If you decide to join the military, you better be signed up to do something you think you might like. There is nothing more pathetic than somebody wasting four years of there life in a job they hate because 'their recruiters fucked them' when really they just didn't take the time to look into things a little bit.
Recruiters are con artists. Expect little to nothing from them. Do all your own research, get testimonials from people actually in (and that have done more than just basic training or tech school/AIT). With that said, be very wary of what people have to say. It's disgusting at how much of the victim mentality people in the military have.
The PJ pipeline is extremely long and arduous, and has some of the highest attrition rates in any military selection process. Chances are, you won't be shooting dudes (chances are even greater that you won't make it). While they carry weapons in combat (security first before any sort of medical treatment), they have other means of keeping themselves safe. Expect to be some of the most trained yet underused personnel in the entire military. Unless you are an exceptionally fit, motivated and competent individual don't expect to make it.
Kennigit and Snet make some very good points. Listen to them. I can answer some questions for you as well. The leap into the military is a big one, and your life will change significantly if you do decide to join.