[Hero] Invoker - Page 19
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United States7542 Posts
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United States12796 Posts
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Bulgaria777 Posts
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Australia8606 Posts
On January 22 2016 01:21 Logo wrote: I see a lot of Quas Wex Invokers just completely ignore the spell. It makes me sad. probably because they dont have a point in exort yet? or they dont have enough levels in invoke yet. problem with qw invoker is you have 3 spells you always use (tornado, emp, cold snap) and your 4th is usually alacrity/dfb/ghost walk if you can even wait around long enough for the 4th spell cant use many spells until you have like 3 points in invoke tbh | ||
Argentina2339 Posts
On January 22 2016 04:24 SatsuinoHado wrote: Fuck me for 5k mmr i need 100 games at least i guess next few months i want to play invo ill go for normal. I have 5k I have 100 games on invoker I'm still shitty as fuck with it, miss spells, cast wrongfully, dont combo right, etc. I still have a 50% wr tho. | ||
Singapore11446 Posts
On January 22 2016 12:29 DV G wrote: I have 5k I have 100 games on invoker I'm still shitty as fuck with it, miss spells, cast wrongfully, dont combo right, etc. I still have a 50% wr tho. That's because eul sun meteor blast combo is usually enough to win you games via tempo. Or ghost walk orchid snap emp. You don't need to be a great invoker to win games, just the basics :D | ||
Argentina2339 Posts
Sure he will get flamed but he wont lose much mmr. | ||
Bulgaria777 Posts
On January 22 2016 12:29 DV G wrote: I have 5k I have 100 games on invoker I'm still shitty as fuck with it, miss spells, cast wrongfully, dont combo right, etc. I still have a 50% wr tho. That is what I am afraid as well I will go on mass Invo picks for like 100+ games and still feel like 2k invoker ![]() | ||
Australia8606 Posts
actually that goes for every hero i can think of, but its especially relevant to invoker because hes just capable of so much. | ||
Singapore11446 Posts
But that's just basic invoker plays. You utilise just these set of combos all the time, and they still allow you to snowball because of the solo kill/aoe potential. To be on another level would be to master how to land ice wall, use icewall to waste a Bkb carry's time, disengage and reengage with ghost walk, knowing when to use alacrity, knowing how to deal with mass Bkb, varying your skills etc. Personally I wouldn't shy away from using invoker in ranked if you're not good with the hero because of just how much you can do with the basics. You can slowly familiarise with the more advance stuff along the way. | ||
New Zealand4438 Posts
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Australia8606 Posts
if youre qw invoker you want to be active around the map due to high movespeed and relatively shorter skill cds + long range and good disables. items are pretty versatile; orchid/euls/blink/force/aghs/travels/phase/hex/bkb etc exort invoker depends on whether youre going qe or just going max exort. qe invoker wants to farm a lot and splitpush lanes, typically going necro 3 and travels to assist with this. you dont see qe invokers walking around the map with a euls trying to blow shit up because its far better to just go max exort with like 2-3 points in quas and an early wex for that. they try to just keep farming with forge spirits and throw the occasional sunstrike for kills. the other exort invoker is the euls one, where you euls the target and do the commonly seen sun->meteor->dfb combo. this invoker also does the most damage in teamfights too, so theres that. also midas is very good on exort invokers in particular since the aspd is pretty nice and the levels are so important. qw invoker could get it too but not as important since its main spells come from qw only and dont require lots of points in e until later | ||
United States2160 Posts
