While I understand that there's a need to discuss this matter, this thread has way too many trash posts in it. Please think carefully about what you want to say. Ad hominem attacks on Swedish people in general, calling you fellow Starcraft fans idiots etc etc will be dealt with with harsher punishment from here on out. Keep it civil people.
Page 230: Here's some more stuff that'll get you banned! - Conspiracy theory mongering about MLG and GOM - Comparing people to Hitler - Posting useless one liners of arguments that have already been repeated ad nauseum. |
On December 14 2011 20:18 Gaxton wrote: To all the upset boycott/petition/"occupy Gomtv" people out there, see you back in the GSL LR threards next week. Won't see me!
WOW That is ridiculous. There's an element of cultural difference in this that GOM isn't taking into account. Naniwa will feel really bad now even though he didn't really do much wrong.
Still I'm gonna be honest I'm still going to watch GSL. This doesn't make much difference really there's plenty of good players worth watching.
On December 14 2011 20:16 MildSeven wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:05 nugget-92 wrote: If GOM is going to host the Global Starcraft League and actually work at inviting foreign players to travel to their country to participate it is abhorrent for GOM to completely ignore the fact that these players will come from different cultures.
Any reasonable organisation that plans to host a Global event has to accept that people from countries outside their own will have different ideals and will not act in a manner that will conform to you strict cultural sensibilities.
Complexity and Quantic have now suffered significant financial damages because of this decision. Furthermore, Naniwa has invested significant time and effort into participating in this league and is now suspended.
GOM has even stated that Naniwa is a money-hungry player. This suggests that GOM probably did not consult Naniwa before they made their decision. Why? Because Naniwa has maintained and shown that, whilst he is introverted and has trouble keeping his emotions in check, his aspirations lie with being the best. The accusation is not true on Naniwa, but it doesn't matter, it's to teach him a lesson on life really. When a country hosts the Olympic, even if it is a global event, the host country expects the tourists and participants from other countries to foremost respect their culture, you don't go to Athens Olympics to piss on the greek statue (extreme example). No one asked Naniwa to honour kill or disrespect women like Islamic fundamentalists, all is asked from Naniwa and all other Esports player is some reverence for the prestige of the game that Korean culture highly values. This is the right punishment, it is a mild punishment for mild offense. Next time Naniwa will smarten up, enough with his introverted rebel " i can do whatever i want" attitude, that's just not how society works.
Those are absolutely not comparable. There was no way of knowing that what he did was not acceptable unless he was acutely aware of the intricacies of Korean culture. It was not explicitly stated in the rules, and it would have been fairly unreasonable from his standpoint that acting as he did would result in such serious backlash. He was in no way "pissing on a greek statue"; that's completely ridiculous.
I feel like the rule naniwa broke against is very vague and so it's up to GSL to determine whether he broke it or not. It feels like GOMtv/GSL has some kind of grudge against naniwa because you can win a probe rush if you opponent goes for a 6 pool. Naniwa clearly tried to out smart neastea but he stuck with a standard build.
On December 14 2011 18:40 dafunk wrote: Deserved.
And it will prevent anyone from doing it in the future.
I totally agree with you. there's people who paid for those games.
On December 14 2011 20:00 johanreidel wrote: I guess this is a cultural thing where appearance trumps honesty, to bad Naniwa comes from a culture where it's the reversed.
Remember kids, it's all about saving face and keeping up appearances! Honesty is for losers...
Yeah, only in Sweden people learn to behave properly. That's what you are saying. This is racist as hell. European should learn a lot of things from other culture, such as the awesome korean culture, and stop thinking that they are the best in the world and who think different is wrong.
GOM probably thinks that IdrA will draw a larger North American crowd...
On December 14 2011 20:19 Clearout wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:18 Gaxton wrote: To all the upset boycott/petition/"occupy Gomtv" people out there, see you back in the GSL LR threards next week. Won't see me! doubt it <3
On December 14 2011 20:17 Klogbert wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:16 Packawana wrote:On December 14 2011 20:13 Klogbert wrote:On December 14 2011 20:12 Eviscerador wrote:On December 14 2011 20:04 NovaTheFeared wrote: Forfeiting the match would be terrible sportsmanship. Probe rushing is even below that. It's a straight FU to the fans, opponent, and GOM. I'm glad GOM took the issue of professionalism seriously. Someone has to, and it's definitely not Naniwa. Droping mules or building CC on your defeated enemy base is not? For me that is the middle finger equivalent in videogames. Double standards everywhere... Holy crap didn't even think about this...wow does this makes GOM look like hypocrites. I'm officially done with GSL...still. But were those games actually played out? This is the main thing, this wasn't a form of BM that was meant to insult the opponent in the way dropping mules is. This is BM in the way that insults the tournament and insults the viewers. If you play for any team or any sport, you are expected to give your all no matter what your standing is, no matter how far down or far up you are. When it becomes blatantly obvious that you're not playing to win (and reaffirm that post-match), then you are not living to the professionalism that is supposed to be integral in any competition. You must not really watch sports then...the Indianapolis Colts certainly aren't giving their all. The Chicago Cubs at the end of every year don't even play their stars.
