Well, it's getting around that time of year again. I thought I might bump this topic up, so that we can get the people that are starting univesrity added to the university list (and also people who have joined tl after last time).
Posts from 2006 will start on page 9, for those who are lazy.
(Start original post here)
Well, I assume most of you have chosen which college you'll attend next year. If you haven't, get out of your cave :/. I thought it'd be nice to compile a list of them here so that people can have teamliquid meetings in real life or something like that. Or maybe just for fun to see the distribution of TLers and so that people can see how much dumber they are than some TLers :D
I'll try to keep this post updated -_- [This doesn't have to be only new Freshmen by the way--anyone of any year can post]
3rd.Wiseman: University of Toledo, Ohio, USA 8882: Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Poland 0x64: Tampere University of Technology, Finland(?) Advice: Art Institute of Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky University, USA AiurZ: South Dakota State University, USA AK-Nemesis: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Alphaentity: UC Berkeley, USA Anal_Ripper: Imperial College in London Archi[pG]: University of Greifswald, Germany Arsenic: University California Santa Barbara aseq: University of Utrecht, the Netherlands AutumnLight: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Bard: Baylor University, Texas, USA bburn: Rochester Institute of Technology, USA bdams: SIT Bill307: University of Waterloo, Canada Bine: School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL Blind: UCLA, USA BoY: HEC Paris, France Brood: NYU, USA Cambium: University of Waterloo, Canada cava: University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA CdL)Chogs: University of Arizona, USA [cF]TridenT: University California Santa Barbara, USA Chibi[OWNS]: Bradford, England Chill: Queen's University, Canada Chosu: Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico Cloud: ITA in Mexico Clutch3: Reed College (97), Brown (03) CTStalker: University of New Brunswick, N.B., Canada Danka: Universidad Catolica or PUCP, Lima Peru Day[9]: Harvey Mudd College, USA DooMeR-X17: University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Mayaguez, PR Element)Logic: Alberta College of Art and Design EnDeR_: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain Eti307: Sherbrooke University, Quebec, Canada exalted: National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan FirstProbe: University of Auckland, New Zealand Flavors: UW-Parkside Kenosha, WI, USA FrosT(TE): Fairfield University, Canada FroZZoR: UCLA, USA FuDDx: University of Arizona Tucson, AZ, USA Gokai: Oregon State University, USA GrandInquisitor: Rutgers University - New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA Haduken: Monash University, Melbourne Australia Haemonculus: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Haivan: Plovdiv University , Bulgaria Headbangaa: UC San Diego, USA HnR)Insane: University of Washington, USA HnR)Pride: University of Guelph, Canada Hulkamania: Samford University - Birmingham, AL. hy0r1: UT Austin, USA Hyori_kr: University of North Carolina, USA Hyung: University of Washington I_are_n00b: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA IA-ZiggyNeon/IA-M_Sparticus: Bowling Green State U.; Bowling Green, Ohio, USA Illuminati_us: PC Productivity, USA [ http://www.pcproductivitytraining.com/ ] IntoTheWow: Universidad de Buenos Aires aka UBA, Argentina Intruige: Cornell University, USA Jathin: University of Rochester, USA Jazz[AutO]: Denison Univertsity, Granville, Ohio, USA jchanhm: University of Alberta, Canada Jingear: University of Louisiana in Lafayette, USA jkillashark: UC San Diego, USA Ke422Azn: University of Washington, USA KingFalladir: Princeton, USA KOFgokuon: University of Delaware, Newark DE USA Kryzch: Silesian University of Technology (Politechnika Śląska), AEiI, Gliwice, Poland. L!MP: Macquarie University, NSW, Australia lil.sis: Columbia University, New York, USA Liquid`Nazgul: Erasmus Rotterdam, Netherlands LordOfDabu: RPI, Troy, NY, USA Manifesto7: University of Victoria, Victoria British Columbia (Graduated '05) Mel_ee: Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona CA, USA MightyAtom: MA Korea University, South Korea mnm: University of California, Berkeley aka. cal (Graduated '03) MoltkeWarding: Queen's University, Canada Myaccountmessup: Simon Fraser University naventus: MIT, USA NeO)Phoenix: York University, Toronto, Canada Newblish: University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. NoKnuckles: Queen's University, Canada NonY: Duke University in Durham, NC, USA Not_Banned: Texas State Technical College, USA NullHK: University of Toronto, Canada O.Oa: Hawkey College, USA omgbnetsux: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CA, USA PaeZ: University of Tecnologico de Monterrey (Monterrey's Technologic) Guadalajara Campus, Mexico Pat: University Laval, Quebec pfff: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium ploy: Iowa State University, USA Polemarch: University of Toronto, Canada prac1: Rutgers University - New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA Programmer: Cégep de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada ProTOSS[GER]: Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) Purind: Queens University, Canada pwn: University of Waterloo, Canada QuiKSilveR/Amber[LighT]: Bowling Green State U.; Bowling Green, Ohio, USA Refrain[FriZ] : University of Toronto, Canada Roman: New York U RowdierBob: University of Canberra, Australia rpf289/IA-DeadGardenS: UMass Lowell, Massachusetts, USA SaNteria/IA-impOster: University of Alberta, Canada SCFraser: Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada Sfydjklm: St.Joseph's College, New York City, USA Sharkey: University College of the Fraser Valley, Canada Silent`Assassin: RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) NY Slaughter)BIO: Michigan State University, USA Solar[i.C]: UCSB, USA Somniac: UCLA, USA Starparty: Högskola i Kalmar, Sweden Stat.quo: Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada Steve[cF] [ Dragoonat711]: University California Santa Barbara, USA SuNDAnce: University of Zilina,Slovakia Sw1tch: Hiram College, Hiram, OH, USA tehsnow: University of Montreal, Canada thedeadhaji: Princeton University, USA Tien: Mcgill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Tiffany: University of Texas at Austin, USA {ToT}Strafe: Erasmus Rotterdam, Netherlands ToT)viSseR( [ {88}incontrol]: Oregon State University, USA Trentlane: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - UTN FRBA - Argentina Trident: UCSB, USA Trivium[light] [ Trey]: Bowling Green State U.; Bowling Green, Ohio, USA tsagacity: Michigan State University, USA uhjoo: Yale (graduated ??) uidf: University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA Unforgiven_ve: Universidad de los Andes (ULA -Venezuela) useless: UC Irvine, USA VdP]Epiphany: Imperial College London Veg: Concordia University, Montreal, Canada Veigh: University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands [vital]Myth: Harvey Mudd College, USA wasted: University of Bremen, Germany WhatisProtoss: MIT, USA Wuselmops: RWTH Aachen, Germany Xanimal: University of Waterloo, Canada Xeroth: University of Tennessee in Knoxville, USA YoiChiBow: Virginia Tech, USA Yosh: University of California, Berkeley YoUr_KiLLeR: University of Texas, Austin, Texas Zoraptor: University of Basel, Switzerland Zorglub: University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark zulu_nation8: Tulane University, Louisiana, USA
How is UCLA. Im thinking of applying there next year and i want to know if its a good school. I heard its the definetly the most interesting U.C. Is it true? Srry to be a little OT
hmm it's a nice place and i would say it's probably the best rounded UC. nice place and good area, downfalls are that it's hard and has a long walk to classes. it has really cool people though, unlike the nerds you'll encounter at berkeley or the dumbasses you'll encounter at like santa cruz. i can say i definitely don't regret my choice
Cant say its the most interesting UC if you havent experienced the other ones, but it is a big name. I went there on a visit once. Beautiful place. Theres this long flight of stairs that when you get to the top, theres a great open space with a fountain right in front of you with two large, classical buildings on the sides.
actually I'm kinda going the opposite part of what you're supposed to first I did highschool then I studied at NTNU for one year then this year I went back to highschool and next year I will be in kindergarten
On June 24 2005 01:17 FroZZoR wrote: hmm it's a nice place and i would say it's probably the best rounded UC. nice place and good area, downfalls are that it's hard and has a long walk to classes. it has really cool people though, unlike the nerds you'll encounter at berkeley or the dumbasses you'll encounter at like santa cruz. i can say i definitely don't regret my choice
On June 24 2005 11:52 ManaBlue wrote: Haha, Seeing all the Waterloo University people here is kinda cool. I'm not surprised since I got that vib while visiting your school.
