On August 15 2011 17:24 NoobSkills wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 17:18 Oreo7 wrote:On August 15 2011 17:14 NoobSkills wrote:On August 15 2011 17:09 RogerChillingworth wrote:On August 15 2011 17:03 Irave wrote:On August 15 2011 17:02 JoeSchmoe wrote: Sigh... at this point all evidence seems to indicate huk... i'm so sad Or is it planted evidence for some peoples entertainment? Is there a reason huk had so many fans in the first place? It really confuses me. 1. Probably the second best foreigner. 2. He is outspoken about what he thinks no bullshit. What? I think you've confused huk and idra, huk's results lately show him to be the best foreigner, and while he's honest, I certainly wouldn't say that first about his personality, more that he's nice, happy, joking. I was actually talking about Naniwa being in first, but perhaps with his recent 1st's all over he is the best foreigner. His personality is what I said it is, that is why people like him. He says what he wants and does like to joke around with it, but he means it regardless. The guy I originally quoted wanted to know why he was popular. Naniwa who was probably the best about 2 months ago still was not the most popular, but not because he was lacking skill or chessed for all his wins, but he is a rather boring individual. I was just simply claiming that personality has a much greater affect on popularity than tournament results. Take Incontrol as an example. No 1sts in anything that matters, but most including me like to watch him because he expresses his feelings, and is pretty funny.
Naniwa's never been better than Huk at any point in Sc2. Even when Naniwa won Dallas, Huk was Code S and as Naniwa (and every other foreigner in Korea) has shown making Code S is damn hard to do.
Huk's got Code S, he's got 3 major foreign tournaments wins. He's the most successful foreigner in Sc2 to date with Jinro a close second.
On August 15 2011 17:34 HitMonkie wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 17:29 ribboo wrote:On August 15 2011 16:51 LiGhtoftheSwaRm wrote: If HuK does indeed join EG, I will be thoroughly entertained for days reading the senseless, baseless, and uncalled for rabble from this forum. If you want Esports to succeed, things like this must happen. Competition between teams in this manner forces everyone to strive to improve their situation. If you indeed do think you know HuK like he is your best friend and believe there is no way he would give up his situation in Korea or in the TL-OGS practice house, then I feel sorry for you and your wishful thinking. Maybe those things are true, but they would have little bearing in the face of an actual contractual offer from a team like EG.
There are a multitude of reasons I love EG and the main one is that this team above all the others is actually trying to make Esports succesful outside of Korea. Most of the posters on this forum (in my humble opinion) do not want Esports to suceed like some say, but instead want SC2 to be like BW and for their precious TL to remain the center of the international SC2 universe forever. For Esports to suceed, it MUST slowly evolve into the way other professional sports are handled and the current model certainly is nothing close.
I know it must be terible to think that your favorite player might be leaving his team (something of which we are not yet certain) but honestly, are you approaching this from a selfish perspective that only allows for a SC2 world that you envision? Based on what I've read in this thread, I think some of you have to answer yes.
Lastly, I love to watch good Starcraft 2, I love the game. It's highly entertaining and I believe it has the potential to become something great, players like HuK, Idra, etc do a lot torwards making that goal a reality, and I would hate to see the out of game aspects construe what has become a blossoming Esport. Think of it has Real Madrid signing a player from Barcelona or vice-versa. Of course there is going to be hate. Happens in every sport, its not a bad sign it happens here either. people care, thats good. Using your Football Analogy, This could also end up like the EPL where two or three teams with all the cash buying the best players from the lesser teams who cannot compete with the money offered. Which then leads to a lack of competition as in the EPL where it is the same two/three teams winning everytime. Shits boring.
Also, in Europe many teams struggle to recover one they bought a bunch of expensive players and then - against all odds - don't win every single cup they planned to and thus getting less sponsor money/media revenue etc.
btw; did noone think of EG being so mean they let the counter go down to -10hrs? :D
On August 15 2011 17:32 RogerChillingworth wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 17:29 DamageControL wrote:On August 15 2011 17:27 SecondChance wrote: Nah...it couldn't be. EG.HuK? lol...
Rekrul's theory could be a possibility; but I really do severely doubt HuK would leave Liquid. The only incentive I could see them offering is more money and I doubt after all this time at Liquid, all the bonds and friendships formed; and great results he's achieved for himself and Liquid would be disregarded for money. Honestly? As his friends, they'd probably understand. Money is money, and it's not like they would no longer be friends. What the fuck does "money is money" supposed to mean? If you're supported by your team and live comfortably, ditching them for more is greedy and a dick move. Simple as that. If you give a mouse a cookie. It means, hey this whole thing, who knows how long pro sc2 lasts. If EG is making an offer you cant refuse, take it.
