On December 05 2008 04:21 bebercast wrote:Show nested quote +On December 04 2008 17:47 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 04 2008 07:49 bebercast wrote: If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best OMG, i can't belive what i just read . Fantasy is CLEARLY Oov's appretince, not because he plays the same way, but cuz Oov is his COACH. Not a coach like January for Khan, SKT has his own, but additionally has Kingdom and Oov as trainer coaches. Now if you are a terran player-coach, what player can you train the best? a terran. So Oov really worked hard with Fantasy, he referred to this in some interviews too, as Kingdom with Best. Why do you think Best's nickname is The Devil's aprentice? Don't try too hard, i will give you a hint Kingdom = '' the Devil Toss" Try to think befor you post Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so... But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace...
Oov isn't his practice partner! he helps him in figuring out BOs, in planning a bo5, structurin g his practice time, focusing on his weaknesses stuff like that. Of course, for the finals against Stork he PRACTICED against Bisu, Best and Intotherainbow and maybe others but Oov was his trainer, he told him who to practice which aspect of his game needs working etc
Adn fantasy doesn't play 400 games, nobody does, if he's practicing like hell he might play 60 or so..
On December 05 2008 03:08 raga4ka wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2008 00:25 Jaeden wrote:On December 04 2008 23:40 raga4ka wrote:On December 04 2008 15:25 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote:On December 04 2008 06:10 Shikyo wrote: Effort seriously needs to be in PR. He's basically destroying everyone. I love Effort, but he has some major issues to work through. Usually when a big-name player loses to a no-name player in the offlines its an awful upset, and a lot of the time we don't even know anything about the winning player. Upon closer observation, many times those winning players will turn out to be strong contendors in their own right, playing the right game at the right time. Like han vs Jaedong, or this inyeon[3.33] kid vs Best. However, Effort lost to BestGod. This is unforgivable, and shows a major halt in consistancy in Effort's play. BestGod is an awful player, and the games were embarassing on both ends. He's up and coming, but he's still up and coming. He's not quite there yet. Then how about mentioning Yellow in the PR he hasn't lost a ZvT since Midas with plasma in OSL quallification and he rapes zergs so badly now like Jaedong does . He even raped Kal after his failed ling rush in the ACE game ... I think that his ZvP isn't hopeless yet !!!! Yellow made some very good decisions and Kal coudn't keep up with his harrass , he played pretty good for his ZvP standards ! I have to disagree, he didn`t play well at all, but somehow kal played even worse. He had some nice ideas, but the execution was ... Maybe you can't see how well he played , because you think of him as a bad vs protoss player but that game he played brilliant for his standarts and very good over all . Preventing Kal from getting a third base , preventing to much damage dealt by speedy zeals + corsair , puting pressure with hidras , he placed lurker contains all the time. His harrass was very good droping lurkers under expos and drops at main . He bassicaly raped Kal after his own failed 3 hatch lings . Kal couldn't keep up with his multitasking harras and the pressure he dealt to him all the time ... after his almost no effective speed ling rush he made all the right decision if you ask me . Even if Kal didn't make the best decisions that doesn't take away from the brilliant moves that Yarnc was able to dish out . I think if he can keep up this kinda performance in the PL he should be on the PR ...
Kal didn't play well. Yarnc isn't terrible against protoss, his stat is, he plays quite acceptable overall, just that he has many monents when he can be crushed, cuz when he's passive he's too passive when he's agressive he's too agressive, he isnt quick enough in changing tech, and good protosses abuse those timing windows making Yarnc look like a noob. Kal had his chanses, he really could have beaten yarnc multiple times, just he always lacked sg, and that's his bad.
Yarnc's mistakes: very very stupid runby, loosing like 20+ lings, to sneak by 5 of them, and kill a grand total of 2 probes with them. Slow transition to lurkers and not enough lurkers sometimes, dropping lurkers in a way that both of them could be hit by a storm, and there might have been more i dont remember
Kal's mistakes: several times he was passive when he could have attacked, not good enough army mangament overall (lost unforced a few zealots, the rest of them werent in place, so he lost a lot of goons to some lings, OMG! etc), poor HT use, very easy snipes for yarnc, some very bad storms, including storming his own units, AWFUL observer use and there were couple more.
Yarnc played ok, but Free, Jangbi, Bisu, and KAL should have beaten him easily if they show up to thier games
But of course he has to be on the PR, just dont overrate him he's inconsistent
almost time for another one?
I love ForGG,but I don't think he should be in PR. He didn't impress this month. I think FBH,Pusan,Effort or Calm,they all deserve it more than ForGG.
