it is called... drumrolll... the hydraroach
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Sentient drew dis unit
now u may be asking baller how does this unit work? well i will tell u my friends. u may think is this just a hydra? no it is not. it is a hydra, sort of. but this hydra is riding on the back of a roach.
but baller, if its not a hydra and its not a roach how does it work? i will explain.
wat is the cost and supply of the hydraroach?
hydraroach costs 4 supply and costs 175/75, u may say how did u think of this cost and supply well u might notice this is the exact cost and supply of a hydra+roach units 2gether
how do i make the hydraroach?
there r 2 ways 2 make the hydraroach
1. make it with 2 eggs, the hotkey is pressing H and R 2gether. make sure to time this correctly because u may accidentally make a hydra and a roach separately and that would be disaster
2. upgrade roach saddle. burrow a roach. move hydra on top of roach. unburrow roach and boom u have a hydraroach. this actually works with any zerg unit, but u need 4 roaches + saddle upgrade 2 carry an ultralisk.
how does a hydraroach move?
a hydraroach moves as fast as a roach. if u have roach speed, it moves as fast as a roach with speed.
wat about high ground? can other units see the hydra part of my hydraroach?
the hydra part of the hydraroach is just like on high ground so ur enemies can't see it. but they can kill the roach and the hydra drops to the ground, taking 40 damage from his fall and is stunned 4 five seconds. u may upgrade hydra parachute and this won't happen.
can my hydraroach walk over cliffs?
the roach part cannot but hydra has ability called "dismount" and if u use it near a cliff hydra can walk off roach onto cliff.
can vikings and turrets hit my hydraroach?
yes. they can hit the hydra part of ur hydraroach. but a unit that only hits ground can only hit the roach part.
how does a hydraroach attack?
hydraroach has 2 attacks, 1 from the hydra and 1 from the roach.
how does burrowing work? this seems complicated...
dont worry baller will explain 4 u.
to burrow u must press burrow twice, once to burrow the roach and then to burrow the hydra. to unburrow u need to press it twice as well.
this is good 4 tactix bc u can burrow only the roach and then hellions come and r like "yoyo lets kill this fool hydra!" but u just unburrow and boom u have a roach and the hellions r like oh shit wtf where did that roach come from??
how much space does a hydraroach take in an overlord?
this is the great thing about the hydraroach -- overlord can load just the hydra part, the roach just hangs out the bottom. so u can fit 4 into an overlord.
does a hydraroach have any counter?
no. the only counter to a hydraroach is to have more hydraroaches. but thors do good vs hydraroach bc it can kill hydra from long range using air attack then attack the roach.
if u have any tips or tricks or want 2 pre-add hydraroach to liquipedia, plz do so but credit me as the creator of this new unit thx
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by Ketara