now i have thought of a new unit that blizzard will probably steal 4 heart of the swarm expansion but i dont mind if they call it "baller rank" when it reaches 10+ kills
it is called... drumrolll... the hydraroach
Sentient drew dis unit
now u may be asking baller how does this unit work? well i will tell u my friends. u may think is this just a hydra? no it is not. it is a hydra, sort of. but this hydra is riding on the back of a roach.
but baller, if its not a hydra and its not a roach how does it work? i will explain.
wat is the cost and supply of the hydraroach? hydraroach costs 4 supply and costs 175/75, u may say how did u think of this cost and supply well u might notice this is the exact cost and supply of a hydra+roach units 2gether
how do i make the hydraroach? there r 2 ways 2 make the hydraroach
1. make it with 2 eggs, the hotkey is pressing H and R 2gether. make sure to time this correctly because u may accidentally make a hydra and a roach separately and that would be disaster
2. upgrade roach saddle. burrow a roach. move hydra on top of roach. unburrow roach and boom u have a hydraroach. this actually works with any zerg unit, but u need 4 roaches + saddle upgrade 2 carry an ultralisk.
how does a hydraroach move? a hydraroach moves as fast as a roach. if u have roach speed, it moves as fast as a roach with speed.
wat about high ground? can other units see the hydra part of my hydraroach? the hydra part of the hydraroach is just like on high ground so ur enemies can't see it. but they can kill the roach and the hydra drops to the ground, taking 40 damage from his fall and is stunned 4 five seconds. u may upgrade hydra parachute and this won't happen.
can my hydraroach walk over cliffs? the roach part cannot but hydra has ability called "dismount" and if u use it near a cliff hydra can walk off roach onto cliff.
can vikings and turrets hit my hydraroach? yes. they can hit the hydra part of ur hydraroach. but a unit that only hits ground can only hit the roach part.
how does a hydraroach attack? hydraroach has 2 attacks, 1 from the hydra and 1 from the roach.
how does burrowing work? this seems complicated... dont worry baller will explain 4 u.
to burrow u must press burrow twice, once to burrow the roach and then to burrow the hydra. to unburrow u need to press it twice as well.
this is good 4 tactix bc u can burrow only the roach and then hellions come and r like "yoyo lets kill this fool hydra!" but u just unburrow and boom u have a roach and the hellions r like oh shit wtf where did that roach come from??
how much space does a hydraroach take in an overlord? this is the great thing about the hydraroach -- overlord can load just the hydra part, the roach just hangs out the bottom. so u can fit 4 into an overlord.
does a hydraroach have any counter? no. the only counter to a hydraroach is to have more hydraroaches. but thors do good vs hydraroach bc it can kill hydra from long range using air attack then attack the roach.
if u have any tips or tricks or want 2 pre-add hydraroach to liquipedia, plz do so but credit me as the creator of this new unit thx
this is good 4 tactix bc u can burrow only the roach and then hellions come and r like "yoyo lets kill this fool hydra!" but u just unburrow and boom u have a roach and the hellions r like oh shit wtf where did that roach come from??
I really like the idea of two zerg units merge into one better unit. Would be really cool if they did something like that for HotS. Just not a hydra riding a roach, thats retarded.
need a cooler name for it though, hydroach! it would be a little more roach than hydra but i think you can imagine the A for hydra. But terran needs a combo unit too, im thinking something along the lines of thortank.
I came up with something like that earlier, except its called the Banelord. Guess what it shoots instead of broodlings? How awesome would that shit be.
Oh shi- I read through part of it, lol'd, and then halfway through the comments a flag went off in my mind and I thought, "Wait, was that baller?" I shouldn't have had to ask.
On September 16 2010 10:11 DamnCats wrote: I came up with something like that earlier, except its called the Banelord. Guess what it shoots instead of broodlings? How awesome would that shit be.
On September 16 2010 10:11 DamnCats wrote: I came up with something like that earlier, except its called the Banelord. Guess what it shoots instead of broodlings? How awesome would that shit be.
Ummm.. zerglings?
he shoots minerals. imagine how wacky that'd be...
i honestly dont know why you wasted your time with this... nice idea (sorta) but the "mounting" feature seems like you stole it from wc3... you've basically remade the archon but with zerg stuff from what it looks like
I have read about a lot of dumb units and ideas in this forum but this one is so hillarious i like it :D
there should be a feature that lets the roach toss the hydra which lets the hydra go through the armor of a thor or tank... the hydra lives as a symbiont and then takes control over the terran unit
No, i don't like this idea. Why is it that new zerg units always have to do with BW units, or 2 already used units mixed together? Why can't we get some brand spankin new units like terrans and protoss get
I lol'd, this was pretty funny I support this unit, since splash only does damage in a horizontal plane this is the perfect unit to deal with the terran tank splash damage!
seeing thread title made me sad. seeing OP made me happy. seeing people take it seriously and start criticizing made me sad. I read the OP again and I was happy again. this thread has truly been an emotional rollercoaster.
ROFL this is hilarious. First the original idea is brilliant, and second I love the way baller writes.
now u may be asking baller how does this unit work? well i will tell u my friends. u may think is this just a hydra? no it is not. it is a hydra, sort of. but this hydra is riding on the back of a roach.
1. make it with 2 eggs, the hotkey is pressing H and R 2gether. make sure to time this correctly because u may accidentally make a hydra and a roach separately and that would be disaster
2. upgrade roach saddle. burrow a roach. move hydra on top of roach. unburrow roach and boom u have a hydraroach. this actually works with any zerg unit, but u need 4 roaches + saddle upgrade 2 carry an ultralisk.
Add a pic of the ultraroach please :D
I might buy SC2 if Blizzard includes the Hydroach in the next expansion.
