While I understand that there's a need to discuss this matter, this thread has way too many trash posts in it. Please think carefully about what you want to say. Ad hominem attacks on Swedish people in general, calling you fellow Starcraft fans idiots etc etc will be dealt with with harsher punishment from here on out. Keep it civil people.
Page 230: Here's some more stuff that'll get you banned! - Conspiracy theory mongering about MLG and GOM - Comparing people to Hitler - Posting useless one liners of arguments that have already been repeated ad nauseum. |
On December 14 2011 20:16 Mefano wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:14 kota wrote: For starcraft 2 to grow as an eSport, a certain amount of professionalism is needed, and we can't have people like Naniwa, no matter how good of a player he is, fooling around and throwing away games that people paid for. It absolutely does not matter that the match couldn't change the outcome of his standings in the cup. It doesn't only make him look bad and immature, but it also makes the GSL and Blizzard look bad since they've got their name on it
No, no, no  Revoking a seed will hurt the scene a lot more.
well...no. not at all.
there are tens of players of naniwa's general skill level running around waiting to take his spot, and they won't do insanely stupid shit like this from a business standpoint like naniwa seems to be prone to doing. it's really that simple, you guys are wasting your time with the intense moral outrage. should he have been banned instead of yelled at? no. does he deserve a punishment anyway? yes.
Why is this a racism argument at all?
If a Korean had done the same thing they would have gotten equal or worse punishment from GSL and probably even heavier punishment from their team.
On December 14 2011 20:13 Elefanto wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:12 tetrismaan wrote: Damn if I was one of the foreigner progamers in Korea, or some of the other eSport celebrities, I would boycut GOMtv and tell everyone to do so because this is really hurting eSports.
Even HuK says on twitter:
LorangerChris Chris Loranger "As much as everyone likes to overuse "killing esports", noone actually uses in the example when it actually is. Things like this kil esports" He means what nani did is killing esports no he emans what Nani di + what gom did and what GOM said reagrding it...
way to be a professional comapny.
On December 14 2011 20:11 tomatriedes wrote: So to all the people ranting about how unprofessional Naniwa is- do you think that BM winning/taunting ceremonies like manner mules,hatches and nexuses and unit dancing (all things that Gom allows) are 'professional'?
Looks like nobody's got an answer to this? That's what I figured.
On December 14 2011 20:17 klaxen wrote:But a highly intelligent move by Naniwa?
That was not said nor implied. What is your point? An unintelligent action requires an unintelligent consequence?
There. I too sent a semi-serious (excluded harsh words thou so they actually read it) mail to their support. Bloody strange decision if you ask me.
What exactly happened ? i read like 10pages and i still don't know.. sry
As much as I dislike Naniwas decision to probe rush, revoking his Code S is an overreaction. Not giving him a free invite to future Code A qualifiers would've sufficed. I really dislike GOMs decision here, even though I disagree with what Naniwa did.
Especially since it will result in some lost buys for next seasons HD passes. :|
On December 14 2011 20:18 tomatriedes wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:11 tomatriedes wrote: So to all the people ranting about how unprofessional Naniwa is- do you think that BM winning/taunting ceremonies like manner mules,hatches and nexuses and unit dancing (all things that Gom allows) are 'professional'? Looks like nobody's got an answer to this? That's what I figured.
Difference between unprofessionalism and playful entertainment.
On December 14 2011 20:17 Klogbert wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:16 Packawana wrote:On December 14 2011 20:13 Klogbert wrote:On December 14 2011 20:12 Eviscerador wrote:On December 14 2011 20:04 NovaTheFeared wrote: Forfeiting the match would be terrible sportsmanship. Probe rushing is even below that. It's a straight FU to the fans, opponent, and GOM. I'm glad GOM took the issue of professionalism seriously. Someone has to, and it's definitely not Naniwa. Droping mules or building CC on your defeated enemy base is not? For me that is the middle finger equivalent in videogames. Double standards everywhere... Holy crap didn't even think about this...wow does this makes GOM look like hypocrites. I'm officially done with GSL...still. But were those games actually played out? This is the main thing, this wasn't a form of BM that was meant to insult the opponent in the way dropping mules is. This is BM in the way that insults the tournament and insults the viewers. If you play for any team or any sport, you are expected to give your all no matter what your standing is, no matter how far down or far up you are. When it becomes blatantly obvious that you're not playing to win (and reaffirm that post-match), then you are not living to the professionalism that is supposed to be integral in any competition. You must not really watch sports then...the Indianapolis Colts certainly aren't giving their all. The Chicago Cubs at the end of every year don't even play their stars. Not sending your best players in a team sport is the equivalent in SC2 of trying out a new build that isn't as refined as your old one.
