While I understand that there's a need to discuss this matter, this thread has way too many trash posts in it. Please think carefully about what you want to say. Ad hominem attacks on Swedish people in general, calling you fellow Starcraft fans idiots etc etc will be dealt with with harsher punishment from here on out. Keep it civil people.
Page 230: Here's some more stuff that'll get you banned! - Conspiracy theory mongering about MLG and GOM - Comparing people to Hitler - Posting useless one liners of arguments that have already been repeated ad nauseum. |
On December 14 2011 20:20 Baz wrote: The people blaming GOM are hilarious. If Fifa didn't ban a team for throwing a game in the world cup when they were already out, there would be worldwide uproar. For the integrity of GOM and Esports, this was the correct decision.
This is a pretty horrible comparison, just for your information..
why are people comparing what Naniwa did to dropping a bm MULE?
On December 14 2011 20:20 DarkPlasmaBall wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:19 Nizaris wrote: What exactly happened ? i read like 10pages and i still don't know.. sry 1. They didn't permanently ban him, but revoked his Code S spot and gave it to Sen. 2. They said it was because he offended the audience by throwing away a (meaningless) game against Nestea at the recent Blizzard Cup, and that breaks a rule. With the amount of BM that already exists in the GSL matches inside the game and out (with celebrations), that rule that Naniwa got hit by is bullshit.
Didn't give it to Sen!
On December 14 2011 20:19 archonOOid wrote: I feel like the rule naniwa broke against is very vague and so it's up to GSL to determine whether he broke it or not. It feels like GOMtv/GSL has some kind of grudge against naniwa because you can win a probe rush if you opponent goes for a 6 pool. Naniwa clearly tried to out smart neastea but he stuck with a standard build.
people who think a probe rush is realistically anything but a 100% loss are fucking stupid. I'm sorry, I can't phrase it any other way and I'm just so tired of seeing it in this thread. probe rush = 0% win rate = guaranteed loss. guaranteed loss = throwing the game. throwing the game = punishment. punishment = ban, in this case.
fucking deal with it.
Ridiculous in my opinion =(
What a complete and utter fuckign joke
the game should not have been played it had no meaning, i wont be paying for gsl anymore
Ok, so his Code S seed is revoked. But can he still get in Code A (through Code B qualifiers or what not), or is he out of next season completely?
United States23455 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:20 Jakkerr wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:17 Tobberoth wrote:On December 14 2011 20:16 Boundz(DarKo) wrote: So we are going to let koreans rule the rest of the world now? What about "korean tournament" do you connect to "the world"? Make sense. The GLOBAL Star league part. ah well we still call it the GSL because for some reason they chose that name. for 2012 they should really change it to KSL.
You do realize they gave Naniwa's spot to a foreigner and then invited Idra, right?
On December 14 2011 20:20 tymt wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:14 MooMooMugi wrote:On December 14 2011 20:12 tetrismaan wrote: Damn if I was one of the foreigner progamers in Korea, or some of the other eSport celebrities, I would boycut GOMtv and tell everyone to do so because this is really hurting eSports.
Even HuK says on twitter:
LorangerChris Chris Loranger "As much as everyone likes to overuse "killing esports", noone actually uses in the example when it actually is. Things like this kil esports" Pro gamers aren't 100% always right. Also, don't you think HuK is being a little biased since Naniwa is part of his Protoss brethren? Yes they play the same race, that means HuK would follow Nani wherever he went! No but their words might be slightly blinded because they are friends.
On December 14 2011 20:20 DarkPlasmaBall wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:19 Nizaris wrote: What exactly happened ? i read like 10pages and i still don't know.. sry 1. They didn't permanently ban him, but revoked his Code S spot and gave it to Sen. 2. They said it was because he offended the audience by throwing away a (meaningless) game against Nestea at the recent Blizzard Cup, and that breaks a rule. With the amount of BM that already exists in the GSL matches inside the game and out (with celebrations), that rule that Naniwa got hit by is bullshit. it's not about "haha I beat you" style BM. it was disrespectful to the tournament and to the viewers and to nestea (in a different way)
On December 14 2011 20:13 Ysellian wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:12 tnud wrote:On December 14 2011 20:10 pesshaulol wrote: Can somone plz elobrate on what naniwa said/did? tread is now at page60 gone up like 20 pages sens i started reading...
edit:62 now... He drone rushed Nestea in a meaningless game, gg's. For that he gets kicked out of GSL because: Warning or disqualification - 경기중에 과격한 행동으로 상대 게이머나 관중들에게 위협을 가할 때 - During a match, a player shall not offend the opponent or audience with abusive behaviours This "abusive" behaviour was apparently SO HORRIBLE compared to all the BM we've seen in the GSL so far. He no have drones bro he protoss.
Calling it a probe rush is an overstatement also... He just A-moved his probes and took his hand off the keyboard...
On December 14 2011 20:21 Roxy wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:17 parkin wrote: Messed up decision.