If Johnny Damon can leave the Red Sox to go to the Yankees, Huk can go from Liquid to EG.
On August 15 2011 17:34 Angelbelow wrote: the puma situation actually makes more sense too.. they were slow to respond, maybe they wanted to announce everything at once with puma + huk + others. coach lee's unexpected rant may have foiled those plans.
I think this is definitely a possibility. I brought up something similar earlier on.
On August 15 2011 17:34 RogerChillingworth wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 17:33 NoobSkills wrote:On August 15 2011 17:32 RogerChillingworth wrote:On August 15 2011 17:29 DamageControL wrote:On August 15 2011 17:27 SecondChance wrote: Nah...it couldn't be. EG.HuK? lol...
Rekrul's theory could be a possibility; but I really do severely doubt HuK would leave Liquid. The only incentive I could see them offering is more money and I doubt after all this time at Liquid, all the bonds and friendships formed; and great results he's achieved for himself and Liquid would be disregarded for money. Honestly? As his friends, they'd probably understand. Money is money, and it's not like they would no longer be friends. What the fuck does "money is money" supposed to mean? If you're supported by your team and live comfortably, ditching them for more is greedy and a dick move. Simple as that. If you give a mouse a cookie. Yup in your job no matter what your job is, if a head hunter came through and offered you double what you were making you wouldn't leave despite friendships at the company. Fucking idealistic bullshit. It's not idealistic bullshit for people with principles. Rofl.
That opinion is just about the most overrated opinion around. If someone offered double the money for the same job/tasks I'd wager that 75%+ of those offered would take the double pay.
I hate this thread.
The more I read, the more I'm convinced it's gonna be Huk leaving to EG.
Then I take some time off, and I'm not so sure.
Then I go back to this thread.
Brutal cycle.
On August 15 2011 17:36 Dox wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 17:31 IceSlipper wrote:On August 15 2011 17:30 Dox wrote:On August 15 2011 17:24 IceSlipper wrote: People say you can move your clock forward and it opens the audio's (which are not yet uploaded anyway, thus unplayable). Since im in australia and my countdown is at 17:37 remaining, and there is still only 1 audio available, does that mean that we wont be getting another audio clip for at least 17 hours considering the 'real' countdown still has over 1day 10hours remaining and the second clip isnt until less than 17hours? I think you need to reconsider your logic. Fast forwarding the clock does not prompt an individual to upload a file to their server. im not saying we would be able to hear the audio clip.. people just say the button to push it appears, but you still cant hear it (because it hasnt been uploaded yet, since the timer is incorrect).. im merely asking if we can use the clock to determine WHEN the audio clips will actually be uploaded.. What I'm saying is, the countdown was there long before the first MP3 was uploaded. So no, the countdown does not indicate such. We can probably expect the next MP3 within 2 hours. Then why is another one of the buttons not open, for a clock 2 hours ahead of the actual countdown? Obviously it would be unplayable, but apparently when fastforwarded to 0 all the buttons appear anyway.
Well Liquid`TLO did say not so long along ago.
Every time something like this happens it makes me happy that I am in Liquid. After what has happened, there is no way I could ever join a team that pulls off stuff like EG. No matter how much they would offer.
I wonder if HuK feels the same? Guess we'll find out in a day or so.
Someone on reddit is now claiming HuK is getting an apartment in Korea and a six figure salary.
That seems a little insane if it's true.
On August 15 2011 17:32 RogerChillingworth wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 17:29 DamageControL wrote:On August 15 2011 17:27 SecondChance wrote: Nah...it couldn't be. EG.HuK? lol...
Rekrul's theory could be a possibility; but I really do severely doubt HuK would leave Liquid. The only incentive I could see them offering is more money and I doubt after all this time at Liquid, all the bonds and friendships formed; and great results he's achieved for himself and Liquid would be disregarded for money. Honestly? As his friends, they'd probably understand. Money is money, and it's not like they would no longer be friends. What the fuck does "money is money" supposed to mean? If you're supported by your team and live comfortably, ditching them for more is greedy and a dick move. Simple as that. If you give a mouse a cookie.