I am glad GOMtv made an example out of Naniwa. I pay x$ each month to see top level games, not probe rushes. I agree that GOMtv should have never implimented this format, but regardless of that I didnt fucking stay up until 6AM est to see a probe rush, Good on ya GOMtv. I am a protoss player who will always cheer for protoss, but i have lost ALL respect for Naniwa.
GSL and GOM is a joke, if you dont want these things to happen make a better format, dont punish people who abuse it.
On December 14 2011 20:05 nugget-92 wrote:Any reasonable organisation that plans to host a Global event has to accept that people from countries outside their own will have different ideals and will not act in a manner that will conform to you strict cultural sensibilities.
I would consider it bad mannered, and poor sportsmanship regardless of where you are from. I don't think its Korean sensibilities that are just being offended. The game was useless, yes, but the way NaNiwa acted was poor.
I would agree he had to be punished. Is this too steep? I'm not too sure, I'm a little bit inclined to say its an acceptable punishment.
On December 14 2011 20:17 ptrpb wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:15 klaxen wrote: Everyone is done with GSL. I guess you don't like watching the best players. I don't like watching when a player earns himself a spot as one of the best players, then has it removed because he decided not to try in a meaningless match that shouldn't have been broadcasted in the first place given GOM's broadcast history with the UpNDown matches.
"Not trying" and "throwing the game" are two different things. You don't throw games in Korea, period. If Nani didn't know that or didn't care, it's his fault completely.
On December 14 2011 20:18 Verator wrote: Shitty move by GOM, not even admitting some fault. By the same rule, dozens of korean players should be punished for ceremonies in game or on the stage. Punishment far, far outstrips what occurred, and indicates clear bias. Had this been a liquid player (Jinro during group advancement anyone?), or Idra, or Huk, its hard to argue that the same would have occurred. wait wait what did GOM do wrong? jinro's situation was a misunderstanding, dont need to bring that up
You know I'm not TOO surprised at this.
This is what you get when you act utterly, 100% unprofessional in what is quite possibly the most prestigious Korean tournament. If you can't respect the idea of what it means to be a pro gamer, or your opponent, or the audience, or the organizers, or your own sponsors who pay you to play good games, you don't deserve to be there.
During the NASL Season 1 Ensnare did not show to a match vs SjoW essentially forfeiting the match. It was not the only instance of the tournament in which players forfeited the game. So Korean players can just not play matches that matter in foreign tournaments, but if a foreign sticks to the rules, loses the game, ggs after it, but its percieived as a forfeit by everyone he should be punished?
On December 14 2011 20:17 nekoconeco wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:11 quancer wrote:On December 14 2011 20:08 nekoconeco wrote:On December 14 2011 19:59 Luppy1 wrote:On December 14 2011 19:58 Vari wrote:On December 14 2011 19:57 Luppy1 wrote:On December 14 2011 19:55 SedativeDev wrote: THIS IS STUPIDITY!!
well, when the next gsl is on air i will not tune in... simple as that
i won't watch some hypocrites with double standards. GOM now looks a little bit more kespa... What double standard? Care to explain? people don't know what the word hypocrite or the phrase double standard actually mean evidenced by plenty of posts in this thread. I don't see any double standards at all. You can't point out the double standard either. Coca wasn't punished by gom, whereas nani was. Coca wasn't punished by Gom because Slayers were savvy enough to act immediately to pull him from the tournament. They can't punish someone who isn't in the tournament so what do you expect? Yes they can but they decided to leave it to the team to decide on the punishment the same should have applied to this situation. Coca was pulled indefinitely. What can GOMTV do? "Coca is hereby banned until SlayerS fixes his immaturity"?
Coca will probably have it worse than Naniwa will.
Surprised so many people can't see that what GOM did was to protect the integrity of their tournament by showing what Naniwa did was not acceptable. He isn't banned forever, it is only one season. Naniwa has shown a lack of respect to tournaments, players and fans before and he will continue to do so if people are fine with what amounts to a slap on the wrist.
I actually stayed up specifically to see Naniwa vs Nestea. I was pretty pissed he didn't play it.