What games are these?
There are a couple of game I remember from various snippets of childhood memories that I don't have a name for and would like to seek out and try.
The first is a PC RTS. Looked like a pretty low budget game. I don't know what year it came out, but I remember I'm pretty sure it was out by the time Starcraft 64 was out (1999). It seemed like a ripoff of starcraft. There were at least 2 races, I think one was biological like the zerg. There may not have been a human race. I remember it didn't work on my friend's computer because it ran way too fast and I think the coloring might have been messed up on his comp, too. It was 2d and the colors involved a lot of pink though that might have been from glitching. I think the box was not rectangular, but was more of a trapezoid. That's all I can remember at this point.
The second of the two games is an FPS. I remember it had a very basic HUD maybe didn't have much of one at all. I played it on a comp at a Gateway store in 2000 (or near then). The gateway store computers were also demoing midtown madness and I think some monster truck madness games at the same time. I remember it was a one player fps and I remember looking down from a really high cliff and jumping off of it. There were caves...
Well I don't know if those descriptions will help you help me but if they were any more detailed I probably would have been able to find them myself by now through google-fu and whatnot. Feel free to post any memories like this that you have and maybe I can help you!
I cant help you out but I will add that midtown madness was a FUCKING AWESOME game
Sorry I can't help you, but try this: Here
If it was a demo at a computer shop, it should be listed here. But check the 1998 and 2000 games as well just in case. If you can provide better descriptions that'd be helpful too, and share the game name if you find it, I'd like to know.
I don't really recognize these titles, but I recall AvP was extremely fun ^^
in your first game, when you said "all pink" i was like
oh shit
w2 beta
Yeah thanks for posting that list. I looked through it earlier, though, and couldn't find it.
One more clue is that I'm pretty sure there was something else weird about the box like a square cut-out maybe, and I think the box had commanders or at least units from two of the playable races facing each other.
I think the FPS might have been quake ii at a high resolution, I'm thinking about giving it a try to find out.
The fps was single player as in, no multiplayer mode?
Only possible game I can think of is half-life.
An fps that came out around that time that involved lots of jumping from high places is Tribes/Tribes 2. But they were multiplayer.
On April 02 2009 11:55 travis wrote: The fps was single player as in, no multiplayer mode?
Only possible game I can think of is half-life.
An fps that came out around that time that involved lots of jumping from high places is Tribes/Tribes 2. But they were multiplayer. There may have been a multiplayer mode but I was playing a single player mode. It's not tribes or half-life.
Or maybe unreal tournament? lolol thats my last guess.
i didn't guess it before because it was so oriented towards multiplayer but u could just play the game single player too.
On April 02 2009 12:03 travis wrote: Or maybe unreal tournament? lolol thats my last guess.
i didn't guess it before because it was so oriented towards multiplayer but u could just play the game single player too. I own that game and im pretty sure thats not it but thanks much for your effort.
Quake II seems too indoor and not grassy, watery, and cavey like the fps I played...
the fps could maybe be doom?
On April 02 2009 12:41 Elite00fm wrote: the fps could maybe be doom? It was a lot newer than doom and older than doom 3. And doom's not grassy / outdoor.
oh shit the fps could also maybe be turok?
On April 02 2009 12:46 Elite00fm wrote: oh shit the fps could also maybe be turok? Yeah the environments were a bit like that but I had played the turok games for the 64 already at the time and this was not it.
I don't think turok ever came out for PC. if we were talking console I woulda just said goldeneye/perfect dark
oh well it turns out turok actually did come out for the PC