I don't play Vietnam that often, but my loadout looks similar. Except I choose vehicle armor most of the time since I'm too stupid to properly spot or react in time and it sometimes saves me if the tank can take an additional hit.
The PPSh, M40 and M16 sadly are must-haves in my opinion; PPSh is borderline OP, M40 damage is ridiculous and the M16 is better than the AK47 since the latter lack accuracy.
I only play hardcore so it really doesn't both me as the M40 is a OHK pretty much all the time regardless. But holy shit is that thing OP for normal play.
What do you guys think of the LMGs? I actually prefer the RPK recently because of its open sights. The M60's sights aren't that bad, but I've found a few times I get like, confused with them. I'm going to play with it more because it seems like the M60 is statistically superior.
On January 06 2011 10:45 raheelp wrote: I find that vsmoke is the most useful vechicle perk. Gets rid of those tracers and you can deploy it in tight situations and peace.
In addition you can rush to a flag and provide cover to infantry.
That's true. I've started using smoke recently and I never realized how awesome it can be. It's really pesky when you're on the ground trying to take out a heli and you can't make a tracer stick.
Is there any trick to hitting helis with rockets? I used the CG for so damn long I feel like I'm used to the speed of the rocket, and now that I've switched to the RPG-7 I can't hit much without a tracer. T_T
Edit: I wanted to share a couple of BC2 videos I came across. They're really, really good.
So I've played a lot more BC2 lately and I've reached a low regarding my motivation.
I've reached a halfway decent K/D with 1.3 and am close to rank 30 now, but I've yet to unlock pretty much everything for the medic. Playing medic is such a horrible experience, the guns are crap and you're either yelled at for reviving (and people dieing again, even though I try my best to not revive in the middle of fire just for an additional 50/80 points), or people fail to adapt to the fact that there's a medic that could cover a gradual assault on a position perfectly by healing. I'm close to 200.000 assault points but barely have 10.000 for the medic.
In general people just suck at strategy. There are maps where a single vehicle can decide the outcome (e.g. Oasis), if used properly (i.e. vehicle and infantry covering each other and slowly progressing across the map). But so many people just go "hurr durr tank!!!11" and suicide-drive at full speed in to the enemy camp, taking out maybe one and then having their ride blown apart.
I've had level 50 players joining in on my squads or vehicles only to realize that they sucked badly and apparently didn't pick up any skill during their 1000+ hours of play time. Just yesterday a loudmouthed bragging level 50 crashed several helicopters on Heavy Metal - not intentionally to grief, but just because he had zero skill at piloting.
I haven't seen any cheaters yet, but I'm sick and tired of the staggering amount of people not interested in fair play but only in griefing. Base raping happens on every second server, with admins happily engaging in it as well and kicking people that protest (this alone has happend half a dozen time over the last few days). So many servers have arbitrary, stupid rules - autokill on choosing CG, sniper spots limited to 2 / team, autokill if killing someone in a "safe zone" that almost covers half the map etc).
And of course there are the ridiculous connection issues. Sometimes my whole server list is greyed out, two minutes later it'll work again. Then I can't connect to my favorite server 4 times in a row although having played on it for two hours before that. I sometimes don't see servers my friends are playing on and vice versa.
Really, really frustrating right now. Maybe I should play some SC2 again.
This game can be super awesome and really fun but there are a TON of problems with it.
-Hacking -TKing -Imba/stacked teams (too many games are landslides -> baserape) -Lag -Hit Register fail -People who use explosives as main weapon such as Gustav, RPG, or 40mm. Basically they are huge bad fags who cant shoot so they do that.
-Shotgun slugs
Ok I'm gonna go on a rant here. Their are snipers in the game. They do a lot of damage, often 1 hit kill on hardcore, but they have bullet drop that varies with distance, relatively long reload times, each sniper is different aiming, and low ammo. They have different breath wavering on scope, the M95 can shoot through armored glass, etc.
A shotgun can be equipped by any class i think. The shotguns with slugs have NO bullet drop. One shot kill to the body. No wavering. Quick reload. Can have extended clips. Basically its a fully automatic sniper that any retard can use that is also good in close range, and if you are assault you can have infinite ammo, or medic heal. Its the biggest bullshit in the entire game, even worse than rocket/rpg/40mm grenade noobs. The worst part is these people think they are good.
I decided to try it out and even though I had only played sniper I could rack up kills in short range OR SNIPE with a SHOTGUN. In starcraft its like a mobile seige tank with no minimum range, in fact it does better in minimum range. The good thing is most of the people who use it are bad noobs who cant shoot so its only moderately annoying to get sniped by a shotgun from 200m+.