HuK mothership rushes and looses on purpose but is treated like a superhero.
Naniwa makes a probe rush and looses on purpose but gets revoked by biased judges.
Its pathetic and i hope more people boycott GSL. totally forgot about this!! there are so many other examples of pretty obvious game throwing too why pick on nani? the only difference is that his match is one of the few that actually MEAN NOTHING
Because he actually said he threw away the match. There is a difference between match-throwing as suspect and match-throwing as admitted by the player.
This whole situation sucks.
I agree on GOM's opinion that a probe rush is offensive to a paying audience.
But i also think the punishment is too hard, they should have made a press release saying that Naniwa was warned, and if it happened again he would loose his spot.
Remember that even if he is known for being BM in other tournaments, it does not change the fact that you should warn first.
It looks like Naniwa needs some serious coaching, he needs to learn to control his temper and not tilt.
On December 14 2011 20:18 Logros wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:15 Malpractice.248 wrote:On December 14 2011 20:13 Sailincieri wrote: Kids, this is obvious decision, you should understand why... GSL is tournament for professional players, playing is profession, not some kind of fun. In GSL they play for audience! Not for themselves. Do you think in normal JOB you can say to your boss that you have bad humor and dont wanna work? NO!
Naniwa, no matter what he think, should just sit in that booth and give fight with all his heart! To respect Korean audience, NesTea, GSL stuff, online audience etc.
This match wasnt meaningless, if not for Naniwa it has meaning for audience, probably for NesTea... This is not a playground for 3yo kinds, this is professional tournament, for professional players. His duty as a player was to give his best in that game! This. So much this Naniwa needs to grow up. ESL, IEM, Complexity, This. Not to mention he didnt do good in code a, hed get shit on in code s, especially when he wants to probe rush and not try. Yes it was. Do you really think that Naniwa and Nestea would have a good match after they both had tough 0-3 losses and nothing mattered anymore? They would never even play up to half of their ability so the matches would be boring and mean nothing. I do want to see Naniwa vs Nestea but then when there's actually something on the line, like a spot in the Ro6 or a spot in the finals like in the MLG global invitational.
So #$%^& what? Playing is his job! Not a kind of fun... People pays money to watch this, and they dont wanna watch some frustrated swedish kid, they wanna see good games. This is a JOB! not a playground....
On December 14 2011 20:21 Roxy wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:17 parkin wrote: Messed up decision.
HuK mothership rushes and looses on purpose but is treated like a superhero.
Naniwa makes a probe rush and looses on purpose but gets revoked by biased judges.
Its pathetic and i hope more people boycott GSL. totally forgot about this!! there are so many other examples of pretty obvious game throwing too why pick on nani? the only difference is that his match is one of the few that actually MEAN NOTHING they totally had to do it to prevent it from happening again.
its basically gom saying "inb4 everyone throws their last match if they're 3rd/4th place in their code s group match"
On December 14 2011 19:40 o)_Saurus wrote: So to sum things up:
Naniwa got kicked out of german EPS. Naniwa got kicked out of IEM. Naniwa got kicked out of Code S.
Seriously, can you still say that he is "misunderstood"?
At least esl used a clear ruleset and not a vague rule that you can bend to do basically anything.
- During a match, a player shall not offend the opponent or audience with abusive behaviours
Seriously next time they will ban somebody for manner mules or not typing gg.
GOM. you screwed it up. BADDD.
On December 14 2011 20:18 tomatriedes wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:11 tomatriedes wrote: So to all the people ranting about how unprofessional Naniwa is- do you think that BM winning/taunting ceremonies like manner mules,hatches and nexuses and unit dancing (all things that Gom allows) are 'professional'? Looks like nobody's got an answer to this? That's what I figured.
So basically you think gom is just out to get Naniwa for some reason? There is a big difference between playing a match and doing ceremonies/taunts to play to the crowd a little bit, and throwing a game.
On December 14 2011 20:15 Asymmetric wrote: Not only should Naniwa not be banned from next season, he should be given a damn medal for highlighting just how ridiculous the tournament format was.
This isn't like the Coca situation, it isn't even like half the MLG players that don't play there consolation matchs. This is Naniwa saying hes not some court jester here to perform for your amusement hes a competitive player first.
It's irrelevant. His sponsors are paying him to be a 'court jester' and GOM invited him to be a 'court jester', ie he's there to give the sponsor/GOMTV exposure too. Separating the competitive aspect of the sport from the entertainment aspect is just stupid.
If he doesn't want that to be a part of what he does then he can remove himself from Quantic gaming and see how that goes. Otherwise he can suck it up, grow a sack and realise that he has to make sacrifices in order for his career to work (pretty fucking trivial sacrifices might I add).
On December 14 2011 20:21 Highways wrote: Wow Artosis still on about mech.
Mech is possible in TvT, but impossible in TvP... Most reasonable post in this thread thus far. :D