i just tried it (so under patch 1.3) and it worked great for the 1vs4 insane (already had the 1vs3 before)
go alone in one team and put 4 zergs in the other team. When the game will start, you'll be 2 vs 3 but just becarefull while expending your mineral allied isn't really your allied so he'll kill your probes.
Just get a good amount of workers at your main, then expend at the tird base on your side, i got around 40 probes total with one on the map chassing the +100 minerals.
just keep chronoboosting and you'll get it quickly
I'd rather raise this post from the dead then make a new one.
anyone have a new way to do this? The megaton way is *nearly* impossible!
Edit: I just got it after many many tries. The enemies must spawn on the bottom and your pylon/forge placement must be perfect. Everything else has to line up perfect too: the spawn location, the fact that they don't rush immortals, the fact that the later guys don't get collosus tech up quickly (this happened to me near the end, just rushed VRs (already had gateways and cyber).
Just keep rerolling and eventually it works out.
Feb 12, 2012 and it still working ! So much easier compare to cannon rush 4 very hard AI, Thank you ! :D
Terran works fine also. You can put your third orbital on low ground to mine gold.