Haha I really laughed my ass off, ever since the sentence: "how does a hydraroach attack? hydraroach has 2 attacks, 1 from the hydra and 1 from the roach. "
On September 16 2010 09:59 baller wrote: 2. upgrade roach saddle. burrow a roach. move hydra on top of roach. unburrow roach and boom u have a hydraroach. this actually works with any zerg unit, but u need 4 roaches + saddle upgrade 2 carry an ultralisk.
Since roaches can carry any zerg unit... can they carry another hydraroach?
Can the ultra's have saddles too? So we can make Ultrahydraroaches? That would be so sick with an ultra riding around with a hydra roach on each side, the roaches taking out all the ground units with range, hydra providing air cover smashing up everything while the ultra's big blades cut through marines.
That'd be sweet if there were like a roachhydra jump animation when they dismount on a cliff. Or maybe have them be able to stack to climb cliffs together? like those things from tremors where they stack up to get up to the people. Maybe just add that as a zergling ability though since zerglings kind of look like those tremor things.
Man you should just go ahead and revamp the whole zerg race with your ideas. Patch 1.baller
Goliaths hard counter this with their double attack upgrade that allows them to shoot ground and air at the same time. Doesn't solve the problems zerg has with terran mech
does a hydraroach have any counter? no. the only counter to a hydraroach is to have more hydraroaches. but thors do good vs hydraroach bc it can kill hydra from long range using air attack then attack the roach.
On September 16 2010 11:45 Peleus wrote: Can the ultra's have saddles too? So we can make Ultrahydraroaches? That would be so sick with an ultra riding around with a hydra roach on each side, the roaches taking out all the ground units with range, hydra providing air cover smashing up everything while the ultra's big blades cut through marines.
How amazing would that be.
+1 for this idea.
YES! This would be like the adrenaline glands for lings, "allows hydra roach to mount ultralisks"
this is the stupidest thread ever but i do have a big smile atm
On September 16 2010 12:04 Purind wrote: Goliaths hard counter this with their double attack upgrade that allows them to shoot ground and air at the same time. Doesn't solve the problems zerg has with terran mech
Holy shit, that's a good point.
You know as soon as the hydraroach comes out (next patch, obviously), the goliath is going to come out too. And it'll come standard with its anti-air missiles, and it'll be able to shoot both ground and air at the same time.
imagine if like a zealot rode a stalker or if u had like a colossus with all these zealots or hight templar on it. reminds me of the lord of the rings with the elephant things
This is a good idea but it would be better if you also added Zergling Shoes, upgraded at the Nydus Network and it lets your roaches put on 4 zergling shoes to let them move as fast as a zergling (metaboost affects this).
No thanks. Not to sound like a dick, but it's not creative and makes little sense. Also, next time you post I think you should use FULL WORDS instead of u, plz, 2gether, and everything else you used. It just makes it not sound like a toddler wrote it. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood but this post sounds really mean. My apologies.
On September 16 2010 12:31 Vei wrote: This is a good idea but it would be better if you also added Zergling Shoes, upgraded at the Nydus Network and it lets your roaches put on 4 zergling shoes to let them move as fast as a zergling (metaboost affects this).
You should also be able to Mount a Broodlord on top of your Hydra with an upgrade from the Greater Spire called 'Moustache Hydra Helmet'.
Humor is too subjective to judge, so it shouldn't be, not by mods at least, -- and when other posts get banned for saying dumb things without a wink and a nod then there's no reason this one should be allowed to stay when it's saying the same things, only with that wink-and-nod.
Set up a standard for this sort of thing and stick to it. IF you want to be professional, either: it goes in the "blog" section like it rightfully should, or you guys open the floodgates to every inbred cretin that thinks they have something to say and can string together a shitty, shitty joke.
On September 16 2010 13:45 iammaru wrote: Humor is too subjective to judge, so it shouldn't be, not by mods at least, -- and when other posts get banned for saying dumb things without a wink and a nod then there's no reason this one should be allowed to stay when it's saying the same things, only with that wink-and-nod.
Set up a standard for this sort of thing and stick to it. IF you want to be professional, either: it goes in the "blog" section like it rightfully should, or you guys open the floodgates to every inbred cretin that thinks they have something to say and can string together a shitty, shitty joke.
You're obviously new here so I won't dig into you like others would, or like I might for someone with a lot more posts. Baller is known around TL for making threads, comments, posts, etc. in the same vein as this thread. The reason this thread is so popular and is not blocked by mods has nothing to do with its contents, and everything to do with WHO is posting it.
On September 16 2010 09:59 baller wrote: this is good 4 tactix bc u can burrow only the roach and then hellions come and r like "yoyo lets kill this fool hydra!" but u just unburrow and boom u have a roach and the hellions r like oh shit wtf where did that roach come from??
On September 16 2010 13:45 iammaru wrote: Humor is too subjective to judge, so it shouldn't be, not by mods at least, -- and when other posts get banned for saying dumb things without a wink and a nod then there's no reason this one should be allowed to stay when it's saying the same things, only with that wink-and-nod.
Set up a standard for this sort of thing and stick to it. IF you want to be professional, either: it goes in the "blog" section like it rightfully should, or you guys open the floodgates to every inbred cretin that thinks they have something to say and can string together a shitty, shitty joke.
You're obviously new here so I won't dig into you like others would, or like I might for someone with a lot more posts. Baller is known around TL for making threads, comments, posts, etc. in the same vein as this thread. The reason this thread is so popular and is not blocked by mods has nothing to do with its contents, and everything to do with WHO is posting it.
Not that I am agreeing with the poster but that is his point if I'm reading it correctly. He's saying this post encourages people to post like this. Then people who are just legitimately terrible/stupid will clog the boards with their low quality posting and wonder why they get banned.
