On June 17 2014 00:58 Mataza wrote: I hope someone makes youtube clips of the fireball throwing with mario sound effects. Plop, plop. Booom.
On June 17 2014 00:56 Sandster wrote:
On June 17 2014 00:13 Biff The Understudy wrote:
On June 16 2014 23:00 Gosi wrote:
On June 16 2014 22:56 Frolossus wrote:
On June 16 2014 21:07 shin_toss wrote: Just finished watching. One if not the best episode since season 1. When Stannis cavalry came in holyshit. Bran storyline kinda cool too and very mysterious. Love the Brienne vs Hound ..lol Brienne of fucking Tarth owned him tho I don't think he's dead. Tyrion scene was the most shocking for me. I totally did not expect that. ( I think people who said Varys and Jamie will help Tyrion are bookreaders -_- ) .
Also can we assume Tywin isn't dead? because he only shot him one in stomach and one in shoulder, His face was not shown that he was dead contrary to standard GoT style. Kinda sad if he is dead tho.
i was caught off guard by varys helping, but jaime is literally the only person in kings landing who would be willing to so i expected that.
other stuff: does melisandre know anything about jon snow's mom? she kinda looked at him funny. Dany's arc is getting really boring and thank god jojen is dead.
I thought she looked at Jon like that cuz he has kings blood...
It's a wild guess, but I would think she might know something about Jon's mother. I don't think Jon is just anyone's son. Always believed it had to be an important missing element of the plot.
Well, Eddard told Robert once Jon's mom was some common girl? Granted he could be lying but how many times has Eddard lied to Robert?
Someone above said that Jon could be Eddard's sister's son. All I remember about her is that Robert loved her (and not Cercei, which made their marriage miserable for both), that she was abducted? I don't get why Mellisandre would be interested in Jon; even if she somehow knows everyone's lineage, the Starks aren't royalty, unless Robert knocked her up?
How would Robert have knocked up Lyanna? She was kidnapped by the Targaryens, and dead before Robert saw her again.
And conveniently waited until after Jojen was stabbed before shooting off the fireballs lol.
I don't know the exact plot of Lyanna's abduction. Were she and Robert ever together? It's possible (didn't say plausible) that Robert knocked up her before she was abducted. If the show provided more information on their relationship, her kidnapping, and her death, I don't remember it.
Still a long shot, and way more convoluted than Ned banging some girl while away from home for so long. Ned's the type of guy to care for even his bastard children.
could be targaryen rape?
how exactly do bastards work in GoT universe. like how did ramsay get promoted to non-bastard status when no one else does? is it just an assumption that most lords don't have bastards? i feel like the ability to do that makes people like tywin who spend all their time worrying about heirs pointless
On June 17 2014 00:46 Hier wrote: So where'd Arya get the horse from?
wasn't it brienne's horse? i thought they went missing and the hound/arya just took them
On June 17 2014 00:58 Mataza wrote: I hope someone makes youtube clips of the fireball throwing with mario sound effects. Plop, plop. Booom.
On June 17 2014 00:56 Sandster wrote:
On June 17 2014 00:13 Biff The Understudy wrote:
On June 16 2014 23:00 Gosi wrote:
On June 16 2014 22:56 Frolossus wrote:
On June 16 2014 21:07 shin_toss wrote: Just finished watching. One if not the best episode since season 1. When Stannis cavalry came in holyshit. Bran storyline kinda cool too and very mysterious. Love the Brienne vs Hound ..lol Brienne of fucking Tarth owned him tho I don't think he's dead. Tyrion scene was the most shocking for me. I totally did not expect that. ( I think people who said Varys and Jamie will help Tyrion are bookreaders -_- ) .
Also can we assume Tywin isn't dead? because he only shot him one in stomach and one in shoulder, His face was not shown that he was dead contrary to standard GoT style. Kinda sad if he is dead tho.
i was caught off guard by varys helping, but jaime is literally the only person in kings landing who would be willing to so i expected that.
other stuff: does melisandre know anything about jon snow's mom? she kinda looked at him funny. Dany's arc is getting really boring and thank god jojen is dead.
I thought she looked at Jon like that cuz he has kings blood...
It's a wild guess, but I would think she might know something about Jon's mother. I don't think Jon is just anyone's son. Always believed it had to be an important missing element of the plot.
