Team EG mystery announcement in 1 day 19 hours? - Page 83
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2754 Posts
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United States120 Posts
On August 15 2011 17:25 Zaros wrote: hmm is that roughly 2 or so hours after state of the game i cant quite remember the PST start time for sotg. SOTG starts at 8:30pm PST so its 8 hours before SOTG | ||
United States8308 Posts
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United Arab Emirates874 Posts
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United Kingdom3692 Posts
On August 15 2011 17:29 mints wrote: SOTG starts at 8:30pm PST so its 8 hours before SOTG ah i thought u ment midnight with 12pm my mistake. | ||
Sweden1842 Posts
On August 15 2011 16:51 LiGhtoftheSwaRm wrote: If HuK does indeed join EG, I will be thoroughly entertained for days reading the senseless, baseless, and uncalled for rabble from this forum. If you want Esports to succeed, things like this must happen. Competition between teams in this manner forces everyone to strive to improve their situation. If you indeed do think you know HuK like he is your best friend and believe there is no way he would give up his situation in Korea or in the TL-OGS practice house, then I feel sorry for you and your wishful thinking. Maybe those things are true, but they would have little bearing in the face of an actual contractual offer from a team like EG. There are a multitude of reasons I love EG and the main one is that this team above all the others is actually trying to make Esports succesful outside of Korea. Most of the posters on this forum (in my humble opinion) do not want Esports to suceed like some say, but instead want SC2 to be like BW and for their precious TL to remain the center of the international SC2 universe forever. For Esports to suceed, it MUST slowly evolve into the way other professional sports are handled and the current model certainly is nothing close. I know it must be terible to think that your favorite player might be leaving his team (something of which we are not yet certain) but honestly, are you approaching this from a selfish perspective that only allows for a SC2 world that you envision? Based on what I've read in this thread, I think some of you have to answer yes. Lastly, I love to watch good Starcraft 2, I love the game. It's highly entertaining and I believe it has the potential to become something great, players like HuK, Idra, etc do a lot torwards making that goal a reality, and I would hate to see the out of game aspects construe what has become a blossoming Esport. Think of it has Real Madrid signing a player from Barcelona or vice-versa. Of course there is going to be hate. Happens in every sport, its not a bad sign it happens here either. people care, thats good. | ||
United States4222 Posts
On August 15 2011 17:27 SecondChance wrote: couldn't be. EG.HuK? lol... IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT DAMMNIT. Rekrul's theory could be a possibility; but I really do severely doubt HuK would leave Liquid. The only incentive I could see them offering is more money and I doubt after all this time at Liquid, all the bonds and friendships formed; and great results he's achieved for himself and Liquid would be disregarded for money. Honestly? As his friends, they'd probably understand. Money is money, and it's not like they would no longer be friends. | ||
United States3714 Posts
On August 15 2011 17:27 SecondChance wrote: couldn't be. EG.HuK? lol... IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT DAMMNIT. Rekrul's theory could be a possibility; but I really do severely doubt HuK would leave Liquid. The only incentive I could see them offering is more money and I doubt after all this time at Liquid, all the bonds and friendships formed; and great results he's achieved for himself and Liquid would be disregarded for money. It's just business though. Baseball players trade or sign with new teams all the time. They do not lose their friends over it. Bonds are bonds and eSports is a business, they don't necessarily have anything to do with one another. | ||
United States9965 Posts
On August 15 2011 17:27 jmbthirteen wrote: What? I'm on the west coast and its 1:30 A.M And guys, if Huk goes to EG, it doesn't mean he has to leave Korea. They supported Idra when he was there and are supporting Puma right now. EG has always had their eye Korea. That would be when the clock would hit 0. I'm well aware of what time it is here. | ||
Australia1199 Posts
On August 15 2011 17:24 IceSlipper wrote: People say you can move your clock forward and it opens the audio's (which are not yet uploaded anyway, thus unplayable). Since im in australia and my countdown is at 17:37 remaining, and there is still only 1 audio available, does that mean that we wont be getting another audio clip for at least 17 hours considering the 'real' countdown still has over 1day 10hours remaining and the second clip isnt until less than 17hours? I think you need to reconsider your logic. Fast forwarding the clock does not prompt an individual to upload a file to their server. | ||
United States11035 Posts
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France167 Posts
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United States2107 Posts
On August 15 2011 17:27 RogerChillingworth wrote: I wish the whole of team EG, barring Machine, would just O'Doyle Rules off a cliff. LOL awesome imagery. | ||
United States1835 Posts
Then when White-Ra joins Liquid in the next EG countdown, he'll be LiquidRa. | ||
Australia1028 Posts
On August 15 2011 17:30 Dox wrote: I think you need to reconsider your logic. Fast forwarding the clock does not prompt an individual to upload a file to their server. im not saying we would be able to hear the audio clip.. people just say the button to push it appears, but you still cant hear it (because it hasnt been uploaded yet, since the timer is incorrect).. im merely asking if we can use the clock to determine WHEN the audio clips will actually be uploaded.. | ||
Germany1928 Posts
On August 15 2011 17:27 SecondChance wrote: couldn't be. EG.HuK? lol... IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT DAMMNIT. Rekrul's theory could be a possibility; but I really do severely doubt HuK would leave Liquid. The only incentive I could see them offering is more money and I doubt after all this time at Liquid, all the bonds and friendships formed; and great results he's achieved for himself and Liquid would be disregarded for money. Not to take anything away from Huk, but if the right amount of money comes, then i don't think it will matter how many friends he gained via TL. Also he does not have to no longer talk to the likes of TLO etc. Also money makes people do a lot of things. | ||
United States10734 Posts
On August 15 2011 17:25 Zaros wrote: hmm is that roughly 2 or so hours after state of the game i cant quite remember the PST start time for sotg. No... SOTG is on at 8:30PM PST which is 8.5 hours later. But what if this isn't going off where EG is based, but rather say where Huk is based. The clock is set to expire about an hour and a half (in Korea) before Huk would play his Code S game. | ||
2781 Posts
On August 15 2011 17:29 DamageControL wrote: Honestly? As his friends, they'd probably understand. Money is money, and it's not like they would no longer be friends. What the fuck does "money is money" supposed to mean? If you're supported by your team and live comfortably, ditching them for more is greedy and a dick move. Simple as that. If you give a mouse a cookie. | ||
United States3728 Posts
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