United States23455 Posts
I just want to gauge people's reactions on the current state of GSL casting. We've had enough time with the new casters that I think opinions are valid. Please, if you're going to critique or say something bad about one of the casters, at least have some thought behind it.
Just don't go, "OMG TASTELESS SUX SO BAD! PLEASE FIRE HIM GOM KTHX!" Just because you don't like someone's casting means you can be a dick to them. If you dislike how they work, that's fine - they're professionals and should be able to be critiqued like any person in the spotlight.
Poll: ArtosisExcellent (Makes the game better with his commentary) (3424) 92% Good (204) 5% Average (42) 1% Horrible (Takes away from the quality of the cast) (29) 1% Bad (13) 0% 3712 total votes Your vote: Artosis (Vote): Excellent (Makes the game better with his commentary) (Vote): Good (Vote): Average (Vote): Bad (Vote): Horrible (Takes away from the quality of the cast)
Poll: TastelessExcellent (Makes the game better with his commentary) (2801) 76% Good (673) 18% Average (126) 3% Horrible (Takes away from the quality of the cast) (50) 1% Bad (28) 1% 3678 total votes Your vote: Tasteless (Vote): Excellent (Makes the game better with his commentary) (Vote): Good (Vote): Average (Vote): Bad (Vote): Horrible (Takes away from the quality of the cast)
Poll: KellyHorrible (Takes away from the quality of the cast) (1336) 37% Average (1072) 29% Bad (583) 16% Good (485) 13% Excellent (Makes the game better with his commentary) (162) 4% 3638 total votes Your vote: Kelly (Vote): Excellent (Makes the game better with his commentary) (Vote): Good (Vote): Average (Vote): Bad (Vote): Horrible (Takes away from the quality of the cast)
Poll: DOAAverage (1585) 46% Good (1191) 35% Bad (345) 10% Horrible (Takes away from the quality of the cast) (195) 6% Excellent (Makes the game better with his commentary) (121) 4% 3437 total votes Your vote: DOA (Vote): Excellent (Makes the game better with his commentary) (Vote): Good (Vote): Average (Vote): Bad (Vote): Horrible (Takes away from the quality of the cast)
Poll: MoletrapGood (1444) 40% Average (955) 27% Horrible (Takes away from the quality of the cast) (474) 13% Excellent (Makes the game better with his commentary) (417) 12% Bad (305) 8% 3595 total votes Your vote: Moletrap (Vote): Excellent (Makes the game better with his commentary) (Vote): Good (Vote): Average (Vote): Bad (Vote): Horrible (Takes away from the quality of the cast)
looks like tastosis is by far the most favourited :> and rightly so
Anyone who votes horrible or even bad are either trolls or have really high standards, all the casters have done a great job.
I voted in order: Excellent Excellent Bad Average Good
nice to know only a vocal minority hates Moletrap.
Artosis is great but he drops to good without Nick.
They are the Archon of Casting remember and they go together likes eggs and Bacon which is why I voted them both top excellent.
Kelly is pretty good in a masochistic kinda way.
Doa is OK but Moletrap just grates (no offense) he's just a bit to screechy for my liking but he is growing on me.
Kudos to them all though and Kelly, you need to get your kit off in more FHM pics
artosis tasteless and moletrap FTW
dont like kellys casting as much (sorry, no offense to her) but i somehow dont like the way she talks dont know why though
moletrap is cool but sometimes i think that he has no clue what hes talking about but he is still good most of the time
Edit: my voting order was: excellent excellent average excellent good
I don't understand the point of this thread to be honest. People constantly bash/praise commentators in pretty much every other thread anyways. /:
Fix Kellys poll, I dont think 'his' commentary makes the game better...
Excellent, Excellent, Good, Horrible, Good.
I don't know what all the fuss is about Doa, Moletrap is the only guy keeping it interesting. And I'll never realize why people seem to have a vendetta against Kelly.
Nothing personal, but really can't stand Kelly's accent.
Not really a fan of DoA or Kelly ^_^; The others are excellent! I say they get some, if not all of the TSL casters over there! :D
Order for me was:
Excellent Excellent Bad Excellent Excellent
The only reason I put bad for Kelly was because it is just so hard to understand it. I have a large enough issue understanding anyone with a reasonable accent, and she just makes it unbearable for me (may have something to do with my slightly hearing deficiency). Personally I really like moletrap and doa because they both bring an insight to the game, and moletrap I feel brings a korean style commentating, but in english of course.
And who can't love Tastosis XD.
On May 18 2011 16:15 rawrjaaaaay wrote: I don't understand the point of this thread to be honest. People constantly bash/praise commentators in pretty much every other thread anyways. /: I am curious to see the results after some more people vote. Specifically about Moletrap. I see a lot of people bashing him, but a lot defend him too. Personally I can't stand him, so I'm curious.
On May 18 2011 16:14 BLinD-RawR wrote: nice to know only a vocal minority hates Moletrap.
Word. I was afraid it was only those of us who watched Moletrap's bw commentaries who still liked him considering all the hate he's been getting in the LR threads and gomtv comments sections.
I'm so surprised @ the people who don't like moletrap. Whats up with that.
My votes: + Show Spoiler + Excellent Excellent Horrible Good Excellent
I think everybody who isn't tastosis is easily replaceable, and that makes me vote "average" for everybody else since nothing really sets them apart from the plethora of other random youtube casters out there in my mind.
Yeah i dont really get this etiher. This will only bring a shitstorm of bashing of casters. Why are the sc2 community so obsessed with casters? Its crasy...
The problem with commentating for GSL is that Tastosis sets the bar way too high... it's like night and day when you watch Code A one day and watch Code S the next. In particular, they just work together perfectly, as opposed to Moletrap + DoA where there are some awkward moments. And the former pair is just way better at filling up air time when nothing is going on. I think that's something Moletrap and DoA could pick up from Tasteless...
But yeah, not to say that they're bad, just that Tastosis is too good. xD