This has been a supremely good series so far. I have enjoyed all of the games, and we have seen some honestly interesting play during them. With proleague sponging up so much of my time I really dig the matches with innovative and exciting play like we have seen this evening.
@ every post that has mentioned IdrA: Yes. I want him to play and after all of his 'better playing' hyungs lose to b-teamers I'm sure he will get some televised games because hell-- if you are going to throw a losing player against the enemy it might as well be our hero.
Roffles: These tunes would make me want to slit my throat. Fortunately for my family and loved ones, it makes me want to slit your throat before I let myself into the abyss. Also thanks for the stream.
On January 05 2010 19:58 FireGuyX wrote: Skyhigh should of never attacked Action's 3rd expansion, the distance was too far. He should of simply went for Action's main because it was unguarded.
Please for the sake of all of us, remember it's "should have" and "would have". Reading your posts (where you always use this expressions it seems) is just plain painful.
Edit: If writing that is too long for you, then just use should've, would've.
On January 05 2010 19:58 FireGuyX wrote: Skyhigh should of never attacked Action's 3rd expansion, the distance was too far. He should of simply went for Action's main because it was unguarded.
Please for the sake of all of us, remember it's "should have" and "would have". Reading your posts (where you always use this expressions it seems) is just plain painful.
lol yeah I knew something was wrong with my sentence.