Korea (South)1087 Posts
Hello, I need some help with my PvT. I have some notes and comments - feel free to critique my thoughts / anything you notice in the replay =) (I think I made some bad judgment calls after note number 4ish)
The replay is at the link above..
So I looked at the replay and took notes: 1) I think I blocked his FDish attack okay.. (2 goons for all of his forces) I think I could've blocked better but my range up came into play pretty late. Your thoughts? 2) I took my nat, and teched up to reavers, did some damage, and then took my 3rd. Did I take my 3rd way too late? 3) I took the 3rd, but established it way after the nexus warped in (in my defense, it was because I was busy trying to block the start of his midgame push and i forget about that nexus) 4) Vulture harass shook my 3rd and my nat up. I forgot to reattach probes to minerals (should've made more obs so I don't lose forces to mines) 5) I (unsuccessfully) try to attack his 3rd, then his nat, with some success. but I have to back off because I lost too much from the attack on the 3rd. Should I have attacked the 3rd, or should I have gone straight for the nat? I admit, played a little blind because of the lack of observers watching him.. but he had so many turrets everywhere it was hard to get anything in there.. 6) I try a recall into his base, but it does minimal damage. Q: Should I have recalled deeper into his base to buy more time before he pushed out? Should I have recalled at all at that moment? 7) My forces are out of position as he rolls out, and with the failed recall, my forces just get decimated... Nothing I can do at this point.. Q: how do I stop such a large force? Arbiters + statis + storm should do it, right?
Summary: I think lacking observers in his base really made it hard for me to judge what to do at the particular time. Also, the vulture harass made me lose mining time on top of what I had lost prior because I did not establish my 3rd quickly. Failed attack on 3rd, loss of troops at nat, failed recall leads into my defeat.
your build order was ridiculous starting from the very beginning you shouldn't need to cut probes to get a pylon and a gate early, not sure if you did that on purpose, but any decent terran will block his ramp and you will have messed your economy up for no reason. you add extra pylons too early, you could probably have made the robotics much quicker if youre confident in your shuttle micro (your attack did pretty much no damage, i'm not sure if it's worth it to get reaver that late) OR taken your nat earlier. iirc he had a cc at his nat before you even had a robotics or your nexus started which is not the way to go.
your base is sloppy, I like to put all my tech together and gates together, it makes macro much easier.
you could get a shuttle first and take an island as your third, it's easy to defend and difficult for him to attack properly unless he went factport or something like that. your tech is all late and you don't need to run your units into his nat or throw away arbiters/units in wasted recalls. all you have to do is keep up the contain and prevent him from taking his 3rd. if you can't, just expo yourself and outmacro him.
you should think about putting pylons at your nat choke to make it smaller and more difficult for vulture raids to come inside. a cannon at the ramp of your third would not go amiss.
you should probably keep an observer in his base (i forget if you had one or not) to see his fact count so you can respond appropriately.
if you can't break him and you don't have the money to replenish your forces, don't try. protoss can throw armies at terran because tanks take forever to build and are relatively gas expensive but if your economy is really weak and you can't replace your army easily, you should probably just keep it at home.