The other main problem is when u want to play with friends you cant. If you get lucky enough to be on the same team you probably getting baseraped. And teams get split apart a lot as well if they are uneven so you get tossed around constantly.
Oh wait I forgot to add SNIPERS. Every bad retard on the entire planet wants to be a sniper. Yes I do realize I almost only play this class. However these snipers are GARBAGE who ONLY snipe. They do NOT cap bases. They do NOT C4 vehicles. They do NOT cover allies. They do NOT strike fear into the enemy so they are pinned down and slowed. And they do NOT assist in any way shape or form. The worst part is they all stand together. So if I have snipers (or anyone) spawn on me they give away my position. However the other snipers are idiot snipers who SPAM shots and always missing giving away my location. Also people spawn on you, don't drop ammo/medkits and give away your position. I rarely join a squad unless my friend are on the same team. It doesn't have to be a squad either, lots of time other idiot bad snipers think its good for 2 people to cover the same exact spot. I often TK them as an "accident" so maybe they understand its bad to group up.
That brings me my next complaint. Idiots who jump in front of you. I have killed so many teammates because they RUN IN FRONT OF A SNIPER RIFLE. Sometimes they get mad and TK... when they are dumbasses who dont understand that a gun shoots bullets, especially a scoped one.
Overall its worth 7bucks on steam and a good game, but there are MANY problems and a lot I didnt list (interface sucks).
Playing the medic is all about knowing when to just let people die Shockk. If they run ahead let them get killed keep the slow pushers alive if you want to slow push. As a medic you need to dictate the flow of the game for your team as much as you can. It's not about simply shooting and healing people and more about controlling how they are forced to play. The reality is that medics are the worst class for K/D pure and simple. Any other class is better at killing and the other team should know to target you if they're any good at all. You make up for this because of how well you can enable the rest of your team. But you can't be everyone's personal spawn point. If you watch the back of your team's best player and only focus on supporting him you're going to let him play at his maximum potential and that's better for your team then you trying revive the bottom five players over and over.
Also focus on what your guns are good at, Engineer's weapons make them the best at supporting tanks and it's very straight forward: Heal tank, kill enemy tanks, and kill people trying to kill tank that's all. The medic isn't so simple, but there are still things that a machine-gun can do better than anything else. Covering fire is an underrated ability. Try luring enemy fire or making people have to hide behind objects while your team mates move forward. If they don't shoot at your team you don't need to even pull out the paddles. You can prevent enemy movement, If you want nobody to leave a building alive just point a machine gun at the door. Don't forget you have a pistol and in close range you should always pull it out. For clearing buildings pistols are the great equalizers of this game.
Don't expect other people to make good decisions. If you do your job your team will do better. Value other players lives as less important than your own when considering reviving after all if you die nobody will revive you but if you live you can revive others. You can't control other players directly, you can only hope people will recognize that you're doing a good job and will follow your lead.
While I was in europe over christmas I got a chance to play on some of those european servers, and I have to say you're absolutely right. The american servers are so much better and typically only have rules for no foul language and base raping. I'm probably biased on this and maybe I just didn't find any of the good servers, but I think the northamerica scene is superior by leaps and bounds to anything in europe. I don't know, you just have to roll with the crap sometimes.
Blitzkrieger, don't play on hardcore. I know it says "HARDCORE" but I could put that label on a Martha Stewart DVD and it wouldn't make it any better. Hardcore is less balanced and it rewards to many stupid things like those snipers you complain about. Kill cams and minimaps keep players honest and makes for a better game(note the fact that I use the word game and not COMBAT SIMULATOR!!!). In my humble opinion, hardcore is for people who like Call of Duty, abusers, and xbox gamers.
On January 15 2011 01:42 Fraidnot wrote: Blitzkrieger, don't play on hardcore. I know it says "HARDCORE" but I could put that label on a Martha Stewart DVD and it wouldn't make it any better. Hardcore is less balanced and it rewards to many stupid things like those snipers you complain about. Kill cams and minimaps keep players honest and makes for a better game(note the fact that I use the word game and not COMBAT SIMULATOR!!!). In my humble opinion, hardcore is for people who like Call of Duty, abusers, and xbox gamers.
Hardcore has its root from games like delta force 1, which came out in 1996 I think. Hardcore is also very balanced (dont like snipers? Put on armor) and it simply discourge people running around like idiots.
Please note that I am merely defending my preferred game mode. Dont attack other people's preference, please.
So I decided to give myself a challenge when I read Sirlin's article on how to play to win, and decided to explore various build in BFBC2.