I read the ten commandments and I'm pretty sure the whole concept falls under it's TL's house so they kick people out if they want to.
Really though, this unit is so great, why does zerg even have drones/overlords/any other unit? Just make hydraroaches free and supply the food that they cost. It would save all that grueling thinking and hotkey memorizing for zerg, and will reduce the size of the game by eliminating the other zerg units, thus allowing people with smaller hard drives to install and play!
I think the Queen of Blades would make a nice Hydraroach.
Oh, and best line: "make sure to time this correctly because u may accidentally make a hydra and a roach separately and that would be disaster"
Awesome unit. The will probably implement this in HotS I always thought Kerrigan should have come riding on an Ultralisk in All-In. She probably forgot to research Ultralisk Sadle...
What would happen when it attains baller rank? Or would that be some sort of achievement on it's own?
I went into this thread thinking there was a genuinely good idea. Somehow I ended up laughing a bit too much instead... mental images of the hellion scenario is comedy gold in the morning.
I can't believe the amount of people who actually think this crap is a good idea.
* It is unoriginal (combining 2 known units is boring) * It is boring (doesn't add anything new) * It has bad mechanics (2 eggs and multiple hot keys) * Blizzard would never do something this boring...
One thing that I sort of like is the idea that 2 different Zerg units could merge into a third Zerg unit, it would be a nice change from the evolution of one creature into another.
On September 16 2010 15:57 Nilaus wrote: I can't believe the amount of people who actually think this crap is a good idea.
* It is unoriginal (combining 2 known units is boring) * It is boring (doesn't add anything new) * It has bad mechanics (2 eggs and multiple hot keys) * Blizzard would never do something this boring...
One thing that I sort of like is the idea that 2 different Zerg units could merge into a third Zerg unit, it would be a nice change from the evolution of one creature into another.
In the ever appropriate words of Day9, "R U, Fo Relah!?"
On September 16 2010 15:57 Nilaus wrote: I can't believe the amount of people who actually think this crap is a good idea.
* It is unoriginal (combining 2 known units is boring) * It is boring (doesn't add anything new) * It has bad mechanics (2 eggs and multiple hot keys) * Blizzard would never do something this boring...
One thing that I sort of like is the idea that 2 different Zerg units could merge into a third Zerg unit, it would be a nice change from the evolution of one creature into another.
On a serious note, the idea of fusion zerg is not bad, with the whole morph idea already in place. I would like, for example, two zerglings to morph into a hydra, for a price. This would give zerg stronger antiair and would definitely improve zergs ability to adapt, which is crucial for a reactionary race.
On September 16 2010 15:57 Nilaus wrote: I can't believe the amount of people who actually think this crap is a good idea.
* It is unoriginal (combining 2 known units is boring) * It is boring (doesn't add anything new) * It has bad mechanics (2 eggs and multiple hot keys) * Blizzard would never do something this boring...
One thing that I sort of like is the idea that 2 different Zerg units could merge into a third Zerg unit, it would be a nice change from the evolution of one creature into another.
I see romanian people. Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're romanian.
On September 16 2010 09:59 baller wrote: 2. upgrade roach saddle. burrow a roach. move hydra on top of roach. unburrow roach and boom u have a hydraroach. this actually works with any zerg unit, but u need 4 roaches + saddle upgrade 2 carry an ultralisk.
Since roaches can carry any zerg unit... can they carry another hydraroach?
Oh lord, I think we have a RoachRoachRoachRoachHydraRoach coming against us
Amazing. The name is weird though, you can remove the "-ra" part in "Hydra" and just name it "Hydroach". It sounds better. Also, the way it created is to complex. Just make it so it's created like an Archon basically, you need a Hydra and a Roach to create one Hydroach.
wat about high ground? can other units see the hydra part of my hydraroach? the hydra part of the hydraroach is just like on high ground so ur enemies can't see it.
does a hydraroach have any counter? but thors do good vs hydraroach bc it can kill hydra from long range using air attack then attack the roach.
So... How would the thor shoot the hydralisk if it can't see it?
On September 16 2010 09:59 baller wrote: 2. upgrade roach saddle. burrow a roach. move hydra on top of roach. unburrow roach and boom u have a hydraroach. this actually works with any zerg unit, but u need 4 roaches + saddle upgrade 2 carry an ultralisk.
I don't think this will work well enough. Instead, the upgrade should be hydra riding skill. Then you can get various combinations such as: - 4lings1hydra. Quick but fragile unit. Also, the two lings at the back can not use their melee attack - 2hydras1ultra. The hydras mount the ultra and awesomeness ensues. Unfortunately, due to how powerful this unit is, the hydras on top take control over the zerg player and micro the forces on their own. If a second ultra hydra is made, they would fight each other until only one remains.
On September 16 2010 09:59 baller wrote: wat about high ground? can other units see the hydra part of my hydraroach? the hydra part of the hydraroach is just like on high ground so ur enemies can't see it. but they can kill the roach and the hydra drops to the ground, taking 40 damage from his fall and is stunned 4 five seconds. u may upgrade hydra parachute and this won't happen.
Yo check it - When the roach hangs under the ovie, in the ovies tentacles n' stuff... You just got yourself a flying roach. What's up now bitches? How you like me now colossus? Roach all up in yo grill.
Personally, I'd rather see the Ultraling, with an Ultra riding a small army of zerglings like a Persian king. Ultralisk speed problems off creep? I DON'T THINK SO
The best part is, the Ultra protects the lings directly underneath it, so you can use the Ultraling as a ghetto zergling drop against T with siege defense.
On September 16 2010 21:40 DarkspearTribe wrote: OMG GUYS I HAVE BETTER IDEA
ULTRAHYDRAS - 5 hydralisk riding 1 ultralisk :D
I have a better idea.
