On November 13 2008 16:34 Ver wrote: oov is by far the lowest terran and it showed in his awful mechanics lol. Well he got better in 05-06 or so, so I can't make fun of him too much for it, but his mechanics in his bonjwa phase were so terrible. I can't say for sure that Savior is the lowest successful Zerg (Gorush might compare), but he was very efficient and well organized, so his mechanics were still rather decent. There is no relationship between bonjwas/low apm (since Boxer/Nada are both above 300), but oov/savior are both slow and strategical players. You can certainly make an argument for bonjwas being strategical players, since 3/4 fit that bill successfully!
The true bonjawas (Nada, iloveOov, Savior) should all be considered strategical players because they changed the way starcraft is played far beyond just mechanics.
It is hard to judge the "quality" of each action, especially across different races.
Why do people say Z players can get by with lower APM? Something to do with the way they build units or what (6sz as opposed to 6mmm)? Pretty sure it gets made up with the huge #'s of units they have to control compared to a protoss. T is probably up there with Z I'd imagine considering vulture/tank or MnM control.
I average in the 120's. No extra actions than necessary but usually not enough necessary actions. But the real reason I suck is because of the range of APM I play with. If I could consistently stay at 120, I'd be able to make C+ I think. I have the tendency to gap out and drop to like 80-90 for up to a minute or two at a time when I forget to macro, and so I struggle to hit C-. Played this game so long with my mediocore friends, it was always enough and now I'm so used to doing this.
On November 13 2008 22:25 SkelA wrote: Stork has the lowest apm by far 230-250 apm, Savior is around 250-280 apm too and that just proves you dont need a 400 apm to be good at starcraft because brain apm and decision making is more important than you hand apm ( which is mostly spam)...
I love how this is a protoss agreeing with a protoss
You do realize that 250 apm isn't "high" to progaming standards. And BoxeR is pretty slow compared to most koreans, I'd say hes averaging about 240-250 in a 20-25 min game.
BoxeR has always been notorious for his shitty macro and incredible micro, had he been faster he'd been able to do both
On November 13 2008 15:11 Superiorwolf wrote: savior is pretty low but zerg doesn't nearly require as much 400 apm that terrans do. savior is like 200-250 afaik.
I don't know, why is it that the only two players who can play ZvP nowadays have around 400 APM (Jaedong and July)?
Well savior's ZvP was better than theirs in his prime in my opinion. Coincidence I guess?
On November 14 2008 03:10 ArC_man wrote: No one's mentioned TheRock yet? The guy plays slower than my grandma the last time I saw him on 1st person view.
Well I guess there is a lower limit to what APMs can be gosu then.
You have to look at the eapm. My friend can crack 200, but his eapm is worse than my 100 eapm. Savior's eapm is equal to or better than ForGG according to blizzcon reps.