I voted "average" for Moletrap and Kelly, both for different reasons. Moletrap talking over Doa really gets on my nerves some times, and it may be a chemistry thing between the two (a lack of respect from both sides, perhaps?). At times, Moletrap seems unresponsive to Doa's (bad) humor, and as a casting pair he should at least acknowledge it. Kelly's accent could be aggravating at times, true, however the more I listened to her the better I understood her and the easier it became. Also, Kelly never really developed a lot of chemistry with either Templar in the casting Archon, so it was a bit rough to watch, similar to Moletrap and Doa.
I respect Moletrap for the amount of work he's put in for the Broodwar community and for his efforts in casting games in English. I think Kelly is breaking some great ground for a female caster, and will continue to improve and possibly find a parter she has good chemistry with. Doa seems daft at times, but he has the casting 'thing' down despite terrible puns and sometimes annoying commentary.
Personally, I'm really happy that the foreigner scene has come so far that we can now debate which casters we like and don't like, and have a real choice in the matter. We were lucky to have a trailblazer like Tasteless in Broodwar.
EDIT: Someone mentioned DeMuslim and Rotterdam. A good casting duo with a strong friendship outside the studio. Many hearts and much enjoyment!
On May 19 2011 06:28 Krehlmar wrote: Yeah she does her best and yeah it's all good and dandy, do it somewhere else not at the major tournaments. I'm not trolling here or trying to be mean, but in all godamn honesty, if kelly wasn't a girl nobody would give two shits and there had been no one to vote "Excellent" on the poll for her. Yes and no. Kelly kind of has the problem of all girls who're involved in male-dominated video games, which means that reactions to her are polarized. Some people hate her extra because she's female, and some people defend her beyond reason for the same reason.
That said... I made my votes and noticed that my opinions seem to be perfectly in-line with the results of each poll. Funny, that.
I don't really like doa.. It seems like he is such a tasteless wannabe and copys him a lot. At least that' the impression that I get.
On May 18 2011 16:12 KMARTRULES wrote: Anyone who votes horrible or even bad are either trolls or have really high standards, all the casters have done a great job.
Oh c'mon man, I think we can all be a little more open minded than that...
Personally, Tastosis beats all, while Doa and Moletrap are both very good. I don't think Kelly is bad, but I don't think that she adds very much to the game either.
On May 19 2011 06:37 bellhop wrote: I voted "average" for Moletrap and Kelly, both for different reasons. Moletrap talking over Doa really gets on my nerves some times, and it may be a chemistry thing between the two (a lack of respect from both sides, perhaps?). At times, Moletrap seems unresponsive to Doa's (bad) humor, and as a casting pair he should at least acknowledge it. Kelly's accent could be aggravating at times, true, however the more I listened to her the better I understood her and the easier it became. Also, Kelly never really developed a lot of chemistry with either Templar in the casting Archon, so it was a bit rough to watch, similar to Moletrap and Doa.
I respect Moletrap for the amount of work he's put in for the Broodwar community and for his efforts in casting games in English. I think Kelly is breaking some great ground for a female caster, and will continue to improve and possibly find a parter she has good chemistry with. Doa seems daft at times, but he has the casting 'thing' down despite terrible puns and sometimes annoying commentary.
Personally, I'm really happy that the foreigner scene has come so far that we can now debate which casters we like and don't like, and have a real choice in the matter. We were lucky to have a trailblazer like Tasteless in Broodwar.
EDIT: Someone mentioned DeMuslim and Rotterdam. A good casting duo with a strong friendship outside the studio. Many hearts and much enjoyment!
Good analysis of it. Moletraps commentary isn't so bad but his excitement combined with his voice sort of gets a bit on me. His screaming is really unappealing, and his chemistry with DoA has shown to be continually bad. I thought it would get better but it really hasn't over time.