5 ultralisks riding 1 hydralisk.
I can imagine the game chat now...
I think Hydralisks should shoot Ultralisks instead of spines. And Ultralisks should have a special ability called "nutcracker" that costs 50 energy and punches your opponent in the balls.
This is beautifully similar to my thoughts that Zealots should have voidray arms instead of psi blades and be able to ride Immortals. This would clearly repair PvT to ensure a fair and balanced form of gameplay.
What about a drone roach? Speed roaches move faster than drones, so you could seriously increase the money you get out of a saturated base by this method. Also, what happens when you get tunneling claws for the roach then burrow them both? Can the roach pull the other units underground? And if you make a baneling roach, will the baneling explode to hurt air like a scourge? SO MANY QUESTIONS.
2. upgrade roach saddle. burrow a roach. move hydra on top of roach. unburrow roach and boom u have a hydraroach. this actually works with any zerg unit, but u need 4 roaches + saddle upgrade 2 carry an ultralisk.
But funny idea though, I couldnt stop laughing for minute :3
How is this funny at all? I mean I normally love baller but this shit was not funny, it seems as if people are just being fanboys by praising this thread.
Secondly, I'd actually like to see blizzard implement something like this. Putting hydras onto ultras makes a little more sense but is too late game. Imo putting them on a roach could be a baller midgame upgrade (kinda like WC3 with the hippo riders, but not so gay and useless).
how much space does a hydraroach take in an overlord? this is the great thing about the hydraroach -- overlord can load just the hydra part, the roach just hangs out the bottom. so u can fit 4 into an overlord.
On September 20 2010 04:50 NightOfTheDead wrote: Ultralisk should be able to mount zergling, imagine how cool that be? Imagine how fast he could run and pwn noobs when they least expect it?
60 zerglings clench to each other and form 4 wings on the ultralisk, making him run at speedling speed :D
On September 16 2010 21:40 DarkspearTribe wrote: OMG GUYS I HAVE BETTER IDEA
ULTRAHYDRAS - 5 hydralisk riding 1 ultralisk :D
I have a better idea.
5 ultralisks riding 1 hydralisk.
I can imagine the game chat now...
I think Hydralisks should shoot Ultralisks instead of spines. And Ultralisks should have a special ability called "nutcracker" that costs 50 energy and punches your opponent in the balls.
I lol'd so darn much at this. You should take over from baller...
Only two things: What about the range issue? Do the roach get same range as the hydra, or does this nerf the long range of the hydra, so that the roach part will keep on moving closer till it reaches its range? (that will be an when tanked or Forcefielded)
On September 16 2010 21:40 DarkspearTribe wrote: OMG GUYS I HAVE BETTER IDEA
ULTRAHYDRAS - 5 hydralisk riding 1 ultralisk :D
I have a better idea.
5 ultralisks riding 1 hydralisk.
I can imagine the game chat now...
I think Hydralisks should shoot Ultralisks instead of spines. And Ultralisks should have a special ability called "nutcracker" that costs 50 energy and punches your opponent in the balls.
They should do that, but the ultras should explode just like banelings. Except that each explosion should heal the ultra rather than kill it. And the Hydras should fire the ultras through gravity guns. Are we getting normal yet?
For the last week, I have just randomly started laughing thinking about this thread. My girlfriend asks me what's so funny, and I don't want to be a total nerd and tell her, so I just say it's something baller.
Sigh for necroposting. Obviously this is a joke lol. As a zerg player I'd rather see some random crap unit made by blizz introduced than this haha (sorry to the OP)
YES to this whole thread, and the hydra roach hard counters the immortal riding the colossus (credit for that goes to SoTG IIRC) because the immortal only hits the hydra so that doesn't do much and the colossus only hits the roach so that doesn't do much but the hydra can hit the immortal and the roach can hit the colossus.
This is hilarious nice post. I can't help but to keep thinking about the unit brutalisk. The hydra range with the roach attack. Maybe blizzard will include this with hots? Until I read on about the parachute and dismounts... This is hilarious.
I heard we were going to get some news about Heart of the Swarm this month, but I didn't realize they were going to unveil the new multiplayer units so soon.
Leonard: Beekeeper to King 12. I capture your pope and release the swarm. Checkmate on Sheldon. Sheldon: I knew I should've given my pope the jet pack.
I did not see this thread when it was originally made, thanks for the bump!
On September 16 2010 09:59 baller wrote: how much space does a hydraroach take in an overlord? this is the great thing about the hydraroach -- overlord can load just the hydra part, the roach just hangs out the bottom. so u can fit 4 into an overlord.
This made me laugh.... I can just imagine 4 roaches hanging from the bottom of an overlord
Normally I would read the title of this sort of thread and be like... geez dude leave the designing up to Blizzard. But this post makes me laugh every time I read it. It's just so.... baller.... ha, see what I did thar?
On September 16 2010 09:59 baller wrote: this is good 4 tactix bc u can burrow only the roach and then hellions come and r like "yoyo lets kill this fool hydra!" but u just unburrow and boom u have a roach and the hellions r like oh shit wtf where did that roach come from??
This part cracks me up everytime. Unbelievably funny.
but they can kill the roach and the hydra drops to the ground, taking 40 damage from his fall and is stunned 4 five seconds. u may upgrade hydra parachute and this won't happen
and my thread about 2 Archons merging to become Megarchon and 2 megarchons merging to create ultrarchon and 2 ultrarchon merging to create an omegarchon got closed...
On May 17 2011 08:39 nitdkim wrote: and my thread about 2 Archons merging to become Megarchon and 2 megarchons merging to create ultrarchon and 2 ultrarchon merging to create an omegarchon got closed...
