On June 18 2014 05:07 Godwrath wrote: Tywin hands down as the most unexpected death. I didn't see that one coming for sure.
Got myself spoiled on that one like 4 weeks ago. I was so sad and also furious. Didn't know how he'd die but knowing is half the fun
Was it from a Charles Dance interview? That's how I knew Tywin would be killed at some point ... ;-)
yeah I saw that interview during like season 2, and I was like WTF DUDE you spoiled your own character's death. I thought it would be further down the line though. No place is safe man, not even the fking interviews, like does he not have common sense. All I can say is thank you mods for doing a pretty good job here
Wait he said in an interview he dies? Wow lol that's kind of funny.
I didn't see it coming though either, I knew about the tywin/tyrion stand off in episode 10 from an interview, but I forgot about it when it showed up and did not expect tyrion to kill him.
I do feel the finale was a bit rushed and I felt bad for the hound .
losing to brienne is no shame, and that duel was fantastic to say the least, best fight in the show so far. The way he got shafted by arya was really sad tho. I mean after losing your bro, mom, and dad you are allowed to be cold but still
I feel like they are trying to make Brienne the best fighter in the show by far. She's beaten Loras Tyrell, Jaime (albeit a weakened Jaime), and the Hound in duels. Kinda sucks though because I thought the Hound was better than her, and I wanted to see him get a shot at his older brother. Oh well.
On June 18 2014 05:07 Godwrath wrote: Tywin hands down as the most unexpected death. I didn't see that one coming for sure.
Got myself spoiled on that one like 4 weeks ago. I was so sad and also furious. Didn't know how he'd die but knowing is half the fun
Was it from a Charles Dance interview? That's how I knew Tywin would be killed at some point ... ;-)
yeah I saw that interview during like season 2, and I was like WTF DUDE you spoiled your own character's death. I thought it would be further down the line though. No place is safe man, not even the fking interviews, like does he not have common sense. All I can say is thank you mods for doing a pretty good job here
Wait he said in an interview he dies? Wow lol that's kind of funny.
I didn't see it coming though either, I knew about the tywin/tyrion stand off in episode 10 from an interview, but I forgot about it when it showed up and did not expect tyrion to kill him.
I do feel the finale was a bit rushed and I felt bad for the hound .
losing to brienne is no shame, and that duel was fantastic to say the least, best fight in the show so far. The way he got shafted by arya was really sad tho. I mean after losing your bro, mom, and dad you are allowed to be cold but still
I feel like they are trying to make Brienne the best fighter in the show by far. She's beaten Loras Tyrell, Jaime (albeit a weakened Jaime), and the Hound in duels. Kinda sucks though because I thought the Hound was better than her, and I wanted to see him get a shot at his older brother. Oh well.
The Hound was weakened too. He had that nasty infected neck bite slowing him down.
I think Brienne's strength comes from being underestimated. Everyone presumes they will take her ez pz. come to find out not only is she as strong or stronger than any man they have faced she is also equally skilled. Usually they just don't figure it out until she has secured an advantage.
It hasn't hurt that she has been fighting people outside prime condition too though.
i also got a feeling that brienne was like fighting extra hard for catalyn cause she promised to get arya and sansa and again she failed to protect her like target, renly and then catalyn
On June 18 2014 13:47 GreenHorizons wrote: I think Brienne's strength comes from being underestimated. Everyone presumes they will take her ez pz. come to find out not only is she as strong or stronger than any man they have faced she is also equally skilled. Usually they just don't figure it out until she has secured an advantage.
It hasn't hurt that she has been fighting people outside prime condition too though.
she also clearly has a higher beast mode of battle, when she starts screaming and smashing the hounds face in she's on a higher level of rage filled combat. Just like when loras knocks down her sword and she tackles him in response. Shes like a she-hulk, the harder you try to hurt her the angrier and more powerful she gets. Honestly if Jaimie hadnt jumped into the bear pit or whatever, once the bear swipped at her with its bear paw once I can totally see brian get mad and then destroy it too. All Hail Brian, the She Hulk of Tarth.
On June 18 2014 04:27 SkelA wrote: The hound and Briene meeting wasnt nonsense. Both groups were going to the same place at Littlefinger's new castle.
Maybe, but Brienne wasnt on the road, she was looking for her lost horses. Had podrick not fucked up, they would have never run into each other. Also, who looks for their run away horse uphill, horses arent idiots, why would they run uphill? The show does too many of these heightened coincidences, just like how jon almost ran into bran.
Just like how Arya didnt want to go with Brienne but she DID want to go North when she was trying to hire a boat. And boy, what a coincidence that its a Braavos boat, well, good luck for her!
On June 18 2014 16:11 Faust852 wrote: ^you can't talk about the book here
I don't think I am talking here about the book, just giving a link to anyone interested. That is their decision whether they want to go there and read it.
Wow, I'm shocked s1 is winning that poll. Sure it was good but s4, even though it didn't meet my expectations was absurdly crammed with eventful episodes and imo the majority of the good scenes for this series so far.
I'm split between season 2 and 4. Season 2 had the highest amount of Tyrion and intrigue in King's Landing and the Game came into full motion. Season 4 was the most eventful, combat-heavy and badass and had a lot of meaningful deaths.
well im just glad tyrion got his revenge. it was pretty funny tho, a midget with a big ass crossbow going on a rampage in the castle at night. is this wolfenstein or what? anywayz, i got a feeling varys is gonna deliver him straight into cersei's hands. i hope im wrong, he's like the only character keeping the show alive. everyone else is dead. also the goddamn dragons have been chained what the hell
All 4 seasons are awesome, but Season 1 is easily my favorite season for one simple reason: Try watching it after you have seen up until this point (or read the books) then go back and watch the first episode. Watching all the Stark children together, knowing that they will never meet again, while the Stark theme (easily the best theme in the show) plays, it breaks one's heart.
Hard not to shed a tear listening (and watching) the beginning of the fall for The Starks Q_Q waaaaaaah