Well, Eddard told Robert once Jon's mom was some common girl? Granted he could be lying but how many times has Eddard lied to Robert?
Someone above said that Jon could be Eddard's sister's son. All I remember about her is that Robert loved her (and not Cercei, which made their marriage miserable for both), that she was abducted? I don't get why Mellisandre would be interested in Jon; even if she somehow knows everyone's lineage, the Starks aren't royalty, unless Robert knocked her up?
How would Robert have knocked up Lyanna? She was kidnapped by the Targaryens, and dead before Robert saw her again.
And conveniently waited until after Jojen was stabbed before shooting off the fireballs lol.
I don't know the exact plot of Lyanna's abduction. Were she and Robert ever together? It's possible (didn't say plausible) that Robert knocked up her before she was abducted. If the show provided more information on their relationship, her kidnapping, and her death, I don't remember it.
Still a long shot, and way more convoluted than Ned banging some girl while away from home for so long. Ned's the type of guy to care for even his bastard children.
could be targaryen rape?
how exactly do bastards work in GoT universe. like how did ramsay get promoted to non-bastard status when no one else does? is it just an assumption that most lords don't have bastards? i feel like the ability to do that makes people like tywin who spend all their time worrying about heirs pointless
On June 17 2014 00:15 c0ldfusion wrote: I'm just sad that we're done for another 10 months or so.
I have tons of empathy for show viewers. Just casually looking at the first yahoo article and there's already spoilers for next season. I'm the only book reader in the household and have yet to spoil anything for four seasons, but some people can't stop themselves from doing (either from stupidity or douchebaggery).
Royal Decree is the only way an heir can be made legitimate. I would assume Ramsey was made heir with lannister control of the crown. Given bolton is their henchman
There were a lot of things that didn't make sense to me in this episode.
How did Tyrion know there was a secret passage to Tywin's chambers? How did he find it from where he was?
Why is he sorry he killed Shae? She was trying to kill him with the dagger, she betrayed him at the trial, and she was sleeping with his dad. Why does he care if Tywin calls her a whore considering all those facts? Sentencing Tyrion to death for a crime he didn't commit is reason for Tyrion to kill Tywin. Calling a whore a whore doesn't seem like such a big deal in context, especially considering Tyrion has called her a whore himself several times in the last few episodes.
Mance has offered 100% peace terms to Jon in exchange for being let thru the gates, and has sent a large force of over a thousand over the wall as they speak. Why doesn't Jon accept their terms? Even if he doesn't believe them, based on the force Mance said he sent over the wall, if the wildlings wanted to kill the Nights Watch they would regardless. They only have like 50 people left! Did Stannis take care of these wildlings too? They never said what happened to them.
Why does Tywin give in to Cersei's threat to expose the truth of her relationship with Jaime? All Tywin had to say was “Oh, go ahead—reveal it all, just don’t expect me or my Lannister army to be here any longer if you do, and don’t be surprised at what the Tyrells and Martells will make of your incestuous bastards.”
Cersei would lose her father's backing, her kids would probably be killed, she would no longer be Queen Regent and she would have virtually nothing left. Then when she goes to seduce Jaime, why doesn't she care if someone walks in? Just because Cersei told her father doesn't mean they can suddenly be a couple in public. If someone walks in, then her threat to Tywin to reveal her relationship with Jaime to the realm if Tywin forces her to marry would be moot, because whoever walked in would reveal it. And why is she all the sudden in love with Jaime again, after their last encounter came across like a rape?
Carrying over from the last time we saw Arya, the Hound announced to all the guards at the Eyrie who he was and who he had with him and they just let him go? He was a wanted man with a huge bounty on his head, and Arya is a noble captive. Lysa is dead, but Robyn is still Arya's cousin. Nobody even considers holding them until they tell Littlefinger who they have?
What is Brienne's plan for "saving" Arya if she did come with her? The Hound asked her, and Brienne was willing to fight him for Arya, but she didn't ever say what she would do with her if Arya did come with her. If Brienne doesn't have any where safe to take her and Arya seems to want to stay with the Hound then what's the point?
I liked the chaining up of the dragons, Dany showed some actual emotion that seemed to be lacking when she exiled Jorah. I liked Arya and the Hounds farewell, though I don't know how Brienne and Pod wouldn't either go finish the Hound off or at least be searching near his body close enough to hear his yells asking Arya to kill him.