My playstyle: I hate to die. For some reason, I don't even mind dying in other games, but dying in BFBC2 gets to me. I also hate sniping. - as a result, I usually prefer to be a medic support squad in a corner and act as a respawn point. I do move around after each kill. - I also play in hardcore exclusively
New kit for 1/10/11: WWII hero medic
Medic, garand, M1911, light weight, body armor.
Garand allow you to two shot people up to 40-50 meters, clear ironsight with no 4X force yourself to stay within the >30 damage range of garand, Ironsight also ADS quicker than the 4X, allow fast CQB kill. - armor allow you to tank sniper round in hardcore unless it's a headshot.
Playstyle: constant movement and flanking around the periphery of a capture point.
First, I determine success of each build by my KD, as I am a conquest player
Verdict of the last build - Does not work, body armor and light weight limit your range of engagement to close range, which you are outgunned.
Build day 2
M16 + 4X, body armor + smoke nade
Verdict: may work well with medic support in a squad, does not work well solo - M16 is too loud and too weak to be used alone
Build day 3
This build need a change of play style, instead of being very campy, You need to run around and flank aggressively, then stay behind enemy line and harass relentlessly. - This style only works with silenced weapons
UMP45 + red dot (for faster ADS, I think) + mp443 + landmine + armor, the flanker.
Some finer points of game play I've discovered since I started doing this.
I now run two characters to test effect of different play style
Character 1: Mr.Tier one - Basically I run this character to maximumize K/D with emphasis on never dying. However I do not use sniper rifle because I do not quite want to get into the counter sniping game with this guy
Character 2: Mr. Grunt - he runs around and help the team to the max, complete objectives and generally very "rushy"
Key points I've learned
1. Function of body armor - in vanilla BC2, body armor allow you to tank a sniper round. This is especially important for rush based characters. The ability to take a sniper round is critical on HC, and I am willing to choose it over mag ammo.
2. Function of red dot - I used to exclusively run with 4X scope, however it seens like 4X scope has a longer zoom in time and has increased recoil felt, certain guns (F2000) perform much better with the red dot due to lack of screen obstruction
3. On optics vs. non-optics. - Some argue that they can adapt to a doo-dooty sight, I beg to differ. At the highest level of competition, time to aim is brief and you must maximumize your aim advantage. Additionally, in an competitive environment, persumably you have good ammo support, making extra loadout specs non essential.
4. You must adapt to battle situation! - Most important. For example, for my tier 1 EBR build, EBR suffers a lot from lack of mag ammo, but if you found yourself getting sniped a lot, get armor. So you come into the game with mag ammo, and switch to armor upon your first sniper death.
Build Day 4: For team players that like to rush
F2000, red dot, armor, any pistol (I prefer grach for its extra reserve) - Note, I am playing this on a new account, so I do not have mag ammo nor armor nor decreased spread perk. It seems like this gun would work very well with decreased spread for the extra hip firm oomph. it may even be more powerful than armor since you are so mobile
Play style: run around and pick off defenders as you are moving. F2000's incredibly fast ROF allow you to react to opponents and mess up their aim
Build Day 5: designated marksman
Works for pretty much all class, I use medic
M14 EBR + 4X + mag ammo/armor + M93R
This build is very strong at range, but very weak in CQB. M93R will hopefully make up that extreme short range weakness.
Day 5: infilitrator
This is on an account that I have where I prioritize not dying over anything else. Contrary to popular thinking, you die a lot as a sniper if you want to maintain a decent KD still.
The only way to not die with a lot of kills, is to infilitrate behind enemy lines and stay on the move, disrupt enemy spawn as much as possible.
I've came to the realization that the only viable infilitator weapon in HC is a silenced one, due to the lack of tracer and muzzle flash (tracer are often used to trace origin of gunfire, been doing this myself since delta force 1)
Additionally, since you are an infilitrator and operate alone (cant be in a squad because most people will give you away), you wont get healed nor resupplied. health is not an issue (you wont be seen) but ammo is a huge issue. Sure you can get ammo box off people you slain, but those opportunities are few and inbetween - even if you have an experienced squad, the assualt cant even help you, he has no silenced weapons and cant be doing the same duty as you.
So, here is a build that emphasis stealth, disruption and ammo
Scar-L (30 + 90 ammo, maximum of all power carbines, I choose the power carbine because you want more "kills" in your ammo count))
4X attachment
mag ammo (again, more kills with your ammo)
landmine (disruption)
Side arm: M9
Choice in pistol warrant some consideration, because it will take place over your primary after you run out of ammo, it needs to be a dependable weapon from short to mid ranges.
