On September 16 2010 13:45 iammaru wrote: Humor is too subjective to judge, so it shouldn't be, not by mods at least, -- and when other posts get banned for saying dumb things without a wink and a nod then there's no reason this one should be allowed to stay when it's saying the same things, only with that wink-and-nod.
Set up a standard for this sort of thing and stick to it. IF you want to be professional, either: it goes in the "blog" section like it rightfully should, or you guys open the floodgates to every inbred cretin that thinks they have something to say and can string together a shitty, shitty joke.
You're obviously new here so I won't dig into you like others would, or like I might for someone with a lot more posts. Baller is known around TL for making threads, comments, posts, etc. in the same vein as this thread. The reason this thread is so popular and is not blocked by mods has nothing to do with its contents, and everything to do with WHO is posting it.
On September 16 2010 09:59 baller wrote: this is good 4 tactix bc u can burrow only the roach and then hellions come and r like "yoyo lets kill this fool hydra!" but u just unburrow and boom u have a roach and the hellions r like oh shit wtf where did that roach come from??
I love you baller, hahaha.
Amazing post as always 
Your fan count has now gone up by one.
I think I just peed myself laughing. Hahaha... units that mount other units and then somehow absorb their abilities... blizzard would never do that!
Wait... an archer can mount a hippogryph and then it flies? Fuck.
On September 16 2010 09:59 baller wrote: it is called... drumrolll... the hydraroach
Instant :trollface:
On September 16 2010 14:09 SichuanPanda wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2010 13:45 iammaru wrote: Humor is too subjective to judge, so it shouldn't be, not by mods at least, -- and when other posts get banned for saying dumb things without a wink and a nod then there's no reason this one should be allowed to stay when it's saying the same things, only with that wink-and-nod.
Set up a standard for this sort of thing and stick to it. IF you want to be professional, either: it goes in the "blog" section like it rightfully should, or you guys open the floodgates to every inbred cretin that thinks they have something to say and can string together a shitty, shitty joke. You're obviously new here so I won't dig into you like others would, or like I might for someone with a lot more posts. Baller is known around TL for making threads, comments, posts, etc. in the same vein as this thread. The reason this thread is so popular and is not blocked by mods has nothing to do with its contents, and everything to do with WHO is posting it.
Not that I am agreeing with the poster but that is his point if I'm reading it correctly. He's saying this post encourages people to post like this. Then people who are just legitimately terrible/stupid will clog the boards with their low quality posting and wonder why they get banned.
I read the ten commandments and I'm pretty sure the whole concept falls under it's TL's house so they kick people out if they want to.
Once again Baller enlightens us.
LOL, man I came into this thread thinking it was going to be serious and then proceeded to crack up. Excellent thread, hahaha
2 equally garbage units merge to create.... an equally terrible but totally kick-ass unit!
hahaha the hydra-parachute. Made my day. Thanks!
I hope TL considers this for the SC2 ProMod.
I am late to this party (page 9!) but I am in love with hydra-roach, so I showed up anyway
Does anyone know if infestor-hydra-roach can move while burrowed?
This is really really really funny!
but no love for zerglings? they'd make great rides.
or a banezergling, with a baneling riding a zergling.
how about mutas that shoot banelings.
the possiblilites are endless!
Blizz should implement this. Hopefully it will shut those nub Z players up.
What happens if the roach doesn't like the hydra he got paired with and bucks the hydra off?
baller, I will destroy you...
Really though, this unit is so great, why does zerg even have drones/overlords/any other unit? Just make hydraroaches free and supply the food that they cost. It would save all that grueling thinking and hotkey memorizing for zerg, and will reduce the size of the game by eliminating the other zerg units, thus allowing people with smaller hard drives to install and play!
I think the Queen of Blades would make a nice Hydraroach.
Oh, and best line: "make sure to time this correctly because u may accidentally make a hydra and a roach separately and that would be disaster"
zergling baneling anyone? lol
Terran still would own it
What is this? This is hilariously awesome, and could only have been conceived by a mind far more drunker than mine currently is.