Stannis's cavalry charge was impressive, but the wildling horde was completely underwhelming. I get budget constraints, but that was pretty weak and anti-climatic, and Mance didn't even try to fight.
The Bran story with the fireball throwing children of the forest was also kind of cheesey. I guess we have a 3rd type of undead now, as these skeletons weren't white walkers, and moved much faster than wights. None of the character's seemed to care that much that Jojen just died, but they did so little to develop his character that most viewers probably didn't care either.
On June 17 2014 00:15 c0ldfusion wrote: I'm just sad that we're done for another 10 months or so.
I have tons of empathy for show viewers. Just casually looking at the first yahoo article and there's already spoilers for next season. I'm the only book reader in the household and have yet to spoil anything for four seasons, but some people can't stop themselves from doing (either from stupidity or douchebaggery).
wondering if the audio books are any good cause i don't have the attention span to sit down and read the books at a reasonable pace.
as for the cersei/tywin deal i didn't understand why all that drama took place just to kill off tywin before he could do anything with that knowledge. it felt like wasted screen time to me
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote: Why is he sorry he killed Shae? She was trying to kill him with the dagger, she betrayed him at the trial, and she was sleeping with his dad. Why does he care if Tywin calls her a whore considering all those facts? Sentencing Tyrion to death for a crime he didn't commit is reason for Tyrion to kill Tywin. Calling a whore a whore doesn't seem like such a big deal in context, especially considering Tyrion has called her a whore himself several times in the last few episodes.
Anyone who has had a long term relationship come to an abrupt end can explain this one to you man.
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote: There were a lot of things that didn't make sense to me in this episode.
How did Tyrion know there was a secret passage to Tywin's chambers? How did he find it from where he was?
Why is he sorry he killed Shae? She was trying to kill him with the dagger, she betrayed him at the trial, and she was sleeping with his dad. Why does he care if Tywin calls her a whore considering all those facts? Sentencing Tyrion to death for a crime he didn't commit is reason for Tyrion to kill Tywin. Calling a whore a whore doesn't seem like such a big deal in context, especially considering Tyrion has called her a whore himself several times in the last few episodes.
Tyrion used to live in the hand's chamber, he obviously knew how to get in it.
He's sorry he killed Shae because he loved her, the fact that she betrayed him or tried to kill him doesn't magically make those feelings go away. As for the whore comments, he probably hates the fact that his father only sees that in her.
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote:
Mance has offered 100% peace terms to Jon in exchange for being let thru the gates, and has sent a large force of over a thousand over the wall as they speak. Why doesn't Jon accept their terms? Even if he doesn't believe them, based on the force Mance said he sent over the wall, if the wildlings wanted to kill the Nights Watch they would regardless. They only have like 50 people left! Did Stannis take care of these wildlings too? They never said what happened to them.
Why does Tywin give in to Cersei's threat to expose the truth of her relationship with Jaime? All Tywin had to say was “Oh, go ahead—reveal it all, just don’t expect me or my Lannister army to be here any longer if you do, and don’t be surprised at what the Tyrells and Martells will make of your incestuous bastards.”
Snow didn't accept because he's an idiot.
Tywin cares only about his family's honor, having his daughter confess that she had bastard children with her brother and that his grand son has no place on the throne would destroy that. Cersei confession would destroy them all, but she would rather see that happen than let her father get his way. That's why she talks about the time she almost poisoned Tomen, her love is completely distorted and selfish, like her father is but in a different way.
I do agree about the Hound and Arya not getting into the Eyrie being weird.
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote: There were a lot of things that didn't make sense to me in this episode.
How did Tyrion know there was a secret passage to Tywin's chambers? How did he find it from where he was?
Why is he sorry he killed Shae? She was trying to kill him with the dagger, she betrayed him at the trial, and she was sleeping with his dad. Why does he care if Tywin calls her a whore considering all those facts? Sentencing Tyrion to death for a crime he didn't commit is reason for Tyrion to kill Tywin. Calling a whore a whore doesn't seem like such a big deal in context, especially considering Tyrion has called her a whore himself several times in the last few episodes.
