Translation We recognized the problem, so now we have a plan to reinforce sound curtain and change headset device.
Players felt uncomfortable about soundproofing earset and headset, and pointed out sound curtain is too big. So we have used only headset without an earset and eased sound curtain. Behind of Jinro's booth, there is a speaker. All these circumstances made the issue today.
There will be no rematch between Jinro and Idra. No progamers raised an objection and it is difficult to say Jinro was able to hold that game due to this soundproofing issue.(If Jinro noticed it was 6 pool, he could block the entrance)
Sorry for the issue. GomTV warned themselves for the issue, and that warning will never expire.*
*GomTV can officially warn a player as a host if the player violates a rule or something. At this time, GomTV officially warned themselves.
UPDATE 1 17:00 22 Jan 2011 KST GomTV edited official Jinro's interview to remove Jinro's soundproofing issue statement. I posted a thread about this interview censoring issue on GSL Korean official site, and still got no answer from staffs.
well lets be honest it didnt help him, he scouted a bit earlier, but missed the lings/drones on the way only seeing 1 drone going, which means nothing. the first he knew of it was when the lings were in his base
good to see it addressed! Also nice to see they recognized that it didn't give jinro and particular advantage in this case (though it is still a problem) because of the strategies implemented (lack of a wall off).
On January 20 2011 02:40 L3g3nd_ wrote: well lets be honest it didnt help him, he scouted a bit earlier, but missed the lings/drones on the way only seeing 1 drone going, which means nothing. the first he knew of it was when the lings were in his base
in this case doesn't matter.
but imagine if some other times korean players heard units/build orders.
they need to be 100% sure nothing effects their gameplay
On January 20 2011 02:40 L3g3nd_ wrote: well lets be honest it didnt help him, he scouted a bit earlier, but missed the lings/drones on the way only seeing 1 drone going, which means nothing. the first he knew of it was when the lings were in his base
in this case doesn't matter.
but imagine if some other times korean players heard units/build orders.
they need to be 100% sure nothing effects their gameplay
thing is there have been issues since season 1.... but the only time it gets any attention is when the 2 foreigners are duking it out and can't understand what is being said anyways ;p
and I'm sure idra knows that he didn't lose because jinro heard an "oooh" and if he is that petty then really he needs to see someone about anger management. If jinro had immediately walled in, i would be on idra's side, but he didn't and the commentators had nothing to do with Jinro winning the game
On January 20 2011 02:40 L3g3nd_ wrote: well lets be honest it didnt help him, he scouted a bit earlier, but missed the lings/drones on the way only seeing 1 drone going, which means nothing. the first he knew of it was when the lings were in his base
Yeah, if anything, it put Jinro a little bit behind.
But, yeah, GOM should reinforce the booth and change headphones.