Currently in my PvP I'm doing 3 stalker robo (my variant on it), 4 warpgate 20probe 1gas, and defensive 3gate variants. By defensive 3gate, I mean reacting to the incoming pressure with 3gateways and deciding between robo and twilight for blink. Pretty secure in it.
PvZ I stick with the deathball approach unless I scout the zerg doing something stupid. He wastes everything in the attack, I counter and win. Happens hardly ever but for all those 8 pools out there, I'll stick to my 4 warpgate counter. 3gate sentry expand my friends are telling me it doesn't work on those new maps where the pressure isn't there and my zerg opponent is free to harass me very effectively or, on the opposite tack, drone to an obscene level. Still thinking through the matchup. I'm kinda leaning towards using a stargate build off 2base from a 3gate expo or Forge Fast Expand to keep zerg from taking their third. I'll have to try it against Shoey or Alex soon to see if the delay is worth it and if I can use gateway + cannons to stop a hydra counterattack.
PvT I think is an area for most improvement. I've stuck to 1gate FE 3gate FE and 2gate robo for so long I just want to pick two and take those to the next level. I'm master league, but never could be called anything more than mid-level. Honestly, against the macro Terran or any Terran that doesn't do pure bio + drops (viks if I went Colo), I feel very unconfident. He got thors or siege tanks what do I do? Try to make colossus work, maybe add second robo like I heard from some guy a long time ago, and generally not know if its my strategic sense that caused the loss or simple errors in my decided-upon approach.
Regardless, I'm ready to gain some points in Master league and macro my way through PvT and PvZ while letting my PvP be focused on 1base and 2base allins =).
So, for anyone posting, what's your favorite macro strats for Zerg and Terran?