On December 05 2008 04:56 Hugo(Sphere) wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Progamers sometimes throw away their games. Nada vs Gorush, Jaedong vs Kal, Bisu vs Stork and there are one million more. There was no way for FLash to recover from that normally. He was down 4 base for nearly 10 minutes, only skills don't mean a shit at that point, you can't beat a top class progamer when your eco is half of his. Free amde his worst decision what he could have made, switching to Carriers, so an opporunity was given to Flash to break him, and Carriers at that point wouldn't be that effective anyways, 3-3 goliaths own the shit out of them. There are 3 possible scenarios in my mind: 1) Free wanted to humiliate Flash 2) Free was overconfident and thought his advantage is great enough to afford some crazy switch like that (8 stargates what the hell) 3) Free was afraid he can't break Flash with ground, and wanted to switch tech befor Flash can secure his side of the map. Flash did everything right from that point attacked when he was supposed to, macroed like he should have, sniped the pylon, microed well. Props to him, but Fre ALLOWED HIM to do this, Free MADE THE WORST DECISION HE COULD. Again props to Flash that he could exploit it, but don't act like he beated Free with half eco, that's bullshit. Maybe other Terrans wouldnt beat him even this way, so you can be proud on Flash if you want, but you must accept that it was more Free's mistake than Flash's skills 1) I never said that Flash can beat people with half econ, starting 10 minutes after, and one hand tied to his ankle 2) If no other Terrans could've beaten Free this way as you mentioned, then why would I not give props to Flash. 3) If Free was afraid he couldn't break Flash with ground, forcing him to switch to Carriers which then got owned well then Flash certainly played a hand in the outcome. Again, now back to my original point. Sometimes when people come back in games they pull out a crazy amazing move, a 80 yard hail mary pass. Quite obvious. Everyone claps. Sometimes when people come back in games, the other guys does something so amazingly stupid, like kicks a goal in his own net cause he's a retard, and everyone groans. These examples are the most clear, but also the minority Now most times when someone comes back it's a combination of little things, cleaning up your own play, playing great defense, waiting for a mistake and a window of opportunity. True champs are tough to beat down, and even tougher to close out. Being able to defend well, maintain presence like that in the face of those recalls and then strike the knockblow when it counts, well that's great understanding of the matchup, great understanding starcraft, on top of great mechanics and a minor mistake by Free. If you play that game over again from that exact point of the second recall in a Bo5, I'm sure Free wins it. Yes, I hope that makes you happy. I don't attribute god-like abilities to Flash to win with a single marine microing a force of 50 dragoons. No, I'm saying Flash has a beastly dominance of this matchup, whether it's rolling people, dealing with recalls, taking out carriers, etc. This is an example of him playing great defense and recovering from recalls, which look a lot worse than they are by the way (again, they are not freebies for the Protoss), keeping his head together and continuing to macro up, and take his position on the map. Free knew this, which is why he went carriers, and when he eventually got owned don't act like he was up 5-0 and then kicked 6 goals into his own net. If no other Terrans could've beat Free this way, as you mentioned, why would I not give props to Flash? Your logic is horrendous at worst, and superfluous as best. In an age of parity and build order importance, you're gonna get into a bad situation from time to time. You're gonna get behind in games. Not every game you win is gonna be a straightforward streamroll like against Pure, and every single game against Rock, lol. Being able to win games like this is important and shows a variety of other skills in the matchup other than "I can roll you at the 11 minute mark." Free allowed Flash to do this? You act like this game was in the bag for Free, like he 8 gated proxy and Flash went 14 CC, and somehow he gave it away. It was a high quality game, certainly not the level of OSL against Bisu or Stork, but still a solid battle with back and forth swings throughout. Free did not think he had the amazing advantage you speak of.
1) nc 2) props to Flash, really, i wrote it twice, so i just sit and try to figure out what the hell this means + Show Spoiler +If no other Terrans could've beat Free this way, as you mentioned, why would I not give props to Flash? Your logic is horrendous at worst, and superfluous as best. 3) Free wasnt forced to switch, he switched, that's why he lost
And yeap, Free allowed him to do this, i dont care how awesome do you think Flash is, if free would have added a ouple more gateways and stargate for arbiters it would be his game. Your "arguments" aren't arguments, you just throw out shit what comes to your mind, and try to offend me with ridicoulos comparisons like 14 CC aginst 8 gate and others. Just let me take some of your sentences:
+ Show Spoiler +No, I'm saying Flash has a beastly dominance of this matchup, whether it's rolling people, dealing with recalls, taking out carriers, etc. This is an example of him playing great defense and recovering from recalls, which look a lot worse than they are by the way (again, they are not freebies for the Protoss), keeping his head together and continuing to macro up, and take his position on the map. Free knew this, which is why he went carriers, and when he eventually got owned don't act like he was up 5-0 and then kicked 6 goals into his own net.