On September 16 2010 09:59 baller wrote: this is good 4 tactix bc u can burrow only the roach and then hellions come and r like "yoyo lets kill this fool hydra!" but u just unburrow and boom u have a roach and the hellions r like oh shit wtf where did that roach come from??
This part cracks me up everytime. Unbelievably funny.
Yea, this part is really awesome, despite obvious troll :D
On May 17 2011 09:05 mbr2321 wrote: Why hasn't this been closed yet? this is such an obvious troll.
I am assuming that you are a little uninformed. baller is practically the king of poor typing, grammar, and spelling (and we all know that our mods hate these things) but he's still here because something about the "hurriedness" or rush of his speech is somewhat entertaining. He makes us laugh.
On September 13 2004 22:42 mensrea wrote:Contribute to the site. Everyone should pitch in. Some people contribute by being helpful when someone posts a question. Some people contribute by writing interesting posts that stimulate discussion or by uploading relevant and useful facts and information. Some people contribute by posting news from the gaming world. Others contribute by providing resources allowing us all to enjoy this game. Still others contribute by simply making everyone laugh. Contribution can take many forms and there's no single prescribed way to go about it. But, like good micro, we know it when we see it. Many contributors will have stars or special icons by their name. It's not a license to do anything they want, but good contributors will always get favorable treatment.
Cracklings can carry 100 times their weight with the adrenalin glands upgrade. The roach should piggy back on a zergling. Woot! New t3 unit... zergalisk! runs fast, shoots air/ground and ground. And it dies in stages.first the air attack, then the the ling gets free.
Hey Baller, Great Idea! Got me to make an account. But I thought it might be a LITTLE overpowered. and the roach looks a little silly carrying the big ol hydra. however doesnt a hydra riding an ultralisk seem extremely reasonable and not OP? pretty much exactly like your idea except enemy can see both units. And you can fit 1 Ultrahydralisk in an ovie. The hydra part is still one lvl up so it can see up cliffs and the hydra can only be hit by AA. Man I want one now.
On September 06 2011 03:23 zamuel42 wrote: Hey Baller, Great Idea! Got me to make an account. But I thought it might be a LITTLE overpowered. and the roach looks a little silly carrying the big ol hydra. however doesnt a hydra riding an ultralisk seem extremely reasonable and not OP? pretty much exactly like your idea except enemy can see both units. And you can fit 1 Ultrahydralisk in an ovie. The hydra part is still one lvl up so it can see up cliffs and the hydra can only be hit by AA. Man I want one now.
Its the Ultralordling, thats the unit you want, the Ultralisks claws poke out of the overlord and can attack creating a flying ultralisk. The extra space in the Overlord are used to be filled with banelings.
So in the end it is a flying Ultralisk that poops banelings. Overlord speed is needed unfortunately.
On September 06 2011 03:29 JasinAli wrote: Almost as good as the idéa i had for three marines merging and becoming the human centipede
I think changing marine behavior into a "human centipede" rather than "ball formation" would be beneficial for game balance. Try splitting your marines now when they are a2m2m2m! Maybe this would be a good spell to make the overseer interesting? I want to hear Browder's opinion on the Marine Centipede.
Yes but marine centipede would have a timed life since every marine after the first would suffer poisoning from the intake of the exhaust of the marine suit in front of him. After a few mins, you'll have just a single marine left.
I think what we're looking for is the ultrahydraroachlisk. You have the hydra riding the roach, much like the hydraroach design in this thread, except that the hydraroach is riding an ultralisk. Because the ultralisk is already pretty big and heavy, the extra load makes him even slower, and so he needs a team of six zerglings to pull him around like a dogsled team.
On September 06 2011 04:41 zarepath wrote: I think what we're looking for is the ultrahydraroachlisk. You have the hydra riding the roach, much like the hydraroach design in this thread, except that the hydraroach is riding an ultralisk. Because the ultralisk is already pretty big and heavy, the extra load makes him even slower, and so he needs a team of six zerglings to pull him around like a dogsled team.
HAHAHA A DOGSLED TEAM OF LINGS PULLING AN ULTRA LOL! You know when you type 'lol' but you didn't actually laughed out loud? Well, this isn't one of those times.
wat about high ground? can other units see the hydra part of my hydraroach? the hydra part of the hydraroach is just like on high ground so ur enemies can't see it. but they can kill the roach and the hydra drops to the ground, taking 40 damage from his fall and is stunned 4 five seconds. u may upgrade hydra parachute and this won't happen.
On September 26 2011 02:17 Chezus wrote: Did Chill just say Hot_Bid came up with the idea Hydra Roach on TL Attack with DRG? Sooo Hot_Bid is Baller? :D MYSTERY SOLVED
And suddenly the world became a bit less magical. T_T
can my hydraroach walk over cliffs? the roach part cannot but hydra has ability called "dismount" and if u use it near a cliff hydra can walk off roach onto cliff.
how does burrowing work? this seems complicated... dont worry baller will explain 4 u.
to burrow u must press burrow twice, once to burrow the roach and then to burrow the hydra. to unburrow u need to press it twice as well.
this is good 4 tactix bc u can burrow only the roach and then hellions come and r like "yoyo lets kill this fool hydra!" but u just unburrow and boom u have a roach and the hellions r like oh shit wtf where did that roach come from??
On September 16 2010 09:59 baller wrote: 2. upgrade roach saddle. burrow a roach. move hydra on top of roach. unburrow roach and boom u have a hydraroach. this actually works with any zerg unit, but u need 4 roaches + saddle upgrade 2 carry an ultralisk.
You guys totally left out the best part. It's not simply one unit, it's an upgrade that applies to all units :O
I thought I was going to post something like "what a stupid bump", but after seeing the silhouette that clearly resembles the hydra-roach, I must say, epic.