Because your progaming career lasts forever? It's a short period of time and as long as he goes through the proper channels it's insane to fault him for doing whats best for his career. I really dislike the move because liquid is my "club", but I am not sure how that's going to affect my liking of Huk as a player (fan) or EG. To be honest, I've been feeling pretty sore at eg since idras insane comment, but they have some likeable characters. Huk would be a big improvement over som of the mediocre players they have. This would also mark a downgrade in Liquid superstar quality.
definitely seems like HuK will be moving to EG, I love these kinds of things, I can't wait for the other mp3s to be released; seems like more than 1 player is moving aswell, possibly 5 players? I for each mp3? Guess we'll have to wait and see. Even though it might be seen as 'excessive' I'm glad EG is doing it like this, It's so much more fun
On August 15 2011 17:34 RogerChillingworth wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 17:33 NoobSkills wrote:On August 15 2011 17:32 RogerChillingworth wrote:On August 15 2011 17:29 DamageControL wrote:On August 15 2011 17:27 SecondChance wrote: Nah...it couldn't be. EG.HuK? lol...
Rekrul's theory could be a possibility; but I really do severely doubt HuK would leave Liquid. The only incentive I could see them offering is more money and I doubt after all this time at Liquid, all the bonds and friendships formed; and great results he's achieved for himself and Liquid would be disregarded for money. Honestly? As his friends, they'd probably understand. Money is money, and it's not like they would no longer be friends. What the fuck does "money is money" supposed to mean? If you're supported by your team and live comfortably, ditching them for more is greedy and a dick move. Simple as that. If you give a mouse a cookie. Yup in your job no matter what your job is, if a head hunter came through and offered you double what you were making you wouldn't leave despite friendships at the company. Fucking idealistic bullshit. It's not idealistic bullshit for people with principles. Rofl.
People with these "principals" break them all the time for pleasure or monetary gain. You would too, but you're not sitting at a table with an offer in front of you.
Now, I don't necessarily believe it is Huk, but you're actually lying to yourself if you think you wouldn't take double the pay.
As much as I love TL and what they do for the community, I feel as if everyone seems to be over rating Liquid(the team) in this discussion. Especially in the context of Huk leaving for EG.
Huk is their best player, with only Ret to offer any challenge to that claim.
From Huk's perspective its:
Idra or Ret/Sheth
Liquid comes out on top here by having 2 guys that are around Idra's level. Considering recent results, its hard to place these three, but they are all pretty close in skill.
Puma/Demuslim vs TLO/Jinro
This is a landslide for EG. Demuslim is probably better than both of those 2 and Puma is way better.
Tyler/Hero vs Incontrol/Axslav
Win for Liquid because of Hero, but not by that huge of a margin. I love Tyler, but he has shown no signs of wanting to get to a competitive level. It might be that he cant due to personal reasons, and that sucks for all of us, but from a practice perspective, he has little to offer.
The lesser players are fairly negligible. I would say, looking at the comparison above, that whichever team Huk joined would be the stronger team. Add in the hints towards 1 or more additional signings for EG and it starts to become one-sided.
Of course, there are other factors as well. If Huk wanted only to stay in Korea, he would probably be losing his spot at the oGs house, the best environment around for him to improve. However, EG has vaguely talked about establishing a training environment in Korea. Currently, we dont know if this is a 1 bedroom apartment for Puma, or a planned team house. The latter, coupled with a new Korean signing, could drastically lessen the impact of Huk having to leave the oGs house. Also, if Huk wanted to stay serious but perhaps come back to the states for a while, EG would be the obvious choice with their team house.
Lastly, money and loyalty come into play. Liquid is in an interesting state. They have an absolute top-notch connecting with oGs, but have only 2 players out there, 1 who appears to be leaving soon. Ret seems to be gaining form and Sheth/Hero are big signings, but TLO has injury issues, Haypro hasnt gotten anywhere and Tyler is stunted for various reasons. EG, on the other hand, seems to be gaining momentum with the new house and Puma signing. And while I'm sure Huk is a loyal guy, EG seems far more capable of paying a large salary, has bigger and more sponsors, and has shown that they are prepared to spend any money necessary to create a dominant team.
On August 15 2011 17:38 Frogsox wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 17:34 RogerChillingworth wrote:On August 15 2011 17:33 NoobSkills wrote:On August 15 2011 17:32 RogerChillingworth wrote:On August 15 2011 17:29 DamageControL wrote:On August 15 2011 17:27 SecondChance wrote: Nah...it couldn't be. EG.HuK? lol...
