On January 20 2011 03:34 BGrael wrote:Show nested quote +On January 20 2011 03:25 TotalBiscuit wrote:On January 20 2011 02:42 oPPRoBe wrote: That's pretty cool. They should get sponsored by BOSE to get those nice noise-canceling headphones.
I wonder how idra feels about having no rematch... Just like to point out that noise-cancelling does not work this way. Noise cancellling is only effective against constant, very specific frequencies. BOSE for instance make headphones designed for travel use. They will block out constant noise like say, aircraft engines, train ambience etc. They are not particularly effective against speech, which produces very broad frequency sounds. They may reduce the volume of it certainly, but they cannot cancel it entirely, or even by a reasonable amount. So what can you do for noise cancelling? How do they do it in BW ? Can't you use in-ear phones for the starcraft sounds and put attenuators above that?
Heavy sound-isolating headgear over in-ears, in as sound-proof a booth as you can get, with loud in-game sounds. As far as I'm aware, the over-ear headgear is NOT active, it's just very heavily padded, the same kind of thing you'd get on a building site. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
For the people suggesting that they enclose the booths with doors and what not. Wouldn't that marginalize the air flow and lead to potential overheating, especially during longer stretches of play? Or are the computers outside the booth and connect to the player via long cables?
yeah currently in the scbw booths that's what they do. they allow the players to wear regular earphones since that's what they're used to for listening to the games, but then they wear large padded (presumably noise cancelling) headphones that cover over their ears to help, then they are in the booth which has a door and not just a curtain, but often times has a sound curtain draped over the back of them to deaden any other additional noise. I think the thing GOM is talking about is that players might've not felt comfortable wearing the extra gear, and having the heavy sound curtain to get in and out of the booth. Guess they'll have to go forward with it to keep the integrity of the game sound.
On January 20 2011 02:42 oPPRoBe wrote: I wonder how idra feels about having no rematch...
No need. Even though Jinro confessed, he also admitted to dismissing it because he only saw a scouting drone. It had no outcome of the game. Luckily this is addressed early before it actually becomes a game changing issue.
I remember watching a WCG finals where the players could hear everything the commentators were saying, so the commentators would try to hide their meaning while saying things like: "see this building over here? that's VERY interesting what he's doing"
then the OLD OSL/MSLs where the players were not sitting in sound proof boxes, and the audience and commentators could totally spoil everything..
and here we have people making a big deal about Jinro being honest about something that isn't his fault? tsk tsk
mad props Jinro
Peace out
I think its good that both players played fair. Idra could have contested but he chose not to.
Jinro did nothing wrong. Theres nothing he could have done to not hear what he said "the room went oohhh and the commentators were going nuts" but he obviously didnt speak korean so didnt know it was 6pool, and all he knew to do was to scout which didnt change much anyways, as his scout still got there after the lings had left(and idra smartly avoided the scout with his lings and drones)
I had some beef with Jinro over the 6 pool and all that, but if IdrA chose not to contest that match, there is really nothing else to be said about it.
Ha, all of the google ads this page are for soundproofing materials for me. Maybe I should forward them to Gom?
i like the fast statement and the good explantion good work - i guess other tournament orgaizers would NOT be that fast and honest
Netherlands45349 Posts
As far as I know SCBW on top of the headphones also plays loud music in the booth to obscure the rest of the outside noise(Boxer previouslcy complained about the loud music )
With the music playing in the background when in a booth it actually makes alot of sense why some players, on their stream, play music so loud like Huk and Idra e.g.
On January 20 2011 05:12 Neddal wrote: Well handled by Jinro (for being so honest), by Gom (for addressing it so quickly) and by IdrA (for not making a big problem out of it).
Hope they will fix the problem quickly tho
Agreed. I don't think Idra is given enough credit here.
Though he's probably more pissed off about the maps than the commentator/crowd noise.
On January 20 2011 04:00 CanucksJC wrote: I thought Jinro saw the reinforcing lings, but I guess by that point, it was too late anyways.
Also, you can't really argue that Jinro hearing the commentators didn't have an effect in the game. Like he said, he canceled the marine, whether or not it was on purpose, and that messed up IdrA's timing to surround. The marine therefore survived, and IdrA lost the game.
I'd argue that that's pretty game changing although Jinro didn't wall-in right away.
Tough break for IdrA IMO. Rewatch the stream.
Jinro cancelled the marine by accident when the lings got to his base, not before that. It happened when he was going to cancel his 2nd rax, but I guess he accidently selected the first barrack by mistake, hit escape, and then realising his building didn't get cancelled, so he did it again. You can see in the vod exactly when the marine timer was reset, it was at the 00:01:49 mark in the VOD, just as the zerglings had gotten a surround on the unfinished barrack.
I can't see how hearing the commentators roughly 1½ minutes earlier go "OOoooh" had anything to do with that.
As Artosis described it, Idra's plan was a good one. It was unanticipated and would have worked had that 5hp marine not survived. Jinro won that game partly out of luck and partly because of excellent decision making that allowed him to defend the area by his minerals.
Was the "ooooh" inappropriate? Yes, but it is evident that it didn't factor into Idra's loss. Obviously, feelings are a riding a little high since these are the 2 foreigners in Code S and we wish they could both get to the top. We can only wish that the players are better distributed next season and that people don't have to face team kills as much.
@TB: About noise cancelling headphones: wow, I didn't know that. High quality earbuds would be highly effective, but then its a question of cost, hygiene (if shared), comfort and reliability, as it is more difficult to make sure someone REALLY has a good seal.
On January 20 2011 03:22 Ancient.eu wrote: Baller ? No. Just childish.
User was temp banned for this post. Using the word childish got you banned, because that made people misinterpret your point.
I think 'naive' is what you meant, and I can see that being a valid point.
Thanks for commenting on that issue. It shows that GOM cares!
Yeah great, gotta be pretty stupid for putting a speaker right behind a booth in the first place though.
I'm pretty impressed with Gom for actually addressing the issue ... not that that's really something that's too impressive, but I don't expect any sort of transparency out of most companies/organizers.
Good to know.
I'm happy that GomTV addresses the problem, but I don't think it's as huge as some ppl make it out to be...
In China, WarcraftIII-Players heard the commentators in almost every Major event, with foreigners not understanding anything but Chinese Players almost everything the commentators said, compared to that, hearing some noise of excited ppl is nothing.
And I don't think Jinro cheated in any way, shape or form and I think it's very well-mannered of him to address the Problem.