There's a difference though. You don't actually have those players going out and saying "I gave up my match because of blah blah blah." If Naniwa had decided not to say that, things might have been different.
The problem is that he affirmed he threw away the match. And letting that slide insults the players that worked hard to get there, the viewers that wanted to see that match, the tournament that expects you to hold it, etc. etc. etc.
On December 14 2011 20:17 klaxen wrote:But a highly intelligent move by Naniwa?
of course not - but GOM is responding to it by going to a level much lower than Naniwas - and that is stupid :<
On December 14 2011 20:14 MooMooMugi wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:12 tetrismaan wrote: Damn if I was one of the foreigner progamers in Korea, or some of the other eSport celebrities, I would boycut GOMtv and tell everyone to do so because this is really hurting eSports.
Even HuK says on twitter:
LorangerChris Chris Loranger "As much as everyone likes to overuse "killing esports", noone actually uses in the example when it actually is. Things like this kil esports" Pro gamers aren't 100% always right. Also, don't you think HuK is being a little biased since Naniwa is part of his Protoss brethren?
Yes they play the same race, that means HuK would follow Nani wherever he went!
Well done by GSL.
We pay to see games on the highest lvl, and he makes that crap..... Esports are Sports and that wasnt sportsmanlike.....just fail.
On December 14 2011 20:17 Tobberoth wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:16 Boundz(DarKo) wrote: So we are going to let koreans rule the rest of the world now? What about "korean tournament" do you connect to "the world"? Make sense.
The GLOBAL Star league part. ah well we still call it the GSL because for some reason they chose that name. for 2012 they should really change it to KSL.
On December 14 2011 20:15 klaxen wrote: Everyone is done with GSL. I guess you don't like watching the best players.
I do like that. Naniwa isn't one of them.
On December 14 2011 20:19 iamke55 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:17 Klogbert wrote:On December 14 2011 20:16 Packawana wrote:On December 14 2011 20:13 Klogbert wrote:On December 14 2011 20:12 Eviscerador wrote:On December 14 2011 20:04 NovaTheFeared wrote: Forfeiting the match would be terrible sportsmanship. Probe rushing is even below that. It's a straight FU to the fans, opponent, and GOM. I'm glad GOM took the issue of professionalism seriously. Someone has to, and it's definitely not Naniwa. Droping mules or building CC on your defeated enemy base is not? For me that is the middle finger equivalent in videogames. Double standards everywhere... Holy crap didn't even think about this...wow does this makes GOM look like hypocrites. I'm officially done with GSL...still. But were those games actually played out? This is the main thing, this wasn't a form of BM that was meant to insult the opponent in the way dropping mules is. This is BM in the way that insults the tournament and insults the viewers. If you play for any team or any sport, you are expected to give your all no matter what your standing is, no matter how far down or far up you are. When it becomes blatantly obvious that you're not playing to win (and reaffirm that post-match), then you are not living to the professionalism that is supposed to be integral in any competition. You must not really watch sports then...the Indianapolis Colts certainly aren't giving their all. The Chicago Cubs at the end of every year don't even play their stars. Not sending your best players in a team sport is the equivalent in SC2 of trying out a new build that isn't as refined as your old one. No it isn't.
On December 14 2011 20:19 Niyanyo wrote: During the NASL Season 1 Ensnare did not show to a match vs SjoW essentially forfeiting the match. It was not the only instance of the tournament in which players forfeited the game. So Korean players can just not play matches that matter in foreign tournaments, but if a foreign sticks to the rules, loses the game, ggs after it, but its percieived as a forfeit by everyone he should be punished?
You do realize more foreigners didnt play NASL matches right?
On December 14 2011 18:41 Pikarya wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 18:41 eYeball wrote: I wonder what Naniwa will do in response to this, will he stay and practice till February or when GSL #2 is and then try the Code A Qualifiers? learn new cheese strats User was warned for this post I'd just love to point out how true this statement is...imagine he mothership rushed, no one would've been pissed off.
And oh yes, if anyone want to invoke parallel from real sports, ask any Indianapolis Colts fans whether if they actually want to see Dan Orlovsky playing like an All-Pro for the three remaining games this year.
On December 14 2011 20:19 archonOOid wrote: I feel like the rule naniwa broke against is very vague and so it's up to GSL to determine whether he broke it or not. It feels like GOMtv/GSL has some kind of grudge against naniwa because you can win a probe rush if you opponent goes for a 6 pool. Naniwa clearly tried to out smart neastea but he stuck with a standard build. rules have to be vague or people will find loopholes to get around it -_-
Hmm, I can see what the point of view of everyone is (on both sides), but I think this is perhaps overkill (especially with IdrA and Sen coming in)