CA10824 Posts
what the hell, i didn't know mbcgame was there. i would have wanted to talk to him for sure.
you're lucky man, i hope you show up in an interview somewhere.
When the SC tournament was going on, there was a guy running around with an MBC labeled camera, so I thought they were there.
I saw the MBC people too. One time was when they were going to the press booths upstairs. The other time was after the RTS prize presentations where they interviewed Ma Jae Yoon.
So lucky~ What did you say in the interview?
United States17042 Posts
I've got pictures of the mbc guys there, and apparently fuddex did a pretty cool magic trick for them.
I talked to one of the MBC cameramen, it was great. FuDDx actually showed them magic tricks and they gave him their personal info and told him that if he ever went to Korea he could chill with them. That's awesome IMO.
He asked me what brings people to Blizzcon, when will Korea get a Blizzcon, (I answered I have NO idea.), and how can Korean's come to Blizzcon. (Get a passport? =( )
Then he asked how I was such a Savior fan and why do American's get excited seeing Pro-Gamers play at Blizzcon. I told him it's the only chance we get to actually see Pro-Gamers play live for us. Usually we have to watch via the internet or news articles so it's a real treat once a real to cheer ANY Pro-Gamers that come to Blizzcon but we especially love Savior because he is the Maestro of Zerg and a lot of people love him for his play. That's more or less what I said. Can't remember the exact words.
He gave me his card and that was the end of the interview. Just trying to find out if they used the footage or not.
plug tl.net anywhere in there?
I didn't plug anybody because I'm not cool enough.
Wow that's pretty awesome man. Frame the business card
good thing you moved because remember that sign when you held it up blocked half my view. You ended up moving more to the side so it was all good. That light off their camera was really bright.
Oh. There was no way I was going to hold it up during a game. I'm not that much of a Jackass. I just wanted MJY to see it when he got in the booth. I don't think he did though. TT
Haha, yeah, I saw them there... Strangely enough, I was eating with Khaymus and these two guys were like... DEAD ASLEEP on the same table as us, and it was kind of awkward... Then about an hour later we're watching SC and the same two guys were walking around with the MBC camera, haha. Apparently they didn't do so well with the jetlag.
Wish I had a fomos account. I bet they could tell me. haha.
Singapore66063 Posts
Jon747 just sent me the link to the video. I'll upload it to YouTube ASAP.
Update: Video is linked above!