Mance has offered 100% peace terms to Jon in exchange for being let thru the gates, and has sent a large force of over a thousand over the wall as they speak. Why doesn't Jon accept their terms? Even if he doesn't believe them, based on the force Mance said he sent over the wall, if the wildlings wanted to kill the Nights Watch they would regardless. They only have like 50 people left! Did Stannis take care of these wildlings too? They never said what happened to them.
Why does Tywin give in to Cersei's threat to expose the truth of her relationship with Jaime? All Tywin had to say was “Oh, go ahead—reveal it all, just don’t expect me or my Lannister army to be here any longer if you do, and don’t be surprised at what the Tyrells and Martells will make of your incestuous bastards.”
Cersei would lose her father's backing, her kids would probably be killed, she would no longer be Queen Regent and she would have virtually nothing left. Then when she goes to seduce Jaime, why doesn't she care if someone walks in? Just because Cersei told her father doesn't mean they can suddenly be a couple in public. If someone walks in, then her threat to Tywin to reveal her relationship with Jaime to the realm if Tywin forces her to marry would be moot, because whoever walked in would reveal it. And why is she all the sudden in love with Jaime again, after their last encounter came across like a rape?
Carrying over from the last time we saw Arya, the Hound announced to all the guards at the Eyrie who he was and who he had with him and they just let him go? He was a wanted man with a huge bounty on his head, and Arya is a noble captive. Lysa is dead, but Robyn is still Arya's cousin. Nobody even considers holding them until they tell Littlefinger who they have?
What is Brienne's plan for "saving" Arya if she did come with her? The Hound asked her, and Brienne was willing to fight him for Arya, but she didn't ever say what she would do with her if Arya did come with her. If Brienne doesn't have any where safe to take her and Arya seems to want to stay with the Hound then what's the point?
I liked the chaining up of the dragons, Dany showed some actual emotion that seemed to be lacking when she exiled Jorah. I liked Arya and the Hounds farewell, though I don't know how Brienne and Pod wouldn't either go finish the Hound off or at least be searching near his body close enough to hear his yells asking Arya to kill him.
Stannis's cavalry charge was impressive, but the wildling horde was completely underwhelming. I get budget constraints, but that was pretty weak and anti-climatic, and Mance didn't even try to fight.
The Bran story with the fireball throwing children of the forest was also kind of cheesey. I guess we have a 3rd type of undead now, as these skeletons weren't white walkers, and moved much faster than wights. None of the character's seemed to care that much that Jojen just died, but they did so little to develop his character that most viewers probably didn't care either.
Most of what you asked can be answered with 'Love/hate/oaths makes you do crazy shit'
The secret passage is easy. It leads to the room of the 'Hand of the King' which he formally was. He was sneaking Shae to and from at one point and he is pretty close to the floor, giving him tons of opportunity to discover it if he wasn't told about it as the Hand.
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote: Cersei would lose her father's backing, her kids would probably be killed, she would no longer be Queen Regent and she would have virtually nothing left. Then when she goes to seduce Jaime, why doesn't she care if someone walks in? Just because Cersei told her father doesn't mean they can suddenly be a couple in public. If someone walks in, then her threat to Tywin to reveal her relationship with Jaime to the realm if Tywin forces her to marry would be moot, because whoever walked in would reveal it. And why is she all the sudden in love with Jaime again, after their last encounter came across like a rape?
Cersei has been using Jaime's lust for her all season to try turning him away from Tyrion. She's using her most deadly weapon to kill Tyrion.
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote: There were a lot of things that didn't make sense to me in this episode.
How did Tyrion know there was a secret passage to Tywin's chambers? How did he find it from where he was?
Why is he sorry he killed Shae? She was trying to kill him with the dagger, she betrayed him at the trial, and she was sleeping with his dad. Why does he care if Tywin calls her a whore considering all those facts? Sentencing Tyrion to death for a crime he didn't commit is reason for Tyrion to kill Tywin. Calling a whore a whore doesn't seem like such a big deal in context, especially considering Tyrion has called her a whore himself several times in the last few episodes.
Mance has offered 100% peace terms to Jon in exchange for being let thru the gates, and has sent a large force of over a thousand over the wall as they speak. Why doesn't Jon accept their terms? Even if he doesn't believe them, based on the force Mance said he sent over the wall, if the wildlings wanted to kill the Nights Watch they would regardless. They only have like 50 people left! Did Stannis take care of these wildlings too? They never said what happened to them.