So you basicly said that Flash has beastly dominance, he knows how to deal with carriers, Free knew this and gone Carriers. Ok, you might concluded that Free went for Carriers, from "Flash can continue to macro up, and take his position on the map, Free knew this". First of all that's bullshit. You can't throw out "arguments" like this, cuz they are too general, and doesn't fit the game. Ok, Flash macroed well, he tried to take his positions on the map, BUT HE F*CKING FAILED! you made me rewatch the VOD, so i can tell you exactly where Flash failed. I could point out those battles lost by Flash when Free used his arbiters and superior army well (17:10-17:30 there he has to leave his 3 clock expo, Fre by the tiem takes 8 expo) but that's not so important, Free had an open area and plenty of troops to break that line. BUT, Flash tried to secure the top right main+doublenat. You say he's so awesome in doing that. 20:00 looses his scvs and a CC to a small goon force and a HT, totally unforced, he could have saved the CC and the scvs too. 22:10 - 23:10 He looses ALL 3 OF HIS CCs, every scv and some units too. The only thing Free needed at that point is to pump units with his one million minerals/gas from one thousand gateways and some arbiters. BUT he didnt have those gateways, he had 8 stargates instead (powered by a single pylon). He had vey few units, because of that. He might have hold even this way, but decided to sacrifice 2 of his arbiters to recall a force at 3 o clock. They got owned by mines, but they would have died 3 sec later anyways cuz there were many troops. So the very risky multiple stargate transition was backed up by an unforced troop-arbiter loss. Awesome work. I wont dissect your comment further, just answer to one of your comparisons. No it's not like being up 5-0 and scoring 6 autogolas. It's like having a 3-0 lead (4 base lead, one is allowed in TvP, so that makes 3) and sbustitute your defenders and goalkeepr to more attackers (groundarmy+arbiters for carriers), or sg like that. but you should quit with this kind of comparisons, they arent funny and you're bad at using them
On December 05 2008 15:01 eX-Corgh wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2008 04:21 bebercast wrote:On December 04 2008 17:47 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 04 2008 07:49 bebercast wrote: If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best OMG, i can't belive what i just read . Fantasy is CLEARLY Oov's appretince, not because he plays the same way, but cuz Oov is his COACH. Not a coach like January for Khan, SKT has his own, but additionally has Kingdom and Oov as trainer coaches. Now if you are a terran player-coach, what player can you train the best? a terran. So Oov really worked hard with Fantasy, he referred to this in some interviews too, as Kingdom with Best. Why do you think Best's nickname is The Devil's aprentice? Don't try too hard, i will give you a hint Kingdom = '' the Devil Toss" Try to think befor you post Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so...But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace... Do you honestly think progamers' day is more than 70 hours long (taking into account is that average SC match is about 10-12 minutes) ? If not, they should do it cause they are pro That means they have to play like god for their fans I don't care they don't have time to sleep, I want results and I want it now !!! Except for Flash, he's the exception, he can beat anyone and still go to school the day He's a genius, when I see him, I can tell he'll be back soon at the first place of the kespa ranking There's only one guy who has a chance against Flash and this guy is in SKT1 team Go flash, go !!!
On December 05 2008 17:56 bebercast wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2008 15:01 eX-Corgh wrote:On December 05 2008 04:21 bebercast wrote:On December 04 2008 17:47 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 04 2008 07:49 bebercast wrote: If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best OMG, i can't belive what i just read . Fantasy is CLEARLY Oov's appretince, not because he plays the same way, but cuz Oov is his COACH. Not a coach like January for Khan, SKT has his own, but additionally has Kingdom and Oov as trainer coaches. Now if you are a terran player-coach, what player can you train the best? a terran. So Oov really worked hard with Fantasy, he referred to this in some interviews too, as Kingdom with Best. Why do you think Best's nickname is The Devil's aprentice? Don't try too hard, i will give you a hint Kingdom = '' the Devil Toss" Try to think befor you post Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so...But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace... Do you honestly think progamers' day is more than 70 hours long (taking into account is that average SC match is about 10-12 minutes) ? If not, they should do it cause they are pro That means they have to play like god for their fans I don't care they don't have time to sleep, I want results and I want it now !!! Except for Flash, he's the exception, he can beat anyone and still go to school the day He's a genius, when I see him, I can tell he'll be back soon at the first place of the kespa ranking There's only one guy who has a chance against Flash and this guy is in SKT1 team Go flash, go !!!
pls shoot yourself!!!
If they play 24 hours a day, no sleep no toilet or anything than they could play around 100 games.
