I'm going to start out first by saying I'm a zerg player and I don't know much about the 3 non zerg matchups so I'll be talking from that perspective.
Secondly the game has come quite some way since Blizzcon, I didn't have this amazing feeling I have about the game now back then.
Chapter 1 General Feelings
2 weeks in I feel like I'm playing a polished SC:BW as far as game flow goes, the interface is so much easier to manipulate and it allows me to be competitive with relatively low apm(150-200) which turns this into a very intelligence based game. Don't get me wrong though it's definitely still a MACRO game there isn't a whole lot of cutesy things happening yet with micro tricks.
The game on "Faster" is actually a bit faster than SC:BW was on "Fastest" I don't feel like MBS or Automine has really destroyed the game at all however one thing that is really hard to get used to is hitting saturation so fast ~20 drones per base. I'm so used to pumping drones through out the game. I've also heard a lot of concerns about the auto micro and I'm having none of that, while the auto surround is annoying at times and makes that easier for you no one can tell me that micro is dead or super simple, certain parts of it may be easier but you still need to worry about the most important parts of micro, positioning and target firing, as any mistakes in these areas WILL lose you a lot of games; I know that for a fact .
Chapter 2 The Swarm
Oh man I'm so split on the Zerg. The first few days of the beta I was like a Bipolar Chihuahua. At first I loved the zerg and was ecstatic at how awesome everything in the swarm was(even without scourge and defiler) then I'd hit some brick wall and I'd bitch to myself about how zerg was shit and playing them was not going anywhere and how much I should switch to toss. It was really just inexperience, you could say I got some meds and I'm controlling my bipolar symptoms because I'm completely at ease with playing zerg now they feel right and I will enjoy them for a long time to come.
-The Queen
Where do I start from here? Queens are pretty sweet they have 3 really useful abilities although transfuse is VERY situational. Inject larva has been talked about a BILLION TIMES so I won't say anything about it. Creep Tumor...this is so unbelievably underused, all I have to say is replace your 2nd larva injection with this and you'll be golden, the 2nd larva injection ends up having idle larva anyways because your eco isn't rolling fast enough. Creep Tumors do 2 things, Spread your creep AND scouting. These little guys are the most baller use of 25 energy in the game. Think about it if you spread your creep around the map before they have detectors you always have a speed advantage vs toss and terran AND it can be done before lair O_o it also helps you get spines to your front if you want to block your ramp, in general USE CREEP TUMOR. Now transfuse...people are calling this worthless but it's so key to holding off banshee rushes. 2 queens transfusing each other can completely hold this off until hydras or spores can get out and that alone makes this a good ability that you should be glad you have. Missing 8 larva is better than missing 10 drones and a queen.
-The Infestor
This seems...weak, I haven't played too many matches with them yet but it's really a shitty defiler. I agree with the sentiment of get rid of infested terrans...such a dumb ability also fungal growth's radius is so small I don't even know if it's worth it, it's already a bad version of plague then they made it smaller but maybe it's the exact same with things like
-The Roach
Fuck Roaches. This is the single dumbest unit idea ever put into a game imo. I know everyone calls them key to all 3 matchups but to be honest if I wasn't forced into that fox hole I wouldn't even use them in ZvZ. Roaches are AWFUL Hydralisks and push back Zerg's AA to tier 2. I've actually had MORE success vs protoss and terran without going roaches because so many of them rush immortal or marauder just to counter the impending roach rush to which I laugh as my light units take no bonus damage from them. Hydra Speedling Baneling vs Terran is so much stronger than any roach composition. VS Toss Hydras have the range to take out collossi and roaches don't and speedlings kill everything toss can throw at you not called collossi then this build pigeon holes the toss into countering your ground forces and you easily transition into mutas to win, I've played so many games vs toss where my hive was only for the +3 carapace on my lings...Anyways I avoid roaches because I feel like they are a waste of life that shouldn't be in the game and single handedly forced lurkers out by forcing hydras to Tier 2........fuck roaches seriously I want them out of the game and I don't even think they're imba
Chapter 3 Conclusions
Zerg feels good Toss feels good Terran makes me smile and think instant victory, only banshees are giving me serious problems atm so they could use a bit of love, then again in the hands of someone like Cowgomoo terran is nothing to scoff at. These are my feelings though and while I'm not the best player ever (50th in my division in plat) I'm having fun which is something that hasn't happened with videogames in quite some time for me. I'm also getting better every day and you should come watch my stream(hopefully verification clears this time) It's a very entertaining time to be in my stream.