Posts from 2006 will start on page 9, for those who are lazy.
(Start original post here)
Well, I assume most of you have chosen which college you'll attend next year. If you haven't, get out of your cave :/. I thought it'd be nice to compile a list of them here so that people can have teamliquid meetings in real life or something like that. Or maybe just for fun to see the distribution of TLers and so that people can see how much dumber they are than some TLers :D
I'll try to keep this post updated -_- [This doesn't have to be only new Freshmen by the way--anyone of any year can post]
3rd.Wiseman: University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
8882: Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Poland
0x64: Tampere University of Technology, Finland(?)
Advice: Art Institute of Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky University, USA
AiurZ: South Dakota State University, USA
AK-Nemesis: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Alphaentity: UC Berkeley, USA
Anal_Ripper: Imperial College in London
Archi[pG]: University of Greifswald, Germany
Arsenic: University California Santa Barbara
aseq: University of Utrecht, the Netherlands
AutumnLight: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Bard: Baylor University, Texas, USA
bburn: Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
bdams: SIT
Bill307: University of Waterloo, Canada
Bine: School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL
Blind: UCLA, USA
BoY: HEC Paris, France
Brood: NYU, USA
Cambium: University of Waterloo, Canada
cava: University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
CdL)Chogs: University of Arizona, USA
[cF]TridenT: University California Santa Barbara, USA
Chibi[OWNS]: Bradford, England
Chill: Queen's University, Canada
Chosu: Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico
Cloud: ITA in Mexico
Clutch3: Reed College (97), Brown (03)
CTStalker: University of New Brunswick, N.B., Canada
Danka: Universidad Catolica or PUCP, Lima Peru
Day[9]: Harvey Mudd College, USA
DooMeR-X17: University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Mayaguez, PR
Element)Logic: Alberta College of Art and Design
EnDeR_: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Eti307: Sherbrooke University, Quebec, Canada
exalted: National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
FirstProbe: University of Auckland, New Zealand
Flavors: UW-Parkside Kenosha, WI, USA
FrosT(TE): Fairfield University, Canada
FuDDx: University of Arizona Tucson, AZ, USA
Gokai: Oregon State University, USA
GrandInquisitor: Rutgers University - New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Haduken: Monash University, Melbourne Australia
Haemonculus: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Haivan: Plovdiv University , Bulgaria
Headbangaa: UC San Diego, USA
HnR)Insane: University of Washington, USA
HnR)Pride: University of Guelph, Canada
Hulkamania: Samford University - Birmingham, AL.
hy0r1: UT Austin, USA
Hyori_kr: University of North Carolina, USA
Hyung: University of Washington
I_are_n00b: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
IA-ZiggyNeon/IA-M_Sparticus: Bowling Green State U.; Bowling Green, Ohio, USA
Illuminati_us: PC Productivity, USA [ ]
IntoTheWow: Universidad de Buenos Aires aka UBA, Argentina
Intruige: Cornell University, USA
Jathin: University of Rochester, USA
Jazz[AutO]: Denison Univertsity, Granville, Ohio, USA
jchanhm: University of Alberta, Canada
Jingear: University of Louisiana in Lafayette, USA
jkillashark: UC San Diego, USA
Ke422Azn: University of Washington, USA
KingFalladir: Princeton, USA
KOFgokuon: University of Delaware, Newark DE USA
Kryzch: Silesian University of Technology (Politechnika Śląska), AEiI, Gliwice, Poland.
L!MP: Macquarie University, NSW, Australia
lil.sis: Columbia University, New York, USA
Liquid`Nazgul: Erasmus Rotterdam, Netherlands
LordOfDabu: RPI, Troy, NY, USA
Manifesto7: University of Victoria, Victoria British Columbia (Graduated '05)
Mel_ee: Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona CA, USA
MightyAtom: MA Korea University, South Korea
mnm: University of California, Berkeley aka. cal (Graduated '03)
MoltkeWarding: Queen's University, Canada
Myaccountmessup: Simon Fraser University
naventus: MIT, USA
NeO)Phoenix: York University, Toronto, Canada
Newblish: University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
NoKnuckles: Queen's University, Canada
NonY: Duke University in Durham, NC, USA
Not_Banned: Texas State Technical College, USA
NullHK: University of Toronto, Canada
O.Oa: Hawkey College, USA
omgbnetsux: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CA, USA
PaeZ: University of Tecnologico de Monterrey (Monterrey's Technologic) Guadalajara Campus, Mexico
Pat: University Laval, Quebec
pfff: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
ploy: Iowa State University, USA
Polemarch: University of Toronto, Canada
prac1: Rutgers University - New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Programmer: Cégep de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada
ProTOSS[GER]: Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
Purind: Queens University, Canada
pwn: University of Waterloo, Canada
QuiKSilveR/Amber[LighT]: Bowling Green State U.; Bowling Green, Ohio, USA
Refrain[FriZ] : University of Toronto, Canada
Roman: New York U
RowdierBob: University of Canberra, Australia
rpf289/IA-DeadGardenS: UMass Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
SaNteria/IA-impOster: University of Alberta, Canada
SCFraser: Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
Sfydjklm: St.Joseph's College, New York City, USA
Sharkey: University College of the Fraser Valley, Canada
Silent`Assassin: RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) NY
Slaughter)BIO: Michigan State University, USA
Solar[i.C]: UCSB, USA
Somniac: UCLA, USA
Starparty: Högskola i Kalmar, Sweden
Stat.quo: Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Steve[cF] [ Dragoonat711]: University California Santa Barbara, USA
SuNDAnce: University of Zilina,Slovakia
Sw1tch: Hiram College, Hiram, OH, USA
tehsnow: University of Montreal, Canada
thedeadhaji: Princeton University, USA
Tien: Mcgill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tiffany: University of Texas at Austin, USA
{ToT}Strafe: Erasmus Rotterdam, Netherlands
ToT)viSseR( [ {88}incontrol]: Oregon State University, USA
Trentlane: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - UTN FRBA - Argentina
Trident: UCSB, USA
Trivium[light] [ Trey]: Bowling Green State U.; Bowling Green, Ohio, USA
tsagacity: Michigan State University, USA
uhjoo: Yale (graduated ??)
uidf: University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
Unforgiven_ve: Universidad de los Andes (ULA -Venezuela)
useless: UC Irvine, USA
VdP]Epiphany: Imperial College London
Veg: Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Veigh: University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands
[vital]Myth: Harvey Mudd College, USA
wasted: University of Bremen, Germany
WhatisProtoss: MIT, USA
Wuselmops: RWTH Aachen, Germany
Xanimal: University of Waterloo, Canada
Xeroth: University of Tennessee in Knoxville, USA
YoiChiBow: Virginia Tech, USA
Yosh: University of California, Berkeley
YoUr_KiLLeR: University of Texas, Austin, Texas
Zoraptor: University of Basel, Switzerland
Zorglub: University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
zulu_nation8: Tulane University, Louisiana, USA