The only thing that soothes me is that you're a Flash fan, it would be so emberassing if a mindless fa**t like you would be the fan of my favorite gamers, but this way it's ok, i'm used to Flash fans who have IQ below 40. (no offence for those who cheer for Flash and arent idiots like this guy)
On December 05 2008 03:08 raga4ka wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2008 00:25 Jaeden wrote:On December 04 2008 23:40 raga4ka wrote:On December 04 2008 15:25 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote:On December 04 2008 06:10 Shikyo wrote: Effort seriously needs to be in PR. He's basically destroying everyone. I love Effort, but he has some major issues to work through. Usually when a big-name player loses to a no-name player in the offlines its an awful upset, and a lot of the time we don't even know anything about the winning player. Upon closer observation, many times those winning players will turn out to be strong contendors in their own right, playing the right game at the right time. Like han vs Jaedong, or this inyeon[3.33] kid vs Best. However, Effort lost to BestGod. This is unforgivable, and shows a major halt in consistancy in Effort's play. BestGod is an awful player, and the games were embarassing on both ends. He's up and coming, but he's still up and coming. He's not quite there yet. Then how about mentioning Yellow in the PR he hasn't lost a ZvT since Midas with plasma in OSL quallification and he rapes zergs so badly now like Jaedong does . He even raped Kal after his failed ling rush in the ACE game ... I think that his ZvP isn't hopeless yet !!!! Yellow made some very good decisions and Kal coudn't keep up with his harrass , he played pretty good for his ZvP standards ! I have to disagree, he didn`t play well at all, but somehow kal played even worse. He had some nice ideas, but the execution was ... Maybe you can't see how well he played , because you think of him as a bad vs protoss player but that game he played brilliant for his standarts and very good over all . Preventing Kal from getting a third base , preventing to much damage dealt by speedy zeals + corsair , puting pressure with hidras , he placed lurker contains all the time. His harrass was very good droping lurkers under expos and drops at main . He bassicaly raped Kal after his own failed 3 hatch lings . Kal couldn't keep up with his multitasking harras and the pressure he dealt to him all the time ... after his almost no effective speed ling rush he made all the right decision if you ask me . Even if Kal didn't make the best decisions that doesn't take away from the brilliant moves that Yarnc was able to dish out . I think if he can keep up this kinda performance in the PL he should be on the PR ...
well, fakeyellow made some good decisions that game, but that`s all. I agree he tried a lot of stuff there, and a lot of multitasking, it`s just that his control was... The bad micro should`ve betrayed him, especially with the failed ling rush...but kal played like shit, so that`s why i don`t give him credit for his win
On December 05 2008 18:02 Geo.Rion wrote: pls shoot yourself!!!
If they play 24 hours a day, no sleep no toilet or anything than they could play around 100 games.
The only thing that soothes me is that you're a Flash fan, it would be so emberassing if a mindless fa**t like you would be the fan of my favorite gamers, but this way it's ok, i'm used to Flash fans who have IQ below 40. (no offence for those who cheer for Flash and arent idiots like this guy)
I had the exact same things in mind reading february's comments some weeks ago. I was sooo glad he is Jaedong's fanboy .
What I want to say - every top pro (Flash, Bisu, JD,...) has some totally idiotic fanboys. Just learn to ignore them, it makes your life much easier...
On December 05 2008 22:51 adelarge wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2008 18:02 Geo.Rion wrote: pls shoot yourself!!!
If they play 24 hours a day, no sleep no toilet or anything than they could play around 100 games.