On October 11 2011 11:11 Beece wrote: I don't want to be "that guy" but this sounds like an awful idea
Unfortunately, you become "that guy" because this entire thread is a joke and isn't meant to be serious in the slightest. baller (AKA Hot Bid) is a troll and created this thread to get people like you, to make replies in a serious manner. You are not the first or the last.
On October 11 2011 11:11 Beece wrote: I don't want to be "that guy" but this sounds like an awful idea
Unfortunately, you become "that guy" because this entire thread is a joke and isn't meant to be serious in the slightest. baller (AKA Hot Bid) is a troll and created this thread to get people like you, to make replies in a serious manner. You are not the first or the last.
serious reply of a serious reply, thanks for spoiling the fun
On October 11 2011 11:11 Beece wrote: I don't want to be "that guy" but this sounds like an awful idea
Unfortunately, you become "that guy" because this entire thread is a joke and isn't meant to be serious in the slightest. baller (AKA Hot Bid) is a troll and created this thread to get people like you, to make replies in a serious manner. You are not the first or the last.
serious reply of a serious reply, thanks for spoiling the fun
lmao not that people mention it the new unit design does look like a modified Hydraroach...instead of a hydra on a roach they just took the hydra face/body and grafted a baneling torso and roach claws onto it lol.
On November 11 2011 18:33 zhurai wrote: Hmm if the roach dies. is the hydra still in the air? if not, does it take recoil/fall damage from falling down from the roach? :D
same ... thought: "this is the 3rd or 4th thread with the same title". Anyway i like the double wielding roach shields skill. Hydras should pick up dead roach parts they are not as heavy weight .
On November 11 2011 20:10 UmbeXCII wrote: Lol every time i think it's a new thread, i open it, notice that it's the same hydraroach topic and of course I read the whole OP :D
On November 11 2011 18:33 zhurai wrote: Hmm if the roach dies. is the hydra still in the air? if not, does it take recoil/fall damage from falling down from the roach? :D
Hence the Parachute upgrade.
It would be interesting to know if the Hydra Parachute was available at Lair or if you needed Hive tech for that.
On November 11 2011 18:33 zhurai wrote: Hmm if the roach dies. is the hydra still in the air? if not, does it take recoil/fall damage from falling down from the roach? :D
Hence the Parachute upgrade.
It would be interesting to know if the Hydra Parachute was available at Lair or if you needed Hive tech for that.
personally I find a floating hydra more interesting than a parachute upgrade :<
HOTS coming up soon, I'm really hoping for them to implement the hydraroach. Zerg really needs a game changer. And maybe when you hit hive tech, the roach can ride the hydra since it'll be faster. Browder make it happen!
^Hahahaha the best suggestion for a thread i have ever seen, steal my tanks with hydra roach and vipers, browder u better be reading this because i can't stop this thread is amazing!
On June 27 2012 10:08 PH wrote: IMO you should be able to yoink enemy units on top of your roaches and run away with them.
But if you upgrade Mechanical Bull at your barracks your marines will have a chance to break the roaches, giving the terran player control of a marineroach.
What about a glider upgrade, that will allow the hydra to fly for 30 seconds after the roach dies, or chose to dismount?
You can switch a spore colony to "thermic flow" mode, and any hydras in glider mode that pass on top of them will reset the timer to 60 seconds. Zeglings and broodlings that pass close to a spore colony in thermic flow mode will get launched in the air half a screen in random direction, and take 20 damage and stun for 5 seconds, unless the parachute upgrade is done. This upgrade is shared with hydras. They can be launched on top of high ground, so thermic flow spores close to a terran ramp can be used together with lings to break the high ground.
On June 27 2012 12:42 consonance wrote: Imagine if every single unit in the game could merge.... Mareaper. Hellitank. Stalkolossus. Pretty sick.
works with buildings as well, right? sickest strat ever: you proxy a rax, make a techlab, build a reaper. Than you land with the rax on the reaper to get a Bareaper. Fly into the opponents base and bomb his buildings.
On June 27 2012 12:42 consonance wrote: Imagine if every single unit in the game could merge.... Mareaper. Hellitank. Stalkolossus. Pretty sick.
works with buildings as well, right? sickest strat ever: you proxy a rax, make a techlab, build a reaper. Than you land with the rax on the reaper to get a Bareaper. Fly into the opponents base and bomb his buildings.
i saw the title, SICK NEW UNIT, and thought 'Hmm, I hope its not still that retarded hydra piggyback thing again....'. Glad to see this epic thread is still around though. =)
Pretty sure blizzard had this guy design their HotS units. ie the broodlurker or lurklord (swarm host) or the helibat, helion firebat combo etc the list goes on.
2. upgrade roach saddle. burrow a roach. move hydra on top of roach. unburrow roach and boom u have a hydraroach. this actually works with any zerg unit, but u need 4 roaches + saddle upgrade 2 carry an ultralisk. + Show Spoiler +
2. upgrade roach saddle. burrow a roach. move hydra on top of roach. unburrow roach and boom u have a hydraroach. this actually works with any zerg unit, but u need 4 roaches + saddle upgrade 2 carry an ultralisk. + Show Spoiler +
this is the best thing ever. if it doesn't get implemented i will commit mass suicide with all of blizzards employees. best laugh in a looong time. gratz.
I'm glad this came back to the top of SC2 general, it's actually a cool idea to morph them together (maybe not with all the perks mentioned) kind of like templars.
On June 30 2012 04:05 GodOfWarAReS wrote: this is absolutly... the worst idea i've ever seen. like srsly the logic behind this comes from the 14 year old boy with an iq of 80
So when will baller get hired by Blizzard to design new units for Legacy of the Void? I would buy multiple copies for friends if he gets to design new units.