I am excluding M93R in this discussion because it simply is not a dependable midrange pistol (more like a OH doo-doo waterhose, and also, excluding the rex because it's very loud and reloads too slowly for a stressful situation such as out of ammo)
I am choosing M9 for the amount of kills packed in its magazine. M93R could also be viable if you elect to be very mobile and aggressive after you run out of ammo.
If you're going by Sirlin standards, then you're being a scrub using those setups, sorry to say. There are some fairly clear winners in each category of weapon types which are all just the most efficient(SMG's being the most unclear).
However, you always got to make up for the fact that some people just handle some types of weapons better than others which is another variable.
ADS is minimalistically faster with RDS/Irons than 4X, but unless you have a huge monitor or eagle eyes 4X can often times help a lot. I always use them with assault rifles/SMG's unless I'm spawning with a specific objective with my kit.
A lot of arguing goes about using irons for everything is the most efficient, since you can then either run 10% faster or have more ammo. Ammo to me makes no sense since you simply pick up a kit from a dead enemy if you're dry, but Lightweight can evidently make a difference in some situations.
The link contains all the data you need to create to most efficient setups for anything, and information about most game mechanics that might be unclear.
Havent been able to play for days now. Cant find a single server in the browser and when i press the play now button i end up in empty servers. Something ive missed? Like a sceduled maintenance or something?
On January 26 2011 11:27 MHT wrote: Havent been able to play for days now. Cant find a single server in the browser and when i press the play now button i end up in empty servers. Something ive missed? Like a sceduled maintenance or something?
The "Play Now" button is useless. Forget it's even there.
Make sure your search settings actually are able to find servers; some settings will actually prevent you from ever finding a server (like checking "EA servers").
On January 26 2011 11:27 MHT wrote: Havent been able to play for days now. Cant find a single server in the browser and when i press the play now button i end up in empty servers. Something ive missed? Like a sceduled maintenance or something?
The "Play Now" button is useless. Forget it's even there.
Make sure your search settings actually are able to find servers; some settings will actually prevent you from ever finding a server (like checking "EA servers").
It looks like this for me:
Thats it! Must have accidentally checked EA server somehow and thought its always been like that. Stupid of me not to try this, thx for the help!
I'm on the other side of the boat conerning hardcore vs normal bc2 mode, i simply cannot play with all the little spotted marks over my enemies and a minimap and kill cam, almost every single kit I play with I put on armor (except engi, put bullets on him) to live through sniper fire.
I find it alot of fun being pinned down by sniper fire, patiently watching where the bullets are coming from, throwing a few m20 nades to provide some sort of suppresing fire and running like mad with the hope to flank my opponents (sometimes i manage to do a sneaky flank and take out 3-4 players at once)
The destructable cover/buildings is also amazing, blows CoD games out of the water for sure (at least for me)
So does anyone wants to play with some TL guys? I'm getting sick of the publics where half the players don't know what to do or how to communicate. Would be nice to play as a squad once. Someone Europe based and with a mic is preferred pm me for my steam account.
On January 28 2011 02:47 eXiled wrote: So does anyone wants to play with some TL guys? I'm getting sick of the publics where half the players don't know what to do or how to communicate. Would be nice to play as a squad once. Someone Europe based and with a mic is preferred pm me for my steam account.
i would give it a try pm is out!
oh btw...i just read that the 2nd part of their great stats-and-other-issues-solving-project (or whatever it is called ) is gonna go down for pc today (i think ps3 and xbox360 and parts of their pc system was last tuesday...)
On January 15 2011 01:42 Fraidnot wrote: Blitzkrieger, don't play on hardcore. I know it says "HARDCORE" but I could put that label on a Martha Stewart DVD and it wouldn't make it any better. Hardcore is less balanced and it rewards to many stupid things like those snipers you complain about. Kill cams and minimaps keep players honest and makes for a better game(note the fact that I use the word game and not COMBAT SIMULATOR!!!). In my humble opinion, hardcore is for people who like Call of Duty, abusers, and xbox gamers.
yeah no
HC is where the best people play. you get punished for running out into open spaces, shitty players cant just get killed to spot a sniper's location, team damage is on so you can't just spam rockets or grenades on rush attack if someone is trying to plant, etc etc.
this is like arguing that fastest map ever takes more skill than blizz maps in starcraft. just... no. i mean the biggest tipoff that you dont know what youre talking about is that you compared it COD of all things... BF is similar to that game only in that both use guns. it's totally different gameplay.