On May 23 2010 15:11 Xiphos wrote: You know all those match rigging and stuff should be handled by the coaches and managers of the team. Think about it, the match rigging in Proleague only affected the team so the coaches or manager can choose to punish the player or not. In individual league, if you choose to lose a game or 2, then its YOUR problem for doing so. No need to get the government into this.
If stealing lots of money from others doesn't warrant government intervention, and is solely a matter to be handled internally, then that's a pretty nice deal for the culprits. If you bet 1k on savior to win a game and he threw it, would you feel that only his team should have a gripe with it?
On May 23 2010 20:31 corumjhaelen wrote: Nada and YellOw made me soooooooooooo sad... My eyes got wet... Amazing. Thanks for the links, and the translation =)
god... the translation made me feel really bad for yellow
its a bit of a running joke to the rest of us, but can you imagine how much it haunts him always being so close yet so far?
On May 23 2010 15:11 Xiphos wrote: You know all those match rigging and stuff should be handled by the coaches and managers of the team. Think about it, the match rigging in Proleague only affected the team so the coaches or manager can choose to punish the player or not. In individual league, if you choose to lose a game or 2, then its YOUR problem for doing so. No need to get the government into this.
All hail FBH, he knew how much a dick Savior is and he has been trying to tell us all this time through interpretive dance. If you watch him closely, you will see how he is trying to say how Savior has a dick up his ass.
On May 24 2010 12:21 Antisocialmunky wrote: As much as I <3 FBH, I wouldn't be surprised if Savior finally gave up after getting emotionally broken by FBH.
On May 24 2010 12:21 Antisocialmunky wrote: As much as I <3 FBH, I wouldn't be surprised if Savior finally gave up after getting emotionally broken by FBH.
- What do you (Boxer) think of Savior? At your out of army interview it seemed like you want to teach Savior more. ▲ Boxer: During the Savior Era, he dominated everything and looked invincible. He is a very experiance played. During my out of army interview you guys asked me 'who is the player who seems to be most similar with you?' and I answered savior but I guess people took it as a 'apprentice' thing. But thats not what I meant. We both earned so much money but blew it all on useless stuff. When we started to try getting more money we started losing. Once a man is seduced to life's other fine entertainment, it is very difficult to get back up. But Savior is dealing with his problems very well. This is why I said we were similar.
- And what do you think of Boxer? ▲ Savior: Come to think of it, I do think what Boxer said is right... When I first started to be a progamer, I wanted to catch up to E-Sports icon Boxer Hyung. I tried very hard as to get up to that level. After hearing what Boxer Hyung said I agree with it 100%. Only people who lost everything they had can know this feeling. Honestly, I always felt Boxer Hyung is the only one who can understand my feeling. Because he knew how hard it is to go through, I think him understanding my position is thankful.
- When a top player falls to the ground, it is fact that a player to get back to their #1 spot is extremely difficult. ▲ Boxer: For players who reach their peak and fall back down it is very difficult to get back to their original state. You can't concentrate, and when practice isn't working out you seek for other pleasures. Women and alcohol mainly. Players who were at the top know the way back, but it is still very difficult. Players like us know how harsh reality is, and that is probably why it is the biggest factor. After leaving the army, I decided on 1 thing. I don't want to screw around anymore and I think I can give up everything for gaming. Like the first time I came onto the e-sports scene, I want to sacrifice everything to get back to my original state.
▲ Savior: I agree with everything, especially how you have to sacrifice everything. When I was at my prime, I met people and just played. When I wanted to get back inshape, disconnecting myself with life's pleasures was so had. Not long ago I felt it, getting back in shape is a long, long way.