On July 04 2009 07:11 MuffiN wrote:
Ok, since what your trying to do is not hog up the entire bandwith because theres people ur living with and you have respect for these people and you dont want them to be getting 0.1 kb/s while your getting 10 mb/s. This is quite simple. You go to router config ( give me yoru router name and i could find the exact steps) and you 'allocate' bandwith between your family and yourself. Say your house gets 10 mb/s . Take maybe 2-3 mb/s. Also, abouit uploading videos slowly, if you allocate x amount of speed, when you upload your going to be using alot of that speeda nd your going to be lagging in game. Dont upload while playing is my suggestion.
Yeah I know that I'd be lagging, I have multiple computers to play on though
The router I have is an Airlink 101 which is a complete POS and I'm going to be buying a new one if I do indeed move... but I'd still like to mess around with it to figure out how to do it before then.