Oh god, every time I get caught off guard by this....
seems appropriate with hots beta however
now i have thought of a new unit that blizzard will probably steal 4 heart of the swarm expansion but i dont mind if they call it "baller rank" when it reaches 10+ kills
LOL I can't believe this thread was bumped just now. I just happened to be randomly watching GSL August 2011 code S ro16 for good old times sake, and Wolf/Doa mentioned this thread and unit in their cast. It was pretty funny, but I had no clue as to the context. Now I come to TL and I see this thread bumped. Unreal coincidence O.O
Haha, I just found out about this thread and it was literally the funniest thing I've ever read on this site. We should really make more threads like these, especially now with people pitching all these HotS ideas.
No, seriously, great work baller. This was some funny shit.
On June 30 2012 04:05 GodOfWarAReS wrote: this is absolutly... the worst idea i've ever seen. like srsly the logic behind this comes from the 14 year old boy with an iq of 80
LOL you must be a 13 year old with an iq of 75 tops
how much space does a hydraroach take in an overlord? this is the great thing about the hydraroach -- overlord can load just the hydra part, the roach just hangs out the bottom.
On October 14 2012 07:17 Aveng3r wrote: this guy post anymore?
According to his profile, not in over a year
He's HotBid, right?
I remember seeing an interview with HotBid somewhere that sorta showed that he wasn't Baller. The girl was listing a bunch of people on TL or something and mentioned Baller, then said something like "you know...right...Baller?" HotBid just didn't really know what she was talking about. Most people disassociated HotBid with Baller from this.
On October 14 2012 12:18 Insomni7 wrote: Can someone please please use the map editor and make this unit a reality? I would but I have no experience with this kind of modding.
Is that even possible with the map editor o.O...I would doubt it
This is genius....but what would happen if a roachydra walks against a rock? Will the hydra fall off and die? I am sure browder would love it if rocks have a bigger purpose then being annoying.
On October 14 2012 13:40 ImNightmare wrote: This is genius....but what would happen if a roachydra walks against a rock? Will the hydra fall off and die? I am sure browder would love it if rocks have a bigger purpose then being annoying.
or what if....
the hydraroach fell over a browder. im sure the rocks would love it if browder had a bigger purpose than being annoying.
On October 14 2012 12:36 Morton wrote: so wait, wut happenz if you like......neural parasite the roach
and the hydra is riding it
if you neural parasite the hydra, and its riding the roach
but srsly, it raises the fundimintel question
does the roach carry the hydra, or does the hydra ride the roach????????!?!?!?!???
However, if you neural the roach you only get roach and the hydra gets off and kills your infestor, but if you neural the hydra you get both. But to neural the hydra you need air vision, otherwise you can't target it.
On October 14 2012 12:36 Morton wrote: so wait, wut happenz if you like......neural parasite the roach
and the hydra is riding it
if you neural parasite the hydra, and its riding the roach
but srsly, it raises the fundimintel question
does the roach carry the hydra, or does the hydra ride the roach????????!?!?!?!???
However, if you neural the roach you only get roach and the hydra gets off and kills your infestor, but if you neural the hydra you get both. But to neural the hydra you need air vision, otherwise you can't target it.
WRONG. Infestors can neural air units u dont need "air vision"
2. upgrade roach saddle. burrow a roach. move hydra on top of roach. unburrow roach and boom u have a hydraroach. this actually works with any zerg unit, but u need 4 roaches + saddle upgrade 2 carry an ultralisk.
how does a hydraroach move? a hydraroach moves as fast as a roach. if u have roach speed, it moves as fast as a roach with speed.
wat about high ground? can other units see the hydra part of my hydraroach? the hydra part of the hydraroach is just like on high ground so ur enemies can't see it. but they can kill the roach and the hydra drops to the ground, taking 40 damage from his fall and is stunned 4 five seconds. u may upgrade hydra parachute and this won't happen.
can my hydraroach walk over cliffs? the roach part cannot but hydra has ability called "dismount" and if u use it near a cliff hydra can walk off roach onto cliff.
can vikings and turrets hit my hydraroach? yes. they can hit the hydra part of ur hydraroach. but a unit that only hits ground can only hit the roach part.
how does a hydraroach attack? hydraroach has 2 attacks, 1 from the hydra and 1 from the roach.
how does burrowing work? this seems complicated... dont worry baller will explain 4 u.
to burrow u must press burrow twice, once to burrow the roach and then to burrow the hydra. to unburrow u need to press it twice as well.
this is good 4 tactix bc u can burrow only the roach and then hellions come and r like "yoyo lets kill this fool hydra!" but u just unburrow and boom u have a roach and the hellions r like oh shit wtf where did that roach come from??
how much space does a hydraroach take in an overlord? this is the great thing about the hydraroach -- overlord can load just the hydra part, the roach just hangs out the bottom. so u can fit 4 into an overlord.
does a hydraroach have any counter? no. the only counter to a hydraroach is to have more hydraroaches. but thors do good vs hydraroach bc it can kill hydra from long range using air attack then attack the roach.
if u have any tips or tricks or want 2 pre-add hydraroach to liquipedia, plz do so but credit me as the creator of this new unit thx
On October 14 2012 07:17 Aveng3r wrote: this guy post anymore?
According to his profile, not in over a year
He's HotBid, right?
I remember seeing an interview with HotBid somewhere that sorta showed that he wasn't Baller. The girl was listing a bunch of people on TL or something and mentioned Baller, then said something like "you know...right...Baller?" HotBid just didn't really know what she was talking about. Most people disassociated HotBid with Baller from this.
those people wouldn't have considered that someone who would troll so elaborately as baller might you know... want to make it look like they don't know or are not baller?
