On March 22 2018 02:45 ironcell wrote:
Archeon i feel that i have to apologize to you. I have become kind of bitter in my way to approach at the game. I respect your positive attitude. And teamliquid is a constructive site that i love so...
I really dont want to discourage people trying to learn invoker.
I agree with you.
But what i want to insist is the value of learning how to lane with invoker and how to make an impact with him before 5 sec bkbs. I wholly agree with the fighting mid concept. And maybe the issue is that this meta feels like that imposes on you to play a fighting mid or stomp the other 2 lanes with is on your teammates.
Invoker is as good as you are as a "global player". You need to be not only good at combos and sheer mechanics, but map awareness and general game sense. And because of his great scaling if a player is good enough at the "macro" aspect, he doesnt even need to be able to perform a huge combo to climb. With invoker the macro can carry you really far.
If someone wants to learn invoker i think that the first thing to focus is to get out of the laning phase at the best condition posible. If you cant do that reliably then learn to lane with invoker and dont look at your winrate. Then focus on how to get ahead in gold and exp and be positive along the ride, is a skill reliant hero, look at your individual performance before putting the blame and the pressure on others.
I dont really know how many games requires to be "competitive (as 50% win rate)" with invoker but it requires most dedication and mental fortitude that other cores.
Archeon i feel that i have to apologize to you. I have become kind of bitter in my way to approach at the game. I respect your positive attitude. And teamliquid is a constructive site that i love so...
I really dont want to discourage people trying to learn invoker.
I agree with you.
But what i want to insist is the value of learning how to lane with invoker and how to make an impact with him before 5 sec bkbs. I wholly agree with the fighting mid concept. And maybe the issue is that this meta feels like that imposes on you to play a fighting mid or stomp the other 2 lanes with is on your teammates.
Invoker is as good as you are as a "global player". You need to be not only good at combos and sheer mechanics, but map awareness and general game sense. And because of his great scaling if a player is good enough at the "macro" aspect, he doesnt even need to be able to perform a huge combo to climb. With invoker the macro can carry you really far.
If someone wants to learn invoker i think that the first thing to focus is to get out of the laning phase at the best condition posible. If you cant do that reliably then learn to lane with invoker and dont look at your winrate. Then focus on how to get ahead in gold and exp and be positive along the ride, is a skill reliant hero, look at your individual performance before putting the blame and the pressure on others.
I dont really know how many games requires to be "competitive (as 50% win rate)" with invoker but it requires most dedication and mental fortitude that other cores.
Np, it's all good, the bitterness creeps up to all of us from time to time.
I agree that his laning stage is important and that Invo kinda blows this patch due to his inability to have a large impact really early. So playing well in lane certainly helps a lot with keeping up.