Hi guys, I need some help with recording so if any of you have any experience or can tell me how to solve this it would be great.
I used a mic set up in front of my amp to record a song, but its a old mic and the recording now has volume oscilations, like it will play at one volume one second, then just get louder or quieter the next second, so I was wondering if there was some program I could use to set the volume of the whole thing to the same level.
Im guessing its the microphones fault because when I use it with my effect processing software the same thing happens.
Alltough you could use Normalize or anything alike (found in Audacity) I reccomend buying a non broken mic. You don't want to start your editing with faulty recordings.
What kind of equipment are you using to record? PC/Mac? Mics?
I record through a 16-channel Alesis mixer into a 3 gb PC using Sonar Producer, and am familiarizing myself with Mac programs little by little.
If you can tell me exactly what you're using, I might be able to help a bit more. The volume oscillation is probably due to the mic, like you said. It may be beneficial to get an adapter to run a direct line-in from your guitar if you don't have a mixer.
you're playing it out and picking it back up on a mic..?
i am thinking of audacity but then again i dont think in that program you could set everything on one level, adobe studio or whatever that program is called has that effect and various others IIRC.
yeah im picking it up on a mic, only way i can do anything untill i get a jack to plug into my comp, and im really nooby at this stuff, so any advice in general is useful since i have no idea what im doing.
Sixer I have nothing like that, i have a normal CPU with some weak sound card and a mic picking up what my amp plays, I really need to start getting some normal equipment but I wouldnt know where to begin.
il upload what i recorded here so you can hear what it sounds like, its really killing me. http://rapidshare.com/files/213122834/Clouds.rar.html
i would just wait until you get the jack to plug it into your comp.
The really cheesy way to do it is just torrent a program like Sonar and buy an adapter at Radioshack for like 5 bucks and just plug your guitar into your mic jack on your computer. You can trim the inputs in Sonar so it sounds somewhat decent. That's probably your best bet for right now.