The only thing that soothes me is that you're a Flash fan, it would be so emberassing if a mindless fa**t like you would be the fan of my favorite gamers, but this way it's ok, i'm used to Flash fans who have IQ below 40. (no offence for those who cheer for Flash and arent idiots like this guy)
I had the exact same things in mind reading february's comments some weeks ago. I was sooo glad he is Jaedong's fanboy . What I want to say - every top pro (Flash, Bisu, JD,...) has some totally idiotic fanboys. Just learn to ignore them, it makes your life much easier... Or dumb ass like you
On December 05 2008 18:02 Geo.Rion wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2008 17:56 bebercast wrote:On December 05 2008 15:01 eX-Corgh wrote:On December 05 2008 04:21 bebercast wrote:On December 04 2008 17:47 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 04 2008 07:49 bebercast wrote: If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best OMG, i can't belive what i just read . Fantasy is CLEARLY Oov's appretince, not because he plays the same way, but cuz Oov is his COACH. Not a coach like January for Khan, SKT has his own, but additionally has Kingdom and Oov as trainer coaches. Now if you are a terran player-coach, what player can you train the best? a terran. So Oov really worked hard with Fantasy, he referred to this in some interviews too, as Kingdom with Best. Why do you think Best's nickname is The Devil's aprentice? Don't try too hard, i will give you a hint Kingdom = '' the Devil Toss" Try to think befor you post Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so...But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace... Do you honestly think progamers' day is more than 70 hours long (taking into account is that average SC match is about 10-12 minutes) ? If not, they should do it cause they are pro That means they have to play like god for their fans I don't care they don't have time to sleep, I want results and I want it now !!! Except for Flash, he's the exception, he can beat anyone and still go to school the day He's a genius, when I see him, I can tell he'll be back soon at the first place of the kespa ranking There's only one guy who has a chance against Flash and this guy is in SKT1 team Go flash, go !!! pls shoot yourself!!! If they play 24 hours a day, no sleep no toilet or anything than they could play around 100 games. The only thing that soothes me is that you're a Flash fan, it would be so emberassing if a mindless fa**t like you would be the fan of my favorite gamers, but this way it's ok, i'm used to Flash fans who have IQ below 40. (no offence for those who cheer for Flash and arent idiots like this guy) It's funny to see a dumb guy like you around here You didn't notice I wrote this for fun? Do you really think a fan who cheers gosu players can think like that? You're so retarded man, you should learn to read articles not so seriously And to finish, I'm not a Flash fan, I just noticed he's kind of genius regarding what he accomplished for his age And if I said he would be number one again, it's because he's very very good for reactivity I'm realistic, I know that Midas won't be number one but who cares? I'm one of his fan So give me a break, dumbass
On December 05 2008 23:05 bebercast wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2008 18:02 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 05 2008 17:56 bebercast wrote:On December 05 2008 15:01 eX-Corgh wrote:On December 05 2008 04:21 bebercast wrote:On December 04 2008 17:47 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 04 2008 07:49 bebercast wrote: If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best OMG, i can't belive what i just read . Fantasy is CLEARLY Oov's appretince, not because he plays the same way, but cuz Oov is his COACH. Not a coach like January for Khan, SKT has his own, but additionally has Kingdom and Oov as trainer coaches. Now if you are a terran player-coach, what player can you train the best? a terran. So Oov really worked hard with Fantasy, he referred to this in some interviews too, as Kingdom with Best. Why do you think Best's nickname is The Devil's aprentice? Don't try too hard, i will give you a hint Kingdom = '' the Devil Toss" Try to think befor you post Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so...But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace... Do you honestly think progamers' day is more than 70 hours long (taking into account is that average SC match is about 10-12 minutes) ? If not, they should do it cause they are pro That means they have to play like god for their fans I don't care they don't have time to sleep, I want results and I want it now !!! Except for Flash, he's the exception, he can beat anyone and still go to school the day He's a genius, when I see him, I can tell he'll be back soon at the first place of the kespa ranking There's only one guy who has a chance against Flash and this guy is in SKT1 team Go flash, go !!! pls shoot yourself!!! If they play 24 hours a day, no sleep no toilet or anything than they could play around 100 games. The only thing that soothes me is that you're a Flash fan, it would be so emberassing if a mindless fa**t like you would be the fan of my favorite gamers, but this way it's ok, i'm used to Flash fans who have IQ below 40. (no offence for those who cheer for Flash and arent idiots like this guy) It's funny to see a dumb guy like you around here You didn't notice I wrote this for fun? Do you really think a fan who cheers gosu players can think like that? You're so retarded man, you should learn to read articles not so seriously And to finish, I'm not a Flash fan, I just noticed he's kind of genius regarding what he accomplished for his age And if I said he would be number one again, it's because he's very very good for reactivity I'm realistic, I know that Midas won't be number one but who cares? I'm one of his fan So give me a break, dumbass If you do a joke,pls at least ty to make it funny. If this was a joke,than your sense of humour must suck even more than mine does. Next time you make a joke,pls at least try to make it funny.