On February 15 2016 08:09 evilfatsh1t wrote: to generalise qw invoker is for more control whereas exort invoker goes for damage. if youre qw invoker you want to be active around the map due to high movespeed and relatively shorter skill cds + long range and good disables. items are pretty versatile; orchid/euls/blink/force/aghs/travels/phase/hex/bkb etc exort invoker depends on whether youre going qe or just going max exort. qe invoker wants to farm a lot and splitpush lanes, typically going necro 3 and travels to assist with this. you dont see qe invokers walking around the map with a euls trying to blow shit up because its far better to just go max exort with like 2-3 points in quas and an early wex for that. they try to just keep farming with forge spirits and throw the occasional sunstrike for kills. the other exort invoker is the euls one, where you euls the target and do the commonly seen sun->meteor->dfb combo. this invoker also does the most damage in teamfights too, so theres that. also midas is very good on exort invokers in particular since the aspd is pretty nice and the levels are so important. qw invoker could get it too but not as important since its main spells come from qw only and dont require lots of points in e until later Eh, I disagree with the notion that qe and exort are fully distinct styles in 6.86, just look at Sumail's pub games: His preferred build is double forge spirits by level 9, then 6 points in exort by 11, while his typical items are midas -> euls -> drums. He uses the double forge spirits to farm hard while still maintaining the ability to pressure the enemy team with solo kills with the euls combo. The fact that you can now be 4/1/6 and still have invoke by level 11 makes it much stronger than it used to be. | ||
Singapore11446 Posts
Anyway have you guys watched the video on how vurtune deals with Bkb/jugg/naix heroes? What a beauty. Blink -> blast -> meteor -> sun -> refresh -> blast -> sun -> alacrity -> blink out. You can't press Bkb at all. Or blink -> blast -> icewall -> sun to deal with them earlier. | ||
Canada669 Posts
http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2089168082 His build was Phase>Urn>Midas>Euls>Blink>Aghs and he didn't skill invoke until level 11. Is this build only viable because he had 6 kills by the 7 minute mark? | ||
Canada669 Posts
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Australia8606 Posts
the item build for qw invoker is pretty versatile as said already, so he probably just went with whatever he felt was necessary (didnt look at the dotabuff link so no idea what the matchups were). invoker went mid usually because qw invoker was the first build pros played often and invoker turned out to be a monster at ganking. when exort builds started getting popular a lot of people played him in the safe lane because he was less mobile and had global presence anyway. he requires farm more than levels. a lot of farm means you can get more levels easier, but no farm means youre not going to get levels at all. you can put him in a dual lane and blow people up with sunstrike and cold snap, or you can put him in a dual lane and go we invoker and just right click the fk out of people. tri lanes are usually overkill for him as he does need exp and usually doesnt need a 2nd support. offlane invoker is decent too with qw since hes fast, has good regen and can make a decent impact with just 3 spells. | ||
7088 Posts
it seems like very often late game i am throwing out tornado and meteors and just hitting no one with them and losing a lot of games because of it do i just need to wait for someone else to initiate? and be a LOT more conservative with my spells? it seems like i should play with the mindset like that because right now its pretty game-losing what i'm doing i'm sort of the kind of person who initiates fights and invoker isn't really that style from what i can make out i go eq with 1 in w at 9 or whatever tnx | ||
SoCal8907 Posts
just whatever you do, don't tornado a target that is already being initiated on or else you are that guy. | ||
United States329 Posts
On May 19 2016 20:17 FFGenerations wrote: can someone give me some quick tips on how to hit your spells late game? it seems like very often late game i am throwing out tornado and meteors and just hitting no one with them and losing a lot of games because of it do i just need to wait for someone else to initiate? and be a LOT more conservative with my spells? it seems like i should play with the mindset like that because right now its pretty game-losing what i'm doing i'm sort of the kind of person who initiates fights and invoker isn't really that style from what i can make out i go eq with 1 in w at 9 or whatever tnx The invoker teamfight combo is honestly one of the few things best practiced in an offline lobby, because it's one solid string of clicks that you'll need in muscle memory. Before scepter, it's nado -> meteor -> invoke blast. Tip: blast is like Mirana arrow in that you can fire it before they land from nado and if they fall into it they're still pushed. Therefore you always wanna fire blast a moment before they land from nado. Once you get scepter, add in EMP between nado and meteor. Follow up with cold snap and right clicks. With blink you can mix in ice wall. | ||
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