Why does Tywin give in to Cersei's threat to expose the truth of her relationship with Jaime? All Tywin had to say was “Oh, go ahead—reveal it all, just don’t expect me or my Lannister army to be here any longer if you do, and don’t be surprised at what the Tyrells and Martells will make of your incestuous bastards.”
Cersei would lose her father's backing, her kids would probably be killed, she would no longer be Queen Regent and she would have virtually nothing left. Then when she goes to seduce Jaime, why doesn't she care if someone walks in? Just because Cersei told her father doesn't mean they can suddenly be a couple in public. If someone walks in, then her threat to Tywin to reveal her relationship with Jaime to the realm if Tywin forces her to marry would be moot, because whoever walked in would reveal it. And why is she all the sudden in love with Jaime again, after their last encounter came across like a rape?
Carrying over from the last time we saw Arya, the Hound announced to all the guards at the Eyrie who he was and who he had with him and they just let him go? He was a wanted man with a huge bounty on his head, and Arya is a noble captive. Lysa is dead, but Robyn is still Arya's cousin. Nobody even considers holding them until they tell Littlefinger who they have?
What is Brienne's plan for "saving" Arya if she did come with her? The Hound asked her, and Brienne was willing to fight him for Arya, but she didn't ever say what she would do with her if Arya did come with her. If Brienne doesn't have any where safe to take her and Arya seems to want to stay with the Hound then what's the point?
I liked the chaining up of the dragons, Dany showed some actual emotion that seemed to be lacking when she exiled Jorah. I liked Arya and the Hounds farewell, though I don't know how Brienne and Pod wouldn't either go finish the Hound off or at least be searching near his body close enough to hear his yells asking Arya to kill him.
Stannis's cavalry charge was impressive, but the wildling horde was completely underwhelming. I get budget constraints, but that was pretty weak and anti-climatic, and Mance didn't even try to fight.
The Bran story with the fireball throwing children of the forest was also kind of cheesey. I guess we have a 3rd type of undead now, as these skeletons weren't white walkers, and moved much faster than wights. None of the character's seemed to care that much that Jojen just died, but they did so little to develop his character that most viewers probably didn't care either.
Most of what you asked can be answered with 'Love/hate/oaths makes you do crazy shit'
The secret passage is easy. It leads to the room of the 'Hand of the King' which he formally was. He was sneaking Shae to and from at one point and he is pretty close to the floor, giving him tons of opportunity to discover it if he wasn't told about it as the Hand.
When did Shae or anyone else ever use that secret passage before? Tywin lives in the room too, why doesn't he know about it? Tywin has been hand of the King before, considering he did it for Aerys too, so Tyrion knowing about it and Tywin not knowing about it makes little sense just based on them both living there.
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote: Cersei would lose her father's backing, her kids would probably be killed, she would no longer be Queen Regent and she would have virtually nothing left. Then when she goes to seduce Jaime, why doesn't she care if someone walks in? Just because Cersei told her father doesn't mean they can suddenly be a couple in public. If someone walks in, then her threat to Tywin to reveal her relationship with Jaime to the realm if Tywin forces her to marry would be moot, because whoever walked in would reveal it. And why is she all the sudden in love with Jaime again, after their last encounter came across like a rape?
Cersei has been using Jaime's lust for her all season to try turning him away from Tyrion. She's using her most deadly weapon to kill Tyrion.
Tyrion is already dead sentenced to death, what does she need Jaime for? They don't even discuss Tyrion.
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote: Why is he sorry he killed Shae? She was trying to kill him with the dagger, she betrayed him at the trial, and she was sleeping with his dad. Why does he care if Tywin calls her a whore considering all those facts? Sentencing Tyrion to death for a crime he didn't commit is reason for Tyrion to kill Tywin. Calling a whore a whore doesn't seem like such a big deal in context, especially considering Tyrion has called her a whore himself several times in the last few episodes.
Anyone who has had a long term relationship come to an abrupt end can explain this one to you man.
I don't think anyone here has had someone literally try to kill you, sleep with your dad, and frame you for murder and still would be in love with them. Love will make you do crazy things, but there is a point when the other person is literally trying to kill you where you figure out they never loved you, and you were in love with a lie.
