[TV/BOOK] *SPOILERS* Game of Thrones Discussion - Page 681
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SPOILER WARNING If you only watch the show, this thread will spoil you of future events in HBO's Game of Thrones. Thread contains discussion of all books of the series A Song of Ice and Fire Click Here for the spoiler-free thread. | ||
Australia14949 Posts
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United States13960 Posts
On May 16 2016 11:04 SpiZe wrote: So what do we say to the people that claim that Targaryens are immune to fire now ? "Yeah they're not but D&D forgot ?" Seriously no idea what to make of this. We say the books are the books and the show is the show. Thank god. | ||
United States14892 Posts
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19533 Posts
Davos finally finding his character again, kinda late though. Ahhhh not sure, so much wrong with the writing, but the actors are great and it looks good... I cannot but notice that the show writers go the lazy way most of the time though, it's really disappointing :/ | ||
Canada32737 Posts
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United States13960 Posts
On May 16 2016 11:46 PhoenixVoid wrote: The writing is especially lazy in regards to characters. Everyone devolves into this simplistic, one-dimensional person with little depth. Ramsay is particularly guilty of this, being nothing more than a psychopath who kills everyone he is with and gets away with every stupid little deed he does. Tyrion went from a smart planner who always managed to scrape by with his intellect or luck to a wisecracking dwarf who adds very little other than a quip. Cersei is supposed to be descending into madness, and now she's building alliances, while Jaime's quest of redemption is now him going back to supporting Cersei. Part of it is probably diverging from book canon so some of these complaints aren't valid, but jeez. "Hey I'm Brienne, let me act like an asshole even though we are on the same side" | ||
United States2534 Posts
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Japan1743 Posts
For one, the Dany scene was... interesting. Her acting was down right terrible. The faces she pulled while she was talking to the Khals and her general demeanor all felt so forced. Seriously. Her faces were ridiculous. I couldn't get over it as it happened, broke the scene completely for me. Secondly, the plot point itself lacks credibility. I refuse to believe that a whole group of Khals would panic and run for the exits in a house on fire. Yes, fire is scary, but come on, they're Dothraki. They are supposed to be incredibly badass, and they just flailed about like headless chickens. Anyway... It was essentially a throwback to the season finale of S1, and I can't yet decide if I'm ok with it. It can either be interpreted as a throwback or a mirroring of the situation, or just lazy writing. The second biggest issue I have is that, yes, characters are starting to feel very one-dimensional. For some of them, I'm seeing actual regression or just a sheer lack of consistency. This is especially striking with Cersei and Jaime. I really don't like how they are handling their arc. For one, Jaime has done a complete 360° turn and has basically reverted to his season 1 self. I don't like that at all. And two, Cersei has been portrayed as too much of a decent character, for several seasons now. In the first few seasons, they did an excellent job of showing how despicable she was, but ever since season 4 or so, that has sort of vanished. Now, you could almost root for her and perceive her as "one of the good guys". I want her to be more evil, to be more consistent with who she was and who she is supposed to be. It looks like the incoming plot with the Tyrell army might lead toward this, so I'm hopeful. Anyway. The episodes had a few nice touches. The Jon-Sansa reunion was really touching. It seems so trivial, but when you realise they are the first Starks to be reunited, it really hits you. That being said, again, I have problems with how fast Sansa went from frail girl to apparent badass. But I can forgive that, it's about time she gets some resolve. Overall as I said, decent episode, it all looks fairly promising. | ||
362 Posts
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United States13960 Posts
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Croatia7457 Posts
I would have preferred a dragon in the last scene instead of just fire. | ||
United States1519 Posts
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United States13960 Posts
On May 16 2016 15:57 fishjie wrote: Shows not perfect but at least they're making episodes unlike George who may never finish. It was dumb what they did to dorne and out of character for onion knight to ask red crone to cast resurrection, particularly when he had no love for the crone nor any real reason for allegiance to jon snow. But hey at least the plots moving along. At grrm rate even if he lived to 200 he wouldn't finish. So if they wanna kill off characters fine, as long as jon and Dany give us some song of ice and fire goodness. Preview of next ep shows bran with the zombies, so doesn't seem like they'll reveal L+R=J just yet ToJ part 2 is the money reveal. They are going to stretch that out as long as they can. | ||
Poland9104 Posts
Tormund + Brienne = ♥ Ep 5 Preview stuff + Show Spoiler + I wouldn't watch it if I knew what's in there, click and read below at your own risk Bran meets the ice zombie leader, wtf why would they reveal it in the preview?! | ||
Norway5211 Posts
Scene with Dany was ok, I kind of expected dragons instead of just... braziers though. Braziers is a bit underwhelming. Where's she going from here? If she goes East again to Meereen, the pace will really slow down and her story will become boring, which it's already struggled with in the show. At this point they should really just contrive some way for her to go West with all her dragons. I liked the Sansa scenes, its cool to see her being a character again. she took a break in s5 I guess Littlefinger is going to intervene and help take back Winterfell? That might turn out badly. Not sure how his plan will work into that but I'm not sure if Show-Littlefinger has a plan at all, or if he is just constantly high as fuck Missandei and Grey Worm are gonna lead the pro-War faction now Oh and Brienne finally finding a culture of people (wildlings) who appreciate her for who she is, is a cute twist that I didn't see coming. The super long High Sparrow monologue was very well-acted. I guess they're just leading up to the clash between the sparrows and the Tyrells/Lannisters in a few episodes. Either that'll lead to chaos/civil war in King's Landing, or, more likely, the sparrows will be defeated but then Kevan/Pycelle/others will be assassinated by Varys' spies, paving the way for more chaos, and Dany's arrival. | ||
Sweden740 Posts
Will be nice to see Tyrions skills at the game being put to the test. The stuff in the north is very interesting. | ||
Croatia7457 Posts
On May 16 2016 17:34 marttorn wrote: Scene with Dany was ok, I kind of expected dragons instead of just... braziers though. Braziers is a bit underwhelming. Where's she going from here? If she goes East again to Meereen, the pace will really slow down and her story will become boring, which it's already struggled with in the show. At this point they should really just contrive some way for her to go West with all her dragons. My guess is that Theon and his sister will take the role of Victarion from the books. They will go to fetch Dany while Euron raids the coast. | ||
Canada3640 Posts
On May 16 2016 11:06 Cricketer12 wrote: We say the books are the books and the show is the show. Thank god. It's not a case of Show vs Book to me, I really don't care about that. It's just... weak. Let's assume Dany is immune to fire. The show provides no explanation as to why, it's just there. You just take the two most logical explanations I guess : either it's because of some sort of bond with her dragons that grants her this ability, and this means that in the future every other dragon rider we see should also be fireproof OR she is immune because of her Targaryen ancestry. If it's that option, then for some reason she's fireproof while Jon isn't. Or even worse they will forget they burned Jon in the first season and make him fireproof. That's my biggest fear, because GoT is one of the few stories I heard that managed to stay logical within itself and I really want to keep it that way ![]() I mean the Dany scene wasn't even that bad, it was even quite good, to the extent that a Dany scene can be that is. It's just... it's lacking an explanation I guess. | ||
Poland9104 Posts
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Canada3640 Posts
Ahhhh yes she did. Could make sense, that's what I'll choose to believe for the time being ![]() ![]() | ||
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