On October 15 2012 11:20 willoc wrote: This unit needs a siege mode where the roach burrows... but guess what: it also regenerates!
i like a dis
but what ELSE would siege mode give a roach? I think a good idea would be a "nudge", which would allow the sieged roach to nudge buildings - off cliffs, into water, into other buildings (they'd explode). it'd mean that players would have to finally pay attention to building placement, rather than the current abhorrent chaotic state of affairs where you just see buildings fucking EVERYWHERE.
On October 15 2012 11:20 willoc wrote: This unit needs a siege mode where the roach burrows... but guess what: it also regenerates!
i like a dis
but what ELSE would siege mode give a roach? I think a good idea would be a "nudge", which would allow the sieged roach to nudge buildings - off cliffs, into water, into other buildings (they'd explode). it'd mean that players would have to finally pay attention to building placement, rather than the current abhorrent chaotic state of affairs where you just see buildings fucking EVERYWHERE.
After researching roach siege mode, the roach can then burrow underneath enemy structures. The roach can then unburrow under the building and carry the building on its back.
This also gives buildings high ground.
So Protoss structures can be taken out by corrupters.
But ALSO a zerg can unburrow on his own SPINECRAWLERS allowing them to attack air units as well. So now instead of building spore crawlers zerg can just move his spinecrawlers around.
An addition to this, while the spinecrawler is on the roaches back it is still considered as burrowed but the roach takes damage over time because it hurts. To eliminate this penalty players have to research Roach Tentacle Rape Resistance, doing so allows the zerg to have fully mobile spinecrawlers in addition to the roach!
On October 14 2012 13:40 ImNightmare wrote: This is genius....but what would happen if a roachydra walks against a rock? Will the hydra fall off and die? I am sure browder would love it if rocks have a bigger purpose then being annoying.
The hydra can choose to offload onto the rock, clearly
Problem with this concept is no one would make hydraroaches. People would just make ling-hydras and run around the map really really fast with them. Or roach-roaches because a roach on top of a roach is pretty awesome.
If a phoenix lifts a hydraroach does the roach get lonely? What if the hydra gets killed by phoenixes while the roach watches helplessly, or the roach gets killed and the hydra has no one to fall back on?
On November 17 2012 15:09 Caihead wrote: If a phoenix lifts a hydraroach does the roach get lonely? What if the hydra gets killed by phoenixes while the roach watches helplessly, or the roach gets killed and the hydra has no one to fall back on?
Sometimes we forget the human tragedy of this game.
On November 17 2012 15:09 Caihead wrote: If a phoenix lifts a hydraroach does the roach get lonely? What if the hydra gets killed by phoenixes while the roach watches helplessly, or the roach gets killed and the hydra has no one to fall back on?
Sometimes we forget the human tragedy of this game.
On November 17 2012 15:09 Caihead wrote: If a phoenix lifts a hydraroach does the roach get lonely? What if the hydra gets killed by phoenixes while the roach watches helplessly, or the roach gets killed and the hydra has no one to fall back on?
Sometimes we forget the human tragedy of this game.
Imagine the combo of the new Gangnam style dance moves for hydra and roach, and then you get the hydraroach to finish it up. Also check the upgrade that roaches get in HotS campaign:
Roach Mutations Hydriodic Bile: Gain +8 damage vs. light units.
Damn, I just pissed myself laughing and no one in my office plays starcraft, so I can't even explain myself. Everyone thinks I'm an ass right now, but this was worth it!
Ok, I am forced to click on this thread evertime I see it in the side bar. And even though I have read it a couple of times, I always read the whole thing and get a great laugh. I wish Blizzard would put this in as an easter egg somewhere.
Creative, i really like the idea of combining units... now as terran, im thinkin, transformers.... Like u can link a thor to 2 hellion, 2 vikings, a siegetank and a medivac. to get optimus prime (OP hahaha ) which has a gattlingguns and selfheals itself^^
On February 16 2013 15:25 Taefox wrote: maybe in two years later with LotV someone still dig this thread again
And still nothing from blizz on this amazing idea. I hear they're looking for a new Terran unit. Pretty sure we can come up with an amazing idea just like this for that slot!
Thor's with a hellion under each foot to make them skate around or something. Can shoot while moving obviously.
On April 09 2015 11:57 Spect8rCraft wrote: Would Baller be the counter to Hydraroach?
Yup. Its too perfect to ignore.
On June 19 2015 16:10 Dumbledore wrote: Oh holy shit guys. Blizzard is investigating into this unit idéa!!! Source.
On June 19 2015 16:10 Dumbledore wrote: Oh holy shit guys. Blizzard is investigating into this unit idéa!!! Source.
On June 19 2015 16:10 Dumbledore wrote: Oh holy shit guys. Blizzard is investigating into this unit idéa!!! Source.
On June 19 2015 16:10 Dumbledore wrote: Oh holy shit guys. Blizzard is investigating into this unit idéa!!! Source.
On June 19 2015 16:10 Dumbledore wrote: Oh holy shit guys. Blizzard is investigating into this unit idéa!!! Source.
I just wanted to say, it's been a rough few weeks guys. Personally, I have been moved by the outpouring of emotion, support, and wholesomeness from this community. Thanks for all the unforgettable good times. I figure if ever we could use this thread... This bump is for iNcontroL, Junwi, and all of you out there. Be good to each other ^_^.
Personally I felt the unit was a fantastic idea, name was kinda ropey. Hydroach would roll off the tongue a lot better.
I feel Blizz would have implemented it if that small tweak had been made, and who knows what the history of Starcraft would have looked like if they had.
We should have the Broodlisk. Brood Lord and the Ultralisk combined. On ground its an Ultra with melee aoe and 9 lash range missile attack. In air it could be a unit with ground attack + air aoe. Upgradeable air movement speed would be the only upgrade.