For all the Waterloo people, I'll give you a hint.
I live a 20 minute walk from your university. Many of my friends go there. I'm a business major.
On June 24 2005 11:56 HnR)Insane wrote: Oops, fixed Decaf... I copied control's information since gokai also went there but I didnt' remove the control part ;o
Adding pepole right now.
U of A in Canada = University of Alberta?
U of A = university of arizona home of the uofa wildcats(got a great bball team)
On June 24 2005 11:56 HnR)Insane wrote: Oops, fixed Decaf... I copied control's information since gokai also went there but I didnt' remove the control part ;o
Adding pepole right now.
U of A in Canada = University of Alberta?
U of A = university of arizona home of the uofa wildcats(got a great bball team)
On June 24 2005 11:56 HnR)Insane wrote: Oops, fixed Decaf... I copied control's information since gokai also went there but I didnt' remove the control part ;o
Adding pepole right now.
U of A in Canada = University of Alberta?
U of A = university of arizona home of the uofa wildcats(got a great bball team)
In canada?
U of A (if speaking about Canadian Universities) is generally considered the University of Alberta
UCFV (University College of the Fraser Valley) Bachelor of Arts with History Major, Math Minor
Maybe we should try to organize some kind of UW SC LAN for Frosh Week (classes don't start until the 15th O_O). If it falls apart we can just meet and play in the arcade or go on BNet .
I wonder how many decent SC players go to UW but don't visit TLnet? I hear there's a lot of koreans there (and asians in general, and gamers in general) so there's gotta be at least some .
Bill up till a year ago people do host lan tournies on marry gates hall, and the ordegaar quite often, till school offical put a stop to that due to gambling. and by the way I was undefeated for over 4 years hahaha, people aren't too good at uw.
On June 24 2005 18:37 rei wrote: Bill up till a year ago people do host lan tournies on marry gates hall, and the ordegaar quite often, till school offical put a stop to that due to gambling. and by the way I was undefeated for over 4 years hahaha, people aren't too good at uw.
I know there was a Super Smash Bros Melee tournament last term, with an optional $5 entry fee (if you didn't pay then you wouldn't get any money if you placed at the top). From what I saw, no SSBM gosus were there, but some were definitely "good" or at least "decent". They simply book / rented a 2nd floor room in MC and got about 8 GameCubes going. I'm not sure how we'd organize a LAN. Maybe we could book one of the computer rooms on the third floor where people are always surfing online or playing games anyway . But we'd definitely have to be able to bring our own mice, at least .
Hmm.... if no good SC players are at UW, then maybe I'd be the best one there............. >
You would be the best only because I just graduated this summer llalala, just kidding, but seriously i really wish this tread were posted like few years ago, hell maybe just 6 months ago, we would all be friends. Assuming our skill level aren't too far away we can partice together hehehe. But for now you might have to just fight the for number 1 bw player title with insane and alot of korean ^^
On June 24 2005 18:37 rei wrote: Bill up till a year ago people do host lan tournies on marry gates hall, and the ordegaar quite often, till school offical put a stop to that due to gambling. and by the way I was undefeated for over 4 years hahaha, people aren't too good at uw.
I know there was a Super Smash Bros Melee tournament last term, with an optional $5 entry fee (if you didn't pay then you wouldn't get any money if you placed at the top). From what I saw, no SSBM gosus were there, but some were definitely "good" or at least "decent". They simply book / rented a 2nd floor room in MC and got about 8 GameCubes going. I'm not sure how we'd organize a LAN. Maybe we could book one of the computer rooms on the third floor where people are always surfing online or playing games anyway . But we'd definitely have to be able to bring our own mice, at least .