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote: Why is he sorry he killed Shae? She was trying to kill him with the dagger, she betrayed him at the trial, and she was sleeping with his dad. Why does he care if Tywin calls her a whore considering all those facts? Sentencing Tyrion to death for a crime he didn't commit is reason for Tyrion to kill Tywin. Calling a whore a whore doesn't seem like such a big deal in context, especially considering Tyrion has called her a whore himself several times in the last few episodes.
Anyone who has had a long term relationship come to an abrupt end can explain this one to you man.
yep, the duality of love/betrayal is a wacky one. Yes Tyrion was betrayed, but that doesn't mean that you stop loving someone when that's revealed to you, it makes it sting all the more.
Also, yet another character falls to his own devices... I'm sensing a pattern here.
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote: There were a lot of things that didn't make sense to me in this episode.
How did Tyrion know there was a secret passage to Tywin's chambers? How did he find it from where he was?
looked like Tyrion exited into the small council room and then went to Tywin's chambers
Why is he sorry he killed Shae? She was trying to kill him with the dagger, she betrayed him at the trial, and she was sleeping with his dad. Why does he care if Tywin calls her a whore considering all those facts? Sentencing Tyrion to death for a crime he didn't commit is reason for Tyrion to kill Tywin. Calling a whore a whore doesn't seem like such a big deal in context, especially considering Tyrion has called her a whore himself several times in the last few episodes.
Tyrion loved Shae as a wife
Mance has offered 100% peace terms to Jon in exchange for being let thru the gates, and has sent a large force of over a thousand over the wall as they speak. Why doesn't Jon accept their terms? Even if he doesn't believe them, based on the force Mance said he sent over the wall, if the wildlings wanted to kill the Nights Watch they would regardless. They only have like 50 people left! Did Stannis take care of these wildlings too? They never said what happened to them.
Black Watch vows?
Why does Tywin give in to Cersei's threat to expose the truth of her relationship with Jaime? All Tywin had to say was “Oh, go ahead—reveal it all, just don’t expect me or my Lannister army to be here any longer if you do, and don’t be surprised at what the Tyrells and Martells will make of your incestuous bastards.”
Cersei would lose her father's backing, her kids would probably be killed, she would no longer be Queen Regent and she would have virtually nothing left. Then when she goes to seduce Jaime, why doesn't she care if someone walks in? Just because Cersei told her father doesn't mean they can suddenly be a couple in public. If someone walks in, then her threat to Tywin to reveal her relationship with Jaime to the realm if Tywin forces her to marry would be moot, because whoever walked in would reveal it. And why is she all the sudden in love with Jaime again, after their last encounter came across like a rape?
Cercei is crazy
Carrying over from the last time we saw Arya, the Hound announced to all the guards at the Eyrie who he was and who he had with him and they just let him go? He was a wanted man with a huge bounty on his head, and Arya is a noble captive. Lysa is dead, but Robyn is still Arya's cousin. Nobody even considers holding them until they tell Littlefinger who they have?
no idea
What is Brienne's plan for "saving" Arya if she did come with her? The Hound asked her, and Brienne was willing to fight him for Arya, but she didn't ever say what she would do with her if Arya did come with her. If Brienne doesn't have any where safe to take her and Arya seems to want to stay with the Hound then what's the point?
uphold vow with Katelyn Stark
I liked the chaining up of the dragons, Dany showed some actual emotion that seemed to be lacking when she exiled Jorah. I liked Arya and the Hounds farewell, though I don't know how Brienne and Pod wouldn't either go finish the Hound off or at least be searching near his body close enough to hear his yells asking Arya to kill him.
Stannis's cavalry charge was impressive, but the wildling horde was completely underwhelming. I get budget constraints, but that was pretty weak and anti-climatic, and Mance didn't even try to fight.
The Bran story with the fireball throwing children of the forest was also kind of cheesey. I guess we have a 3rd type of undead now, as these skeletons weren't white walkers, and moved much faster than wights. None of the character's seemed to care that much that Jojen just died, but they did so little to develop his character that most viewers probably didn't care either.
I can sort of see why Shae turned that hard now - she was really in love with Tyrion, he was really in love with her. He tried to push her away to get her to safety, she refused, so he hurt her hard emotionally which crushed her enough to hate him and wish him dead. At least that's what I think was intended to show the viewers, even though it wasn't really reflected by the show.
