Right after summer break started, I went to spend a month or two with my mother (divorced).
There I joined a swim team. It's a small team, and all surrounding schools/areas are small as well, so I got pretty much all 1sts and 2nds because I'm so good or whatever.
During swim team season, I probably played 8 hours of starcraft a day. My body clock, or whatever you call it, was constantly changing. It started with a normal 7am - 11pm awake-time. Then it went to a 1pm - 5am awake time. It went to a 9pm to 1pm awake time, but that was when swimteam season was over.
I used to have a job, but I got fired. They were only giving me about 4 hours a week. I didn't care. Unemployment is pretty high around here, so gl hf finding a job for me. I've still got 1 more year of high school.
The most annoying thing about coming back is adjusting to my chair/desk. It took me a good 2 hours before I could get used to playing sc again.