This is the blog I refer to.
In my school, maybe 4 or 5 play starcraft, none of which play as much as me, so I don't really play with them. Also because of school, during the school term, I only play during the weekend, but since the holidays are coming up, I play to put some effort into getting better, so I want some people to play with to do so.
There's one more kicker, I live in Australia. So all my stratagies are backwards and matches are played upside down. (GMT + 10)
I currently play Protoss, though I'm not adverse to playing Zerg or Terran occasionally to keep it fresh and was just promoted to Silver in NA. I play in both SEA and US, though primarily in the US after the season 2 start.
So put down your character name, character code and region below, or PM them to me if you don't want the whole of the internet to know.
As a show of faith here's mine
Eaglethorn.637 SEA
Eaglethorn.637 US
I know its 637 for SEA but I'm not sure for US even though says so.
I'll check tonight.
So please, don't let me be forever alone.