On December 05 2008 23:05 bebercast wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2008 18:02 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 05 2008 17:56 bebercast wrote:On December 05 2008 15:01 eX-Corgh wrote:On December 05 2008 04:21 bebercast wrote:On December 04 2008 17:47 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 04 2008 07:49 bebercast wrote: If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best OMG, i can't belive what i just read . Fantasy is CLEARLY Oov's appretince, not because he plays the same way, but cuz Oov is his COACH. Not a coach like January for Khan, SKT has his own, but additionally has Kingdom and Oov as trainer coaches. Now if you are a terran player-coach, what player can you train the best? a terran. So Oov really worked hard with Fantasy, he referred to this in some interviews too, as Kingdom with Best. Why do you think Best's nickname is The Devil's aprentice? Don't try too hard, i will give you a hint Kingdom = '' the Devil Toss" Try to think befor you post Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so...But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace... Do you honestly think progamers' day is more than 70 hours long (taking into account is that average SC match is about 10-12 minutes) ? If not, they should do it cause they are pro That means they have to play like god for their fans I don't care they don't have time to sleep, I want results and I want it now !!! Except for Flash, he's the exception, he can beat anyone and still go to school the day He's a genius, when I see him, I can tell he'll be back soon at the first place of the kespa ranking There's only one guy who has a chance against Flash and this guy is in SKT1 team Go flash, go !!! pls shoot yourself!!! If they play 24 hours a day, no sleep no toilet or anything than they could play around 100 games. The only thing that soothes me is that you're a Flash fan, it would be so emberassing if a mindless fa**t like you would be the fan of my favorite gamers, but this way it's ok, i'm used to Flash fans who have IQ below 40. (no offence for those who cheer for Flash and arent idiots like this guy) It's funny to see a dumb guy like you around here You didn't notice I wrote this for fun? Do you really think a fan who cheers gosu players can think like that? You're so retarded man, you should learn to read articles not so seriously And to finish, I'm not a Flash fan, I just noticed he's kind of genius regarding what he accomplished for his age And if I said he would be number one again, it's because he's very very good for reactivity I'm realistic, I know that Midas won't be number one but who cares? I'm one of his fan So give me a break, dumbass
so you register, arrive at this topic, throw out shit like "I dont know why ppl tell Fantasy is Oov's apprentice" + Show Spoiler +If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best and " fantasy is playin 400 games a day" + Show Spoiler + Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so... But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace...
(just to point out the 2 most obvious stupidity), and when you get answer for both of them in a quite manner way, considering the level of posts, explained why are you terribly wrong at both points you write an additional comment + Show Spoiler + If not, they should do it cause they are pro That means they have to play like god for their fans I don't care they don't have time to sleep, I want results and I want it now !!! Except for Flash, he's the exception, he can beat anyone and still go to school the day He's a genius, when I see him, I can tell he'll be back soon at the first place of the kespa ranking There's only one guy who has a chance against Flash and this guy is in SKT1 team Go flash, go !!!
Than you get your ass flamed out cuz it's too much for every ppl who's patient enough to still read your "comments", and as answer you pull out a pathetic "you shouldnt take that seriously, it was a joke"
That's more than pathetic, you don't have a single normal comment on TL and you defend your nonsenseces with "that was a joke" argument when you're out o everything, and call me dumb, retarded and everything. C'mon people, pls read the 4 comments from this guy posted here and say that it sounds like a joke, or it sounds anything tolerable. There might be serious problems with me after all.
On December 05 2008 23:26 Darth Peter wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2008 23:05 bebercast wrote:On December 05 2008 18:02 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 05 2008 17:56 bebercast wrote:On December 05 2008 15:01 eX-Corgh wrote:On December 05 2008 04:21 bebercast wrote:On December 04 2008 17:47 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 04 2008 07:49 bebercast wrote: If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best OMG, i can't belive what i just read . Fantasy is CLEARLY Oov's appretince, not because he plays the same way, but cuz Oov is his COACH. Not a coach like January for Khan, SKT has his own, but additionally has Kingdom and Oov as trainer coaches. Now if you are a terran player-coach, what player can you train the best? a terran. So Oov really worked hard with Fantasy, he referred to this in some interviews too, as Kingdom with Best. Why do you think Best's nickname is The Devil's aprentice? Don't try too hard, i will give you a hint Kingdom = '' the Devil Toss" Try to think befor you post Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so...But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace... Do you honestly think progamers' day is more than 70 hours long (taking into account is that average SC match is about 10-12 minutes) ? If not, they should do it cause they are pro That means they have to play like god for their fans I don't care they don't have time to sleep, I want results and I want it now !!! Except for Flash, he's the exception, he can beat anyone and still go to school the day He's a genius, when I see him, I can tell he'll be back soon at the first place of the kespa ranking There's only one guy who has a chance against Flash and this guy is in SKT1 team Go flash, go !!! pls shoot yourself!!! If they play 24 hours a day, no sleep no toilet or anything than they could play around 100 games. The only thing that soothes me is that you're a Flash fan, it would be so emberassing if a mindless