For the mountain zombie revival - the mountain already once fought for the queen and risked his life, so she already owned him once. He might have been plan B to have the strongest sword for hire in her back pocket or for marrying purposes.
Also if someone could photoshop Bran's head onto a Cupid body with wings and bow/arrow and write "You will fly again" below that I would be very very happy.
Tywin didn't seem surprised that Tyrion got to him undetected.
I don't think anyone here has had someone literally try to kill you, sleep with your dad, and frame you for murder and still would be in love with them. Love will make you do crazy things, but there is a point when the other person is literally trying to kill you where you figure out they never loved you, and you were in love with a lie.
No not personally, but I certainly have heard comparably twisted tales. One couple who had all of that ended up getting married. Given he never went to trial and got convicted but she certainly tried to kill him (more than once) and slept with several family and acquaintances and blackmailed him more than once.
On June 17 2014 02:22 karazax wrote: I don't think anyone here has had someone literally try to kill you, sleep with your dad, and frame you for murder and still would be in love with them. Love will make you do crazy things, but there is a point when the other person is literally trying to kill you where you figure out they never loved you, and you were in love with a lie.
I don't think that's how love works. And also, quite frankly, even if I didn't love someone I would certainly be sorry to kill them.
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote: Cersei would lose her father's backing, her kids would probably be killed, she would no longer be Queen Regent and she would have virtually nothing left. Then when she goes to seduce Jaime, why doesn't she care if someone walks in? Just because Cersei told her father doesn't mean they can suddenly be a couple in public. If someone walks in, then her threat to Tywin to reveal her relationship with Jaime to the realm if Tywin forces her to marry would be moot, because whoever walked in would reveal it. And why is she all the sudden in love with Jaime again, after their last encounter came across like a rape?
Cersei has been using Jaime's lust for her all season to try turning him away from Tyrion. She's using her most deadly weapon to kill Tyrion.
Tyrion is already dead sentenced to death, what does she need Jaime for? They don't even discuss Tyrion.
She wants to make sure that Jaime doesn't free Tyrion, I'd say.
On June 17 2014 01:50 karazax wrote: There were a lot of things that didn't make sense to me in this episode.
How did Tyrion know there was a secret passage to Tywin's chambers? How did he find it from where he was?
Why is he sorry he killed Shae? She was trying to kill him with the dagger, she betrayed him at the trial, and she was sleeping with his dad. Why does he care if Tywin calls her a whore considering all those facts? Sentencing Tyrion to death for a crime he didn't commit is reason for Tyrion to kill Tywin. Calling a whore a whore doesn't seem like such a big deal in context, especially considering Tyrion has called her a whore himself several times in the last few episodes.
Tyrion used to live in the hand's chamber, he obviously knew how to get in it.
He's sorry he killed Shae because he loved her, the fact that she betrayed him or tried to kill him doesn't magically make those feelings go away. As for the whore comments, he probably hates the fact that his father only sees that in her.
Mance has offered 100% peace terms to Jon in exchange for being let thru the gates, and has sent a large force of over a thousand over the wall as they speak. Why doesn't Jon accept their terms? Even if he doesn't believe them, based on the force Mance said he sent over the wall, if the wildlings wanted to kill the Nights Watch they would regardless. They only have like 50 people left! Did Stannis take care of these wildlings too? They never said what happened to them.
Why does Tywin give in to Cersei's threat to expose the truth of her relationship with Jaime? All Tywin had to say was “Oh, go ahead—reveal it all, just don’t expect me or my Lannister army to be here any longer if you do, and don’t be surprised at what the Tyrells and Martells will make of your incestuous bastards.”
Snow didn't accept because he's an idiot.
Tywin cares only about his family's honor, having his daughter confess that she had bastard children with her brother and that his grand son has no place on the throne would destroy that. Cersei confession would destroy them all, but she would rather see that happen than let her father get his way. That's why she talks about the time she almost poisoned Tomen, her love is completely distorted and selfish, like her father is but in a different way.
I do agree about the Hound and Arya not getting into the Eyrie being weird.
Snow didn't accept because he saw what Wildlings do when they get over the wall and he had no reason to believe that exact same thing wouldn't happen again.