GSL soundproof issue - Official comment - Page 12
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2115 Posts
On January 21 2011 16:10 SpaceFighting wrote: dont worry guys, they officially warned themselves.. its all gud ROFL!! My thoughts exactly! GOM really needs to say something better than "we warn ourselves!" | ||
United Kingdom698 Posts
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United States4943 Posts
On January 22 2011 01:23 SushilS wrote: ROFL!! My thoughts exactly! GOM really needs to say something better than "we warn ourselves!" will NEVER EXPIRE! I thought it was a bit silly, but at least they've recognized the problem. Wait a sec, if GOMtv gets IP will we watch GSL? | ||
Austria1201 Posts
maybe their mindset is more like "this stupid european. korean players are getting clues all the time but just not talk about it. lets hope foreign players dont do so well next gsl and the problem is solved" but oh wait they "warned themselves" so i guess its all good | ||
United States150 Posts
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Warlike Prince
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Korea (South)191 Posts
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Sweden22 Posts
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2115 Posts
For those who missed it!! Jinro is so baller for being upfront bout it! Go Jinro go!!! | ||
Canada2933 Posts
I also loved how GSL handled it. They addressed it and promised to be better. ... then they censor the interview... really? | ||
United States17 Posts
On January 22 2011 01:23 SushilS wrote: ROFL!! My thoughts exactly! GOM really needs to say something better than "we warn ourselves!" I think the word "warn" is just a poor translation of what the statement meant in Korean. | ||
United States2241 Posts
whatever the fix may be, i'm happy to see GOM address the issue, and respect the fact that they warned themselves. as per the warn, since it does not expire, what is the consequence of a second warn on GOM? (for any issue, not necessarily soundproofing; do they pay a fine? do they shut down for a season?) best of luck to professional sc2 around the world; jinro definitely opened their eyes for those who are not familiar with professional BW and it's soundproofing that has been implemented for almost a decade. | ||
United States2241 Posts
On January 22 2011 01:07 purecarnagge wrote: Why don't they teach the commentators to not bust a nut when a 6 pool happens...its kind of a dead give away.. you don't have to yell to describe the excitement that is building. you sort of do. this was the most hyped event in the history of sc2. yelling, screaming, swearing.. there is no holding back. i do not want to listen to commentators who seem dull and boring. that's not the reason why we love korean commentators. we love them (the foreigners who do not understand Korean, that is) because of their passion. just listen to Kingdom commentating OSL for + Show Spoiler + stork v fantasy | ||
Canada725 Posts
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32 Posts
The issue relating to soundproof booths has been an issue in Starcraft 1. The most notable case being the case of flash and what was termed an 'Ear Hack by some members of the TL community. I'd like to point out how significant this issue is by discussing: - The engineering of the sound booth - The practical effects of 'ear hacking' Construction of the sound proof booth The booth used both in Starcraft and Starcraft II are different, however the design is practically unchanged. A sound proof booth is mainly achieved through the use of two planes of sound proof glass, which have a vacuum between them. Since sound is a wave, it needs a medium through which to travel. As more than half the booth is constructed with this glass, it prevents most of the noise from entering in and out. However, anyone who has lived in an apartment with windows made of soundproof glass knows that sound can still get through. Not through the glass itself but through layers of air that provide ventilation. Where I stay, I have sound proof glass surrounding one side of the building, yet I am able to hear the music from a club from my house which is 15 minutes away. Now in the case of Starcraft, bear in mind that the source and the receiver (player) are very close. The energy density of sound waves will be the strongest in this scenario, as the intensity of sound is attenuated according to the inverse square of the distance from the source. Next, we contemplate that the booth is also made of other elements that include metal, fabric and paper. This provides barely any real sound blockage from the commentators.The noise blockage comes exclusively from the ear muffs. The practical effects of 'ear hacking' It is established that the majority of sound reduction is achieved through the use of muffs and noise reduction in ear headphones, with the booth itself providing very little actual support. Again, ear muffs also do not provide perfect sound reduction against broad sound waves and in particular, speech. In ear canal headphones can provide additional sound reduction properties but again, this can be very minimal. As an owner of a pair of Shure SE530 headphones, which boast superior noise reduction capabilities, I am very clear as to how the dynamics work. The way that noise is reduced is through blocking the ear canal using a choice of foam or silicone ear buds which can be chosen in accordance to size. Only a perfect fit can increase bass response and reduce noise. Anything less than a perfect fit allows most of the sound reduction properties to be negated. As a result of inadequate sound reduction measures and the intensely loud commentator speakers, players who are smart are able to take advantage of the situation. By choosing a ear bud which is small, and wearing a particular brand of ear muffs, a player is able to hear most of what is being spoken or yelled by the commentators in a live broadcast. This provides invaluable information to the recipient of the information, allowing them to hard counter any type of play. I suspect that KT Flash has been aware of this issue for a very long period of time and has been taking advantage of it. Time and time again, there have been matches where he turns his scouting SCV around for no reason, and is able to find proxy buildings built by his opponents. I am sure TL readers (non-flash) fans can give numerous examples. I doubt Liquid Jinro thought about the repercussions of discussing the sound proofing issue in his interview. I believe that it was the adrenaline that caused him to state this in the interview. Otherwise, just like Flash, he could have exploited this physical flaw for many GSLs to come. | ||
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Sweden3804 Posts
On January 22 2011 09:04 teh_longinator wrote: Wait a tick. The players can hear tasteosis and the crowd? How long has this been going on? Is that how choyafou manages to stay in the fight for so long? If everyone yells their lungs out, there's gonna be noise in the booth. Kinda a no brainer to me. I highly doubt players can make out any words though. Also tastosis don't have any loud speakers to the crowd, so ofcourse players won't hear them. The korean commentators do though, so koreans might have a slight advantage. It's like this for every tournament, and it's hard to fix if you want to have audiance there. | ||
United States6700 Posts
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United Kingdom23 Posts
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