fa**t like you would be the fan of my favorite gamers, but this way it's ok, i'm used to Flash fans who have IQ below 40. (no offence for those who cheer for Flash and arent idiots like this guy) It's funny to see a dumb guy like you around here You didn't notice I wrote this for fun? Do you really think a fan who cheers gosu players can think like that? You're so retarded man, you should learn to read articles not so seriously And to finish, I'm not a Flash fan, I just noticed he's kind of genius regarding what he accomplished for his age And if I said he would be number one again, it's because he's very very good for reactivity I'm realistic, I know that Midas won't be number one but who cares? I'm one of his fan So give me a break, dumbass If you do a joke,pls at least ty to make it funny. If this was a joke,than your sense of humour must suck even more than mine does. Next time you make a joke,pls at least try to make it funny. Next time, try to be not so stupid
On December 06 2008 00:44 Geo.Rion wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2008 23:05 bebercast wrote:On December 05 2008 18:02 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 05 2008 17:56 bebercast wrote:On December 05 2008 15:01 eX-Corgh wrote:On December 05 2008 04:21 bebercast wrote:On December 04 2008 17:47 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 04 2008 07:49 bebercast wrote: If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best OMG, i can't belive what i just read . Fantasy is CLEARLY Oov's appretince, not because he plays the same way, but cuz Oov is his COACH. Not a coach like January for Khan, SKT has his own, but additionally has Kingdom and Oov as trainer coaches. Now if you are a terran player-coach, what player can you train the best? a terran. So Oov really worked hard with Fantasy, he referred to this in some interviews too, as Kingdom with Best. Why do you think Best's nickname is The Devil's aprentice? Don't try too hard, i will give you a hint Kingdom = '' the Devil Toss" Try to think befor you post Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so...But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace... Do you honestly think progamers' day is more than 70 hours long (taking into account is that average SC match is about 10-12 minutes) ? If not, they should do it cause they are pro That means they have to play like god for their fans I don't care they don't have time to sleep, I want results and I want it now !!! Except for Flash, he's the exception, he can beat anyone and still go to school the day He's a genius, when I see him, I can tell he'll be back soon at the first place of the kespa ranking There's only one guy who has a chance against Flash and this guy is in SKT1 team Go flash, go !!! pls shoot yourself!!! If they play 24 hours a day, no sleep no toilet or anything than they could play around 100 games. The only thing that soothes me is that you're a Flash fan, it would be so emberassing if a mindless fa**t like you would be the fan of my favorite gamers, but this way it's ok, i'm used to Flash fans who have IQ below 40. (no offence for those who cheer for Flash and arent idiots like this guy) It's funny to see a dumb guy like you around here You didn't notice I wrote this for fun? Do you really think a fan who cheers gosu players can think like that? You're so retarded man, you should learn to read articles not so seriously And to finish, I'm not a Flash fan, I just noticed he's kind of genius regarding what he accomplished for his age And if I said he would be number one again, it's because he's very very good for reactivity I'm realistic, I know that Midas won't be number one but who cares? I'm one of his fan So give me a break, dumbass so you register, arrive at this topic, throw out shit like "I dont know why ppl tell Fantasy is Oov's apprentice" + Show Spoiler +If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best and " fantasy is playin 400 games a day" + Show Spoiler + Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so... But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace...
(just to point out the 2 most obvious stupidity), and when you get answer for both of them in a quite manner way, considering the level of posts, explained why are you terribly wrong at both points you write an additional comment + Show Spoiler + If not, they should do it cause they are pro That means they have to play like god for their fans I don't care they don't have time to sleep, I want results and I want it now !!! Except for Flash, he's the exception, he can beat anyone and still go to school the day He's a genius, when I see him, I can tell he'll be back soon at the first place of the kespa ranking There's only one guy who has a chance against Flash and this guy is in SKT1 team Go flash, go !!!
Than you get your ass flamed out cuz it's too much for every ppl who's patient enough to still read your "comments", and as answer you pull out a pathetic "you shouldnt take that seriously, it was a joke" That's more than pathetic, you don't have a single normal comment on TL and you defend your nonsenseces with "that was a joke" argument when you're out o everything, and call me dumb, retarded and everything. C'mon people, pls read the 4 comments from this guy posted here and say that it sounds like a joke, or it sounds anything tolerable. There might be serious problems with me after all. PLEASE MODERATORS BAN THIS GUY! Why you want me to be banned? What I said to you made you cry? Poor baby, I didn't want to hurt you. Sorry about what you had to endure, now you're a big boy. Don't cry everytime someone tell you what you trully are.
I don't want to tell you what you are,because I would use too harsh words. There is a thing called good manners. Now you just come here and start talking shit about everybody,making bad jokes and calling everybody stupid or retard. Even Februarys had manner,although he was an idiot like you. So okay,I am finished with you,please do not respond to my comment because you will most likely anger me and I will show you how I can curse in English,and I don't want to be banned from my favourite forum because of a dumb shit like you. Srry everybody for such a pointless argument with this guy,but he's really annoying. So okay,I shut up. Please start writing readable comments and start making good jokes. The PR really deserves more than this.
