will help Tyrion are bookreaders -_- ) .
Also can we assume Tywin isn't dead? because he only shot him one in stomach and one in shoulder, His face was not shown that he was dead contrary to standard GoT style. Kinda sad if he is dead tho.
i was caught off guard by varys helping, but jaime is literally the only person in kings landing who would be willing to so i expected that.
other stuff: does melisandre know anything about jon snow's mom? she kinda looked at him funny. Dany's arc is getting really boring and thank god jojen is dead.
I thought she looked at Jon like that cuz he has kings blood...
It's a wild guess, but I would think she might know something about Jon's mother. I don't think Jon is just anyone's son. Always believed it had to be an important missing element of the plot.
Well, Eddard told Robert once Jon's mom was some common girl? Granted he could be lying but how many times has Eddard lied to Robert?
Someone above said that Jon could be Eddard's sister's son. All I remember about her is that Robert loved her (and not Cercei, which made their marriage miserable for both), that she was abducted? I don't get why Mellisandre would be interested in Jon; even if she somehow knows everyone's lineage, the Starks aren't royalty, unless Robert knocked her up?
That's been my girlfriend's theory for a while: Robert knocked up Jon Snow's mom, Lianna(sp?), Ned Stark swore to her to protect the baby, keep it as his own, and lie to everyone (including Robert). It makes sense of Ned's bizarre lapse of honor in having a bastard. It accounts for Jon's black hair (seed is strong and all) and it means that he has as good a claim to the kingship as any of the bastards, or maybe moreso if Robert and Lianna were secretly married.
On June 17 2014 07:42 sc4k wrote:was Shae acting on Tywin's orders for the entirety of him knowing her? Tywin set up his son with a surefire weakness that he would always have control of. She fell in 'love' with him very quickly. She was always so sure she wanted to stay in KL even though it was extremely dangerous. She was extremely vindictive at the trial, beyond what one would imagine a 'scorned' lover to be.
I assume this is the case. They practically told us in the first meeting with her, where Tyrion is going on about the previous experience.
i agree that ned's sister is almost definitely his mother given that it explains the honor issue with ned. however i firmly believe that robert baratheon cannot be the father because *if* he had a secret relation with ned's sister he would certainly have known that snow was not ned's bastard and more likely would have raised the kid himself. It is more likely that the father was someone not robert and raised by ned in order to protect robert from tremendous grief associated by her pregnancy to someone else. furthermore there was one conversation between ned and robert that had robert making a statement that ned had never told him the name of the girl to father the bastard. if it was robert who impregnated her surely he could put 1 and 1 together that ned was raising his kid?
On June 16 2014 21:07 shin_toss wrote: Just finished watching. One if not the best episode since season 1. When Stannis cavalry came in holyshit. Bran storyline kinda cool too and very mysterious. Love the Brienne vs Hound ..lol Brienne of fucking Tarth owned him tho I don't think he's dead. Tyrion scene was the most shocking for me. I totally did not expect that. ( I think people who said Varys and Jamie will help Tyrion are bookreaders -_- ) .
Also can we assume Tywin isn't dead? because he only shot him one in stomach and one in shoulder, His face was not shown that he was dead contrary to standard GoT style. Kinda sad if he is dead tho.
i was caught off guard by varys helping, but jaime is literally the only person in kings landing who would be willing to so i expected that.
other stuff: does melisandre know anything about jon snow's mom? she kinda looked at him funny. Dany's arc is getting really boring and thank god jojen is dead.
I thought she looked at Jon like that cuz he has kings blood...
It's a wild guess, but I would think she might know something about Jon's mother. I don't think Jon is just anyone's son. Always believed it had to be an important missing element of the plot.
Well, Eddard told Robert once Jon's mom was some common girl? Granted he could be lying but how many times has Eddard lied to Robert?
Someone above said that Jon could be Eddard's sister's son. All I remember about her is that Robert loved her (and not Cercei, which made their marriage miserable for both), that she was abducted? I don't get why Mellisandre would be interested in Jon; even if she somehow knows everyone's lineage, the Starks aren't royalty, unless Robert knocked her up?
That's been my girlfriend's theory for a while: Robert knocked up Jon Snow's mom, Lianna(sp?), Ned Stark swore to her to protect the baby, keep it as his own, and lie to everyone (including Robert). It makes sense of Ned's bizarre lapse of honor in having a bastard. It accounts for Jon's black hair (seed is strong and all) and it means that he has as good a claim to the kingship as any of the bastards, or maybe moreso if Robert and Lianna were secretly married.
Nah.. That is nonsense, simply because there is no reason for that to be secret. Also, Jon is the kid that looks more like a Stark.