Hmm.... if no good SC players are at UW, then maybe I'd be the best one there............. >
I played CS at UoW at couple of times, it was called FESS iirc, not sure if it's the same thing.
On June 24 2005 18:29 Bill307 wrote: Maybe we should try to organize some kind of UW SC LAN for Frosh Week (classes don't start until the 15th O_O). If it falls apart we can just meet and play in the arcade or go on BNet .
I wonder how many decent SC players go to UW but don't visit TLnet? I hear there's a lot of koreans there (and asians in general, and gamers in general) so there's gotta be at least some .
Thus far I haven't played any korean that's half decent. My friend is an exec for UWKSA so I might ask him to make a post about it
On June 24 2005 11:52 ManaBlue wrote: Haha, Seeing all the Waterloo University people here is kinda cool. I'm not surprised since I got that vib while visiting your school.
For all the Waterloo people, I'll give you a hint.
I live a 20 minute walk from your university. Many of my friends go there. I'm a business major.
Marie Sklodowska-Curie University, Lublin, Poland (UMCS in short)
But we have 4 more university-type (some of them aren't real universities) facilities in my city, those would be:
Lublin Catholic University (KUL) Medical Academy Lublin Politechnic Agricultural Academy (AR)
And a bunch of private 3 year academies (you don't get MoA after finishing them, just some lesser title and I don't even know how is it called in english)
I haven't posted much here before, but I am always reading. Anyways, I also go to U of Waterloo, Systems Design Engineering. I think it's cool that a lot of ppl here go to UW Anyways, I'll be up for playing sc @ the school or something. Just lemme know!
Tampere University of technology One of the best for signal processing (nokia needs some specialist in this domain) We are receiving a lot of international students. Welcome!
mnm: University of California, Berkeley aka. cal (Graduated '03) {SG}Yosh goes there currently, Whizkid77 used to go there, GX Soso was a cal graduate.
Thought I'd bring the topic back to get this year's entries. If your name is already on there (and your entry hasn't changed), you don't need to post again ^^
On March 28 2006 21:00 HnR)Insane wrote: Thought I'd bring the topic back to get this year's entries. If your name is already on there (and your entry hasn't changed), you don't need to post again ^^
well, maybe you can add me up, im a senior 2 months away from graduation :D University of Tecnologico de Monterrey (Monterrey's Technologic) Guadalajara Campus :D, Mexico
On March 28 2006 21:27 HnR)Insane wrote: Oh, so he was. I'll merge the two I guess Well that's a little different actually. I'm only going to put people in who are for sure.
well dunno who your post is directed to, but im in for sure xD
Yes I know you're in. I was talking to the guy who mentioned jkillashark doing a list. I didn't include dropouts in my list (die you bums!! ). I also didn't include hopefuls. In the case of people who graduated, I included graduation dates when applicable.
I think it's up to date, but let me know if I missed someone from that other topic. It was long and there were some duplicates, etc.
Also let me know if you're in there twice (such as if you were in a different name on his list than on mine)
I knew Bill307 and Cambium were at Waterloo but I didn't know that pwn and Xanimal went to Waterloo. Bill has proven to be an extremely valuable resource. Many thanks to Bill~<3 Without him, I never would've finished my advanced calculus and algebra assignments.. hehe
On October 06 2007 09:37 HumbleZealot wrote: Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hey there's another ryerson student on the list. xD
On October 06 2007 09:47 Newblish wrote: just for reference, i go to Carleton University, not Ottawa U. but meh, i dont really care, nobody really lives in my region anyway ~_~
'sup stuck in Ottawa buddy? =/ Going to Ottawa University first year, chemistry right now but will prolly switch into something more technical (like math). Really should've gone to waterloo though... Doesn't surprise me that a lot of the posters here in TL go to waterloo; it's the place to go for math/cs here in Canada.