On December 06 2008 03:11 bebercast wrote:Show nested quote +On December 06 2008 00:44 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 05 2008 23:05 bebercast wrote:On December 05 2008 18:02 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 05 2008 17:56 bebercast wrote:On December 05 2008 15:01 eX-Corgh wrote:On December 05 2008 04:21 bebercast wrote:On December 04 2008 17:47 Geo.Rion wrote:On December 04 2008 07:49 bebercast wrote: If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best OMG, i can't belive what i just read . Fantasy is CLEARLY Oov's appretince, not because he plays the same way, but cuz Oov is his COACH. Not a coach like January for Khan, SKT has his own, but additionally has Kingdom and Oov as trainer coaches. Now if you are a terran player-coach, what player can you train the best? a terran. So Oov really worked hard with Fantasy, he referred to this in some interviews too, as Kingdom with Best. Why do you think Best's nickname is The Devil's aprentice? Don't try too hard, i will give you a hint Kingdom = '' the Devil Toss" Try to think befor you post Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so...But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace... Do you honestly think progamers' day is more than 70 hours long (taking into account is that average SC match is about 10-12 minutes) ? If not, they should do it cause they are pro That means they have to play like god for their fans I don't care they don't have time to sleep, I want results and I want it now !!! Except for Flash, he's the exception, he can beat anyone and still go to school the day He's a genius, when I see him, I can tell he'll be back soon at the first place of the kespa ranking There's only one guy who has a chance against Flash and this guy is in SKT1 team Go flash, go !!! pls shoot yourself!!! If they play 24 hours a day, no sleep no toilet or anything than they could play around 100 games. The only thing that soothes me is that you're a Flash fan, it would be so emberassing if a mindless fa**t like you would be the fan of my favorite gamers, but this way it's ok, i'm used to Flash fans who have IQ below 40. (no offence for those who cheer for Flash and arent idiots like this guy) It's funny to see a dumb guy like you around here You didn't notice I wrote this for fun? Do you really think a fan who cheers gosu players can think like that? You're so retarded man, you should learn to read articles not so seriously And to finish, I'm not a Flash fan, I just noticed he's kind of genius regarding what he accomplished for his age And if I said he would be number one again, it's because he's very very good for reactivity I'm realistic, I know that Midas won't be number one but who cares? I'm one of his fan So give me a break, dumbass so you register, arrive at this topic, throw out shit like "I dont know why ppl tell Fantasy is Oov's apprentice" + Show Spoiler +If Fantasy is Oov apprentice, then Bisu is Midas apprentice I really don't know why people like to compare players from the same team I think Fantasy has no apprentice at all, cause he's stronger than any other Terran player from his team He's probably the best terran player just behind Flash Flash will be number 1 again in a couple of months If Midas plays in godmode like before, SKT1 will crush the other teams Good job from Bisu (the best player of this month) and good luck to Best and " fantasy is playin 400 games a day" + Show Spoiler + Don't know, I just can't imagine Oov playing vs Fantasy, Oov said he can't play more than 20 games per day and Fantasy plays like 400 games per day so... But I can imagine Midas teaching Fantasy how to control 180 marines at the same time I'm happy that Oov came back to play but it's clearly difficult for him to compete with the new players, they play at a level Oov can't follow, it's sad but it's true But SKT1 is definitely a good team, not as good as STX but that's cool enough Peace...
(just to point out the 2 most obvious stupidity), and when you get answer for both of them in a quite manner way, considering the level of posts, explained why are you terribly wrong at both points you write an additional comment + Show Spoiler + If not, they should do it cause they are pro That means they have to play like god for their fans I don't care they don't have time to sleep, I want results and I want it now !!! Except for Flash, he's the exception, he can beat anyone and still go to school the day He's a genius, when I see him, I can tell he'll be back soon at the first place of the kespa ranking There's only one guy who has a chance against Flash and this guy is in SKT1 team Go flash, go !!!
Than you get your ass flamed out cuz it's too much for every ppl who's patient enough to still read your "comments", and as answer you pull out a pathetic "you shouldnt take that seriously, it was a joke" That's more than pathetic, you don't have a single normal comment on TL and you defend your nonsenseces with "that was a joke" argument when you're out o everything, and call me dumb, retarded and everything. C'mon people, pls read the 4 comments from this guy posted here and say that it sounds like a joke, or it sounds anything tolerable. There might be serious problems with me after all. PLEASE MODERATORS BAN THIS GUY! Why you want me to be banned? What I said to you made you cry? Poor baby, I didn't want to hurt you. Sorry about what you had to endure, now you're a big boy. Don't cry everytime someone tell you what you trully are.
He already asnwered your question in his post, but to his consolance, your post just sealed your fate. See ya.
United States10774 Posts
Canada19447 Posts
so many comments for this PR :O and lol@bebercast