Map Name: Urban Decay Old Name: Construction (Taken on NA) Players: 2 (1 vs. 7) Size: 148x134 Expansions: 10 (2 gold, one in-base natural for each player). Watchtowers: 4
- Structures surrounding main bases are currently unwalkable.
UPDATE: 4/7/11 + Show Spoiler + Major Changes: - Third base has been changed from high to low ground with two entrances. - The structures that provided small cover from flank in the older version has been extended to cover more of the harvesting structure --> defensive set-ups are now easier to manage.
Minor Changes - Structures with fenced in rooftops are not walkable, although i would like some feedback on the structures surrounding the main bases.
Hi Resolution Pics: [Updated: 3/8/11] + Show Spoiler +
OLD Version:
+ Show Spoiler +
Comments and Criticism are much appreciated. Thanks Possible to change the thread title to [M]Urban Decay?
yeah make them unpathable. pretty cool layout.
I like the inside bases that don't force a standoff in the middle like Xel's and Jungle Basins expansions do.
Hmmm.. interesting. I too think the cliffs around the main should be unpathable.
I think you should make it harder to hold 3base, right now it looks like you'll just turtle up on one choke (am I seeing it right?). I suggest maybe adding a cliff to the third, and have it double as the 4th cliff too.
The five bases seem a bit too close together, It'll likely make for bad and turtle-y gameplay too. I'm not entirely sure how to fix this, but I would consider changing the 4th and 5th so they are more spread out and harder to hold. Additionally, it looks like Terran or Protoss could run up the 4th's ramp and steam roll everything because its so choked; if you change it, try to space the stuff out a bit, and maybe put a spot for Zerg to surround inbetween the 4th and 5th.
The bottom right and top left corners appear kinda useless, with poorly allocated space-- I don't really see anybody having a reason to go down there to fight because its very far out of the way and there is nothing really useful there, except a Xel'Naga which sees not much. The HY expo is the 6th base, and pretty hard to defend, so it probably won't be taken until late game. I don't think there is an easy way to fix it without remaking it (which I do multiple times on my maps), but in the future try to think "where can Zerg realistically get a surround with good micro" and "where can protoss/terran abuse chokes with good micro, but not unfairly".
The top left and lower right seem a little bare, maybe either add an island or a normal expansion there? Other than that looks pretty cool.
Also are my eyes deceiving me or do all the expansions only have 7 mineral patches? Not sure if I like that if that's how it is.
I fear that this map will be far too easily split into 2 equal halves straight horizontally. This may be the intent, but I figured I'd point it out.
United States9941 Posts
the 5 bases are way too close. also, test out a siege tank on the other side of the water at the inside natural, can it hit anything??? i think it can hit the geyser...
also, do something about the corners, make another expansion there or fill it with water or something.
If you got rid of the Destructible objects at the expos then this would a very good map.
I like the map. But I think most criticism above is correct.
My approach would be to lose the backdoor natural. You get less close bases, which is good. Also you get even more space in the dead corners (NW and SE). So you got a lot of space to work with to make these parts integrate into the map better.
I have a very nice update I think you all would very much like. Tune in within the next 24 hrs.
On February 23 2011 15:01 NastyMarine wrote: I have a very nice update I think you all would very much like. Tune in within the next 24 hrs.
By the way, I like the textures. They're sorta bland, but really cool and creative. Looking forward to update!
Updated 4/7/11
comments = thx
Simple, good adjustment that made everything very nice now. I would take the rocks off those center bases now, why have them still?
I figured that the bases are close in proximity so making the center less accessible is a good way to keep players from nonchalantly taking bases closer to his/her opponent. I'd rather try test games to see if its actually as vulnerable to slow pushes or not.
That's reasonable. I figure by 4 bases, players should be able to make those choices, but you might as well guide them in the direction you have in mind.
I like the new version a lot and would love to see some games on this. I love this map because of how original it is!
thanks Antares! I finally uploaded it to the NA server if you'd like to get your hands on it!
I made a few other doodad touch ups here and there as well before uploaded it onto battle.net.
Hope everyone likes it!