Obviously I do believe 99% of us would want Tastosis to cast all the matches, but currently the Code A casters are just fine. People should really face it that you're rarely going to get the chemistry that Tastosis has because they've known each other for what? 18 years? But also we do have Day[9], JP, DJWheat who seem to gel pretty well together and interchangeably which is quite impressive. The issue is they're the foreign top casters and Tastosis does Korea and apparently this MLG. Perhaps though GSL should test putting Tasteless and Artosis paired with one of the Code A castings to see if they improve greatly, but as for right now they're not bad, and if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Who in their right mind would give Artosis anything but Excellent? If he is "only" good then who IS excellent? I can only assume people who rate him as horrible are trolls
Tastosis excellent, Doatrap very good.
Kelly... I don't think she is suited for casting. If you ask me she only got this far because of her gender, not for her casting merits.
Moletrap and DOA are pretty good, I liked Day9/Chill co-casting at the TSL more, but I know they'll never be together to do Code A in the GSL.
Tastosis is by far the best, I wish they could cast every game. I was really disappointed when I started watching the GSL Team League and they were not casting. They add so much to the game, and their knowledge is really good, and they have good chemistry.
Kelly had pitiful knowledge of the game and the players by comparison to the other two, and often times saying something that is wrong or lacking basic understanding of build orders; which was unacceptable to me.
If nothing changes for next, Tastosis does Code S, Moletrap/DOA do Code A, I'll be satisfied and purchase my ticket again.
Well.. I think this poll confirms that the complaints about Kelly's casting was not from a "vocal minority" as some people put it to make her feel better. I mean the super-haters that spammed her and sent her threats certainly represents a minority but hot damn the number speak for themselves....
On May 19 2011 05:49 timbo wrote:
If I wasn't used to Tastosis I would say Moletrap and DOA are great casters but I just don't get anywhere near as much enjoyment out of them as I do the Tastosis casts.
I feel Tastosis have given me such a high expectation of casters I can't enjoy those who are not on the same level.
Another great commentating duo is Demuslim & Rotterdam, the next best thing to Tastosis. and i'll also happily watch any commentary including Day9 or Idra.
Aside from ranking Doletrap as "good" instead of "great" if I wasn't used to Tastosis, I agree with all of timbo's post here a full 100%.
artosis - when he commentates you really feel his passion and love for the game. I really love listening to artosis, gsl wouldn't be gsl without him
I don't know why every is crapping on Kelly. Her biggest problem was poor enunciation when she gets excited. Her SC knowledge is about the same as Doa and Moletrap. If she fixes her english so she is more easily understood by a western audience, she would probably be better than Doa
Dream combos: Day9 + artosis Demuslim + Tlo/idra Rotterdam + Tod Tasteless + incontrol
Good poll. The only thing it's missing is the synergy of casters. While Artosis and Tasteless are both great individually, the Tastosis archon is greater than the sum of its parts. Meanwhile, I found Doa + Kelly to be a decent combo, but Doa + Moletrap is a complete trainwreck.
Artosis: Excellent Tasteless: Excellent Kelly: Good DOA: Average molecrap: Horrible (I refuse to watch Code A, up & down & gstl because of him)
While i like that molecrap makes some research & that he's trying...But some people are just annoying no matter how hard they try and molecrap is one of them...
PS: No Offence
Artosis is just the legend of passion for Starcraft. When i think about Starcraft, his voice comes into my head, even though i learned most about the game with Day9. Tasteless can be annoying but in general i find him good to listen to. KellyMilkies, well i'm just glad that i never watched when she was casting. Doa is just average. Doesn't make the game more interesting or so. Moletrap has got some passion, but he's not on the analytical level i'd love him to be.
I really love DeMuslim as a caster.
Maybe my dream combination would me Artosis + DeMuslim, allthough that would be so freakin awkward in the beginning.
Excellent Excellent Horrible Average Average
Seems like most people agree
On May 19 2011 07:29 MyXoMoPBL wrote: Dream combos: Day9 + artosis Demuslim + Tlo/idra Rotterdam + Tod Tasteless + incontrol
dam, Demuslim and Idra would be insanely good.
moletrap is the best and he is akward and a bad caster and i don't see why people even like him. DoA is alright though. and kelly at least knows about starcraft more that DoA and Moletrap put together. they always say someone is doing a strat and it is obvious they are not even thinking about that. they say someone is going for a all in when they are building an expo. they just are not very good at casting