Rekrul's theory could be a possibility; but I really do severely doubt HuK would leave Liquid. The only incentive I could see them offering is more money and I doubt after all this time at Liquid, all the bonds and friendships formed; and great results he's achieved for himself and Liquid would be disregarded for money. Honestly? As his friends, they'd probably understand. Money is money, and it's not like they would no longer be friends. What the fuck does "money is money" supposed to mean? If you're supported by your team and live comfortably, ditching them for more is greedy and a dick move. Simple as that. If you give a mouse a cookie. Yup in your job no matter what your job is, if a head hunter came through and offered you double what you were making you wouldn't leave despite friendships at the company. Fucking idealistic bullshit. It's not idealistic bullshit for people with principles. Rofl. That opinion is just about the most overrated opinion around. If someone offered double the money for the same job/tasks I'd wager that 75%+ of those offered would take the double pay.
...and on top of that, if you take it, how it that against "principles?" If he was/is a free agent, he can sign with whomever. I just don't get how it is wrong to take more money to od the same job. Unless there was a moral issue with the new team, which I can't see one, then whatever.
On August 15 2011 17:39 last.resistance wrote: Someone on reddit is now claiming HuK is getting an apartment in Korea and a six figure salary.
That seems a little insane if it's true. Why would they pay that much for HuK when that figure is easily 10x the salary of any Korean sc2 player ever? They would just spend their money and get MVP, Nestea, MC all on one team lol
Also I think we're all wrong and it's a EG vs Korea series of showmatches.
Hilarity will ensue.
On August 15 2011 17:37 Oreo7 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 17:32 Angelbelow wrote: hmmmmm... look for the 4 horsemen.. TL Logo Sotg episode ?? ?? Conquest War Famine Death Red Pale White Black Hmmm. None of that is helpful, really. I don't really associate a color with huk, if any maybe blue, and none of the 4 things the horsemen in the bible represent have anything to do with this.
Liquid.Ret TT.Whitera 2 Koreans
An announcement inside an announcement inside an announcement. Soon we will forget we are even reading announcements and be lost in confusion forever.
if huk leaves tl does this mean he has to leave the ogs house too ?
On August 15 2011 17:39 last.resistance wrote: Someone on reddit is now claiming HuK is getting an apartment in Korea and a six figure salary.
That seems a little insane if it's true. Just slightly insane. Considering I doubt Idra even comes close to making that amount.
BY RogerChillingworth:
What the fuck does "money is money" supposed to mean? If you're supported by your team and live comfortably, ditching them for more is greedy and a dick move. Simple as that. If you give a mouse a cookie.
You're a douchebag man. Progaming is a volatile career. you migth only have a few years of being in high demand. Get the highest salary whilst you're still wanted.
On August 15 2011 17:37 Necropoly wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 17:24 NoobSkills wrote:On August 15 2011 17:18 Oreo7 wrote:On August 15 2011 17:14 NoobSkills wrote:On August 15 2011 17:09 RogerChillingworth wrote:On August 15 2011 17:03 Irave wrote:On August 15 2011 17:02 JoeSchmoe wrote: Sigh... at this point all evidence seems to indicate huk... i'm so sad Or is it planted evidence for some peoples entertainment? Is there a reason huk had so many fans in the first place? It really confuses me. 1. Probably the second best foreigner. 2. He is outspoken about what he thinks no bullshit. What? I think you've confused huk and idra, huk's results lately show him to be the best foreigner, and while he's honest, I certainly wouldn't say that first about his personality, more that he's nice, happy, joking. I was actually talking about Naniwa being in first, but perhaps with his recent 1st's all over he is the best foreigner. His personality is what I said it is, that is why people like him. He says what he wants and does like to joke around with it, but he means it regardless. The guy I originally quoted wanted to know why he was popular. Naniwa who was probably the best about 2 months ago still was not the most popular, but not because he was lacking skill or chessed for all his wins, but he is a rather boring individual. I was just simply claiming that personality has a much greater affect on popularity than tournament results. Take Incontrol as an example. No 1sts in anything that matters, but most including me like to watch him because he expresses his feelings, and is pretty funny. Naniwa's never been better than Huk at any point in Sc2. Even when Naniwa won Dallas, Huk was Code S and as Naniwa (and every other foreigner in Korea) has shown making Code S is damn hard to do. Huk's got Code S, he's got 3 major foreign tournaments wins. He's the most successful foreigner in Sc2 to date with Jinro a close second.
I disagree with you. There was a period where Naniwa was doing and looking a lot stronger then huk. When Naniwa won MLG dallas huk was not Code S but code A. He did not get code S until May, where as naniwa won dallas in april and placed second in TSL.
Today yes Huk is better then naniwa, and has better results, but there was a time when Naniwa was looking way stronger then huk.